Buildings Covered With Soil. Part 35 - Alternative View

Buildings Covered With Soil. Part 35 - Alternative View
Buildings Covered With Soil. Part 35 - Alternative View

Video: Buildings Covered With Soil. Part 35 - Alternative View

Video: Buildings Covered With Soil. Part 35 - Alternative View
Video: How to Build Private Underground Temple Tunnel House With Swimming Pool 2024, July

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Khabarovsk buildings

These observations will be doubly unexpected, since I did not give examples of Khabarovsk. misik75 shared photos:


st. Karl Marx 53, view from Nagishkin Street.

It is a brick building, but the ground floor is built of granite blocks. And then not completely, only the front part. Why were the granite blocks not laid in layers, but just a part of the wall? A strange reception. As if the blocks were over and the construction was continued from bricks.

Pay attention to the photo on the left. To this granite part there is a descent from the central street. An old photograph was found, saying that the building was like this with the first floor brought in before:


Promotional video:

From the front, the building is buried, and in the side street it is half dug up. Moreover, the rest of the soil has not yet been washed out by erosion, apparently this was done recently. Of course, it can be argued that the building was so inscribed in the height difference. But, usually, before construction, they plan the site and dig a pit for the foundation. It turns out that you haven't planned this height difference here?


The author of the photographs was also struck by the fact that the masonry has a different level in different parts of the building. In the photo on the left - the blocks are even, laying on a very thin layer of mortar. On the right are roughly finished blocks and the mortar joint is much thicker. This indicates a different level of masters. But how could it be in one building? This floor hasn’t been built in decades?


Windows are partially buried. A very thin seam speaks of the ideal geometry of the blocks, comparable to the accuracy of the geometry of modern aerated concrete. But aerated concrete is cut by machines in automatic mode when it has not yet gained strength. And here - granite!


st. Pushkin 39. Maybe - basement windows, and maybe (judging by the concrete pit) and full-fledged windows. Granite underground part of the building.


st. Gogol 25. Not only is this part much lower than the road level, but also the windows in the pits.


Blocks from different rocks. Some - granite, others - look like casting, some smudges on them, there are no grains of minerals in them.


st. Kim-Yu-Chen 25. Windows with pits. The official version is that it was built this way.


The official history of the city began in 1858, when, after the Aigun Treaty, these territories were ceded to the Russian Empire. In 1864. the first topographic plan of the city was made. The city was home to just over 1,000 people, mostly military. Whether there was a stone city before these dates is unknown.

Photo author's comment:


A video on the theme of the entered buildings:

During construction work in St. Petersburg, many meters of soil deposits were found:


The sediment thickness was determined by digging into the mainland rock. In some places, they could not get to the mainland. What could have brought these layers of sand or clay?


Here are a few photos from the A. V. Shchusev.


Presented is a 1:48 scale model of the Kremlin Palace, which was made by Bazhenov, allegedly by order of Catherine II.

The model says that it was planned to build this building on the site of the Kremlin buildings. Note how it is very different from all the buildings built in those years. A high foundation is visible, then a floor and above - the second floor with columns. But as a rule, the pillared floor is the first floor. So maybe everything else is in the ground?


This is not the only model of old palaces in their entire design height, taking into account the foundation and the currently buried floor:


This is another layout on display. They write that it is forbidden to shoot them. That if not all, so many similar palaces, built in the 18th century, early 19th century. have such an architecture? And the real first floor is in the ground.


Indeed, the layouts are very interesting. I don't think their style was unique. It is possible that this architectural style with such a first floor was a common technique in construction.



Excavations in Chersonesos in 2002. The depth of the room with columns is 6m.


Find in Egypt:


Most likely, many will again say that I dumped everything in one heap. So the more interesting it is to watch these examples, which say that something happened in the history of the Earth in historical time (perhaps more than once), which led to the nonlinearity of the course of historical processes. And more specifically - to the disappearance of civilizations and individual peoples, to the appearance of dead languages.

Continued: Part 36

Author: sibved