Vensers. The Stone Mystery Of Poland - Alternative View

Vensers. The Stone Mystery Of Poland - Alternative View
Vensers. The Stone Mystery Of Poland - Alternative View

Video: Vensers. The Stone Mystery Of Poland - Alternative View

Video: Vensers. The Stone Mystery Of Poland - Alternative View
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The stone circles in the Kashubian Venser are still one of the most mysterious mysteries of the Commonwealth. There are a lot of versions about their appearance and purpose. Either they were installed by the Goths, or the Kashubians living in these places (the descendants of the West Slavic Pomor people, who settled in Northern Poland), or by aliens from distant galaxies. Maybe these stone structures were a place of worship for ancient pagan gods, served as a kind of astronomical observatory, or great leaders were buried under them. Or, perhaps, this is an intergalactic spaceport. Nobody can answer these questions. One thing is clear - this Polish Stonehenge has incredible mystical power.

These stones have incredible mystical power
These stones have incredible mystical power

These stones have incredible mystical power.

The Polish stone complex cannot boast the same popularity as its Celtic counterpart. But, despite this, it is no less interesting. Moreover, we do not know so much about him. A light pine forest on the shores of Lake Dluge (Dlinnoe), here and there, reveals strange mounds surrounded by stones of various sizes. In total, there are 20 of them. Archaeologists who conducted their scientific research in these places have unearthed about a hundred remains of burnt human bodies and fragments of skeletons. Also, jewelry was found. But the most interesting objects are the stone circles themselves. They consist of vertically installed monoliths, the height of which reaches one and a half meters. The circumference of the largest circle is 26 meters. To date, only three of the four circles remain in perfect condition. The fourth, unfortunately, is partially destroyed.

Who created them - ancient tribes or guests from distant planets?
Who created them - ancient tribes or guests from distant planets?

Who created them - ancient tribes or guests from distant planets?

Perfect silence. The lake surface gleams nearby. Sometimes a human silhouette can be seen between the pines. Each step that brings you closer to the Stones is a step into the otherworldly worlds.

The stone complexes in Venser attracted the interest of scientists at the end of the 19th century, but real research began only in the 50s of the last century. Most archaeologists agreed that these stone sculptures are nothing more than a prehistoric cemetery. Moreover, graves were discovered on the territory of the complex. According to another version, the Stone Circles were the venue for important public gatherings, courts and a meeting place for elders. The presence of human remains was explained by the fact that the Slavic peoples honored the traditions of their ancestors and often "consulted" with them about important matters. Was this a temple? Some historians do not reject this option either. Well, and the most fantastic version - the complex was built by aliens and encrypted secret knowledge in it.

Every step outside these gates is a step into the other world
Every step outside these gates is a step into the other world

Every step outside these gates is a step into the other world.

Silent figures with closed eyes stand among the mounds and Stone circles. These are the pilgrims who came to Vensera in search of supreme inspiration. This place is considered one of the most powerful sources of strength. Stone figures are located at the intersection of energy poles, which attracts numerous adherents of paganism and other similar cults to them. Faith is faith, and the Geiger counter proves that there is radiation here. But - somehow strange. Soothing, or something. Even animals and birds in these places do not play tricks, but behave quite calmly and balanced.

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Such places have always been considered sources of amazing power
Such places have always been considered sources of amazing power

Such places have always been considered sources of amazing power.

An interesting fact has recently been revealed. It turned out that the growths on some stones reach the age of 4 thousand years. Does this mean that the Goths and Kashubians have nothing to do with it? Is it possible that the mysterious constructions are traces of even more ancient civilizations? It is not for nothing that in the Polish Pomerania there are legends about the giant heroes of the Stolem tribe who once lived here. In addition, as history shows, each legend has its own grain of truth.

Stolem is a mythical hero of the Polish Pomerania
Stolem is a mythical hero of the Polish Pomerania

Stolem is a mythical hero of the Polish Pomerania.

The stone circles at Venser can be visited during a trip to the Baltic Sea. The entrance to the territory is completely free. Near the entrance there is a parking lot and a small cafe. Although the Venser stones do not officially have the status of a museum or a reserve, people who are not indifferent to the fate of the Polish miracle hope to soon resolve this annoying misunderstanding in a legal way. They say - “The first tourists here were the Goths. We hope that we will be able to adequately accept the rest!"