Project "Mausoleum" - An Occult Structure For Suppressing The Will - Alternative View

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Project "Mausoleum" - An Occult Structure For Suppressing The Will - Alternative View
Project "Mausoleum" - An Occult Structure For Suppressing The Will - Alternative View

Video: Project "Mausoleum" - An Occult Structure For Suppressing The Will - Alternative View

Video: Project
Video: Alexei Yurchak — Bodies of Lenin 2024, July

Ziggurat in the center of Moscow. Project "Mausoleum": the secret of creating a will suppression machine. The official version says: after the death of the leader, a stream of letters and telegrams poured into the Kremlin with requests to leave the body of the great man incorruptible, preserving it for centuries. However, no such messages have been found in the archives. The common people offered only to perpetuate the memory of Lenin in grandiose structures.

Already by the day of Ilyich's funeral - January 27, 1924 - a strange building appeared on Red Square, the Mausoleum was immediately conceived in the classical form of a pyramidal ziggurat - an occult structure of ancient Babylonia. The building was rebuilt three times until it got its final look in 1930.

By the day of the funeral - On January 27, 1924, in the center of Moscow, on Red Square, an unusual building appeared
By the day of the funeral - On January 27, 1924, in the center of Moscow, on Red Square, an unusual building appeared

By the day of the funeral - On January 27, 1924, in the center of Moscow, on Red Square, an unusual building appeared.

Next to the mausoleum in the Kremlin wall, a cemetery was built for prominent figures of the communist movement. Post # 1 was established near the mausoleum, and the solemn changing of the guard became the most important part of the state's attributes. The mausoleum was visited by at least 110 million people.

From the moment of its construction, the mausoleum was used as a tribune where politburo and Soviet government figures appeared, as well as guests of honor during celebrations on Red Square. From the rostrum of the mausoleum, the General Secretary of the Communist Party usually delivered a speech to the participants in the parades.

On March 26, the mummification procedures of the red pharaoh began. The following arrived at the temporary mausoleum: pathologist V. P. Vorobiev, biochemist B. I. Zbarsky and dissector Shabadash
On March 26, the mummification procedures of the red pharaoh began. The following arrived at the temporary mausoleum: pathologist V. P. Vorobiev, biochemist B. I. Zbarsky and dissector Shabadash

On March 26, the mummification procedures of the red pharaoh began. The following arrived at the temporary mausoleum: pathologist V. P. Vorobiev, biochemist B. I. Zbarsky and dissector Shabadash.

All these facts suggest that Lenin's mausoleum and body were the most important symbols of the Bolshevik state. The Soviet Union disappeared, and with it many of its attributes. But the building on Red Square is still standing. The mummy of the "leader of the world proletariat" also lies there.

Moreover, parades and demonstrations continue to pass by. This building continues to be a secure facility today: it is guarded by the Federal Security Service - the one responsible for the safety of the highest officials of the state.

Promotional video:

Obviously, this structure remains an unshakable part of some invisible system.

The most famous of the ziggurats: The Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel consisted of seven tiers resting on a square base with a side of about one hundred meters
The most famous of the ziggurats: The Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel consisted of seven tiers resting on a square base with a side of about one hundred meters

The most famous of the ziggurats: The Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel consisted of seven tiers resting on a square base with a side of about one hundred meters.

Inside the ziggurats of the Chaldeans, the priestly caste of Babylon, placed preserved heads. The preservative that the Chaldeans used in Babylon was later named teraphim.

The mystery of the history of the mausoleum

From the very beginning of Bolshevism, educated people had a question: why in an atheistic state such a craving for the occult? The Bolsheviks did not encourage religions, they closed churches, but instead they built a ziggurat - a vivid reminder of the religion and mystical mysteries of the ruling classes of Babylon.

Even more oddities arose after 1991, when the historical names of the streets and squares of Lenin were returned, Leningrad was renamed to St. Petersburg, the museums of the founder of the Soviet state were closed and his monuments were demolished. But no one allowed the mausoleum to be touched.

Thousands of works have been written that leave no doubt about the special impact of this structure. It is clear and where the technique was borrowed from - from the Ancient Mesopotamia and Babylonia. The mausoleum is an exact copy of the ziggurats of Mesopotamia, with a room above, framed by columns, in which, according to the concepts of the priests of Babylon, their demonic patrons rested. But how does a ziggurat "work"? What are the consequences of its impact?

We assume that the mausoleum is nothing more than an example of psychotronic weapons. Let's try to guess what principles are inherent in his work. But we will have to prove our hypothesis by examining the line of reasoning step by step.

And this was the appearance of the second mausoleum
And this was the appearance of the second mausoleum

And this was the appearance of the second mausoleum.

Inside the ziggurats, the Chaldeans often "built" pyramids from dead heads, but these buildings were never tombs. So the strange building on Red Square is not a mausoleum or a burial vault. Architecturally, it is a ziggurat, similar to the ritual pyramids of the Chaldeans, who performed occult functions.

You can see this by taking a short trip inside the mausoleum. The visitor gets there through the main entrance and descends the left three-meter wide staircase into the funeral hall. The hall is made in the form of a cube (facet length 10 meters) with a stepped ceiling.

Visitors walk around the sarcophagus from three sides on a low podium, leave the funeral hall, climb the right stairs and leave the mausoleum through a door in the right wall.

Structurally, the building is made on the basis of a reinforced concrete frame with brick filling of the walls, which are faced with polished stone. The length of the mausoleum along the facade is 24 meters, the height is 12 meters. The upper portico is displaced to the Kremlin wall. The pyramid of the mausoleum consists of five ledges of different height.


From the point of view of Mesopotamian mysticism, Lenin's body looks like a teraphim - a cult object specially preserved and used for occult needs. And the tomb itself for the body is clearly not a place that provides peace.


The strangeness of the mausoleum does not end there. It was designed by Shchusev, who had never built anything like it. As the architect himself said, he was instructed to accurately reproduce the shape of a wooden mausoleum in stone. For five years, the image of this structure became known to the whole world. Therefore, the government decided not to change its appearance. Who actually designed the building is unknown.

The Bolshevik Party at the construction of the mausoleum was represented by Defense Minister Voroshilov. Why not the Minister of Finance or Agriculture? It is clear that such a boss only covered the real leaders.


The decision to embalm the leader was made by Felix Dzerzhinsky, the all-powerful leader of the political police. In general, it was the Department of Political Control and Investigation, and not the architectural department, that guided the construction process.

To understand what resulted in the construction of the mausoleum, you will have to digress a little and consider plots that, at first glance, are not related to the main one.

The third mausoleum was first built from plywood
The third mausoleum was first built from plywood

The third mausoleum was first built from plywood.

Death after … death

Let's start with the mysteries of the teraphim placed in the mausoleum. It is known that before his death Lenin suffered from a completely incomprehensible illness for a long time. They tried to explain the unusualness of the state of the leader with banal reasons. In the article, People's Commissar for Health Semashko

Lenin was really interested in events, read the press and went hunting - while, due to the critical state of his brain, he had to be … a real living corpse, practically immobile due to paralysis, unable to think, perceive, speak and even see …

One of the last photographs of Lenin. From declassified archives
One of the last photographs of Lenin. From declassified archives

One of the last photographs of Lenin. From declassified archives.

At the same time, from about the middle of the summer of 1923, Lenin's health had improved so much that the attending physicians assumed that no later than the summer of 1924 Ilyich would return to party and state activities …

Another little-known fact. On October 18, 1923, Lenin arrived in Moscow and stayed there for two days. Ilyich visited his office in the Kremlin, sorted out the papers there, then walked into the meeting room of the Council of People's Commissars, complaining that he had not found anyone.

In the first days of January 1924, Nadezhda Krupskaya came to the conclusion that Lenin had almost recovered.

I would like to ask the question: what was it? What controlled the chieftain's body when the brain was practically disabled?


Occult interests of the young Council of Deputies

In order to suggest what could have been the basis of such a life after "death", it is necessary to study what the Bolshevik special services were interested in.

Hastily built the first Lenin's mausoleum
Hastily built the first Lenin's mausoleum

Hastily built the first Lenin's mausoleum.

Project "Mausoleum": the secret of creating a machine of suppression of will

The interest of the special services in the occult arose immediately after the Bolsheviks came to power - in 1918. Even then, the Cheka drew attention to the Russian scientist, journalist, mystic and occultist Alexander Barchenko, who worked part-time by lecturing in front of revolutionary sailors. According to the official version, one of these lectures was attended by the Chekist Konstantin Vladimirov, who carefully examined the speaker.

A few days later, Barchenko was summoned to the Cheka, where they made an offer, which he could not refuse. Among those who spoke with the scientist was the same Konstantin Vladimirov (aka Yakov Blumkin). In addition to the names Yakov Blumkin, Yankel Gershel and Konstantin Vladimirov, he wore one more - Lama Simcha.


It is known that Blumkin was associated with the most mysterious pages of Bolshevism. He, according to Trotsky, "had a strange career behind him and played an even stranger role." Blumkin became one of the founding fathers of the Cheka, committed the murder of the German ambassador Mirbach, and participated in the massacres in the Crimea in 1920.

Boris Bazhanov, Stalin's secretary who fled abroad, writes about Blumkin as a man who could afford to argue with Trotsky (the second person in the party!) And even point out to him.

In the spring of 1923, Blumkin worked actively with the Petersburg mystics Alexander Barchenko and Heinrich Mebes. The GPU at that time was seriously interested in the problems of mental influence on a person and the crowd, hypnosis, suggestions and even predictions of the future. Blumkin's research was directly supervised by Dzerzhinsky.


In 1923, when the ruling elite already guessed about Lenin's imminent death, Blumkin and Bokiya, who oversaw special projects, sent Barchenko … to the Kola Peninsula to investigate the problem of the local Lapp tribe, the so-called measuring (a state close to mass obsession).

Note: there is famine in the country, the economy is standing still, the civil war has just ended, and the authorities are organizing a scientific expedition.

Barchenko went to the Kola Peninsula with several assistants, among whom was the astronomer Alexander Kondiaini. The group failed to cope with the problem of the Lapps; they were completely forgotten. Barchenko was more interested in something else. His path lay directly on Seid Lake - a sacred place for almost all tribes from the Northern Urals to Norway.


The findings of the expedition are partially reflected in Condiaini's notes:

Despite the warnings of local shamans, Barchenko decided to sail to the Horn Island. Suddenly a storm began on the lake, and the boat was carried away from the island. Kondiaini wrote: “On the other side you can see the steep rocky shore of Lake Seyd, and on the rocks there is a huge figure, the size of St. Isaac's Cathedral.


Its contours are dark, as if carved in stone. In one of the gorges we saw mysterious things. Next to the spots of snow that lay on the slopes of the gorge, a yellowish-white column like a giant candle was visible, next to it was a cube stone. On the other side of the mountain, from the north, the whole cave is more visible at an altitude of 200 fathoms and nearby is something like a walled crypt …"

It is difficult to say what exactly the expedition found, but it is clear: Barchenko explored the ruins of some ancient and powerful civilization.


Setting up the transmitter of the Mausoleum

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of the people who came to power in Russia in 1917.

The range of tasks facing them was unusually wide, it was necessary to somehow zombify, if not all 150 million Soviet people, then at least most of them. For this, the authorities had the knowledge to transmit a signal to these millions - the rules for the construction of ziggurats, brought from Ancient Babylonia. So there was undoubtedly a base there.

But this was clearly not enough. It was possible to build a ziggurat, put a teraphim in it (or several, for example, the body of Lenin and the heads of the ritually murdered Tsar and Tsarina), thereby creating a kind of transmitter that works on occult principles.

However, in order for the program to pass according to it, the transmitter had to be synchronized with the “successors”, that is, with the heads of millions of Soviet citizens. How to do it? The transmitter had to tune in "to the wave" of the perceiving people.


Some mystics call the alignment of the fields of representatives of one nation, culture or religion "egregor". Perhaps the highest guardians of the egregor determine the behavior of the nation, giving it a national community. So, if it is impossible to act directly on the egregor, it is necessary to somehow drown out its wave or block its receiver - this or that part of the brain.

The ziggurat could be used as such a "jammer", that is, as a Russian national egregor. To do this, it was necessary to tune it to the desired frequency, and then begin to transmit information using Lenin's corpse.

This corner is the top of the Lenin-Stalin pyramid. This pyramid consists of two pyramids
This corner is the top of the Lenin-Stalin pyramid. This pyramid consists of two pyramids

This corner is the top of the Lenin-Stalin pyramid. This pyramid consists of two pyramids.

Such an artifact for a whole people could well have become a cult stone or another item from a Russian pagan sanctuary. And the more ancient the artifact, the greater the coverage of the ethnos, since it is highly likely that the ancestors of all living people were associated with it.

Therefore, it was necessary to find an ancient sanctuary, get an artifact from there, install it inside a ziggurat with a seraphim - and everything had to "work". The ziggurat was supposed to carry the information taken from Lenin, or simply "stupid" egregor.

Scheme of Lenin's Mausoleum. Noteworthy is the lack of a corner of the building
Scheme of Lenin's Mausoleum. Noteworthy is the lack of a corner of the building

Scheme of Lenin's Mausoleum. Noteworthy is the lack of a corner of the building.

The Kola Peninsula was not chosen by chance by the GPU expedition. It was there, according to some sources, that the most ancient ancestral home of the Hyperboreans was located, the direct descendants of which are the Russian people.

Therefore, the search for the most ancient sanctuaries should have been in the Russian north, for which the Kola Peninsula was ideally suited. Undoubtedly, it was these artifacts that Barchenko's expedition was looking for under the leadership of Yakov Blumkin.


Blood of the poet Yesenin for the altar

Victim, blood. Dark occult rituals often require such things. And the more important the ritual, the more significant the sacrifice should be.

On December 27, 1925, Sergei Yesenin was found dead in a hotel. The investigation of the case was conducted by people close to the OGPU, so the examination showed that Yesenin hanged himself.

And although the poet had severe wounds on his hands, and he himself was covered in blood, and his body did not bore any traces characteristic of death by hanging, the conclusion of the commission was inexorable.

The whole story was so sewn with white threads that the people immediately formed the opinion: Yesenin was killed. There is a hypothesis that the poet was killed by people from the OGPU and the main role in this case was played by Yakov Blumkin, who organized Barchenko's expeditions.

Serious occult rites require sacrifices, since the blood of the victim gives the ritual the energy necessary for its implementation. For not very large-scale tasks, this or that small animal or bird is quite suitable as a victim. However, large tasks require human sacrifice. The blood of monarchs, military leaders and priests is of particular value.

And those to whom it was important saw in Yesenin the spirit of a real Russian sorcerer. This meant that his blood was very suitable for the ritual.


Bolsheviks in search of Shambhala

If in Soviet times you told someone that atheist Bolsheviks in the 1920s sent an expedition in search of mystical Shambhala, you would definitely be mistaken for a madman. And yet this is a confirmed fact!

Whom did the OGPU and some influential forces in the Bolshevik state entrust these searches? Blumkin. And there can be no chance here anymore. Together with the expeditions of the Special Department of the OGPU and Nicholas Roerich, he was supposed to penetrate the legendary Shambhala in the inaccessible mountains of Tibet.

In August 1925, Blumkin entered the Pamirs through Tajikistan, where he made acquaintance with the local leader of the Ismaili sect, the Aga Khan, who lived in India, in Pune. With his caravan "dervish" Blumkin penetrated into India, where, under the guise of a Tibetan monk, he appeared at the location of the Roerich expedition. Roerich Blumkin first introduced himself as a lama. But at the end of the expedition, Blumkin spoke in Russian. This is what Roerich wrote in his diary: "Our lama even knows many of our friends."

In general, Blumkin was a very mysterious figure: it is officially believed that by 1918 he was only 20 years old. At the same time, they write about him that Blumkin was a brilliant polyglot and even spoke Tibetan dialects (!?).

It is not clear where and when the Jewish boy Yankel Herschel learned the languages, but that's not all. In addition to his outstanding ability in languages, Blumkin was an outstanding expert in oriental martial arts.

The Bolsheviks skillfully disguise the occult roots of ideology
The Bolsheviks skillfully disguise the occult roots of ideology

The Bolsheviks skillfully disguise the occult roots of ideology.

What has changed in the Russian people?

To understand what happened to the Russian people in the 1920s, after the construction of the ziggurat-mausoleum, let's take a closer look at this time.

From the very beginning, the power of the Bolsheviks staggered in all directions, its days seemed to be numbered. Victory in the civil war was considered temporary. The victory won by the Bolsheviks thanks to the disunity of the White movement, thanks to the fact that the strategic military reserves of the empire were in the hands of the commissars, was far from final.

The economy gave its inexorable assessments of Bolshevism. The socialist fairy tales that the people were led to no longer worked. In Paris, white emigres were preparing structures for returning to Russia.

This inevitable end of Bolshevism in those years was clearly seen by many. Even the Soviet elite itself organized warehouses with weapons, money, printing houses and prepared for an underground struggle. It seemed that nothing could save those who seized power in Russia: the people rejected this regime. And with this it was necessary to urgently do something.

But to process hundreds of millions "under the zombie" - this task seems overwhelming. Why, though? If you can do it with a couple of hundred, why not with millions? The same Babylonian culture is fraught with a lot of unknown.

In this situation, only one thing could save the Bolsheviks: it was necessary to create something so that at least 50 million people suddenly felt that they were ready to do anything for the sake of the comrades sitting in the Kremlin and for the sake of the world revolution. Only a fantastic method could make the Bolsheviks stay in power.


Awakening the people

Is it possible that the lack of tribal solidarity in a Russian person is a generic trait? Not. And the whole Russian history proves this. And even in 1918, in 1919, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers actively fought, and all the beginning of the 1920s the USSR was shaken either by workers' uprisings or peasant riots.

But in the mid-1920s, everything changed dramatically. The violent, irrepressible Russian people suddenly forgot themselves. Suddenly, as if by magic.

What happened? In the 20th century, the world witnessed a real miracle: a huge 150-million people, who created a powerful state, won many wars and possessing an ancient history, were suddenly turned into an obedient herd.

Was it not only propaganda involved here? Maybe magic? Or secret knowledge that gives power over people? Perhaps the knowledge of the Babylonians somehow fell into the hands of the Bolsheviks?

During the war, Lenin's mausoleum was disguised as a merchant's mansion
During the war, Lenin's mausoleum was disguised as a merchant's mansion

During the war, Lenin's mausoleum was disguised as a merchant's mansion.

They died or fled without giving up their secrets. The machine is already working much worse, and those who rule now do not know how to manage it. Only because of this it became possible to "awaken" people "- a sudden awareness of the situation in which they found themselves.

One thing is certain: the liberation of the people must begin with the dismantling of this occult mechanism opposed to the people.

In January 1924, the reptile died the founder and leader of the occupation Bolshevik state, established in the lands of Russia, known under the party nickname "Lenin". Officially. On March 21, 1924, after negotiations between a certain V. Zbarsky and the founder and head of the Cheka-OGPU F. Dzerzhinsky, it was decided to start embalming.

Why did he decide "to embalm the body of" Lenin "? The official version: streams of letters, telegrams about perpetuating the memory of the leader, requests to leave Lenin's body imperishable, preserving it for centuries. (However, no such letters were found in the archives. The letters suggested only perpetuating the memory of Lenin in grandiose structures and monuments).

By the day of Lenin's funeral on January 27, 1924, a strange building appeared in the center of Russia, in the center of Moscow, on Red Square.

Comrade Trotsky, the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, is speaking at the right wing of the rostrum of the second "Mausoleum"
Comrade Trotsky, the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, is speaking at the right wing of the rostrum of the second "Mausoleum"

Comrade Trotsky, the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, is speaking at the right wing of the rostrum of the second "Mausoleum".

It was rebuilt three times until it got its final look in 1930. This building, where the mummified corpse of "Lenin" was put on public display, became known as the "mausoleum".

Next to the "mausoleum" in the Kremlin wall, a cemetery of "prominent figures of the communist movements" was built. Near the "mausoleum" was established, the so-called post No. 1, with an honor guard.

The solemn changing of this guard became the most important part of the attributes of the Bolshevik state. For what purposes the mausoleum was built reflect the Russian esoteric researchers Vladislav Karavanov and Gleb Shcherbakov.


Mausoleum - Brain Processing Technologies

To understand what happened about the Russian people, in the 1920s, after the construction of the ziggurat - the "mausoleum", we will take a closer look at these years, follow the change in the mentality of the people.

From the very beginning, the power of the Bolsheviks was reeling in all directions, and its days seemed to be numbered. The victory in the Civil, seemed to everyone, including the commissars themselves, temporary. The war, won by the Bolsheviks thanks to the disunity and mediocrity of the White movement, due to the fact that the strategic military reserves of the empire were in the hands of the commissars, was far from the final victory. The economy gave its inexorable assessments of Bolshevism.

All the more so in the 1920s, when the NEP marked the abyss of Bolshevik mediocrity for people. The socialist fairy tales that the people were led to have already ceased to operate. The peasants, workers, the intelligentsia hated this power, as evidenced by the widespread peasant uprisings.

In Paris, White émigrés were preparing structures for returning to Russia, the heirs of the Romanovs were figuring out who would take the throne. This feeling of the imminent end of Bolshevism filled many, of which there is abundant evidence. And vice versa, seeing the situation, many revolutionaries of the first wave together fled abroad from the USSR with stolen goods (for example, Stalin's secretary Bazhanov).


Even the Soviet elite itself organized all sorts of caches with weapons, money, printing houses and prepared for an underground struggle. It seemed that nothing could save the foreign evil spirits that seized power in Russia - the people rejected this regime.

Something had to be done with the people, something had to be done that would make them close their eyes to the new government, forced, if not to love it with all my heart, then, in any case, meekly obey its orders, go to the battlefield and die like a zombie, shouting "for Comrade Stalin!"

The technical feasibility of implementing such a program is known, for which an excellent life example is various kinds of love potions and conspiracies. Someone may not believe in this, but this is his limitation - in the USSR, 50 institutes were involved in the problem, and there it was clearly not idiots who worked, all the more so all this was based not on enthusiasm, but on generous state funding.

However, occult recipes for love spells involve the impact on single objects - a man or a woman, who need to be confused.

But, for example, African sorcerers have more serious systems of work - they can deprive dozens of people of the will and mind, turning them into zombies - walking corpses.

And there are many such examples of brain processing.

Samples of pioneer badges
Samples of pioneer badges

Samples of pioneer badges.

Everything is in full compliance with the rituals of black magic: the head of a teraphim, a satanic pentagram and even tongues of hellish flame.

A group of followers of the Reverend Jim Jones founded a "model" commune in the jungles of Guyana. Be that as it may, on this day 914 members of Jones' sect "People's Temple" ("People's Temple") committed mass suicide.

The adults in the group made the children drink first, and then drank the mixture themselves.

In October 1994, fifty-three members of the apocalyptic Order of the Sun Temple died in a series of explosions and fires in Canada and Switzerland. Their leader, Luc Jouret, a Belgian homeopathic physician, believed that life on this planet was an illusion and that it would continue on other planets.

In December 1995, sixteen more members of the "Sun Temple" were found dead in France.

Lenin's speech at the site of the future mausoleum
Lenin's speech at the site of the future mausoleum

Lenin's speech at the site of the future mausoleum.

On March 19, 1995, five members of the cult "Aum Shinrikyo" ("Literal translation -" The path (or teaching) about the true AUM. "English version - (" The highest truth of Aum). Placed bags from which the poisonous gas sarin was distributed, in the largest in the underground world, which eventually caused the death of twelve and the poisoning of more than five and a half thousand people.

Members of the Aum Shinrikyo sect paid seven thousand dollars a month to wear the PSI, or Perfect Salvation Initiation.

What is PSI? It is a cap covered with wires and electrodes that sends 6 volt shocks (3 volts for children) of current to synchronize the wearer's brain waves with those of Master Seko Asahara.

As you can see, it is technically possible to force any person to give everything to another person - love, property, freedom and life. The man will throw himself on the bayonets with a joyful shout "Glory to Comrade Seko Asahara, saying before death" if I die, consider me a member of the Order of the Communist Solar Temple! " But this is one person, two, ten, at most - several thousand. But to process hundreds of millions in this way seems to be a daunting task. Why, though? If you can do it with a couple of hundred, why not with millions?


We have already described the situation in which the Bolsheviks found themselves by the beginning of the 1920s.

In this situation, only one thing could save the Bolsheviks: something was needed so that at least 50 million people suddenly woke up and felt that they were ready to do anything for the sake of the comrades sitting in the Kremlin, that for the sake of these comrades they would throw themselves under tanks and readily give up. them on the jelly of their children - for everything is justified for the sake of the world revolution or some other nonsense given in the form of an attitude.

This technique would be truly a miracle - an example of a fantastic, incredible over the mass fooling of crowds. And - the Bolsheviks would remain in power. But … they stayed! Moreover, their direct descendants are still in this power, and the common people have been removed from power. So the miracle did happen? Let's try to deal with this issue.

Is this a "generic" Russian trait or a new trait?

Passivity, intimidation, disunity and other similar epithets in the 20th century were firmly glued to the Russians, stasis are a kind of synonyms for nationality. And you don't have to go far for examples - there are more than enough of them in everyone's daily life.

Those who were in the "army" of the USSR, who live in the present state, are well aware of the situation when three Dagestanis put on their ears the whole company or five Caucasians "keep" a whole block in the city.

Ziggurat in Ur (Mesopotamia)
Ziggurat in Ur (Mesopotamia)

Ziggurat in Ur (Mesopotamia).

There are a lot of stories described, when a pair of Caucasian conscripts pounded the sergeant-grandfather in front of the formation, and the rest of the old servicemen or fellow countrymen, Russians, silently stood aside. There are many stories of how a dozen strangers terrorized an entire area, or even a city. Sound familiar?

At the same time, in the reports of the military prosecutors of the USSR, a very indicative case of the Chechen riot in the 70s was described, in one of the units where part of the new conscription was staffed with soldiers from Chechnya. There were many stories with single armed escapes of soldiers in the USSR, but the Chechens somehow conspired and started a booze all together.

Buza, as usual in such cases, was sent to suppress an entire unit - with armored personnel carriers and everything else, designed to level all the rioters with stones. And in this unit, thrown into the suppression, by chance there were three soldiers from Chechnya.

After thinking for a long time, they went over to the side of their own, although the business of those who started the bouza was deliberately doomed. Three Chechens stood up together with everyone. These guys didn't give a damn about everything except tribal solidarity: the oath to the Soviet homeland, the hopelessness of the situation, punitive armored vehicles, and so on. The feeling of kinship prevailed.


For some reason, the Russians do not have this feeling, which is manifested in all spheres - from business and government to criminal showdowns. A Russian arrives abroad - and how are his fellow tribesmen helping him? No way. Does a Russian come to work in a state institution or to serve in a military unit, how do his fellow tribesmen in leading positions help him?

For example, Georgians appear in the Ministry of Health - and, as if by magic, in one hospital, then in another, Georgians become doctors.

Not much time has passed yet - and all the heads of departments of these Georgian heads of doctors are also Georgians. And so everywhere, whether it is a cardboard production trust or a criminal community, where there are disproportionately many Georgian "authorities" relative to the number of Georgians in Russia.

All peoples behave in a similar way - from the Chinese to the Jews, whose friendship and solidarity has long been a parable. The social tactics of Russian behavior is the opposite, to the contrary - they will also actively help drown their own.


All the "fraternal peoples" brought together in the USSR were buzzing throughout the entire existence of the USSR: in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, and in the Baltic states. Is it possible that the lack of tribal solidarity in a Russian person is some kind of generic trait? Is that genetics?

Before 1917, there were some other Russians. Although 1917 is actually a slightly different date. In 1918, in 1919, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers actively fought with each other, and all the beginning of the 1920s, the USSR was shaken either by workers' uprisings, or by peasant riots. But suddenly, somewhere in the mid-20s, everything changed dramatically.

Restoration of the facing of the Mausoleum. V. I. Lenin. 1974 year
Restoration of the facing of the Mausoleum. V. I. Lenin. 1974 year

Restoration of the facing of the Mausoleum. V. I. Lenin. 1974 year

The violent, irrepressible Russian people, which Lenin denounced as chauvinism, suddenly forgot himself. Has calmed down, faded away, has lost the feeling of being together.

All of a sudden, as if by magic daddy, everything settled down: the Komsomol members put on red kerchiefs together and began to dance in circles, the proletariat threw themselves into military parades and demonstrations, the Soviet intelligentsia rejoiced and rushed to sing the victory of socialism.

All this can, of course, be explained by repression and the work of propaganda, but only in an abstract theoretical way. For example, the Anglo-Saxons conquered Ireland almost 800 years ago, assimilating the Irish according to all the rules:

The propaganda could not do anything with either Ireland or Scotland, in which they talk about autonomy to this day. Propaganda and the Soviet school broke the huge Russian people in just ten years. although the same ten lats in Western Ukraine there was an absolutely hopeless struggle with the Soviets. And no one even thought to give up and run to sign up with the Komsomol.

Moreover, since the late 1920s, Moscow's propaganda has suddenly become so strong that it has managed to reach out to the White emigres, turning recent warriors into a herd of anti-fascist pacifists.

Beginning in the mid-1920s, White émigré organizations that had recently aimed at a triumphant return to Russia were fading away.

Queue to the mausoleum in 1980
Queue to the mausoleum in 1980

Queue to the mausoleum in 1980.

In the 30s in Ukraine, as well as in the Don, in the Kuban there was a monstrous famine. Ten years before that, Ukrainians were actively grabbing axes at one glance at the commissars, and Pan Ataman Makhno gave the Bolsheviks pendals in full. Once he was blocked in the Crimea and ordered to the Red Army soldiers "to shoot all this counter."

However, the Russian people on the other side of the isthmus, although they spoke in different dialects, quickly found a common language, and Makhno calmly left with his "lads", for who the commissars were - not only Makhno understood.

But already in the 30s, the East of Ukraine quietly ate each other and no one grabbed the sawn-off shotguns. At the same time, the Bolsheviks did not manage to finally defeat Western Ukraine. So the question is: why did some "mausoleum" affect the brain, others not?

What kind of propaganda is this? Is this even possible?

In the 20th century, the world witnessed a real miracle (albeit a miracle in a negative sense), when a huge 150 million people, who created a powerful state, won many wars and had an ancient history, were suddenly turned into an obedient herd.

Moreover, the herd is not only in the occupied territory, but also on a global scale, where almost every Russian has become Ivan, who does not remember his kinship, a stupid individual who has forgotten his roots. Was there something other than propaganda involved here? Maybe some kind of magic? Or secret knowledge that gives power over people?


We see how the vast majority of the Russian people suddenly began to consider themselves Soviet. The atrocities committed by the Bolsheviks against their fellow tribesmen ceased to excite people. Memories and memoirs are full of real testimonies when people imprisoned in the camps retained their selfless faith and love for Joseph Dzhugashvili (Bes - "Stalin").

Even surviving, going through the twists of hell and leaving the camps, many remained sincere communists and even Stalinists. The Russian people, to a greater extent than all other peoples, exploited in the USSR, and today demonstrate an amazing, completely inexplicable commitment to communism, "Leninism" and other delirium.

Whole monographs can be written about this phenomenon, and even today the majority of Russians have meekly allowed themselves to be called “Russians”. In the United States, the home of modern mass control technologies, a melting pot, where, apart from Indians, there are no autochthons - and even then there are not so many "Americans".


Not only are there whites, blacks and colored people, each living in their own neighborhood, but also whites clearly remember which of them is German, who is Irish, who is Anglo-Saxon, who is French.

All have photos of grandfathers and grandmothers from the century before last, many have national communities, some also have national mafias. But not one hundred years people have lived empires, not one hundred years they have been drummed into that they are "Americans."

And the Russians who call themselves "Russians" are good 2/3. So the explanations cannot be exhausted by propaganda. Therefore, it would be natural to assume that we are dealing with some kind of processing of the consciousness of the Russian people.

Consciousness processing, as a result of which the feeling of tribal solidarity was somehow blocked, and at the same time a feeling of passivity and detachment appeared. indifference. In modern history, we do not know living examples of the zombification of millions of crowds, but in ancient times, it seems, such a technique could have been used, Perhaps? Why not?

In the mid-eighties, the naked problem of creating psycho-generators and remote influence on the human psyche was studied in almost all developed countries.


Serious scientific experiments were carried out. And the circle of those who succeeded in comparison with the beginning of the century has expanded significantly. In the USSR, in general, they realized in time the importance of this problem, as well as the danger posed by the possibility of invading and manipulating someone else's consciousness.

The possibilities of remote influence on the psyche in the USSR were studied by about fifty institutions. The appropriations for these purposes were in the hundreds of millions of rubles. And although the investments paid off, the results obtained then did not receive development.

After the collapse of the Union, all work was curtailed, specialists in the field of subtle psychophysical fields scattered across the country and took up other matters. Today, targeted research on these topics is not being conducted in the Russian Federation. In the USSR, as many as 50 institutes were engaged in what used to be called "magic", but now "energy-informational impact" and "subtle psychophysical fields." Question: when did these occult studies begin in the USSR?

When and who established these 50 institutions? Was it not from the very beginning? In the sixties of the XX century, when the United States publicly announced the termination of experiments with the paranormal? In the fifties of the last century, when people and documents that belonged to such a not very materialistic organization as Ahnenerbe fell into the hands of the NKVD?

Or maybe the experiments began even earlier? And when did they start - did they start from scratch or was there some kind of base?


Actually, if you confess, those who wanted to seize power, the very top, dabbled in witchcraft always and everywhere. Russia is no exception here.

For example, Konoad Bussov (a foreign mercenary in the Russian service) wrote this: “Vasily Shuisky began to engage in witchcraft with might and main, gathered all the servants of the devil, warlocks, which could be found in the country, so that what one could not do other.

Thus, the sorcerers ensured that Shuisky's people won."

If we change the words “warlocks” and “servants of the devil” to the words “specialists in energy-informational influence” and “psychics”, then Shuisky's actions are not so unusual. So the question is not in the existence of the baton, but in who has it bigger and better.

Let's summarize what has been said. Above, we described what preparations were made under the leadership of the Cheka-OGPU. They said that the same omnipotent political police of the Bolsheviks, the OGPU, oversaw the construction of the "mausoleum" - a ziggurat.

We talked about the possible mechanism of the ziggurat's work on Red Square, and then examined what the most natural, most ancient social instinct inherent in any people is today among the Russian people - tribal solidarity.


They told how the current authorities really relate to zombie and occultism. What other proofs are needed to understand that there is not a “mausoleum” on Red Square, but a specially tuned mechanism that affects the consciousness, will, and life of our people.

Moreover, what we especially want to emphasize, this machine may even have lost the operators who created it. They died or fled without passing on their secrets to the ace.

The machine already works much worse, and those who rule now do not know how to manage it. Therefore, today's awakening has become possible, which is happening with the most passionate Russian people, although the bulk is still sleeping. But, undoubtedly, the liberation of the Russian people must begin with the dismantling of this occult mechanism opposed to us.

Everything should be swept out not even to the ground, one hundred meters in radius, and one hundred (or maybe more?) Meters deep. Washed down with concrete, lead and cleaned with all the rituals necessary for this. Perhaps some of those who read this study will suspect the authors of an excessive interest in the unknown and the paranormal.

We hasten to dispel such assumptions - the authors are known for quite serious political and economic analytics.

But what is in the heart of Russia, on its main square, is a real Babylonian ziggurat, with a teraphim inside, is this not nonsense? Not nonsense! This means that everything that has been said above has a very serious basis.


Food for thought

We want to give the reader something as a kind of reference material. In the period 1941-1946, the "mausoleum" was empty. The body was taken out of the capital at the beginning of the war, and the troops marching in front of the "mausoleum" on November 7, 1941, before the battles for Moscow, passed by the empty ziggurat. "Lenin" was not there!

And there was no him until 1948, which is more than strange: the Germans were thrown back in 1942, and the body was returned only in 1946. In our opinion, Stalin or those who actually led, thus, figuratively speaking, removed the “rod from the reactor.

That is, having removed the teraphim, they suspended the work of the Machine. During these years, they really needed Russian will and solidarity.

As soon as the war ended, the "reactor" was re-launched, returning the teraphim, and the victorious people wilted and went out. This change then greatly surprised many contemporaries, which is captured in many memoirs and works of art.


The first "mausoleum" on Red Square

The first "mausoleum", put together in a week, was a truncated stepped pyramid, to which L-shaped annexes with stairs adjoined on both sides. Visitors descended the right staircase, walked around the sarcophagus on three sides, and exited the left staircase.

Two months later, the temporary mausoleum was closed and construction began on a new wooden mausoleum, which lasted from March to August 1924.

This is a drawing of the simplest television antenna - they used to be on the roofs, and everyone had them in the house. Similar antennas are still installed on radio and TV masts.

The principle of their pyramidal ™ is simple: such ladder contours amplify the signal, each subsequent contour adds power to the radiation. Naturally, the ziggurat does not transmit radio waves like an antenna. But physicists have proven that radio waves, sound waves and waves in a liquid have a lot in common. They have one basis - a wave.


Therefore, the principles of operation of all wave devices are the same, be it waves of sound, light or waves of some incomprehensible radiation, which today, for convenience, is called energy-informational. Pay attention: the ceiling of the "mausoleum" is also stepped, like the outer pyramid. This is a loop in a loop that works like an amplifying transformer.

Modern devices have shown that the internal corners draw in information energy from the external space, and the external ones emit it. That is, the ceiling of the tomb absorbs energy, the upper superstructure itself radiates (there are several dozen short outer corners-edges).

In 1924-1989, the mausoleum was visited by over 100 million people (not counting the participants in parades and demonstrations) from all over the USSR.

The Soviet government fed Lenin's grandfather regularly and in large quantities, although he received only a small part necessary for the conservation of the corpse. The rest went to another place.


There is also another corner in the "mausoleum". In fact, it is not even an angle, but three angles: two internal, drawing in energy like a bowl, and the third - external. It divides the notch in half, heading outward like a thorn.

This is more than an original architectural detail, and the detail is absolutely asymmetrical - it is one, such a triple corner. And it is directed at the crowds marching to the "mausoleum". Such strange triple corners are called today psychotropic devices (in fact, those same 50 Soviet institutions worked on them).

The principle is simple and described above: an internal corner (for example, a corner of a room) draws in some hypothetical information energy, an external corner (for example, a corner of a table) radiates. What kind of energy we are talking about - we cannot say. Nobody can, physical devices do not register it.

But organic tissue is more than sensitive to such energy, and not only organic. Everyone knows how ancient the world is to put a child who is too active in a corner, Why?

Because the corner takes away excess energy if you stay there for a short time. And if you put a bed in the corner, then sleep there will not add strength.


Known effects of the pyramid - rotting, mummified meat, self-sharpening blades. And the pyramids are the same angles. The same angles are used in psychotropic devices, only there is also an operator - a person who controls the process and amplifies the power of the device many times over. You can be driven mad by irradiating such a "gun". How it “shoots” is not very clear (the words “information” and “torsion fields” are just words), but the psychotropic “gun” can drive a person crazy or inspire him with some thought.

By the way, the question is: where did Comrade Dzhugashvili stand at the military parades? That's right - he was standing just over that corner with a thorn, welcoming crowds of citizens approaching the ziggurat. He was a cameraman. The process was apparently so important that at the top there was an idea to demolish not only St. Basil's Cathedral, but all buildings within a kilometer radius, so that the square could accommodate a million people marching in formation.

It is unlikely that a millionth box of proletarians would have made a greater impression on the White House than a ballistic missile, which means that a millionth crowd was needed not for the impression, but for something else. For what?

If someone does not believe the stories of bioenergetics about psychotropic weapons, believe the US press, where there was a whole scandal in the 80s. It began with the fact that back in the 60s the ambassador felt bad - his head began to ache, nosebleeds, he could not think and speak coherently. The ambassador was replaced, but the same began with the successor, as well as other employees of the embassy.

One of the sent projects of the mausoleum
One of the sent projects of the mausoleum

One of the sent projects of the mausoleum.

Then they figured out the monkeys in the embassy and next to them - the pundits looking after them. And the monkeys really began to "go crazy", on the basis of which it was made a little belated conclusion that the KGB ambassadors were irradiated with something. Than - the press and understood, although to this day, the secret is covered in darkness. True, after the incident, the Americans sharply increased their development in this area.

Another interesting story about this "mausoleum corner" is given in his works by the well-known bioenergetic Mr. M. Kalyuzhny:


Only after repeated poking in her direction with a finger with a detailed verbal description of it, the policemen noticed a niche more than two meters in height and almost a meter wide. The most interesting thing was to watch the eyes of the policeman, who during the conversation looked at the "corner" of the Mausoleum.

At first they did not express anything - as if a person was looking at a blank white sheet of paper - suddenly, the pupils began to expand, and the eyes began to crawl out of their sockets - I saw! The spell has fallen! It is impossible to explain this miracle with poor eyesight or mental disability of people in uniform, because they successfully passed the medical examination. Only one thing remains - a special magical (psychotronic, zombie) effect of the Mausoleum on others."

Now let's consider the next interesting point - wear and tear of the "mausoleum". What is wear is shown by an analogy with an engine: if the engine works, it wears out, it needs new parts, but if the engine is idle, it can stand forever and nothing will happen to it.


In the "mausoleum" there are no moving parts, of course, but there are also non-moving devices that wear out - batteries, accumulators, gun barrels, carpets and road surfaces, some internal organs (say, the heart moves, but the liver does not, but still wears out).

That is, it should be clear that everything that works, everything sooner or later depletes its resource and needs repair. And now we read Mr. Shchusev (the architect of the "mausoleum"). Mr. Shchusev (in Stroitelnaya Gazeta No. 11 of January 21, 1940) says the following:

Nevertheless, although everything was built for centuries, already in 1944 the Mausoleum had to be thoroughly repaired. Another 30 years passed and it suddenly became clear to someone that it needed to be repaired again - in 1974 it was decided to carry out a large-scale reconstruction of the tomb.

It is even somehow incomprehensible: what does “it became clear” mean? The "Mausoleum" is made of reinforced concrete.


That is, iron, sheltered from the atmosphere with concrete - stone. Reinforced concrete is practically eternal - it should stand for a thousand years, even reinforced concrete made in the USSR (and for the "mausoleum" the reinforcement was probably correct, and the foremen did not save on cement). There is no special sewage system, no toxic fumes. What to repair? He must be whole? It turns out not. Someone knew that it was not complete, that repairs were needed.

Let us turn to the memoirs of one of the leaders of the reconstruction, Joseph Rhodes: “The project for the reconstruction of the mausoleum provided for a complete disassembly of the cladding, replacement of about 30% of granite blocks, strengthening the construction of the publication, complete replacement of insulation and insulation with modern materials, as well as a continuous shell made of special lead. We were given 165 days for the entire work worth over 10 million rubles …

Having disassembled the granite facing of the Mausoleum, we were amazed by what we saw: the metal of the frame rusted, brick and concrete walls were destroyed in places, and the insulation-insulation turned into a soggy slurry that had to be bled out.


The cleaned structures were reinforced and covered with the latest insulating and insulating materials. A reinforced concrete vault-shell was made over the entire structure, which was covered with a solid zinc shell …

In addition, in fact, 12,000 cladding blocks had to be replaced."

As you can see, Comrade Rhodes was surprised no less than ours: everything was rotten! That which could not rot in principle - glass wool and metal - decayed. How! And most importantly, someone knew about the processes taking place inside the ziggurat and gave the order to repair it in time.

Someone knew that the ziggurat was not a miracle of Soviet architecture, but a device, a very complex device. And he is not alone, most likely.

Author: Sergey Merkulov
