The Secrets Of Netizens Were Secretly Kept By Google - Alternative View

The Secrets Of Netizens Were Secretly Kept By Google - Alternative View
The Secrets Of Netizens Were Secretly Kept By Google - Alternative View

Video: The Secrets Of Netizens Were Secretly Kept By Google - Alternative View

Video: The Secrets Of Netizens Were Secretly Kept By Google - Alternative View
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A Reddit user under the nickname AlleKeskitason offered to tell Google users the most shocking data that they learned after downloading their own profile from the website of an IT company.

EnaiSiaion noted that his love for Chinese rap is indicated on his Google profile. According to him, this is completely wrong, he only watched such a music video on YouTube. FiveOhFive91 said that he found in the archive audio recordings of his conversations with his boss, which took place two years ago.

User aehoard was outraged to find the stored history of his purchases in various online stores such as eBay and Amazon. He stressed that the company never asked him for permission to do this and admitted that these stores were probably selling data about him to Google.

earlson was surprised at how Google keeps track of every location he has been in the past few months. He also found audio recordings of conversations with friends and family, unaware that they were being recorded. FeelThePower999 supported his anger. According to him, Google knew absolutely every place he had been since 2015. “Every restaurant, every hairdresser, every nightclub, everything was kept by Google,” he wrote.

ThrowawayReviewJoe recalled how embarrassing he felt when he listened to his voice searches found in the archive in the presence of his beloved. In one of the recordings, he heard an appeal to the search engine "Hey, Google, how can I increase the size of the penis?", And then saw the girl's surprised look.

In May, it was reported that Google had kept the passwords of some of its users unencrypted for 14 years.