Russian Scientists Have Revealed The Secret Of The Afterlife - Alternative View

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Russian Scientists Have Revealed The Secret Of The Afterlife - Alternative View
Russian Scientists Have Revealed The Secret Of The Afterlife - Alternative View

Video: Russian Scientists Have Revealed The Secret Of The Afterlife - Alternative View

Video: Russian Scientists Have Revealed The Secret Of The Afterlife - Alternative View
Video: The most paranormal story [Top Secret] 2024, July

There is no death - life is in full swing in the next world. This is evidenced by numerous messages from the underworld - the voices of the dead are received on the radio, on computers and even on mobile phones. It's hard to believe in this, but it's a fact. The author of these lines was also, rather, a skeptic - until he witnessed such contact with the afterlife in St. Petersburg.

We wrote about this in three June issues of the newspaper "Life" in 2009. And there were calls from all over the country, responses on the Internet. Readers argue, doubt, wonder, thank - the topic of contacts with the afterlife touched everyone's heart. Many ask for the address of scientists who are engaged in similar experiments. Therefore, we returned to this topic. Here is the website address of the Russian Association for Instrumental Transcommunication (RAITK) - a public organization that studies the phenomenon of electronic voices:

Through this site, you can contact the head of RAITK, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Artem Mikheev and his colleagues. But I want to warn everyone - research is still underway at the stage of experiments. Keep in mind that RAITK is not an occult services firm, its members are in the sciences.

And one more important tip. Do not rush to independently try to get in touch with the other world using modern technologies, this is still the lot of few scientists. Believe me, the load on an unprepared psyche for such contacts is very great! Maybe you just need to go to church, light a candle and pray for the repose of your friends and relatives who have gone to another world? Take comfort in the fact that the soul is immortal. And separation from people dear to you who have gone to another world is only temporary.


The first targeted contact - that is, a connection with a specific person who left for another world - was a radio bridge established by the Svitnev family of Petersburgers.

Their son Dmitry crashed in a car accident, but his parents found a way to hear the voice dear to them again. Candidate of Technical Sciences Vadim Svitnev and his colleagues from RAITK, with the help of specially designed devices and a computer, established a connection with the other world. And it was Mitya who answered the questions of his father and mother! The son they buried answered from the other world: "We are all alive with the Lord!"

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This amazing two-way contact has been going on for over a year. Parents record all conversations in electronic form - more than three thousand files-answers to their questions. The information that comes from the afterlife is amazing - much goes against our traditional ideas about the afterlife.

At the request of the readers of "Life" I asked Natasha and Vadim Svitnev, Mitya's parents, the questions you are interested in. Here are their answers.

By what phrases, facts, intonations do you identify your interlocutor from the Other World?

Answer: Don't you recognize the voice of your child from billions of others? Any voice has intonations and shades characteristic only of it. Our Mitya has a characteristic, recognizable voice - very soft, penetrating into the very heart. When we showed the recordings with Mitya's voice to his friends, they asked when they were made, being absolutely sure that this was done even before the tragic event that interrupted Mitya's life. We communicate with a very large number of people from that side. In conversations, they are introduced to us by name. Among Mitya's friends are Fedor, Sergei, Stas, Sasha, they once mentioned Andrei. And friends from that side sometimes call Mitya himself by his "nickname" on the Internet, which he chose for himself long ago - MNTR, a mirror image of Mitya's name. Vadim and his colleagues greeted on the contact. For example,One of Vadim's leaders in the service who switched to the “other side” got in touch with congratulations: “Vadyusha, I congratulate you on the Day of the Fleet!” And to the question: "Who am I talking to?" followed by the answer: "Yes, I am Gruzdev." And besides this person, no one has ever called Vadim "Vadyusha". And sometimes they turn to Natasha by Titlyanov's maiden name, jokingly calling her Titlyashkina, Titlyandia.

How does a person feel in the Other World - in the first seconds, days, weeks, months?

Answer: As we are told on contacts, there is no interruption on the other side. The abyss exists only on our side. The transition is absolutely painless.

What is happening on Earth from there?

Answer: From the other world, this question is answered as follows: “Your life is a huge anthill. You hurt yourself all the time. You are in a dream on Earth."

Is it possible to predict some events from the Other World?

Answer: Events that are distant in time from the present moment, from the other world, are seen less clearly than those nearby. There were many predictive or proactive messages, such as a warning about a gang attack on a neighbor's boy three months before the incident.

What needs do people still have in the Other World? For example, physiological - breathe, eat, drink, sleep?

Answer: About needs, everything is very simple: “I am completely alive. Mitya is the same. " "We have a stressful time, we hardly slept for three months."

Once Mitya said during a communication session: “Now, mom, listen carefully,” and I heard his sigh. He breathed diligently loudly so that I could hear his breathing. These were real, ordinary sighs of a living person. They tell us that they have no time to eat - a lot of work.


To what extent are family contacts preserved there?

Answer: Mitya often tells me about my mother, her grandmother, that she is there, and my mother, like my father, also attended several contacts. And when I began to miss my mother very much, Mitya invited her, and since she is Ukrainian by origin, she spoke to me in pure Ukrainian. Vadim also talked to his mother. Of course, family ties remain.

How do they live and where do they live - are there cities, villages?

Answer: Mitya told us that he lives in the village and even explained how to find him. And at one of our best contacts, his address sounded when he was called in to contact: "Lesnaya street, northern house."

Is the date of departure of each of us predetermined or not?

Answer: There is no question of the date of departure during our contacts. We are constantly reminded that we are immortal: "You are eternal in our eyes."

Were there any clues from the other world in everyday things?

Answer: Once Vadim was told at the contact that he had 36 rubles in his pocket. Vadim checked and was surprised to make sure - exactly 36 rubles.

Egor, our youngest son, was repairing a bicycle and could not determine the malfunction in any way, while Vadim was conducting a communication session. Suddenly Vadim turns to Yegor and says: "Mitya said that your axle is damaged." The diagnosis was confirmed.

Are there animals in the afterlife?

Answer: There was such a case: the guys from the other side brought a dog to the communication session. We heard and recorded her barking.


Is it possible to return from the other world?

Answer: You can return. Overcoming the barrier that separates us into "living" and "dead" - this is what many of our contacts are devoted to. "Go to the light." "This is the strongest technique." "It is incomprehensible to the uninitiated here." “You have to believe in the country. Let's start in Russia. " “We will definitely live together. The family will be complete. " "You broke my coffin." "I will definitely come to you." "We will wake up humanity." "Youth is coming back." "In due time you will reveal the music of the Almighty."

Why do only a few come into contact with loved ones?

Answer: There are always two parties involved in a contact. We must believe in our strength, take the first step. Love and faith will definitely be rewarded. Absolutely everyone who has shown persistence can communicate with their loved ones. Recently we just had a woman who lost her son. We conducted a communication session. Everyone was shocked. The woman recognized her son. They talked, very personal messages were received. I must say that we are researchers in a very new business for everyone, and this kind of contact, conducted with people completely unfamiliar to us, was the first in our practice. Our blog provides a method for organizing and conducting such a contact.

And I would also like to say that the walls surrounding us exist only for us. From the other side, they are absolutely transparent. They see us, hear not only our speeches, but also our thoughts. We are told: "You run in the fog." And they also say: "Give me your hand!", "Everyone is forgiven here."