Ghosts Of Kostroma: How Kostroma Fight Ghosts And Poltergeists - Alternative View

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Ghosts Of Kostroma: How Kostroma Fight Ghosts And Poltergeists - Alternative View
Ghosts Of Kostroma: How Kostroma Fight Ghosts And Poltergeists - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of Kostroma: How Kostroma Fight Ghosts And Poltergeists - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Of Kostroma: How Kostroma Fight Ghosts And Poltergeists - Alternative View
Video: A Look At One Of Russia’s Thousands Of ‘Ghost Villages’ | NBC Nightly News 2024, July

Karavaevo: the ghost warned of death

On a summer evening several years ago, Elena from the Kostroma was returning from the garden to Karavaevo. Suddenly she noticed a man walking towards him - and he literally appeared from nowhere. The strange man was wearing a black cloak and a hood, so that his face was impossible to see.

Further more. He came very close, and suddenly suddenly said that her uncle, the general, would soon die. Moreover, he specified the time to the nearest minute. Thinking that this is some kind of devilry, you never know there are crazy people, Elena forgot about the unusual case. Moreover, my uncle was alive and well.


But I had to remember very soon - the relative actually died on the specified day and hour.

It turned out that he had a neglected disease. Moreover, due to the fact that he did not have time to draw up a will on Elena, she then went to court for a long time with relatives. As a result, the whole family quarreled terribly because of the apartment and summer residence.

Who the man in black was and why he warned Lena about this terrible event is unknown. She herself suggests: maybe it was such a mystical warning - if she believed in the imminent death of her uncle, it would be possible to raise the question of the will during his lifetime.

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Nata Babushkina street: some kind of devilry

The next story is without logic at all. In one of the private houses on Nata Babushkina Street at the end of the 1980s, there was still an elderly retired woman. She loved to sit by the window during the day, snapping seeds, looking at passers-by.

One day an old woman saw a strange picture: several young people in white clothes approached her gate and … flew over it! And then they disappeared behind the house. At first the hostess thought what it seemed to her. But the next day, history repeated itself - and at the same time!


This lasted quite a long time, and the woman even got used to her otherworldly guests. She said that her house was very old, like the 1920s, and before the war there was some kind of devilry going on there. So there is nothing to be surprised at.

The only thing she could not understand was why the guests flew through the gate, if it could be opened and walked calmly!

Komsomolskaya street: the ghost ordered to get out

But the next story is even humorous. For a long time, everything was calm in the house on Komsomolskaya Street, no one flew through the gates, they did not warn about death.

Two men lived here, Ivan and Nikolay, who were big drinkers. Perhaps this explains all further events, but people claim that the drunks have become the victim of a real ghost.

So, they did not have wives, they did not keep order in the house, and gradually a terrible mess formed there.

Once, in one of the drunken gatherings, Nikolai confessed to a friend that some grandmother just got him. As soon as he goes into his own kitchen, he sees an unfamiliar old woman sitting in the corner, who literally drills him with her eyes! He thought that maybe he got it from drinking, but it turned out that Ivan has a similar vision.


He meets an elderly woman all the time when she goes up the stairs. Outwardly, they described the same person: gray-haired, dressed in old-fashioned clothes. Moreover, the old woman did nothing, just watched the tenants.

But it was simply impossible to withstand my grandmother's gaze.

With this she tortured alcoholics so much that they even invited a psychic. Because it turned out that the old-fashioned grandmother was not a drunken glitch at all, but a real ghost. As it turned out, the house once belonged to a woman, whose spirit appeared to the current inhabitants.

As the psychic said, the hostess was so infuriated by the uncleanliness of the men that she decided to bring them to madness in order to evict the filthy man from her former home!

Pervomaisky village: free money turned into damage

And this story is just a horror movie.

Two families lived in a private semi-detached house in Pervomayskoye, say, the Smirnovs and Ivanovs. They seemed to live peacefully, but the Smirnovs had long dreamed of sheathing their house with clapboard, and the Ivanovs were fine with everything, they did not want to waste money on expensive material.

Disputes and quarrels began. And you can't leave a house for two apartments.

And somehow a man approached the little son of the Ivanovs (who didn’t want lining) on the street, gave him 3,000 rubles and said: “Transfer your debt to your mother, I borrowed from you.” The boy did just that. But it turned out that no one took money from the Ivanovs. At the family council, it was decided that the bills would be left until their owner showed up. But good intentions were not destined to come true - the amount gradually began to be spent.

It was then that terrible things began to happen.

As soon as everyone left home, someone caused a terrible pogrom. At first they thought of a teenage son, but the boy would hardly have had the strength to turn everything in the apartment. Then water started pouring from the ceiling, the refrigerator repeatedly fell. A brick fell on the head of the family, troubles began at work.


And then from above, it was not clear from where, notes began to fall with threats: "If you don't leave, I will kill you."

In the end, the Ivanovs' patience came to an end and they really decided to move out. They were saved by a friend who advised them to visit Elder Michael, who lived in one of the villages.

The whole family went to him, and what turned out? It turned out that the root of all troubles … lining! And the damage to the Ivanovs was sent by their neighbors - the Smirnovs. They took a dislike to them after the story with the cladding of the house, for which the neighbors did not want to pay. And they decided to evict. They had a distant relative who was fond of various magical rites.

And those 3 thousand rubles that were allegedly returned as a debt, it turns out, this is such an old trick: to give conspiracy money that does not belong to a person. And then wait until he starts spending them. Allegedly, this removes the person's protection and makes him vulnerable.


In general, Elder Mikhail removed the spell from the family, but they never returned to themselves - they moved to their relatives, and for a long time they could not sell half of the house. It all sounds pretty crazy, but threatening notes, they say, really fell from the ceiling.

However, there is nothing to be surprised at. The Kostroma fortune tellers, with whom KOSTROMA. TODAY spoke, generally assert: the entire Kostroma region is an anomalous zone. So we have a few more mystical stories in stock - we will publish soon.
