Remains Of An Ancient Vimaana Found In Britain? - Alternative View

Remains Of An Ancient Vimaana Found In Britain? - Alternative View
Remains Of An Ancient Vimaana Found In Britain? - Alternative View

Video: Remains Of An Ancient Vimaana Found In Britain? - Alternative View

Video: Remains Of An Ancient Vimaana Found In Britain? - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Indian Vimana Technology explained 2024, July

According to the regional press in Coventry, UK, on May 8, 2020, local resident Will Reed went with his sons on a kind of fishing trip in a local river. Only they did not fish, but filtered the river sand in search of old coins and other collectible artifacts. But instead of coins, they found the following:


According to a description posted on Facebook, the cubes are made of a metal similar to lead. In total, 60 of them were caught:


Commentators familiar with the find are confused by two things, the main of which is the material from which the cubes are made. Fishermen say it is lead, but it may not be lead, but uranium or other radioactive material.

In particular, in the nuclear program of the Third Reich, the so-called nuclear chain reactor or "installation B-VIII" was built. It used uranium, cast into similar cubes, which were hung on chains and lowered into a radioactive chamber for enrichment:

Promotional video:


The shape and size of the cubes match the description of a nuclear installation and its remains, which are kept in military museums, so the cubes may be part of a similar project that unknown people were engaged in time immemorial - this is indicated by the strange signs and symbols engraved on these cubes in strict geometric order.

One of the versions expressed on Facebook was some Indian cultists, since the font strongly resembles Sanskrit. It is assumed that these are some kind of magic writing that some evil sorcerers used when throwing dice into the river.

The version is rather idiotic in nature, since the river from which all this was fished is definitely not the Ganges. In addition, the fishermen did not use a dredger for fishing, but some primitive devices such as buckets, with which prospectors in Alaska scooped up sand during the gold rush. And if so many cubes fall into the bucket - there are obviously tons of them, you just need to scoop up all the sand and look well in it.

Nevertheless, the similarity of the font with Sanskrit is noted correctly and makes one think about some kind of project of proto-civilization, from the texts of which Sanskrit was born. But what kind of project it is - one can only guess.

The most frequently expressed version assumes some kind of ancient nuclear power plant. That is, it could be an assembly from an ancient reactor, or it could be the fuel cells of some Vimaana. Its metal body rotted over the years and dissolved in the river, but the uranium-containing elements remained. The Third Reich did not invent the nuclear rector himself - Ahnenerbe carried prototypes and drawings from Tibet and India. And the writing on the cubes is similar to Sanskrit.

It is also possible we are talking about some ancient computer, the principle of which we do not understand. Once the cubes are signed, it is quite obvious that they were put into certain blocks in a strictly defined order. And it has nothing to do with some rituals, otherwise such things would be found all over England.

The news is very fresh, that is, the cubes were caught on May 8, the newspaper wrote about it yesterday, so the guys from SIS / MI6 are not yet aware of the event. Now the information will go to the authorities and by the reaction of the authorities we will understand what it is. So, if a find from people is confiscated and all information about the event is either hidden, or they start trolling with performances of bearded mindless people in glasses and white coats, then there really is some kind of ancient reactor, so we are following the development of events.