Unusual Footprints On The Stones, Which I Cannot Explain Without High Technology - Alternative View

Unusual Footprints On The Stones, Which I Cannot Explain Without High Technology - Alternative View
Unusual Footprints On The Stones, Which I Cannot Explain Without High Technology - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Footprints On The Stones, Which I Cannot Explain Without High Technology - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Footprints On The Stones, Which I Cannot Explain Without High Technology - Alternative View
Video: Rare Photos Not Appropriate for History Books 2024, July

More recently, while searching for images for an article, I came across a shot of a stone with such strange footprints. After that, I decided to look for other pictures of similar tracks, and of course, it turned out that there are many of them all over the world.

Earlier, I have already written about ideal parallel furrows in quarries and not only, as well as about strange traces of like indentation of rocks, both on megaliths and structures, and on the most ordinary stones. In this article, there will be something similar, only these are already quite large gutters in ordinary stones.

As soon as I paid attention to these traces, I immediately thought for what and how they were created. The simplest and most logical version that first came to mind is the grinder. And I was not mistaken, after that, after reading some sources, they really tried to explain such traces with grinders, but not everything is so simple.


As for footprints on stones, structures, quarries, etc., I always first try to guess how this could have been done based on the official history, and then I look for some inconsistencies, and so here.

As soon as I thought about the purpose of the stones and the origin of the tracks, as an ancient grinder, another thought immediately arose - they are too big. In addition, there are many of them, which is also not particularly explained by the purpose of the grinder.


There was an idea of the influence of nature, but it also very quickly receded into the background, since this is not explainable by nature. Most of these stones with grooves were found on the small island of Gotland, but then, as always, they began to pay attention all over the world.

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What can be noted in these tracks? In length, they are all plus or minus the same, the width is also approximately the same, and the inner part is almost polished to perfect condition.


Another thing worth noting is that some of the tracks are blurry. It was as if some kind of tool, like a saw, began to work and it jumped off. I'm not saying that these are traces of the similarity of a modern saw, this is just an example, although everything is possible, of course.

Surprisingly, as I read later, the scientists themselves considered the grinder's version untenable. It's strange, because one could just say that this is a grinder and that's it. But as you might guess, no version, even close to the truth, has not yet been put forward.


What's my version? Everything is quite trite, but, as in many previous various unusual tracks, this can be explained by the testing of some kind of tool or technology in the past.

Why trials? There are quite a few traces on huge processed megaliths, ancient structures, and everything there is explained precisely by the work of some unknown technologies, but why do something on ordinary stones that are then thrown? The most logical answer is to test how something works.


By the way, judging by the tracks, you can see that all tracks are rounded. And the whole inner part, as I said, is processed to a perfectly smooth state.

In general, my version somehow sounds like this, but this is just my subjective opinion. In any case, it is unlikely that we will already know what kind of technologies were in the past and from what these traces remained. And that's all, I hope it was interesting.