Was The Embryo Transfer Performed BC And Led To The Birth Of The Messiah? .. - Alternative View

Was The Embryo Transfer Performed BC And Led To The Birth Of The Messiah? .. - Alternative View
Was The Embryo Transfer Performed BC And Led To The Birth Of The Messiah? .. - Alternative View

Video: Was The Embryo Transfer Performed BC And Led To The Birth Of The Messiah? .. - Alternative View

Video: Was The Embryo Transfer Performed BC And Led To The Birth Of The Messiah? .. - Alternative View
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Amazing secrets of the far past in Indian temples …

Traces of active surgical intervention in the life and birth of a child are contained, in particular, in the ancient Indian scrolls. One of these was discovered back in 2008 (in one of the destroyed Indian temples) by a world-famous scientist Wolfgang Lampeter. Imagine Lampeter's surprise when, having deciphered the document, he found a scientific treatise with a detailed description of embryo transfer!.. At the same time, radiocarbon analysis of the artifact showed that it was created about 2500 years ago.

This ancient treatise described in great detail that embryos were transplanted to ordinary earthly women by some divine essence.

The legend is given and says the following: the gods decided to found a new religion on Earth, at the head of which will be a completely new being, not a man or a god. God Mahavira took the form of an embryo, and another god - Harinaigamesin - performed an operation and transplanted the embryo into a pregnant earthly woman.

It would be easy to assume that the Hindus who lived 2500 years ago were just playing out a fantasy. But there is one problem in this regard. The treatise contains a chapter that describes the operation itself in detail and literally step by step!

First, the divine being plunged the woman into a deep sleep so as not to hurt her, and then took out her own baby from her and put in his place the god Mahavira, who had turned into a human child.

However, divine beings were also fallible (which proves their natural nature). So it happened with the gods, who decided to transplant an embryo. After some time, they came to the conclusion that they had placed him in the body of a woman who was not quite suitable for this. Then the being who performed the operation had to undergo a new surgical intervention. He removed the embryo and implanted it in Queen Trishala. And in the year 599 BC, she gave birth to a healthy child. Subsequently, he really created a new religious trend in India - Jainism - as the mysterious gods originally expected.

A characteristic feature of Jainism as a religion is the rejection of the killing of other living beings …

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But how in the 1st century AD, was such a complex surgical operation performed? And not only with the use of anesthesia (as described in the treatise), but also with embryo transfer? After all, we all know well that the first successful artificial insemination was carried out only in 1983, that is, several millennia after the events described.

It is also worth noting that other ancient Indian texts of that time provide such details about pregnancy and fetal maturation, which Europeans only became aware of in the 17th – 18th centuries.

For example, the Dutch physician Rainier de Graaf discovered ovarian follicles in a woman's body only in 1672. But in the Vedic book Grabha Upanishad, dated about three hundred years BC, the process of maturation of the follicle is already described, which turns into an embryo in case of fertilization.

The ancient Indians themselves, the authors of such documents, refer to the fact that knowledge was obtained precisely from the "gods."

Another thing is also curious: the legend about such, as we would say today, artificial insemination, exists about every great Messiah of antiquity: Krishna and Buddha were also born in this way, the gods directly participated in their fate. Even purely physically, later, during their lifetime, they bore the imprint of not only human genes in their appearance. This is also indicated by the descriptions of the ancients. We also remember that Jesus Christ was also born by the "immaculate conception", to which the higher powers were directly involved …

Thus, the "God-man" is not a miracle or a deception. These people were really endowed with special gifts, knowledge and opportunities from birth. They were a little out of this world. And they were born as a result of the coordinated intervention of higher forces, with their own purpose in this world.
