Amazing Salvation Stories: Why People Feel Catastrophes - Alternative View

Amazing Salvation Stories: Why People Feel Catastrophes - Alternative View
Amazing Salvation Stories: Why People Feel Catastrophes - Alternative View

Video: Amazing Salvation Stories: Why People Feel Catastrophes - Alternative View

Video: Amazing Salvation Stories: Why People Feel Catastrophes - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 People Who Survived DISASTERS 2024, July

The wreckage recently found on Reunyon Island is all that remains of the Malaysian Boeing. On the night of March 8, 2014, the plane simply disappeared.

Even today, almost a year and a half after the tragedy, it is not clear what happened to him: why the plane first abruptly changed course, and then disappeared from the radar screens.

There are many oddities in this story, and the main one is why five people did not board the flight at the last moment.

There is a lot of strange in another plane crash that happened in the spring of this year, when a plane flying from Barcelona to Dusseldorf crashed into the mountains. After the tragedy, it turned out that the pilot deliberately directed the plane to the mountainside to commit suicide.


As a result of this suicide, 150 people died. But the number of victims could have been even greater, because the whole football team of the Dalkurd club was going to fly this flight. At the last moment, the athletes changed their tickets.

Another plane crash happened on New Year's Eve over the Java Sea.

The plane performed a regular passenger flight on the Surabaya - Singapore route, but did not reach its destination, 162 people died. As it turned out later, a family of 10 people, too, by some miracle did not have time for the tragic flight and escaped.

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Surprisingly, in any accident and disaster there are miraculously saved people, people who, by a happy coincidence, suddenly refused to fly, travel, or were simply late.


Judging by the stories of these lucky ones, some of them deliberately changed plans, as if they had a presentiment of the bad, and some simply because of a chain of accidents.

There have been so many such stories lately that scientists have even become interested in the question of why people in critical situations are able to foresee the future. Psychologists from the United States decided to study the statistics of disasters and found out an amazing pattern: any doomed flight was only 60 percent full, not 80, as usual.

This can only mean one thing: for various reasons, some of the passengers simply refused to fly, as if they had a presentiment of something.

“Energy information space. We are all particles involved in this process. This energy-informational space includes both living and non-living, and all nature as a whole. Can I connect to it? Sure. There are people who, possessing supersensitivity, are psychics, can connect to this field, penetrate and draw information from there, said the famous psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov.

Some people have another amazing ability: to feel the approaching natural disasters, of which more than a dozen have happened in the last year alone.


Most recently, the capital of Georgia was covered with floods. Entire city blocks were flooded. Roads and bridges were hit by the elements. The zoo suffered more than others, from which dozens of animals escaped. During the flood days, Tbilisi looked more like some exotic city set in the jungle.

Sochi experienced a serious flood in June this year. Then, in a matter of hours, the city had a monthly rainfall. The stream of water literally carried away houses and cars.

Destroyed houses, roads, uprooted century-old trees - such pictures could be seen in the United States, only a month earlier than in Sochi. This flood has already been called the most destructive in American history.

In April this year, a devastating earthquake struck Nepal. The magnitude of the tremors reached 8 points. Not only local residents were killed, but also hundreds of tourists.

All these cataclysms that have befallen our planet are united by one thing. Many people seemed to have a presentiment of them. How does this happen? There is no exact answer to this question. However, many scientists are sure that there is something like a unified information system in the Universe. And each of us is connected to it. A person only needs to tune in to the right wave in order to understand what, where and when should happen.

Our distant ancestors also fell under the blow of natural disasters and destructive cataclysms. As history shows, some representatives of ancient civilizations have learned to predict impending disasters. This allowed them to evacuate in advance to a safe place and escape from the blows of the elements.


In the north of Guatemala, there are ancient ruins.

Many centuries ago, a real pearl of the Mayan tribe was built on this place - the mysterious and majestic city of Tikal with giant temples and pyramids, which still rise above the dense jungle.

Excavations of this ancient city have been going on for a couple of centuries, but until now archaeologists cannot answer the main question - where did all its inhabitants go? The fact is that when the first colonialists reached Tikal, it turned out that the city was abandoned.

Moreover, all buildings - dwellings, temples, administrative buildings and palaces - were in perfect condition. The impression was that all the inhabitants of this city simply took and left, taking with them only the most necessary things. At the same time, according to the calculations of archaeologists, the population in this city reached almost 200,000.

What made the ancient Mayans leave the city of Tikal? Scientists have suggested that the Indians had an incredibly subtle sense of nature at the instinct level.

Another mysterious disappearance of an entire people happened on Easter Island. This tiny piece of land in the Pacific Ocean has haunted scientists for more than one hundred years. On a tiny piece of land, giant stone statues have been preserved, which are almost 2 thousand years old. Archaeologists cannot explain who built them, and most importantly - why.

“I am sure that they performed certain functions, because they had stone caps on their heads, they had very peculiar eyes. Nobody knows why - there are a lot of hypotheses here. I just agree with the hypothesis that these were functional stones, moreover, I believe that all megaliths were functional and Stonehenge, etc.

These monuments on Easter Island fulfilled their function - they carried certain information. These are some kind of emitters, and this radiation can be assessed,”Sergei Sukhinov, Ph. D.


Many who find themselves on Easter Island have a strange feeling. As if life here froze in an instant.

Everything is left in place: both stone axes and unfinished statues. It was as if people had only stopped work for a minute, but could not return to it.

There are a lot of such suddenly abandoned places like the city of Tikal or Easter Island on our planet. But archaeologists do not have an exact answer to the question of why people left them. Some researchers put forward cautious assumptions that the ancients simply knew how to calculate the dates of impending cataclysms.

“There are so many achievements of the ancients that modern archaeologists could not recognize, because they showed too high a level of ancient man. And they still do not want to agree with this. If we agree with this, then the whole history and the whole concept of the universe in general will be completely different, - said Professor Valery Chudinov.

According to some scientists, ancient civilizations possessed knowledge that modern mankind learned about only a couple of centuries ago with the development of science and technology.

Experts cite a sensational find found on the island of Malta as evidence of this hypothesis. Once upon a time, the inhabitants of this island also mysteriously disappeared. According to one version, which for a long time was considered unconvincing, they learned about the impending catastrophe and managed to evacuate. This version, to which archaeologists were skeptical, received new evidence in 1902.

Then, quite by accident, during excavation work, they discovered a gigantic underground structure with mysterious labyrinths and galleries going down many levels.


Later this find will be called Khal Saflieni or Hypogeum. The unique underground structure was built almost 6 thousand years ago.

Investigating it, scientists tried to understand why the ancient people spent so much time and effort on construction. There was no answer to this question until the researchers suggested an almost incredible thing: multi-level tunnels and labyrinths - something like the oldest seismic station.

This version does not seem so fantastic when you look at the climate in Malta several millennia ago. This is now Malta - a real paradise for tourists. But before the island was shaken by earthquakes, tsunamis constantly hit it. In order to know about impending disasters in time, perhaps a whole warning system was invented.

The underground labyrinths in Malta, carved 6,000 years ago, consist of several levels and about 40 rooms. These labyrinths go so deep down that scientists did not even have time to study them all. On the third level, there are several burial chambers, inside of which you can only crawl.

One of these chambers continues as an endless tunnel and is lost in the unexplored voids of the island. For the first time, they learned about the mysterious tunnel only in 1940, when several young men dared to independently explore the endless labyrinths.

Museum workers of the island of Malta say that in the early 50s this mysterious tunnel crumbled, and by order of the government, the chamber with the entrance was tightly walled up. Therefore, it is unfortunately impossible to explore these endless labyrinths with modern means today.

However, even without additional surveys, scientists suggested that all this complex architecture served in order to catch in time the slightest vibrations of the soil, the sounds of impending giant waves, the whistle of a hurricane rushing to the island.

Mysterious dungeons are also being explored in South America. Inca civilization researcher Dr. Raul Rios Centeno tried to repeat the route of an expedition that disappeared in 1952 in the vicinity of the city of Cuzco in the Andes. Then from the whole group studying the tunnels, only one person got to the surface. But a few days later he died of a mysterious illness, unable to explain what happened to the rest of the expedition.

Centeno managed to follow the same route and even get inside the dungeons. It turned out that in the depths of the walls they stop reflecting infrared radiation. This says only one thing, around - metal, possibly - ore.

Anthropologists and biologists argue that ancient people could indeed have been more empathetic than modern humans. Perhaps they knew how to determine in advance the approach of tsunamis and earthquakes, calculate the moment of falling meteorites and the onset of global cataclysms.

The writer Alexander Pokrovsky wrote the story "72 meters" in August 1999. The book tells about the tragic death of the submarine, and with it - and all the crew members. Exactly one year later, the events described in this book were repeated in reality to the smallest detail. On August 12, 2000, the nuclear submarine "Kursk" tragically sank 175 km from Severomorsk.


At 11:40 a.m. on August 12, the submarine was supposed to carry out a training launch of a torpedo on a group of aircraft carrying ships.

It was just a routine exercise in the Barents Sea. The crew did not get in touch again. According to the official version, an explosion occurred on the submarine. The cause of the explosion was an outdated training torpedo that exploded right in the torpedo compartment. The nuclear submarine "Kursk" went to the bottom.

According to Alexander Pokrovsky, this tragedy literally shocked him. Indeed, in his story, the submarine "Gorod" went out to sea for exercises, and after launching a training torpedo, it sank, colliding with an underwater mine. Even the details coincided - the class of both submarines, the time of the disaster and the depth. Both tragedies took place in the Barents Sea, in the same area.

“I was at the dacha when the tragedy happened. There, I did not turn on the TV, and when I returned, an acquaintance called me and in a drunken voice said that I had done it. At first I did not understand what it was all about, but he told me to turn on the TV … Only three days later I realized that no one would get it. Rather, I felt it almost immediately, judging by the way they deployed the rescue operation,”Pokrovsky recalls.

Alexander Pokrovsky claims: he seemed to have foreseen everything that happened to the crew of the Kursk in advance. All the details of the incident, the location of every detail, and even the faces of the crew, he clearly saw when he wrote his novel.

“When I wrote … it was inspiration. That is, you “lead”, you write how you watch a movie, very easily and quickly,”the writer tells about his feelings.

Two years after the death of "Kursk", one of the film producers accidentally read the story "72 meters" by Alexander Pokrovsky. He was simply shocked that the book, written several years before the real tragedy, described exactly what happened to the Kursk submarine. And then he offered to shoot a film directed by Vladimir Khotinenko. A year later, the film was released.

Scientists believe that writers succeed in predicting certain events by putting some code into their works, which they themselves often do not even know about. But then what becomes the key to this code? What unlocks it? Why do the terrible catastrophes described in the novels repeat themselves in reality? Nobody can explain this today.

“This is such a fate. I would write it anyway. I would write, maybe not in this form, but in another. This event has already been calculated, that is, I had to write,”says Pokrovsky.

Another striking example of a foreboding of trouble is the Paralympian Oscar Pistorius. According to the investigation, Pistorius shot his girlfriend, model Riva Steinkamp. Whether intentionally or not - opinions differ here, but now only one thing is known for sure: the girl seemed to have a presentiment of her death.


A young girl published a picture on her page on a social network just a few days before her death: a screaming woman, whose mouth is covered by someone's hand, the caption to the photo reads: “I woke up at home today in comfort and safety, but not everyone is as lucky as to me. I'm talking about victims of violence."

Could she have known that literally in 4 days she would become this very victim?

History knows many cases when famous and ordinary people, a few days or months before death, dramatically changed their moods and more and more often began to think about her, talk about themselves in the past tense and as if to say goodbye to loved ones.

“The Earth is undoubtedly a living organism, the Earth sends a variety of signals not only to us, but generally emits these signals, there are people who can receive them,” Mikhail Vinogradov repeats his hypothesis.

After many experiments, scientists came to the conclusion that before death, the cells of a living organism give off a sudden release of radioactive rays. This stream of waves, being powerful enough, is able to capture information about the life and death of a dying person.

This hypothesis is supported by the ability of animals to feel the onset of trouble. If the feelings of people are dulled by a comfortable life, then the animals have not lost this gift.

For example, during the Second World War, when death could fall from the sky at any moment, cats often rescued their owners. There was a cat named Sally in London who had developed a sophisticated warning system for danger.


Feeling that the raid was close, Sally ran to the counter in the hall where the gas mask hung, and began persistently pounding it with her front paws, after which she returned to her mistress and began to scratch her. Surprisingly, the cat has never been wrong.

In 2004, the tsunami that struck the countries of Southeast Asia killed about 300,000 people. But at the same time, the number of dead animals was absolutely negligible.

The reaction of living beings to the approaching natural disaster has been known for a long time. The first documentary evidence of this phenomenon dates back to 2000 BC. On the island of Crete, before the strongest earthquake, weasels escaped from human settlements.

In China, the appearance of snakes has long been a harbinger of disaster. They appear as if out of nowhere, and this always means that an earthquake is about to begin. This is exactly what happened in November 1920. On that day, the strength of the tremors was 8.6 points on the Richter scale, 10 ancient cities were destroyed in a few minutes, almost 200 thousand people died - the numbers are huge, but it's scary to imagine what would have happened if people did not believe the snakes that day and didn't try to protect themselves somehow …

The same thing happened 55 years later - in the winter of 1975 in China, on the eve of the disaster, snakes crawled out to the surface of the earth again, which looked rather strange in winter. And then an unprecedented decision was made to evacuate the city of Hainan.

Seismic stations did not register any activity in the bowels of the earth, but just a few days later the city was literally wiped off the face of the earth by an 8-point earthquake. In the history of seismology, it became the only one that managed to predict and save the lives of almost half a million population.

In the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami, a lighthouse keeper in South India described how an entire herd of antelopes fled in panic from the coast to nearby hills before the disaster. In Thailand, elephants screamed and, breaking the chains, raced on the hills. Flamingos were leaving the lowlands.

Later it turned out that almost all wild animals that could somehow move, left the dangerous territory and escaped the tsunami. For example, out of 2000 animals in the Indian reserve, only one wild boar died. And in the Yala Nature Reserve in Sri Lanka, hit by the tsunami, of the hundreds of elephants and dozens of leopards, not a single animal died.

In Japan, after long experiments, it was found that fish, namely catfish, have the slightest change in the earth's electromagnetic field a few weeks before the event. Therefore, this fish on the Japanese islands is considered almost sacred. In August 1923, it was thanks to them that many Japanese guessed that an earthquake would soon occur. However, what happened later exceeded all expectations.

The day before the earthquake, a terrible hurricane arose, turning into a furious tornado. A flurry of wind hit the Japanese cities of Tokyo and Yokohama. Fires started. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people suffered, half a million residents were left homeless.

But how will our smaller brothers know about the impending disasters?


Biologists suggest that animals are especially sensitive to the millimeter wavelength range, as well as to the magnetic field.

Experts believe they are picking up ultrasounds and infrasounds. That is why animals sense natural disasters in advance: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and even magnetic storms.

Scientists have even suggested that a special organ, the so-called "third eye", is responsible for this function. It is this concept that among many peoples means an organ that is able to sense what other senses do not notice.

In ancient India, the "third eye" was called the eye of Shiva, which was responsible for intuition.

It was believed that for those who possessed it, there were no obstacles. Perhaps this belief has only a fraction of mysticism, and everything else is explained scientifically.

“Intelligence has suppressed sensitivity. But, according to the researchers, in the womb, in the child, all channels of perception are open, everything. When a child is born, he has 5 senses left - this is what today provides him with vital functions. Nature is not wasteful - five senses. But somewhere in the depths of the brain, everything remained - this is then called intuition, or the sixth sense,”says psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov.

Do we still have the unique abilities of the third eye? For the first time, researchers from the USA - Marga, Gamasaki and Gioli - tried to answer this question from a scientific point of view. In 1959, they presented a report on the results of their work at the XXI International Congress of Physiologists in Argentina. Scientists have studied the electrophysical response of the pineal gland to light and electrical stimuli. The verdict of the experiment is as follows - the pineal gland is one of the organs of telepathic communication in humans.

According to scientists, it takes about one tenth of a second for the brain to perceive what the eyes see. To compensate for this time gap, vision has developed the ability to predict what will happen in a tenth of an instant. It turns out that the gift of foresight exists not only among psychics. Each of us sees the future - and constantly.

According to the new theory, in the process of evolution, the human visual system has improved. Vision sends an image to our brain, which should appear in 0.1 seconds. Thus, a person gets the opportunity to interact with the outside world, this kind of Network, online.

Some researchers believe that potentially any "subscriber" of such a network is capable of subconsciously requesting information about the future and getting an answer. In a normal state, most of us do not have such information available. People do not hear the prompt from their inner voice. But the number of "tips" grows with the approach of an extreme situation.

An ancient Egyptian manuscript says: "Humanity will die from ignorance of its own nature and inability to use it." Ancient people were well versed in the nature of things, they knew that the highest knowledge is knowledge of oneself.

Falling planes, spills of oil rivers, radioactive pollution and much more are now an integral part of our existence. Background of the life of modern earthlings. The threat of planetary, environmental, resource and nuclear catastrophes hanging over the world, and possible climate change - forces us to look for new answers to the challenges of nature.

According to scientists, 99 percent of impending disasters are known in advance. This graph of the universe is written many millions of years ahead. You just need to learn to hear it.