The Magic Tool Of King Solomon - Alternative View

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The Magic Tool Of King Solomon - Alternative View
The Magic Tool Of King Solomon - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Tool Of King Solomon - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Tool Of King Solomon - Alternative View
Video: Facts And Lies Of King Solomon - The Naked Archaeologist 207 - The Legacy of King Solomon Part 2 2024, July

Even the most notorious skeptics are gradually beginning to agree that highly developed civilizations existed on our planet in time immemorial. It is difficult to deny this, looking at the structures created with the help of unknown technologies, to which we have not even "grown up". And descriptions of these incredible technologies and mysterious tools of the past can be found in many ancient sources.

Wonderful worm Shamir

In the Bible there are references to how the prophet Moses carved the names of all twelve tribes of his people on precious stones. And he did it with the help of a magic stone (or worm) called shamir. This stone possessed incredible power - it could cut diamonds, rocky basalt, marble and iron.

King Solomon at the construction of the temple
King Solomon at the construction of the temple

King Solomon at the construction of the temple.

The Shamir worm is mentioned in the Bible not only in connection with Moses. Further references to him are associated with King Solomon. This is by no means a fictional figure, but a real historical character who ruled the united kingdom of Israel in 965-928 BC. Among other things, he became famous for the construction of the main shrine of Judaism - the amazing Jerusalem temple.

Description of the construction of the Jerusalem temple by Solomon was included in many ancient Jewish sources. They indicate that God forbade Solomon to use iron tools for the construction of the temple: “And when this House was being built, they built it from the brought solid stones; no hammer, no ax, no iron tool was heard in the House during its construction. (Mlahim 1: 6.7).

Temple of King Solomon
Temple of King Solomon

Temple of King Solomon.

Promotional video:

It is curious that God forbade the use of iron tools for the reason that tools that can cause bloodshed and death are not suitable for building a peaceful temple.

At the same time, Solomon intended to build a temple of solid marble and stones - how can they be processed without strong tools? And a way out of the situation was found - this is how it is said in the Talmud: “Shlomo (Solomon) told the wise men of the Torah how to build the Temple without using any iron tools for cutting and cutting stones? They answered him: there is a worm Shamir, which Moshe (Moses) brought for the ephod stones. He asked them: how will we find him? They said to him: take the shed and the sheid, the demon and the demon, and make them reveal to you."

Deception of Asmodeus

The ancient apocrypha also contains detailed descriptions of how Solomon obtained the shamir. They say that the magic worm in those days was owned by the cock-footed demon king Asmodeus. The interpreters of ancient secrets told Solomon where the mountain on which Asmodeus lives is located:

“At the very top,” they said, “there is a source. From there, returning from his daily wanderings, Asmodeus quenches his thirst. When he is drunk, every time he covers the spring with a stone and puts a seal on it. And every time he checks whether the seal is intact."



But Solomon figured out how to deceive Asmodeus. He sent his commander to the mountain, instructing him to take with him a chain for leopards, a bundle of wool and a fur of wine. And he also gave him his ring with the name of God, which terrified evil spirits.

Arriving at the place, the commander drilled a hole in the rock below the source. When all the water had left, he plugged the hole with a bundle of wool and, drilling another hole, higher, filled the stone belly with wine. Towards evening, Asmodeus, exhausted by thirst, appeared from heaven, looked around the spring and, seeing that the seal was intact, rolled away the stone. Smelling the smell of wine, Asmodeus was surprised, but the thirst was strong. When he got drunk, a ring and a chain for leopards taming evil spirits went into action. So the Shamir worm ended up in the hands of Solomon.

A laser from the past

Here is how the Shamir is described in the Old Testament Apocrypha "Haggadah about Solomon": "Solomon had a wonderful worm, which was called" Shamir ". This worm possessed the properties of adze and facet. With the help of the shamir, the cutting stone for the temple and the house of Solomon was hewn, and the cutting of precious stones for the koshen was performed. The worm was the size of a grain of barley, and the hardest objects could not resist its miraculous properties. They kept it wrapped in wool wool in a lead vessel filled with barley bran."

Rabbi Zamir Cohen is widely known in Israel today, who studies the Torah from the point of view of modern science. And from his point of view, a shamir is a kind of instrument that has the properties of a laser. Here's what he writes:

“Recently, there has been an increasing use of beams for cutting various materials, which allows for greater precision and cleanliness.

Lasers are used today in many industries, from diamond processing to operating rooms. Although radiation, like electricity, is common in nature, science has learned about these phenomena recently, and has managed to use them only in our century. Lasers began to be made and used only a few decades ago.

And now, it turns out, almost three thousand years ago, when King Shlomo (Solomon) was building the First Temple, the sages of the Torah knew about the possibility of using rays to cut solid materials."

Rabbi Zamir Cohen
Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Rabbi Zamir Cohen.

Curiously, Cohen emphasizes that the shamir cut the stone not by itself, but by the radiation that emanated from it. According to ancient sources, it follows that you just had to hold the shamir in front of the right place, and the radiation emanating from it cut the stone.

Remember the phrase from the "Haggadah about Solomon", which tells about the shamir: "They kept him wrapped in cotton wool in a lead vessel filled with barley bran."

Everything is curious here - as we know, it is lead that is used in our time as a protective material against harmful radiation. In addition, recent experiments have shown that some plants, including barley, are also capable of absorbing radioactive radiation. Wool also has a similar property. It turns out that the creator of the shamir knew how to protect its users from radiation sickness?

And one more curious moment. As you know, the Temple of Solomon was destroyed in the VI century BC by the Babylonians. However, on the Temple Mount, where he stood, there are remains of a very ancient wall. A part of this wall is known to almost everyone - this is the famous Wailing Wall, to which pilgrims from all over the world come.

However, few people know that its base of the Western Wall is located deep underground, in tunnels, most of which are closed to visitors. It is here that one of the most mysterious sights in the world is located - the Western Stone. It is a huge monolithic block weighing 517 tons. Its length is 13.6 meters, height is 3 meters, and width is about 3.3 meters.

It is curious that in the scientific world there is still no answer to the question, with the help of what technologies and tools this huge monolith was processed and delivered to the site.

Western stone is a clear difference from handwork
Western stone is a clear difference from handwork

Western stone is a clear difference from handwork.

If you look at the photographs of the Western Stone, you will see a sharp contrast between the later hand-crafted masonry and this meticulously crafted huge monolithic block. Who knows, maybe the shamir, the magic worm of King Solomon, was directly involved in its manufacture …

Natalia Trubinovskaya