"I Defended Five Human Colonies From Indigenous Martian Life Forms" - Alternative View

"I Defended Five Human Colonies From Indigenous Martian Life Forms" - Alternative View
"I Defended Five Human Colonies From Indigenous Martian Life Forms" - Alternative View

Video: "I Defended Five Human Colonies From Indigenous Martian Life Forms" - Alternative View

Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, July

A certain informant made a statement that he spent almost three years in service in the secret space fleet, writes exopolitics.org. This fleet is operated by an international organization called the Earth Defense Force.

In an exclusive interview published on ExoNews TV, a whistleblower using the pseudonym Captain Kay said the Earth Defense Force is recruiting military recruits from various countries, including China, Russia and the United States.

He claims to have been recruited by a covert branch of the US Marine Corps called the Special Division after working 17 years earlier on Mars to protect five human colonies from indigenous Martian life forms.

Captain Kay's testimony describes three different types of space fighters and three bombers in which he was trained to fly. The training took place at a secret lunar base called Lunar Operations Command, on Saturn's moon Titan, and in deep space.

Space fighters and bombers had different propulsion systems, ranging from the use of nuclear reactors, including nuclear fusion, electro-gravity systems, space travel time disks, and more traditional low-thrust rocket systems.

It also indicates the existence of at least five large cigar-shaped space carriers capable of interstellar travel, which are home to smaller fighters and bombers. Captain Kay claims he served on one called the EDF SS Nautilus, which was up to ¾ of a mile long.


Captain Kay states that there is a strict adherence to the rule of not communicating with Earth during military service, and mandatory requirements during operations outside the solar system. After completing his 20-year service, the captain underwent a retirement ceremony at Lunar Operations Command presided over by VIPs, including former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

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Some of Captain Kay's testimony is consistent with those of other informants describing the secret space fleet. Most notable among these is the testimony of former US President Ronald Reagan, who referred to the highly classified space fleet on June 11, 1985 in his diaries, where he showed that "our space travel capacity is such that we could send 300 people into orbit."

A number of informants and aviation experts came out to the public to reveal various details of advanced anti-gravity technologies that can, in the words of Ben Rich (former CEO of Lockheed Skunkworks CEO), "host aliens at home."

Captain Kay is currently seeking documents to attest to his incredible experience and has currently offered his testimony as proof of the advancedness of human civilization, which has a secret space fleet.
