Reptilians In Russia - Alternative View

Reptilians In Russia - Alternative View
Reptilians In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Reptilians In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Reptilians In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Nashville bomber's bizarre writings reveal belief in aliens and lizard people 2024, July

He took the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil

and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

Revelation of Saint John the Divine.

The enmity between man and the Serpent (snake) is one of the most ancient and most widespread themes of mythology of most of the peoples of the Earth. The brave Perseus kills the insatiable Medusa, the insidious Serpent persuades the innocent Adam and the curious Eve to violate the prohibitions established by God in Eden - these examples are countless. Let's take a closer look at them. From the mythology of ancient India, we know that for a long time the opponents of the gods were snake-like monsters, asuras, who lived in the air spheres.

In the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, it is reported that the punishment of the Serpent for seducing people was that from the moment of God's curse he began to "walk on his womb." This statement, at the very least, suggests that the serpent had a different mode of locomotion until then.

Modern science of paleontology has established the validity of this statement - after all, the ancestors of the current snake were four-legged reptiles, reminiscent of the dragons of the Komodo island in Indonesia.

The myths of ancient India mention the Nagas - gigantic snakes living in the underworld. There they erected magnificent palaces for themselves, shining with gold and precious stones. Nagas could change their shape at will, and often appeared among humans in human form.

In the fourth issue of the journal "Science and Religion" in 1994, an article was published by one of the active employees of the "Avesta" group, a resident of Novokuibyshevsk A. Stegalin, a biologist by education. In this article "In the beginning there were snakes" he tried to draw a conditional portrait of a possible Serpentoid civilization (from the Latin serpenta - snake).

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According to his assumption, we (humanity) were preceded not by a technical, but by a biological civilization, and it was based not on a “skillful hand”, as in homo sapiens, but on a “skillful brain”. It should be remembered that modern snakes are related to probable representatives of serpentoids, like a monkey to humans.

A. Stegalin suggests that the first representatives of the serpentoid race appeared on Earth in the Mesozoic era. Then, 270 million years ago, the dominant role of reptiles was established on the planet. Of course A. Stegalin is not the only researcher expressing such ideas. For example, the Canadian paleontologist Dale Russell, studying the fossil remains of the stoichonychosaurus lizards, found that the size of their brains grew as quickly as that of ape-like human ancestors.

Stekhonychosaurus is a small, two-legged lizard that appeared somewhere around 70 million years ago, at the very end of the Mesozoic era. Under certain conditions, these animals could become intelligent beings. Paleontological extrapolation gives the following portrait of an intelligent dinosaur. First of all, he has a large head, which has grown due to a greatly enlarged brain, and this circumstance forced the lizard to straighten up. His upper and lower limbs would become almost the same as those of humans. Three-fingered hands, huge eye sockets with slit pupils. Height is about 1 meter 35 cm, the body is covered with strong scales. (More details about hypothetical intelligent dinosaurs are described in the journal "Tekhnika-Molodezhi", 1987, No. 9).

Probably, the first serpentoids appeared on Earth at the end of the Paleozoic, in the era of active mountain building and the emergence of such mountain systems as the Urals, Tien Shan, Altai. In hot and arid climates, their brains "dozed", but serpentoids had an amazing ability to accumulate and purposefully use natural electricity.

It is known that many animals (primarily fish) generate electric current, while South American eels are capable of reaching voltages up to 800 volts. But fish use electricity as a simple discharge. The very first serpentoids could probably use an electric current to create an electromagnetic field that directly affects the brain of the alleged victim (this, most likely, explains the famous hypnotizing gaze of reptiles).

At first, such abilities were sufficient for the survival of the species. But over time, the Earth's climate continued to change. Serpentoids now required more to survive than the simple ability to find and consume food. A. Stegalin suggests that the appearance by the end of the Mesozoic era of many highly specialized species of dinosaurs is precisely the result of the development, or, rather, the formation of the serpentoid civilization. These specialized individuals became the "eyes, ears, hands and feet" of their intelligent masters.

A. Stegalin also writes: “Therefore, such, for example, non-viable (from our point of view) species as seismosaurus could exist - they were taken care of by serpentoids. Perhaps the giant dinosaur graveyards are burial grounds, a dumping ground for rejected individuals."

Such breeding activity demanded from serpentoids mastering the possibility of ultra-fine manipulation of the electromagnetic field emitted by their brain on the psychic, and subsequently - on the molecular-genetic level of the surrounding animals and plants. Over the tens of millennia of their existence, these creatures have managed to develop and consolidate such abilities in themselves.

What was the Samarskaya Luka in the Mesozoic? Scientists suggest that in antiquity, 250-300 million years ago, the land on Earth was one - there was a grand continent Pangea. But in the Triassic period, 180-200 million years from us, Pangea split into two continents - Laurasia and Gondwana. They were separated by the "Mediterranean Sea" Tethys, which stretches from the present Antilles through the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas to the mountain ranges of Central Asia.

The territory, now called Samarskaya Luka, or rather its western part (from the village of Perevoloki to the city of Syzran), was at that time the eastern end of Laurasia, which went far into the Tethys Sea. Over the adjacent plain, this part of the land rose to a height of 100-200 meters.

In the Mesozoic era, a new stage began in the development of the Earth's surface, a stage marked by the further fragmentation and sinking of large expanses of the former land into the sea, when the oceans expanded and grew. As a result, the Zhigulevskaya Upland became an island.

An elevated plateau jutting far out into the sea is an ideal place for the development of reptiles. If our hypothesis about the existence of serpentoids is correct, then they should have populated the indicated places first of all. A. Stegalin suggests that the main activity of the serpentoid civilization at the first stage should have been biological (and later - genetic) selection.

This work required some kind of fixation of their achievements, in connection with which, it seems to us, it is very interesting to consider the reports about ice caves near the village of Shelekhmet (this was written in the newspaper Vremya Iks).

"Closer to the walls of the cave, the ice rose up, forming a system of regular cubes … This cave was a real cabinet of curiosities - frozen bears, birds, and some other animals rested in blocks of ice." Reading this description, you can imagine that you are in some kind of ancient biological laboratory.

The existence of such storage laboratories is all the more probable since the death of not only the Saurians remains a mystery to this day. The unexpected "rise" of mammals in the Cenozoic era is almost equally mysterious. Finds of their remains in the layers of the Mesozoic era, that is, the era of lizards, are very rare. But in the Cenozoic, they already appear in developed forms, types, specialized units. Of course, such a variety must have been preceded by a long evolution. Where did it take place? We can only assume that its origins lie outside the well-known continents, or in underground laboratories. At the end of the Cretaceous era, there was a significant deterioration in climatic conditions. As a result, the zones of favorable ecological habitat of serpentoids have decreased. Dinosaur biocenoses are in decline in many places. But the same deterioration gave a further impetus to the development of earthly civilization. At the same time, interest from working with the living world (along the line of selection-genetics, shifted towards managing the physical world (artificial climate, heating large areas, and so on), although this did not mean that genetic experiments were stopped.

A. Stegalin suggests that 80-100 million years ago, serpentoids began large-scale experiments to remove special substances capable of solving various (including technological) problems under rapidly deteriorating climatic conditions. We have reports (See the gas. "Time" X "N 6.1994, article" Riddles of the Zhigulevsky Undergrounds ") that somewhere on the territory of Samara Luka, deep underground, in the frozen water, the remains of a certain ancient civilization. Here is what is written here: “People (statues) towered on the pedestals. Some are wrapped in long robes, with faces hidden under pointed hoods."

According to some legends of the East, people wrapped in long cloaks or robes are kings - snakes who rule the ancient peoples … “Others were completely naked, and the muscular torsos of young people were revealed to our eyes. Their eyes were closed. The mouth is parted in a faint smile, the nose jutted out sharply. But the most interesting thing is that just above the place where a person's nose begins, they clearly showed a certain swelling, something like a third eye, covered with thin skin."

At the end of the last - the beginning of this century, a number of theosophical societies reported that stone masks were found in the ruins of the giant cities of Central Africa, depicting three-eyed people. Talking with biologists, the author of these lines learned that at the beginning of the Mesozoic, among other amphibians, several species appeared on Earth that had the same third eye located in the skull lid.

Some of these animals, having changed little, have survived to this day - for example, the tuatara lizard, which lives on the islands near New Zealand.

It can be assumed that, unable to cope with the worsening climatic conditions, the serpentoids have prepared colossal underground shelters for themselves. One of them, apparently, was located on the territory of Pra-Zhiguli. Here, in huge ice caves, immersed in suspended animation, thousands of intelligent beings slept. For information: suspended animation is such a state of a living body, close to death, in which it is still able to resume its functions after the appropriate conditions for life appear.

Certain representatives of the once huge people of Serpentoids are still on duty. Here is the evidence on this score. In the early 70s, several people, vacationing on the Samarskaya Luka near the village of Shelekhmet, at the "Zmeinyi Zaton" observed an amazing picture. The outlines of a valley appeared in the fog. On it, a huge snake was clearly visible, which towered over the figures of squat, stunted people, forming several tight circles around it. At first, the snake was motionless, only a small head swayed slightly above its body. Then he three times described a huge circle, now approaching, now moving away from people.

Before that, the audience was just interested to watch, and then fear came to them, which all grew stronger. It was impossible for them even to move from their place, everyone's whole body seemed to be semi-paralyzed. And the people who were on the ghostly plain suddenly began to move in time with the movement of the serpent, squeezing the circle closer and closer … At that moment, the fog began to move, and the picture disappeared.

What was it? Perhaps a thought form. It doesn't have to come from a living brain. Under certain circumstances, when emotions are very strong, thoughts are able to be projected onto the scene of events long after the death of the person who gave birth to this image.

For information: Serpentine Zaton is a well-known habitat for snakes on Samarskaya Luka, where there are especially favorable conditions for them. According to experts, in some years there are so many snakes that sometimes it is impossible to take a step without stepping on a sleeping or crawling snake.

The existence of serpentoids is just a hypothesis. But its relevance is undeniable, especially on the eve of the impending ecological crisis, which threatens to call into question the very existence of man on Earth. Some experts suggest that if at least a quarter of the living species survive on the Earth during the coming ecological turmoil, then in 10 million years the planet will again be able to acquire an intelligent Race.

What will she know about us, about our achievements, dreams, mistakes? Will not in those distant times man become just one of the many mythical creatures inhabiting their new tales? Who knows? Everything is covered with an impenetrable veil of time.

Another story in our archive is well suited to the topic "Serpentoids of Samarskaya Luka". However, it is somewhat fantastic, although the author asks to perceive it as a reality, and not as a fantasy.

The narrator (we will call him that) is now a highly respected person in the city of Samara, and therefore, according to his request, we will not open this source of information. Let's just say that in his youth he was very fond of climbing caves and adits. And the end of this hobby was put by a very peculiar adventure. Having once climbed into the Shiryaevskie adits, in the distant drift he fell under a landslide. Now let's give the floor to the narrator himself (in the author's text processing):

“At first I walked along the familiar winding galleries, the walls of which were covered with all sorts of inscriptions and drawings. Gradually, the latter became less and less. The course narrowed. I went through some pretty fresh landslides. Here, perhaps, I should have turned back, but in front, somewhere at the level of the abdomen, I suddenly saw a rather wide opening. After shining a flashlight there, I discovered that the hole is a passage in the wall, leading into a relatively wide corridor. However, I was worried about its ceiling - here huge uneven boulders hung over my head. It was stuffy. But I climbed into the hole, and, bending over, stood on the loose. The stones began to move under my weight, and there was a thud. In a second I was falling somewhere down, in an embrace with some kind of boulder. I woke up in darkness. The flashlight, fortunately, was intact. I rushed to the manhole - and experienced a real panic.

The Laz, through which I got into this gallery, was safely buried under a lot of collapsed debris. The whole corner of this cave has practically collapsed. For some time (the clock shattered when it fell) I frantically tried to dig through the blockage. But it turned out to be a very hopeless business. Unbelievably tired of fruitless attempts, I just lay on the stones for a while. Having calmed down a bit, I began to explore the rest of the road. She, as it turned out, was very small. Then I remembered that, still climbing into this dead end, I clearly felt how suffocating the air was in it. But now he seemed to be refreshed.

The avalanche that blocked the hole opened some kind of invisible gap from where fresh cold air was coming. So, having thrown some rather large debris, I managed to widen the passage so much that it became possible to squeeze into the gap. Then it turned out that the gap turned into a narrow, almost vertical well, going somewhere in the bowels of the mountain. Cold fresh air was felt from the well, and this promised salvation. (Our hikes in adits and caves alone, without special equipment, without food and water, and most importantly - without insurance, were, of course, very dangerous, but in our youth we did not think about it.) Look for me in the bowels of the Zhiguli, especially in the near future, hardly anyone has become. However, finding someone here seemed very problematic. Realizing all this, I climbed into the well.

I do not know how long the descent lasted. It was impossible to fall here - the gap was too narrow, through which I in some places only with great difficulty squeezed down. The flashlight was of little help, and I had to move by touch. Several times from fatigue and fear, I fell asleep, wedged between the walls. I came to myself from thirst and continued to descend, In the end, the well led me to the ceiling of a large cave hall. By some miracle, I managed to get down to the floor. The hall was filled with stalactites and stalagmites and it was a fantastic sight. However, then I had no time for him. For some time I circled the hall, until by chance (or driven by some sixth sense) I suddenly found myself near a spring surrounded by crystals sparkling like frost. After drinking water, I rested for a while, intensely thinking what to do next. Water flow,rising from the bottom of a rocky bowl, it flowed away somewhere, meandering between stalactites. I followed the flow of the water.

The forest of stalagmites and stalactites ended abruptly, the ceiling of the underground hall sharply went up somewhere. I was standing on the shore of a huge underground lake, which, gleaming dimly in the beam of a lantern, aimed somewhere into the distance, so that its outlines were lost in the darkness. The shores of the lake were surprisingly flat and smooth. Having extinguished the flashlight, I listened to myself for a while - which direction of movement to choose. And then, in the complete darkness of the dungeon, it seemed to me that to the right, about twenty paces from me, a light bluish light was beating out of the rock. And I went in that direction. Then everything was as in a dream. The narrow gap was covered with ice. Later I found out that the geological party led by A. S. Barkov, who explored the karst of the Samarskaya Luka in 1930-1931,discovered the existence of a very ancient (pre-Jurassic) karst in the Zhiguli mountains.

Separate cavities of which were filled with ice. In this case, I just met him, and this ice glowed with a faint bluish light. And then something very strange happened - my consciousness seemed to be switched off, the feelings of fear and hunger disappeared. The body moved forward as if by itself. I could no longer control my body, and moved as if under duress. So I overcame the gap and found myself in a narrow corridor. Imagine huge blocks of ice pressed together in a tight group. These were just individual blocks, not a solid ice wall. Their color, white in the middle, acquired a blue tint closer to the edge. But the most amazing thing (although then I was deprived of the ability to be surprised) - the core of these ice cubes was occupied by a certain creature, or rather, there were many such creatures here,as if in ice crystals the product of some nightmare was reflected a thousandfold.

Each of these creatures occupied one ice cube. It is extremely difficult to describe them: first of all, a head hanging over the body, huge faceted eyes protruding, a large supra-frontal bump, small, twisted and pressed to the stomach paws or arms. The body is something like a soft cocoon, rolled into a tube and also tucked into the stomach. At first glance, these monsters were amazingly similar to each other. But as I walked along the ice corridor, their insignificant differences were fixed in my mind. It was possible to trace how the size of their cranial lump increased from one creature to another, the eyes became larger and larger, while gradually moving away to the ear cavities. The size of the immovable figures also increased, with cubes stretching to the right and left, forming a continuous corridor.

Some of them seemed to be covered with a web of cracks, while others were completely covered with a matte white. In such places I felt a kind of incomprehensible sadness. But there were few such areas in the cave. Then, from one figure to another, they began to decrease again. There was a feeling, although I could not explain it, that there was some kind of violation in their hypertrophied proportions. Here the ice corridor split into two. In the left one, as far as the eye could see, cubes with familiar freaks continued to stretch. In the right one there were again the same cubes - but the monsters in them stood without the already familiar cranial lump. At that moment my body, after a few minutes, chose the left corridor. Further, a large piece of my memory is simply missing, but it seems to me that I still walked, walked along a strange corridor, and on both sides of it stretched all the same cubes with freaks. Probably,there were at least a million of them.

The next surviving memory is the same corridor, and on its floor there are like two huge sunbeams superimposed on one another. There was no way to pass them, and I entered the center of this luminous circle. At the same moment, something monstrous hit me in the head with all its scope, and I don't remember anything else. I came to the top of Popova Gora. A fresh breeze blew across my face. At the moment of turning on the consciousness, it seemed to me that a large dog was sitting next to me, but I cannot vouch for this. Then I found out that my journey underground took five days."

The logical question is - how much can you trust this story? Of course, it is easiest to assume that it was the result of an injury suffered during the collapse. But there are too many interesting and inexplicable details in the story. So was this trip a real event in our physical world, or was there a subtle mental impact on the human psyche? We cannot say for sure.

We will only remind that during the "awakening" on the top of the mountain, the narrator, according to him, caught a glimpse of the dog. It seems to us that it was not a dog - but Ayur (or Ai-Nur). More than once it has been written about the connection of these semi-legendary animals with various mythical creatures that preceded man. (See the article "The Tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it", the newspaper "Vremya X", No. 15-17 for 1994).

Aiurov can be compared to our serpentoids, and they have a lot in common: deadening, enchanting or hypnotic gaze. Both of them spend most of the year hibernating. Both Ayurs and Serpentoids live underground, where long passages - burrows - are dug in the slopes of hills and ravines. Aiurs also have a huge head with wide eyes. Also, ayurs, like serpentoids, live in strictly defined places. One of such places, for a long time will inform people only according to ancient legends - the Golden Cave. True, it was discovered in reality during the field research of the Avesta group in the spring of 1994. It is known from legends that ayurs serve a certain "Master of Dogs", but who he is is not known exactly.

It can be assumed that ayurs are one of the last "products" of the work of the genetic laboratories of our serpentoids, designed for the active collection of information in the outside world. And when, after centuries of oblivion, the transport highway of these “owners, which carried the narrator out of the dungeon to the Popova toru, was activated, one of the ayurs hurried after him with a check. Only further research can show how correct our assumptions are.

I. Pavlovich. "Time" X "No. 46-47