The Rus Are Older Than The Jews - Ten Proofs - Alternative View

The Rus Are Older Than The Jews - Ten Proofs - Alternative View
The Rus Are Older Than The Jews - Ten Proofs - Alternative View

Video: The Rus Are Older Than The Jews - Ten Proofs - Alternative View

Video: The Rus Are Older Than The Jews - Ten Proofs - Alternative View
Video: The Napoleonic Wars - OverSimplified (Part 1) 2024, July

In historical science and in world public opinion, a stable opinion has developed that the Slavs and Rus in the historical arena appeared only at the beginning of the second half of the second millennium of our era. And in this regard, the Slavic Russians look like real guys in front of the Egyptians, Iranians, Chinese, Jews. Meanwhile, there is reason to question this familiar notion. I undertake to prove that we Russians are older than the Jews.

First. According to the Old Testament (Genesis 10), the most ancient peoples of the earth are the post-Flood descendants of Noah's grandsons. The sons of Japheth, the grandsons of Noah: Homer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech (Mosk) and Firas. Sons of Ham: Hush, Misraim, Foote and Canaan. Sons of Shem: Elam, Asur, Arfoksad, Lud, Aram, Rifat, Togarma. Ezekiel and Jeremiah add Gog and Rosha (Rosa) to Magog, Mosk and Tubal. The ancient Jews, who wrote the Old Testament, pointed out: "From these the islands of the peoples were inhabited in their lands, each according to his language, according to his names, in his peoples."

Homer's son Ashkenaz, Mosca's nephew (10.3), could characterize the attitude of Jews towards Muscovites, if Ashkenazi Jews themselves recognized their ancestry from Ashkenazi. But the Jews trace their ancestry back to the patriarch Abraham, a descendant of Arphaxad. The relationship is this: Shem - Arfaxad - Sala - Eber - Peleg - Ragav - Serug - Nahor - Farah - Abraham. Thus, the founder of the Muscovites Mosokh is the grandson of Noah, and the Jewish patriarch Abraham is the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of Noah. The same, one must think, is the age relationship of Abraham with Rosh, and the Jews with the Rus. Notice this is on the Jewish Old Testament field, created by the Jews themselves.

Second. If you believe the chronograph of the Nikanor Chronicle (the chronograph is "General history according to the Byzantine chronicles, with the introduction of ours, very brief" - Karamzin), the great-grandsons of Japheth's Scythian and Zardan, who took Egypt, are also much older than Abraham, since they were the great-great-grandsons of Noah, while Abraham is seven times the great-grandson of Noah.

Third. In the same chronograph it is said that “from the great-grandfather of Skif descended from a single father, children, named after them Slovens, Rus, Bolgar, Coman, Easter. From these same tribes at a later time and the kagan is a raw food eater ". Slovenian and Rus, thus, have four "Pra" after Noah, while Abraham - seven "Pra". In the historical arena, Slovenes and Rus appeared in 3099 after the flood, and Abraham appeared in 3324, therefore he is 225 years younger than the Slavic Russians.

Fourth. According to the chronograph in question, according to the General History of the Byzantine Chronicles, the Slavic Russian city of Slovensk was built in 2355 BC, and Jerusalem in 1099 BC. Slovensk is 1256 years older than Jerusalem.

In the Old Testament there is no information about Scythian and Zardan, about Slovenia and Russ and about the construction of the city of Slovensk. Or because the ancient Jews, who wrote the Old Testament, were concerned exclusively with proving their antiquity and threw away everything that contradicted this. Or because our medieval chroniclers, rewriting the Byzantine chronicles, made insertions in favor of our greater antiquity. These versions could be considered structurally equivalent if there were no other evidence of our greater antiquity in relation not only to the Jewish people, but also to some other, generally recognized ancient peoples.

Fifth. The Roman historian Pompey Trogus, a contemporary of Emperor Augustus, who wrote World History in 44 books, about the long-standing dispute between the Scythians and the Egyptians about which of them is the oldest people, gave exhaustive evidence of the greater antiquity of the Scythians over the Egyptians. Jews have always been considered younger than the Egyptians, and the Greeks called the Slavs Scythians.

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Sixth. According to the Avestan tradition, the Iranian forefather Feridun had three sons, Tur, Salm and Arius. Dying, Feridun divided his kingdom into three parts: the elder Tur gave the Turanian land, the middle Salm Sarmatia, and the younger Arius Iran. Arius, being the younger brother of Tours, paid tribute to him as expected. The Iranians soon changed the faith of their mothers and fathers, adopted Zoroastrianism, stopped paying tribute to the Turanians, and this was the beginning of the war between Iran and Turan. The Turanians were Scythians, and the Iranians called them Russians. Apparently, it is not at all accidental that the name of the forefather Feridun is perfectly etymologized from the Russian language. The fact is that the letter "f" is late in Indo-European studies. If the name of Feridun is pronounced as in earlier times, through "p", then it will turn out to be nothing more than the old, excuse me, Perdun, he is, perhaps, Perun. Therefore, the Scythians-Turanians are older than the Iranians and,there is nothing to be surprised at - older than the Jews.

Seventh. In his Eastern campaign in 334 - 324 years. BC. Alexander the Great twice walked past the Jews, but did not look into Jerusalem, which is noted by all authors of that time, except for the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius. In this regard, an expert on the history of ancient geography J. O. Thomson emphasized that the claim that Alexander visited Jerusalem and bowed to the rabbis is an invention of the Jews themselves.

At the same time, in this campaign, Alexander had four skirmishes with the Russians, not even skirmishes, but powerful battles. Suffice it to say that Nizami Ganjavi in his famous poem "Iskender-name" pays the greatest attention to Alexander's war with the Russians. And this is not accidental, because as a result of the war with the Russians, Alexander lost more than three quarters of his invincible 135-thousandth army. Well, just like Napoleon Bonaparte two millennia later.

Some Russians lived at the mouth of the Russian Tana River, the Greeks called them Scythians, and the Tanais River was considered the border between Europe and Asia. And the Normans called Tanakvisl, "lowered" it from the Riphean mountains (from the Urals), "fell" into the Caspian and, naturally, drew along it the border between Europe and Asia. The Iranians called the river Yaksart and the inhabitants called the Ustrushans, that is, the inhabitants of the mouth of the Russian river. Yaxart, by the way, means Yaik with syrt. Alexander destroyed 70 thousand Scythians on the Russian River, but he could not win, which he complained about in the future.

Other Rus were called disputes. Their king Por (Dispute) was of gigantic stature, and it would be more accurate to call his people not disputes, but sleeping. In a duel, he, an old man, frankly speaking, knocked Alexander off his horse, and if Alexander's bodyguards were honest people and had not recaptured their king, the war could end there. Plutarch wrote that the battle with Porus so discouraged the Macedonians that they refused to continue the campaign.

There were also gedros (hetros, that is, dew-Cossacks) and Muscovites. Alexander took Moscow (Massaga), or rather Queen Cleopis surrendered the city herself and surrendered herself to Alexander and bore him a son (which you cannot do to save the people). This story is very reminiscent of how two millennia later Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov surrendered Moscow, keeping the army. In any case, the consequences were strikingly similar: “The army, brought up in these vast deserts, where extraordinary snows lie for most of the year, eternal haze covers the sky, and the day is so similar to night that you can hardly distinguish the nearest objects, suffered all the disasters: hunger, coldness, excessive fatigue and despair seized everyone. Many died in the impenetrable snow; during the terrible frosts, many chilled their legs. And they lost their sight: others, dejected with fatigue, fell on the ice, and,being left motionless, they became numb from the frost, and after that they could not get up."

“It was impossible without damage to people neither to stay in place, nor to move forward - in the camp they were oppressed by hunger, on the way there was even more disease. However, there were not so many corpses on the road as there were few living, dying people. Even the sick people could not follow everyone easily, since the movement of the detachment was accelerating; it seemed to people that the sooner they moved forward, the closer they would be to their salvation. Therefore, the laggards asked for help from acquaintances and strangers. But there were no beasts of burden to carry them, and the soldiers themselves barely dragged their weapons, and the horrors of the disasters ahead stood before their eyes. Therefore, they did not even look back at the frequent calls of their people: compassion was drowned out by a feeling of fear. The abandoned ones called the gods and the common shrines as witnesses and asked the tsar for help, but in vain: everyone's ears remained deaf. Then, hardened by despair,they called upon others a fate similar to their own. We wished them the same cruel comrades and friends. This is not about Napoleon, this is about Alexander. It turns out that in the era of Alexander the Great, the Russians were the greatest people with a great history, and the Jews were an inconspicuous people, and their whole history was invented by the Jews themselves.

Eighth. The famous "classifier of the unknown", Sumerologist, historian and ufologist Zechariah Sitchin in the book "The Twelfth Planet" gives the names of seven antediluvian Sumerian kings, sons of the gods. In this truly magnificent seven, the root "rus" is clearly visible in the names of five: these are Alorus, Alaprus, Amillarus, Megalurus and Sisyphrus. Sitchin got this information from a student of Aristotle Abiden and Alexander Polyhistor, who quoted Berossus, who cited in his "History of Babylonia" a list of ten antediluvian kings who ruled on earth before the Great Flood.

According to Berossus, 70% of the antediluvian kings were not Jews, not Sumerians, but Rus. This fact, which is undoubtedly fundamental to the entire history of civilized mankind, is nevertheless carefully hushed up.

But who is this Berossus? The Greeks called him Berossus, his real name, according to the SES, Belrusha, that is, Belorus. He was the priest of the temple of the god Marduk. His historical work, written in Greek, has not survived, but fragmentary information has come down to us in the writings of ancient and Byzantine historians.

The Belarusian was six years younger than Alexander the Great. When Alexander's army entered Babylon, he was about 19 years old, at that time quite an adult. As a true scholar, he probably joined the cohort of Greek scholars who accompanied Alexander's army, perfectly learned the Greek language and, returning with Alexander to Babylon, described the campaign in his epoch-making historical work.

Unfortunately, this work has not survived. He disappeared. Just as the memoirs of the veterans of the Eastern campaign of Ptolemy, Nearchus, Onesikritus, Aristobulus, Hareth disappeared, as the 44 volumes of "World History" by Pompey Trog disappeared, as the most important chapter from the "Historical Library" by Diodorus Siculus disappeared. On the other hand, a two-volume book by the Jewish author Josephus Flavius, who, in spite of everyone else, asserted that Alexander entered Jerusalem to bow to the Jewish rabbis, has been perfectly preserved.

Ninth. Many historians, mythologists, linguists and other researchers associate the historical development of mankind with the image of the World Tree growing on the soil of the ancestral home. The idea of the ancestral home is most consistently defended by linguists and mythologists. From the common ancestral home, proton people-branches dispersed along the earth, creating in new places the secondary centers of civilization: Egyptian, Sumerian, Indo-Aryan, Iranian and others. The stem formation of the ethnolinguistic tree is the Slavic Russians. The Sumerians left, and the Rus were their kings; the Indo-Aryans, Indians have gone, the Vendians have remained, and the Indo-Aryan language Sanskrit is most similar to the Russian language; the Iranians left, their elder brothers Turanians remained. Thus, Slavic Russians are carriers of traditions, customs, meaning-making values, culture, language, genes, the most ancient faith of mothers and fathers. The trunk of coursechanges in time: the butt is very different from the tip. However, the trunk of a tree is a single entity, very different from branches. It is impossible to make a log, a bar, a board from a branch of a tree, in the same way it is impossible to make a trunk ethnolinguistic education from a separated people. Although Jews are an ancient people, they are in no way suitable for the role of a "trunk".

Tenth. The localization of the ancestral home is of great importance for confirming the stem position of the Slavic Russians in world ethnogenesis. Linguists have many points of view regarding the localization of the ancestral home. Among them, the boreal concept stands out, which correlates well with the racial type of northern Caucasians. But most consistently and convincingly the northern ancestral home is defended by mythologists. In the ancient myths of the Greeks, Indo-Aryans, Iranians, Sumerians, Germans, Finns, Slavs, the realities of the Arctic are so close that there is no doubt that the ancestral home was unified and that it was located in the Eurasian Arctic.

The Greeks called this land Hyperborea, the Indo-Aryans the land of Meru, the Iranians called the Hukarya mountains, the Arabs called the Kukkaya mountains, the Slavonic Russians Lukomorye, and the Germans Scandia. According to the generalized description, the ancestral home was a relatively narrow strip of land between the coast of the snow-covered ocean (Kodan Bay) and the mountains stretching from west to east. An archipelago of four islands was located near the coast. The duration of the polar night here was one hour, which corresponds to a latitude of 76 degrees.

In these mountains, the Byrranga mountains are guessed, the archipelago corresponds to the Northern Land, and the Gydan Peninsula and the bay of the same name exactly correspond to the Kodan Bay. Thus, Taimyr was the ancestral home of humanity. The toponymy of Taimyr contains an innumerable number of Indo-Iranian hydronyms: rivers with the "tar" formant. And the Taimyr people of Naganasans, recognized as Paleo-Asian, have the most numerous clan, called "Vanyady", the essence of the Wends. It is also full of old Russian toponyms, reworked in the languages of the Nenets, Tungus, Yukaghirs. In general, the toponymy of Taimyr is a huge unplowed field for toponymists.

Historian Maria Strunina in the article "The Walking of Patriarch Abraham in Taimyr" expresses the point of view that the Jewish ancestral home was located in Taimyr, and that Yahweh bequeathed the entire Taimyr land to Abraham. Justifying her conclusion, she confidently deduces a number of local hydronyms from Hebrew.

It is known that on the map "Tartaria" from the atlas of Ortelius in 1570, Taimyr is called the Scythian peninsula and is inhabited, along with other peoples, by Jews from the tribes of Israel Danorum and Nephtalitarum Chorda. There is an opinion that these two tribes were driven to Taimyr by the Assyrians, but it does not refute the idea of the Taimyr ancestral home, but only supplements it.

The Jews themselves derive their tribal name from the word "ebre" - an alien from the other side, or "hapiru" - an outcast, a vagrant wanderer. It turns out that the Jews did not leave the ancestral home by themselves, but were expelled and moved to their new promised land not by trodden paths, like everyone else, but by swamps, inconveniences, deserts. It may very well be that they were expelled for treason, that is, perfidy.

Throughout history, the antiquity of the Russians has been endlessly contested. Either by the Egyptians, now by the Greeks, now by the Germans. The antiquity of the Scythians is being disputed, our close relationship with the Scythians is being disputed, and the authenticity of the chronographs of Russian chronicles is being disputed. The apotheosis of the "denial" can be considered the statement of the German Jew Yankels, the best friend of the Jew Marx: “The Slavic peoples of Europe are miserable dying nations doomed to destruction. In essence, this process is deeply progressive. The primitive Slavs, who gave nothing to world culture, will be absorbed by the advanced civilized Germanic race. Any attempts to revive the Slavs emanating from Asiatic Russia are "unscientific" and "anti-historical." (F. Engels. "Revolution and Counter-revolution", 1852).

And it becomes clear that the main opponents of our antiquity throughout history were the Jews. I must admit, they are very successful in this matter. But we are still older.