The Black Pyramid Over Washington - Alternative View

The Black Pyramid Over Washington - Alternative View
The Black Pyramid Over Washington - Alternative View

Video: The Black Pyramid Over Washington - Alternative View

Video: The Black Pyramid Over Washington - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, July

On the night of December 9, 2009, a huge, dark tetrahedron-shaped object slowly revolving over the Moscow Kremlin was filmed by accidental witnesses moving in a car:

The video has literally been watched by millions of people both in Russia and around the world, many of whom have tried to somehow “refute” these frames and expose them as video editing. No one was able to do this convincingly, so the mysterious object firmly took its place in the list of the inexplicable.

And today, on December 20th, apparently exactly the same object was posted on YouTube, but filmed not over Moscow, but over Washington (huge respect for the link to our BaaL reader, who was included in the first thousand viewers of the unique video, which will soon be, most likely millions):

Original video (no inserts):

Object from other observation points:

Promotional video:

When analyzing the video with a strange pyramid that hovered over the Kremlin in 2009, many skeptics asked a logical question: why did not other people take pictures of this object? And the experts gave them an answer: they didn’t take it because, apparently, some special people were filming the “pyramid over the Kremlin” with a special camera, after which they made information stuffed into the network - in order to demonstrate something to someone in this way. And apparently exactly the same situation happened today, when a video with a similar "pyramid over Washington" appeared on the network.