The Ancient Legend Of The "Hellhound" From North Carolina - Alternative View

The Ancient Legend Of The "Hellhound" From North Carolina - Alternative View
The Ancient Legend Of The "Hellhound" From North Carolina - Alternative View

Video: The Ancient Legend Of The "Hellhound" From North Carolina - Alternative View

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In the Western world, the legend of the so-called "hell hound" is widespread.

Most often, hellhounds are described as large dogs, no less than a mastiff, and sometimes reaching the size of a horse or bull, with black matted hair and huge eyes that glow with frightening fire, green, yellow or red. Sometimes a hellhound only has one eye, but it always has deadly fangs and claws, and is incredible in strength and speed.

In the small town of Valle Crucis in North Carolina, there is the ancient stone church of St. John. The name of the city is translated from Latin as "Valley of the Cross", and he received it because near it two rivers converge with each other almost at right angles. Near the church there is an old cemetery, overgrown, filled with crumbling tombstones. It has become the source of many ghost stories, the most notable of which is the legend of a huge dog that came straight from hell.

It was first spoken about in the 1800s. She was described as a huge, slightly clumsy black dog with glowing green or red eyes. One day, two young men were driving along the road near the church when a huge shadow jumped out from the side of the cemetery and stood in front of their car. This forced the driver to brake sharply.

They decided that an ordinary dog was in front of them, but when the creature raised its head, they saw burning eyes and immediately realized that it was as tall as a man. The hellish beast had black fur and huge fangs. The hound looked at the men for a few seconds, and then rushed in their direction.

This brought the driver out of his stupor, and he stepped on the gas. According to him, the dog did not lag behind them, even when they accelerated to a speed of more than one hundred kilometers per hour. She only stopped pursuing when they entered a bridge over converging rivers. For some time the hound wandered discontentedly near the bridge, and then disappeared.

Another witness also told of a meeting with a hound that happened near the old church. At that moment, when they passed by her, the car suddenly stopped. The driver's face was horrified. The witness says that the driver, looking in the rear-view mirror, had glazed eyes, and he himself seemed to have fallen into a trance. Behind their car stood a dark figure with a huge dog's head. The creature was almost as tall as a man, but the arms were disproportionately long. And she stood on two muscular legs. After the woman in the car screamed in horror, the driver regained consciousness and the car jerked off. The creature followed him. Her movements were unnaturally soft and graceful.

The speed of the car was already 90 kilometers per hour, but the creature did not even think to lag behind. His eyes glowed with two yellow lights with pupils, in which, according to the witness, the darkness of hell itself thickened. These eyes hypnotized and took away the mind. People themselves did not understand how they managed to escape. It's just that after a while the creature disappeared, stopped chasing them. They were so terrified that they could not even remember exactly how they were driving. It is possible that the Hellhound fell behind them when they found themselves on the bridge.

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There are no legends in this area regarding the Hellhound or the possible reasons for its appearance in our world. Perhaps these stories simply turned out to be forgotten, or the creature appeared here recently.

