What Are People Abducted By Aliens Talking About - Alternative View

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What Are People Abducted By Aliens Talking About - Alternative View
What Are People Abducted By Aliens Talking About - Alternative View

Video: What Are People Abducted By Aliens Talking About - Alternative View

Video: What Are People Abducted By Aliens Talking About - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, July

300 thousand earthlings claim to have communicated with aliens Anastasia Balkovskaya

Unidentified flying objects that now and then appear in the sky, our ancestors considered chariots, with the help of which the inhabitants of the Earth could rise into the air, and the inhabitants of the heavens - descend from there. Over the course of the day, people stopped being satisfied with such explanations. A quasi-science such as ufology appeared - a research discipline that studies the UFO phenomenon.

Brilliant visit

On June 24, 1947, an event took place that can be considered the beginning of the development of modern ufology. It was on this day that 32-year-old American Kenneth Arnold, trying to find the crash site of a transport plane near Mount Rainier from the air, saw strange flying objects, the description of which did not fit any of the known aircraft.

The Idaho businessman and seasoned pilot later claimed to have witnessed with his own eyes nine flattened discs glistening in the sun along the peaks of the Cascade Mountains. According to him, the speed of these drives was about 1200 miles per hour (this is almost 2000 km / h).

After Arnold's sensational report, the term "flying saucer" has become firmly established, which we still use today when it comes to UFOs, aliens, extraterrestrial civilizations and other things beyond our consciousness. But is ufology really engaged in such seemingly frivolous things that look more like children's horror stories than science-based phenomena?


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They will get it out of the ground

In the 60s of the last century, facts about UFOs recorded by US Air Force specialists were widely scattered around the world. In the 90s, aliens began to declare themselves more often and more clearly: the number of references to unusual phenomena increased greatly.

Famous crop circles began to appear, many farmers were horrified by the crippled animals. Here and there there was talk of Chupacabra, who was kind of seen on the farms every now and then.

Reference: Chupacabra (from Spanish - "goat vampire") is a creature unknown to science, a legendary character. Allegedly kills animals (mainly goats) and sucks their blood. Chupacabra often becomes the hero of films, TV series, books and cartoons.

Cases of strange flying structures without identification marks have become more frequent. In the last decade alone, there are about 300 thousand earthlings "abducted" and returned by aliens around the world.

Ufologists analyze and systematize the existing knowledge, put forward more and more new guesses and hypotheses, including not only the mystical, but also the physical component of the phenomenon. A bank of reliable data has appeared, which is the most important material base of ufology.


Among ufologists, there are both adherents of hypotheses of the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs and skeptics who believe that all cases of the appearance of flying objects are easily explainable from the point of view of physics. At different times, many options for the origin of unknown objects have been proposed, but they can be combined into three large groups:

- anthropogenic origin;

- ultra-terrestrial;

- space.

Each of them has several directions. Here we will look at the most common ones.

Anthropogenic origin:

In June 1942, a prototype of an unusual aircraft was tested in the Third Reich. It was a small, remote-controlled jet disk.

Two years later, the same inventor - Rudolf Schriever - designed a circular airplane about 137 feet in diameter. According to the designer, this aircraft could reach speeds of up to 4200 km / h, and the cruising range was 6000 km.

One of the "round" was secretly launched on February 14, 1945. The blueprints for this miracle of technology were stolen by the Allies shortly before the end of World War II. This fact gave reason to believe that eyewitnesses to "flying saucers" encountered precisely a German invention and similar devices.

This is perhaps the most logical explanation for the emergence of flying saucers. At least, it is applicable to the second half of the twentieth century. However, this hypothesis does not explain the earlier UFO sightings.

Earthly origin:

The adherents of this theory are sure that UFOs are the work of civilizations living on our planet parallel to the human one. The clearest example of this theory is a March 1945 post in Amazing Stories. This post talks about welder Richard Shever, who claimed to be hearing voices from underground. The welder was convinced that a civilization of small creatures "deros" lived underground. These creatures are engaged in striking the inhabitants of the Earth's surface with rays harmful to health. The curious reader, of course, wondered: how do the flying objects of the underground civilization get into the sky? The adherents of this theory have an explanation. At the poles of the Earth, holes are provided for the penetration of UFOs into the human world.


Aliens from outer space:

Many "abducted" by aliens tell the same story. They were forcibly, inexplicably, taken to a spaceship that moved outside time and space, took tissue samples and all kinds of analyzes there, and at the same time telepathically inspired the idea that humanity should change, take care of its planet and stop fighting.

American psychologist, Harvard professor John Edward Mack, who worked with hundreds of "abductees" in the United States, South Africa and Zimbabwe, came to the conclusion that his wards really communicated with "gray" aliens and that this phenomenon cannot be explained by psychological theories, and he really, is a secret.

And the fact that aliens may well calculate our planet in the vast expanses of space is quite obvious, including for astrophysicists. If aliens have a telescope no less powerful than the Hubble space complex, it costs them nothing to find a habitable planet in the same way as Earth scientists are already doing today.

Even in our age of advanced technology, there is a lot of unknown. The facts of the appearance of UFOs is difficult to deny, although often after a detailed study they pass into the category of OLOs (identified flying objects). But the nature of the appearance of these objects is controversial, whether it be reptilians from the planet Nibiru, an underground civilization, a miraculously preserved brainchild of a gloomy Teutonic genius, or simply optical illusions. Who knows, maybe humanity will at least slightly open the veil of secrecy and at least a step closer to solving.