Conclusions After The Publication Of Documents On UFOs By The British. - Alternative View

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Conclusions After The Publication Of Documents On UFOs By The British. - Alternative View
Conclusions After The Publication Of Documents On UFOs By The British. - Alternative View

Video: Conclusions After The Publication Of Documents On UFOs By The British. - Alternative View

Video: Conclusions After The Publication Of Documents On UFOs By The British. - Alternative View
Video: The Pentagon UFO report explained 2024, July

Residents of foggy Albion, as well as their like-minded people from other countries, who sincerely believe in the existence of "green men", were disappointed:

materials accumulated by the United Kingdom Department of Defense between 1978 and 2002 in the course of UFO sightings (most of them are statements of eyewitnesses who allegedly saw mysterious objects and even communicated with aliens) really indicate that there has been no trace of any contact with aliens so far.

This is the conclusion reached by British experts in the field of extraterrestrial civilizations, who studied the once secret files of the military department, which were published earlier this month. According to experts, those "phenomenal phenomena" that were reported to the Ministry of Defense were almost certainly not aircraft operated by inhabitants of other planets.

In particular, Joe McGonagle, who introduced himself as a researcher of unidentified flying objects, said that the documents presented to the public and available on the Internet show that the UK government is really not hiding anything from the people. “Many people imagine that there is a large UFO project in which many people are involved, when in reality there is only one civil servant who spends 25% of his working time sorting such messages,” he added. A similar opinion is shared by David Clarke, who lectures on journalism at Sheffield Hallam University and is interested in UFOs. According to him, "the officials told us the truth: there are many mysterious objects in the sky, some of them we cannot explain, but there is no evidence of at least one visit to extraterrestrial civilizations."

However, there were also such enthusiasts who, after the publication of some of the documents, stated that the British government had not provided all the files and was still hiding the truth from its citizens. Well, the remaining, hitherto unpublished material should be presented in the next few years. However, the likelihood that among them there will be some kind of real evidence of contact with aliens (for example, photographs) is virtually zero.