Through The Veil Of Centuries - Alternative View

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Through The Veil Of Centuries - Alternative View
Through The Veil Of Centuries - Alternative View

Video: Through The Veil Of Centuries - Alternative View

Video: Through The Veil Of Centuries - Alternative View
Video: Patrick Henningsen - Apocalyptic Breakthrough - The Lifting of the Veil 2024, July

People who are able to predict fate, foresee the future of an entire people or country, have existed at all times. They were considered messengers of God and servants of the devil, guides of higher intelligence and ordinary swindlers. They were extolled and persecuted, endowed with untold riches and thrown into prison. And for thousands of years they tried to comprehend the secret of the amazing gift. So far, without much success.


Many ancient thinkers agreed that the gift of foresight is a sign of the special disposition of the gods. This ability cannot be developed by an effort of will: only a select few are endowed with clairvoyance. And, of course, not for the sake of idle entertainment: their task is to convey to mortals the will of the inhabitants of heaven, to warn of possible dangers and disasters. And woe to him who does not listen to the prophet.

But people are arrogant and frivolous, even the most talented and prudent sometimes find themselves captive to their passions and prejudices. For which in the end they pay. The great Guy Julius Caesar reached the pinnacle of fame in 44 AD. He was considered an invincible commander, the people literally idolized him. And there was only one thing that Caesar lacked for complete happiness: he dreamed that his subjects would proclaim him emperor. However, the dictator had no doubt that soon this wish would also come true. But, as it turned out, clouds were gathering over the head of the great commander. All Rome stubbornly kept repeating the terrible omens predicting the imminent death of Caesar. Julius, of course, did not pay attention to the rumors, but he believed the prophecy of the famous priest Spurina. He warned that Caesar was in mortal danger at the next meeting of the Senate. And Julius saw fit to postpone the meeting. Who knows what the fate of Rome would have been if Caesar had not changed his mind! But man is weak: when Brutus assured his friend and patron that the senators wanted to make him emperor, Caesar chose to ignore the unpleasant prophecy. What happened next is known to everyone: ambition cost the triumphant conqueror his life, and Rome plunged into the abyss of civil wars.

In the Middle Ages, the "official" attitude towards clairvoyants was sharply negative. A person who predicts the future could easily be accused of heresy, witchcraft, collusion with the devil. But - strangely - almost every royal court in Europe had a "regular" astrologer or fortune-teller! Time of Troubles, you won’t say anything …

No one was immune from the fires of the Inquisition: yesterday's favorites easily turned into "fiends of hell." So it happened with the famous Maid of Orleans: when information about the unusual abilities of the warrior reached the enemies of Joan of Arc, she was quickly proclaimed a witch and burned at the stake. Soon the same fate befell her comrade-in-arms, and according to some reports, the teacher, Marshal Gilles de Rais, who was not only a military man, but also an alchemist and esotericist.

Much later, in the era of modern times, they tried to explain the gift of clairvoyance from a scientific point of view. The opinion has become popular that the ability to foresee the future is nothing more than a highly developed intuition, and it is quite possible to form this skill - there would be a desire. It is enough to master the basics of hypnosis and other parapsychological tricks, learn to understand body language, facial expressions and gestures, pay attention to seemingly insignificant details - and, sooner or later, you will be able to read the future like an open book. I must say, some really managed to expand the boundaries of perception, learn to see a little further than their own nose. However, such skills have nothing to do with the gift that great prophets and clairvoyants possess.

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There is a version that clairvoyance, like other superpowers, is given to a person as compensation for some physical defects. The opinion, frankly, is controversial, although many famous predictors really had one or another flaw. As you know, Vanga became blind as a child - and after that she had a gift. And the famous fortuneteller Maria Lenormand was born very weak, with obvious signs of pathology: crooked shoulders, one leg is shorter than the other. Yielding to the persuasion of doctors and friends, the parents gave the baby to the monastery in the care of nuns.

The ability to clairvoyance manifested itself in Mary in her early years. So, at the age of six, she predicted to the abbess of the monastery that in the near future she would leave her post. The woman became worried, began to find out where such information came from: maybe someone weaves intrigues behind her back? But the girl quickly reassured her, saying that in about a month the abbess would marry a wealthy gentleman. At first, the nun did not believe: where would a rich groom come from? And she was not going to leave the monastery. But that's exactly what happened! News of the unusual gift of the "strange girl" quickly reached the capital, and soon Parisian aristocrats began to visit the little clairvoyant.


Living in a monastery, young Maria Lenormand spent a lot of time in the library, studying works on numerology, esotericism and other occult disciplines. At sixteen, she left the monastery and went to Paris, where, thanks to the support of the former abbess, she opened her own magic salon. With the help of maps, astrological calculations and the gift of clairvoyance, Lenormand predicted the future for everyone. Her popularity grew, and she began to have famous clients. Once Lenormand was visited by the leaders of the French Revolution - Marat, Robespierre and Saint Just. At that moment, they imagined themselves to be the rulers of France, it seemed that nothing portended trouble. But Lenormand predicted a terrible violent death for all three. “You will die first,” she said to Marat. "And both of you will have their heads cut off." A few months later, Marat was mortally wounded in his own bath,and a year later, his comrades were accused of high treason and executed.

She also predicted death on the gallows to the Russian nobleman Muravyov-Apostol. He, of course, did not believe the famous French fortune-teller, which is quite logical: noblemen were not hanged in Russia! “You probably confused me with an Englishman,” Muravyov-Apostol replied mockingly. But Lenormand only repeated her prophecy and added: "An exception will be made for you." Alas, this is what happened. After the suppression of the Decembrist uprising, five organizers (including Muravyov-Apostol) were sentenced to death by hanging.

Lenormand so often and, most importantly, accurately predicted tragic events that they began to call her Black Mary. But, fortunately, she saw more than bad things in the future. One day she told a widow with two children that the fate of the whole country would be in her hands. Josephine, who was then unknown to anyone, entered Lenormand's salon for company with her friend and was about to leave when Maria stopped her with the words: “Wait! You will be the first woman in France. " Surprised, Josephine listened to the clairvoyant, and she continued: "You will fall in love with a man who will make you an empress, but then betray you."

On the same day, Napoleon was in her salon. “Soon you will meet your chosen one,” the seer predicted. - You will be crowned, you will bathe in the rays of glory, but in the fortieth year of your life you will leave your wife, whom Providence itself sent you, and this will be the beginning of the end. You will die in pain and loneliness."

His own future was also not a clairvoyant mystery. She knew that she had to go through fire and water (in the literal sense) and die at the hands of a stranger. Her salon was set on fire, the boat, in which Lenormand once sailed, capsized and sank in the Seine. At that time, Maria miraculously survived. And in 1843, during street riots, she was strangled by some man, who remained unknown.


Another famous seer, William John Warner, better known as Count Lewis Hamon or simply Keiro (from the ancient Greek "hand"), made hundreds of truthful predictions, but, unlike Lenormand, he could not look into his own future. Warner was the son of an English businessman and a gypsy woman, from whom he inherited his palmistry skills. They say that his mother noticed a special cross on her son's hand - a sign of a fortuneteller - and, dying, advised the 14-year-old boy to develop his gift. While still in school, he successfully predicted the future of classmates and teachers, and as an adult, he went to India, where he seriously took up the study of palmistry, astrology and other occult sciences. But, according to the testimony of contemporaries, Keiro did not just read lines on his hands or astrological charts - these "tools" only helped him to concentrate. Also,many of his predictions were made without any "visual materials" at all - solely thanks to the gift of a clairvoyant.

Keiro predicted the death of Nicholas II and the entire royal family, the revolution in Russia, the creation of the State of Israel, the outcome of the Second World War, the murder of Rasputin and the wreck of the Titanic. Archaeologists Carnarvon and Carter were told by Warner that they would make a remarkable discovery. And he warned that all members of the expedition would die if they opened the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Fame came to Lewis Hamon almost immediately after his return from India. In 1890, a mysterious murder was committed on the famous Baker Street. Scotland Yard detectives were confused: no evidence, not the slightest clue … Probably, the crime would have remained unsolved if not for the young clairvoyant who squeezed through the crowd of journalists and asked to let him examine the scene. He looked for a long time at the room where the corpse of an elderly man was found, and then said: “The killer is a young man, he wears a signet ring on his index finger, and a flower in his buttonhole. This is a close relative of the victim. A few days later, the criminal was caught. He fully corresponded to the description of Keiro and was the adopted son of the deceased.

From that moment on, the fortuneteller's successful cooperation with the police began. He just worked wonders - he solved the most complicated cases, found criminals and missing children. Politicians, writers, businessmen, gangsters began to turn to him - and he unmistakably predicted the fate of everyone. Almost infallible. It is known that one day Keiro met with a young writer Mark Twain. The clairvoyant predicted that Twain would soon become rich and famous (which he did), and would die in 1901. The writer, as you know, died in 1910, and all this time he sent Carro New Year cards with the same text: "Hello from the other world!"

But the future of Oscar Wilde Keiro predicted absolutely accurately. The popular writer was a well-known skeptic and openly declared to the clairvoyant that he doubted his abilities. Keiro looked into Wilde's eyes and said that a scandalous exposure, prison and exile awaited the fashionable author. He, naturally, did not believe it. But in vain. Soon he was accused of immoral behavior, was put behind bars, and then he was forced to leave England and live in Paris until the end of his days.

It is a pity that his own fate remained a secret for Keiro, sealed with seven seals. Otherwise, he would not have gone to America and would not have lost his gift. Quite unexpectedly, for no reason, for no reason, he lost the ability to see the future. Although knowledgeable people claim that everything is natural: Bill Warner broke the karmic law. Fame and money have become overvalued. He forgot about his destiny - and such a higher power cannot forgive.

Anastasia Tochilina