New Evidence Of The Presence Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

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New Evidence Of The Presence Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View
New Evidence Of The Presence Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

Video: New Evidence Of The Presence Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

Video: New Evidence Of The Presence Of Aliens On Earth - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth 2024, July

Of course, not all UFOs are certainly ships of aliens from other worlds, however, more and more strange, sometimes simply fantastic flying objects appear in the sky, and more and more convincing photographs and videos about this posted on the Internet serve as evidence of this. Moreover, they are thrown into the Web from almost all corners of our blue planet.

Mysterious drawing of an alien apparatus

Above Lake Onega in Petrozavodsk, an unknown object left a very interesting "painting" in the sky - a drawing is not a drawing, but something, as if it had actually signed in its presence.

This "event" is recorded by a CCTV camera. After the material got on the Internet, many believed that this was most likely "tricks" of completely terrestrial aircraft, say, a rocket launched from the Plisetsk cosmodrome or even some modern aircraft or drone. But the residents of Petrozavodsk themselves believe that after all, it is none other, but the aliens left patterns in the sky, but what would all this mean? The main thing is that neither the military nor other specialists, say, the same meteorologists, have commented on this mysterious "celestial phenomenon" in any way.

Is it an alien or an earthly dragon flying over Pennsylvania?

A resident of the American state of Pennsylvania filmed in the sky a strange creature with wings that looks very much like a mythical dragon. However, ufologists claim that dragons were the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, and they did not disappear anywhere and did not die out, they simply moved to a parallel world, from which they may well break through into the world of our illusions.

Promotional video:

By the way, it is not the first time that flying dragons are recorded, for example, quite recently he shot something like this on a smartphone, and then a resident of Romania posted his video with a flying lizard on the Network. However, people notice dragons much more often, it's just that they don't always have cameras on hand at this time, and even if they do, then most often a person is simply lost from such a fantastic sight, especially if it happens relatively close to him and he can make out a mythical (alien) creature in all its details. From this you will actually be confused, or even lose the power of speech …

Shooting Alien Vehicle

UFOs are not always peaceful. For example, one of the tourists who visited the ghost town of Calico in the US state of California managed to capture the moment when a mysterious apparatus flying over this half-abandoned village fired a (presumably) rocket that exploded in the territory of this settlement. It's hard to say what it was - an alien trick, incomprehensible from our point of view, or just an imitation of shooting, which could well have been done by the American military. However, there was no reaction on their part to the video material published on the Internet.

A group of alien ships flew over a Canadian city

This honor was awarded to the city of Hamilton, and three UFOs appeared in the sky in the form of glowing balls at once. As the author of this video writes, this happened just at the time of sunset over the horizon. An eyewitness at that moment accidentally glanced out of the window and saw these strange lights, which at first he took for airplanes. However, the lights hung motionless in the sky, the fasting suddenly began to blink, which surprised the Canadian. The middle apparatus disappeared for a moment, then reappeared.

The author writes that the third device is poorly visible on the video, but he personally saw it well, moreover, in the sky, a fourth UFO also hung slightly to the side, which did not get into the video camera frame at all.

This video was commented on by the famous ufologist Scott Waring, who recalled that the same lights were recently filmed over Moscow. These are clearly the ships of one extraterrestrial civilization, which, apparently, exercises control over the entire Earth.

Interest of aliens in the ISS and other space objects of earthlings

By the way, Scott Waring recently posted his material about UFOs, which was recorded by a video surveillance camera installed on the ISS. As the ufologist said, he generally loves to observe what this camera shows in space. Not to mention the fact that this is generally an exciting "documentary film", absolutely fantastic objects that can only be explained by extraterrestrial origin often burst into it. By the way, NASA employees who control the operation of the camera and who immediately turn it off as soon as something suspicious gets into the frame understands this. And this time they did not make an exception, because of which, at the “hottest” moment, the broadcast is suddenly interrupted, and the blue background familiar to online researchers appears on the screen.


It reminded me very much, the ufologist writes, a similar case from the distant 2006 (see the second part of the video), when during the launch of the Atlantis shuttle, a cylindrical UFO was accidentally filmed, near which gray balls, very similar to metal, appear a little later … The shooting is documentary, the video was downloaded from the NASA website, so there is no need to talk about a fake. However, no NASA or US government official has yet commented on the incident in space.

As you can see from this video, like many other similar videos, the interest of aliens in any spacecraft of earthlings is constant. Naturally, the ISS is object number one for them.