The Goals And Objectives Of The Aliens - Alternative View

The Goals And Objectives Of The Aliens - Alternative View
The Goals And Objectives Of The Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Goals And Objectives Of The Aliens - Alternative View

Video: The Goals And Objectives Of The Aliens - Alternative View
Video: 33 ALIEN GOALS by Lionel MESSI 👽 2024, July

As for the age of the Earth, according to various sources, it is in the range of tens of billions of years. In our solar system, the Earth is not native. Before that, she was in another place in our Galaxy in the Sirius star system. The former star is now a neutron dwarf satellite of Sirius. Several billion years ago, as a result of a series of cataclysms and apparently a nuclear war, the planet exploded and decreased in size to the present level. After some time, the Earth, approximately 3 -3.5 billion years ago, was transported to our solar system. After that, the Moon was also transported to the solar system, which revolved around Phaeton. After the explosion of Phaeton 800 thousand years ago, the Moon relocated to Earth and became its satellite.

The moon is not a planet, but an artificial biotechnological body for certain forms of control over humanity. Phobos and Deimos play a similar role for Mars. The purpose of moving the Moon to Earth was to take control of people with the help of certain programs broadcast by its radiation. In the past tens of thousands of years, control has been unfriendly, so the Moon has a negative impact on mentally unstable people during periods of full moons and some eclipses.


It was decided to create an intergalactic library on our planet, where various civilizations of the Universe will store their gene pool and use it in the event of crises or unforeseen mutations. Therefore, the Earth was located in a calm arm of the Galaxy and close to transport routes.

However, the intergalactic library is too tidbit and it seemed to some people very desirable to have it in full ownership. This is how the interests of the most diverse extraterrestrial civilizations of the Universe, both dark and light, collided on Earth. Therefore, any earthly civilization was under the patronage of certain external civilizations. Atlantis is an earthly civilization, which temporarily activated the intergalactic library, therefore representatives of the most diverse VCs (external civilizations) participated in it, who both incarnated in the bodies of the Atlanteans and settled in their own bodies in separate territories or together with the Atlanteans. The Mayans collaborated with the Pleiadians, Ancient Egypt - the synthesis of Atlantis and Sirius, the Sumerians were patronized by lizards.


The greatest value of the intergalactic library is man as a unique creation. The most valuable asset is the physical body and our corresponding physical reality. Using our body, we can literally instantly create different worlds and realities. What we can achieve in the body in a few minutes (and in an altered state of consciousness and seconds) takes hundreds and thousands of years without a body. Despite the fact that Sirius and the Pleiades are the prototype of our civilization, however, we have significant differences. This is a powerful field shell, adaptability to any life circumstances, the birth of one's own kind through pregnancy, love between a man and a woman, strong emotions.

In 1972, a gigantic ejection of the Solar Corona put our civilization on the brink of destruction, but a number of civilizations managed to defend us from destruction and around the planet on thin sub-planes a giant holographic grid was built, which protected us from the ejection. Since that time, miracles began that attracted the attention of millions of computer centers from all over the Universe.

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We switched to other spatial rails and the predictions of prophets like Nostradamus lost their power. According to Nostradamus III, world war should now be in full swing, and Europe should already lie in ruins. Earth civilization began to develop at a breakneck pace.

Since 1997, the process of acceleration from quantity to quality and changes on Earth began to be reflected first on the planets of the solar system, and later moved on to other star systems. Since that time, all world religions have lost their relevance and become unnecessary.

It also happened with Astrology. Since 1972, Astrology has stopped working correctly. And in 1999 it was canceled.

Because on the sub-planes and sub-planes of the Earth above the physical, many ships of various VCs from various Galaxies have accumulated to observe the experiment with unexpected results, and accordingly one can expect no less variety of UFOs.

If we mean by UFO a spaceship of a humanoid civilization, then it is better to classify them as the VCs themselves do. The ships are divided into five types.

1. 1st order shuttle or womb. Base station in the Galactic Sector. Radius of action - Galaxy. Volume from thousands to tens of thousands of cubic meters. Length is measured in kilometers. Includes all kinds of technical structures, energy reserves and means of basing for thousands of humanoids. The form is very diverse. Can carry inside itself can carry 7-10 shuttles of the 2nd order.

2. Shuttle of the 2nd order or Base. Radius of action - Star system. Volume up to several thousand cubic meters. The length is several kilometers. Carries an average of 5 shuttles of the 3rd order. Cases when giant flying cities were observed and there is a UFO sighting of this class. Designed for several hundred humanoids.

3. Shuttle of the 3rd order. The radius of the planet. Volume from several tens to one hundred and more cubic meters. Some of them can carry 4th and 5th order shuttles, others cannot. This UFO can be piloted by both humanoids and biorobots.

4. 4th order shuttle. The size is several tens of cubic meters. It performs tasks in its specialization, just like we have communication satellites for observing the weather, television satellites, etc. … They are piloted by biorobots.

5. Shuttle of the 5th order. The size is from a few cubic meters to ten or more. Designed for two or three biorobots. Serves as a stand-alone module with a specific task. Often, in case of crisis situations, biorobots are programmed to self-destruct together with the shuttle.

Some UFOs like to hide among the clouds. Others use psi-field radiation. This radiation, due to the repolarization of air molecules, creates a psi-field around the object, blocking the radiation of information outside from the ship. Thus, he becomes invisible to the human consciousness, which perceives the object as an insignificant detail of the landscape and therefore does not fix it in consciousness. But the camera does not care about the bulb and it captures all the photons of light that fell on its film. Hence the famous cases of UFO manifestations on photographic film, which the photographer did not see.
