Esoteric: Predatory Entities Made People Worship Them - Alternative View

Esoteric: Predatory Entities Made People Worship Them - Alternative View
Esoteric: Predatory Entities Made People Worship Them - Alternative View

Video: Esoteric: Predatory Entities Made People Worship Them - Alternative View

Video: Esoteric: Predatory Entities Made People Worship Them - Alternative View
Video: The Cruise of the Snark Audiobook by Jack London | Full Audiobook with subtitles 2024, July

“In the distant past, predatory entities instilled in people dogmas about worshiping them as“higher”beings. These dark gods tried to inspire humanity that they are its creators, although in reality they are highly developed parasitic vampires …"

“A striking proof of this is the example of a collision with a similar entity of R. Monroe during out-of-body travel in the vastness of the multidimensional Universe. Here's how he describes it:

“… Some kind of restraining energy… I can't move! A voice is heard in my head - a cold, instructive tone …

“I am your Lord, the God you serve.

… Feeling of further pressure, I seem to dissolve … I'm in water … my lungs are filled with water … I need air … out of the water … no, it's impossible, it's not like that … there is no water, I have no lungs, I was just made to think that I was into the water … this effect … I know that in reality everything is different. The pressure stops … I can feel the energy fingers that feel my essence … I can interrupt it … close the receptors … close tightly … I remember how …

- Do not you remember! You don't remember anything!

But I remember! I remember the trials, training exercises with my I-“There”… they were so real… I am ready, ready to measure my strength with this obsessive energy… it cannot harm me. By the way, who is this? What other god? Nothing can harm me … calmness, sincerity and friendliness …

- So you don't believe that I am your God?

Promotional video:

… the thought of such a fierce god makes me laugh … it's better to get rid of her …

- Are you not afraid of me?

… I release the following picture: I am torn again and again into millions of fragments, but after each explosion I collect myself, resurrect, reborn …

- Damn you! You are just a useless energy wasted by me, your God!

… the energy contracts, becomes a tiny point - and disappears altogether. Hmm, how many such strange creatures can you find here?.. I think they are not worth my efforts … "(" The Ultimate Journey ").

As you can see, for a person with developed internal "spirals of energy" and "expanded" perception of the essence, predators are not so terrible. Their hypnotic ability to inspire thoughts and perception of reality does not work either. And their inner balance and friendliness, the absence of fear and worship discourage them from communicating with "useless energy", useless because it cannot be consumed by them.

However, the vast majority of humanity continues to be easy prey for these predators. But this was not always the case. Many myths tell us about the era of the "golden age", when people lived in harmony with the Cosmos and the energies of the Earth, and their abilities were almost equal to the gods.

But after the star war of the "gods and asuras", the "Heavenly Host and the host of Satan," these dark predators-entities were pushed out of outer space and "thrown" to Earth, capturing which they turned it into their citadel.

It is possible that the myth of the "fall" of mankind was imposed on us in order to hide from us the fact that these invaders subjugated the nature of most people, and in the course of genetic experiments turned them into creatures with disabilities and abilities, who were assigned the role of submissive servants and earners of "food" for their present "masters". It is with the existence of these entities that the division of our perception into opposites is connected, the opposition of our “I” to the surrounding world (a sense of self-importance), as well as all forms of tyranny in human civilization.

No less interesting thoughts about genetic experiments carried out with humanity in the distant past by reptilian entities are also expressed by S. Anina, clearly hinting at the "reptilian trace". In particular, she notes the following:

“… There are authors who believe that the great man, the very biblical Adam, appeared as a result of genetic experiments carried out by reptilian aliens… And the serpentine appearance of the cosmic gods is mentioned in a number of ancient sources. Of course, not everyone will read them, but let us recall, for example, the monuments of Ancient Egypt. The pharaohs have a snake on their headdress, as if crawling out of the part of the forehead where it is customary to depict the "third eye".

This point is also marked on the forehead by adherents of Hinduism. And it is no coincidence, perhaps, in the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" snake-like creatures with human faces and dragon tails are described, which descended from the sky. According to Chinese myths, the first emperors descended from dragons. In Latin America, the wise gods Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan were especially revered, also depicted as a feathered serpent …

In the books and articles of Zechariah Sitchin, we also find indications of the genetic transformations that the gods who descended from heaven underwent earthlings. Sitchin calls them the Anunnaki. They were led by Ana and his two sons - Enki and Enlil, who subsequently disputed the right to supremacy among themselves. And here it is not out of place to compare the Bible with the most ancient Sumerian and Akkadian sources. According to Sitchin, it was the Annunaki (Enki and his assistants) who engaged in genetic manipulation in order to create a new creature on Earth, which was to act as a slave. We are also called servants of God in the Bible. And Enki is reduced in her to the role of a tempting serpent, that is, a devil."

Esoteric texts tell us that humanity once possessed a divine nature and colossal "supernatural" abilities, almost equal to the gods. However, subsequently, for a number of reasons, mankind “lost” all these abilities.

The book of Genesis also has some contradiction: the first chapter talks about the creation of mankind "in the image and likeness of God", which was set to rule on Earth, and in the second, mankind is created "from the dust of the earth" and is "the slaves of God."

It is obvious that originally the Creator Gods, the Essences of Light, created humanity as free personalities endowed with divine Light and colossal abilities almost equal to the gods. However, subsequently, the Earth was invaded by reptilian predatory entities, which, as a result of genetic experiments, changed our DNA structure and turned humanity into a dull and brainless herd of "cash cows", limited by the usual five senses, piously believing in the ideology of predators, the ideology of worshiping our "I", your sense of self-importance.

Having swallowed such a "hook", humanity turned into an easily manageable herd, which could be instilled with any thoughts and views. This predetermined the beginning of Kali Yuga - the era of wars, repression, violence. After all, all this is a source of food for predatory entities. On the other hand, having lost most of the "magical" abilities, mankind agreed with the role of the "slaves of God", i.e. slaves of their masters - predatory entities and began to worship them through various rituals. The bloody sacrifices of antiquity also served as abundant food treats for these Essences of Darkness.

But the Essences of Light did not accept this state of affairs either. From time to time they sent guides and heralds of the Divine Light to Earth. All the great creators of the luminous religions, as well as many prophets, came to our world to fight the darkness in the souls and hearts of people. But almost every time the Essences of Darkness through their devoted slaves managed to replace the spirit of these teachings with blind worship of the dead dogmas and cults of the personalities of the Teachers. Any form of worship and admiration is the essence of a voluntary restriction of one's freedom of choice. And any limitation of freedom is a characteristic sign of adherence to the Essences of Darkness.

This conclusion is also confirmed by the candidate of technical sciences V. Azhazha, who writes in his book “Under the“Cap”of a Different Mind: their tasks and goals are different. They are conventionally divided into "light" and "dark". Or humane and inhumane, aggressive towards earthlings.

Since biblical times, people have been told about this confrontation of forces. Sometimes these forces are capable of imposing their own energy information on an individual in such a way that they can gradually deprive a person of the main personality traits - freedom of will and freedom of choice. It is clear that such contact partners can hardly be classified as representatives of the "light" forces."