Another Ruined Temple Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Another Ruined Temple Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View
Another Ruined Temple Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Video: Another Ruined Temple Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Video: Another Ruined Temple Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View
Video: New Insights into 8th Century Island Complex on Russian Steppe 2024, July

In June 2016, while carrying out road repair work on Tverskaya Street in Moscow, road builders stumbled upon the ruins of the walls of the temple of Demetrius of Thessaloniki at the Tverskaya Gate, destroyed in 1933 during the reconstruction of Tverskaya Street, which in those Soviet times was called Gorky Street.

The official history of the construction of this temple is very scanty. It is believed that the first church built in the 16th century was made of wood, and the first stone church was built here in 1625. Later, in 1791-1795, the old church was dismantled and only the bell tower survived from it. But a one-domed church was built in the "style of classicism." It is also stated that in 1832 the temple was once again rebuilt.

The most surprising thing is that, as always, as soon as it comes to the white-stone antique churches of Russia, then quite often neither the architect (architect) who built it, nor the author of the project is known. And of course, design and technical documentation has not survived to this day, even for the last reconstruction of 1832. Or maybe it was not reconstruction (perestroika) at all, but restoration? And not in 1832, but later, after the disaster of the middle of the 19th century?

If we follow the version of O. Pavlyuchenko about the “chronological shift of 1824-1842” in 18 years in the post-disaster official history, then we can assume that the restoration and restoration of this building took place already in 1850 according to a new date. And this date seems more plausible to me. The very first known photo of this building dates back to 1881.


Why did the 2016 find absolutely not interest archaeologists and other scientists, and was passed over in silence by the official news channels? It would seem that the history of the construction of the temple is already rather scanty and additional research could reveal to us at least part of the truth about our past. But apparently, it is precisely in revealing this truth that official historians and scientists are not interested. Or rather, those forces that control science, using it as a means of controlling the level of available knowledge for the common people. Here they are with the help of their hired servants and do not allow us to knowledge "forbidden".


Then let's take a closer look at some of the details from the photo of this find from 2016 in order to understand why they chose not to explore it, but to bury it as soon as possible so that fewer people could see it. First, we see that the temple clearly had an arched exit, which is now below ground level. This means that this building had at least a full-fledged underground floor, which was, before the disaster of the middle of the 19th century, quite a normal aboveground floor.

Promotional video:

Secondly, there are clearly visible traces of restoration after the disastrous work of an earlier period. If in the lower part of the remains of this wall we see a characteristic antique masonry of white stone, then above it there is already a brickwork of an inter-Flood civilization. By the way, many independent researchers have found similar traces of restoration (red brickwork on top of white stone) in the basements of the Solovetsky Monastery and some other places.

All this clearly testifies to the fact that before the catastrophe of the middle of the 19th century and which covered the first floors of buildings around the world with strange "clay" and other sedimentary rocks, there was another catastrophe, much more powerful. This previous catastrophe destroyed almost all ancient buildings, destroying the ancient civilization itself. Official historians, based on the unproved chronology of Scaliiger-Petavius, sent this ancient Vedic civilization thousands of years into the past "out of sight". And only on the territory of "backward Rus" did they keep more or less correct dating of the white-stone antique construction.

But, of course, we do not know exactly when this catastrophe occurred. Some independent researchers argue that in the XV-XVI centuries, while others insist on the end of the XVII century. Of course, all these versions need additional verification and material evidence. Investigations of the stone-brick wall of this building would have made it possible to more accurately date both the white-stone antique masonry and later brickwork.

But, as we can see, there are forces that just don't want us to get to the bottom of the truth. That is why, the unexpected find of 2016 not only did not interest historians and scientists, but they tried to bury it as soon as possible and hide it from ordinary people. But our true history will still be revealed over time, no matter how hindered by all those who fear the "awakening" of the Russian and other peoples of Russia.


Finally, pay attention to the interesting panorama of this place in 1899 during the celebrations in Moscow dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin. Do you know what caught my interest in this photo?


These are two strange structures, very much like obelisks. Painfully often, after such combinations of antique domed "temples" with columns and obelisks, either obelisks (Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg) disappear without a trace, or under the pretext of improving the road situation and reconstruction of the roadway, the "temples" of ancient buildings themselves are blown up or dismantled together with obelisks (the Assumption Cathedral in Yegoryevsk, the Temple of Demetrius of Thessaloniki at the Tverskiye Vorota in Moscow).

For those who do not understand what this is about, I refer to my posts "Where did the obelisk near the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg disappear?", "Why did they blow up the ancient temple of Yegoryevsk?", "The lost obelisks of St. Petersburg" and "The ancient" power station " in Kazan?". But those who read these posts, I think that they understood everything perfectly, and therefore I will not repeat everything that I wrote about this earlier. But all this logically fits into the explanation given earlier, why our true history is so carefully hidden from us.