Spherical UFO From Mariupol - Alternative View

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Spherical UFO From Mariupol - Alternative View
Spherical UFO From Mariupol - Alternative View

Video: Spherical UFO From Mariupol - Alternative View

Video: Spherical UFO From Mariupol - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, July

Are we alone in the universe? The obvious answer is no. Judge for yourself - the Earth is just a tiny cog in a grandiose ordered system, the dimensions of which are amazing. Therefore, to deny the existence of even the simplest microorganisms outside our planet is simply stupid. Thousands of celestial bodies can give shelter to the most diverse forms of life in the endless space.

First, a few words about the events that prompted us to touch on this controversial and at the same time so fascinating topic. In December last year, Petr Ivanovich, a resident of the Ilyichevsk region, called the editorial office of the Mariupol newspaper. He said that for a month he observed a large spherical object in the evening sky, which was moving along an intricate trajectory that is not typical for aircraft, satellites or meteorological probes.

“This ball always appears at a high altitude, and then, after about an hour, begins to decline. As it approaches the ground, its color changes from bright white to orange. After that, the object is directed towards the city center and disappears from the field of view,”explained the vigilant Mariupol resident.

It must be admitted that at first this message was left without due attention, because the eyewitness did not have any photographs or videos of the phenomenon. But what was our surprise when, a few weeks later, the photojournalist of "Illichivets" Alexander Ponevin showed pictures, which, in addition to the serene evening views of our city, captured a mysterious spherical object …

99% doubtful

UFOs have long become an integral part of modern culture. One gets the impression that today every tenth inhabitant of our planet maintains warm friendly relations with people from other worlds. On the vastness of the Web, you can easily find hundreds of pseudo-documentary programs, the heroes of which have irrefutable evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. However, upon careful analysis of these materials, it turns out that in 90% of cases, objects captured in photographs or videos are of a meteorological, astronomical, anthropological nature or are ordinary falsifications. Another 5-9% remain a mystery due to lack of initial information, and only 1-2% can be classified as unidentified flying objects.

There are a great many reasons why wishful thinking is presented as reality. The first thing that comes to mind is greed. In the 50s of the last century, American science fiction writer Ron Hubbard founded the Church of Scientology, which today is the most massive UFO religion. We will refrain from any criticism of this influential organization and only draw your attention to the fact that Scientology will help you develop any desired ability, increase intelligence, achieve happiness and gain complete spiritual freedom for a nominal fee. Training courses at the Church of Scientology cost anywhere from $ 35 to tens of thousands of dollars. For example, the Organizational Executive Course and the Flag Executive Briefing Course will cost you $ 32,000 and $ 27,000, respectively.

Promotional video:

Andy Warhol - an iconic figure of the twentieth century - once said: "Everyone has the right to 15 minutes of fame." This expression is firmly rooted in the system of American values. By the way, it is the average American farmer who is abducted by aliens more often than other inhabitants of the Earth. A logical question arises: why are the aliens not interested in Japanese scientists, German doctors, English teachers and Ukrainian politicians? It is also surprising that no such incident is complete without a well-known set of clichés: absence of eyewitnesses, a mysterious room, medical experiments, sexual abuse, implantation of implants. The listed actions look a bit mundane, don't they? And then fame comes. A photo of the abducted person is placed on the front pages of newspapers, TV people offer him a big fee and the best airtime,and if you are very lucky, then in a couple of years the next documentary book will see the light, telling about his amazing adventures.

Some ufologists consider crop circles to be irrefutable proof of the existence of UFOs. However, the methodological principle is that what can be explained by less should not be expressed by more. In other words, if a group of talented enthusiasts with the necessary tools will suffice to create intricate geometric shapes in the fields (most often these craftsmen manage with measuring tape and boards, which press down the stems of plants to the ground), then we should not drag green men here too. …

Sometimes UFOs come in handy when you need to divert public attention. Let's remember the famous Roswell incident. In July 1947, in the small town of Roswell, located in the state of New Mexico, one day something unidentified fell from heaven to sinful earth, an explosion thundered, and after a while the military appeared at the crash site and took a mysterious object to the local air base. … Newspapers were full of sensational headlines that the US government had captured a flying saucer with aliens on board. This information was allegedly received from the army. It turns out that the authorities themselves fueled the growing UFO hysteria. As a result, Roswell became a Mecca for ufologists, and no one was interested in the true causes of the incident. We invite our readers to pay attention to some details of this incident.

Having studied the geographical map of the American state of New Mexico, you will easily find that two small towns are located in the vicinity of Roswell - Alamogordo and Los Alamos. Each of them has its own special story. A military training ground is located about 100 kilometers from Alamogordo. In July 1945, the first tests of nuclear weapons were carried out on it, and later the latest weapons were tested here. In turn, a national laboratory has been operating in Los Alamos since 1942, the main task of which is the development of nuclear weapons.

Now let's remember exactly when the Roswell incident took place. The year was distant 1947. The Cold War was gaining momentum. In the first years after the end of World War II, the United States was the only "nuclear state" in the world. Western analysts assured that the current situation would not change until the mid-1950s. However, already in August 1949, the USSR unexpectedly carried out successful tests of the first Soviet atomic bomb. One can only guess how the Soviet Union managed to master the secrets of the atom in such a short period of time. However, based on the stated facts, it can be assumed that in July 1947 there was no smell of aliens in Roswell.

Percentage to be reckoned with

Veteran ufologists may exclaim in indignation: "Why is only one pitiful percentage allocated to people from other worlds ?!" In fact, it does not matter at all what number appears in the title of this section. After all, even one indisputable fact of the existence of a UFO is priceless compared to a hundred second-rate tales that do not have any evidence base. In this regard, another question is brewing: why in the age of information technology, when they even manage to squeeze an 8-megapixel camera and a quad-core processor into a tin can, the world community has not yet been presented with a single convincing proof of the existence of unidentified flying objects?

Sergei Kurdyumov, an astropsychologist at the Chintamani Ayurvedic Center in Mariupol, believes that conspiracy theories, a science that studies the problem of the existence of secret societies and various conspiracy theories, can partly suggest the answer. “Do not underestimate the work of the special services. Only grains of information are leaking out, and serious discoveries are concealed by the governments of different countries. Such an influential organization as the Committee of 300 may well be involved in this,”says Sergei.

By the way, in his explanations regarding the nature of UFOs, he adheres to the Vedic concept, according to which the Universe consists of 14 galaxies and our planet occupies an intermediate position between the higher heavenly and lower demonic worlds. “Representatives of the lower worlds have developed technologies, because esoteric laws say: the lower the spirituality, the higher the technogenicity,” says Sergey Kurdyumov. It is they, in his opinion, that are those mysterious visitors whom even the inhabitants of our city sometimes meet. However, the astropsychologist is convinced that meeting with aliens does not bode well for us.

This opinion is shared by the hero of one of our previous rooms - a professional traveler Sergei Gordienko. During the next expedition, the Ukrainian researcher personally observed a strange spherical object. The traveler is sure that the luminous ball moved consciously, because every time Sergei Ivanovich stretched out his hands to him, the object evaded contact. “After his disappearance, I got vomiting and terrible headaches that tormented me for several more hours. Subsequently, looking through my diary, I found that I could not make out the notes made on the day of the meeting with that mysterious object,”Sergei Gordienko shared his memories.

By the way, many researchers believe that enlonauts are primarily interested in large industrial complexes, strategic objects, areas of occurrence of minerals and … places where negative emotions accumulate. So if you, dear readers, do not want to join the ranks of abducted Texas farmers, then try to smile more often.

The truth is out there somewhere …

We deliberately leave the final of our article open. After all, everyone is free to decide what to believe in. Today humanity is taking only the first steps in an attempt to learn the amazing secrets of the surrounding world. And perhaps the unrestrained curiosity that pushed the first people out of the shadows of the caves thousands of years ago will help us to discover new unknown worlds.