Secrets Of Giants In History - Alternative View

Secrets Of Giants In History - Alternative View
Secrets Of Giants In History - Alternative View

The history of any nation is full of mysteries and contradictions, and there are always more questions than answers.

So, for example, the question of the possibility of the existence of giants (giants, giants) on Earth science refers to the field of legends and myths. However, as the leading Russian historian Georgy Vernadsky rightly noted: "… Traces of an ancient historical basis can easily be found under the mythological cover."

The secrets of giants in history, the question of the possible existence of giants is not as simple as it seems at first glance. According to the concept of world history of the famous Babylonian Berossus, the Earth in prehistoric, antediluvian times was inhabited by giants who coexisted with humanity. Actually, the Old Testament "Book of Genesis" tells about the same.

Famous Bible story: David and Goliath
Famous Bible story: David and Goliath

Famous Bible story: David and Goliath

In the "post-Flood" time, information about the giants began to come from all over the world. The authors of the most ancient materials dating back thousands of years, living on different continents, in different cultures and religions, report almost the same thing.

Traces of them continue to be found today. In South America, in the region of the Okovango River, during excavations of ancient settlements, unusually large axes and scrapers belonging to giants of many meters were discovered. A similar bronze ax is on display in the collection of the US Historical Society. Its length is more than one meter, width is half a meter, and its weight is one hundred and fifty kilograms. The age of the ax is estimated at 49 million years.

In South Africa, in the Transvaal province, in 1912, a farmer discovered a giant footprint of a man on a rock. Its size is 1.3 m long and 76 cm wide. The footprint represents a replica of the person's left leg. The print is so clear that you can even see the dirt between your fingers, as if a trace was left on soft clay hardened under the rays of the hot African sun. Exactly the same print, but already of the right foot, is on the island of Ceylon. The famous 14th-century Arab traveler Ibn Battuta, who visited Ceylon, described this trail. "I had only one desire to visit the holy foot of Adam." In Ceylon there is the famous Adam's Peak, at the top of which a black rock rises. It is on it that "our father Adam's footprint" is located. Ibn Battuta determined its dimensions: the length of the foot is 1.5 m with a width of about 80 cm. Scientists then established the growth of the giant - 10.2 m.

Comparative sizes of human and "giant" skeletons
Comparative sizes of human and "giant" skeletons

Comparative sizes of human and "giant" skeletons

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In 1930, near Basarst in Australia, prospectors at jasper mines often found fossil imprints of huge human feet. The race of giant people, the remains of which were found in Australia, were called by anthropologists Meganthropuses. The height of these people ranged from 210 to 365 centimeters. Meganthropes are similar to gigantopithecus, the remains of which were found in China. Judging by the found fragments of jaws and many teeth, the height of the Chinese giants was from 3 to 3.5 meters, and the weight was 400 kilograms.

An anthropological expedition, which specially investigated the area in 1985 for the presence of the remains of meganthropuses, carried out excavations at a depth of three meters from the surface of the earth. Australian researchers have found, among other things, a fossilized molar, 67 mm high and 42 mm wide. The owner of the tooth must

was at least 7.5 meters tall and weighs 370 kilograms! Hydrocarbon analysis determined the age of the finds to be nine million years.

In 1979, in Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains, local residents found a huge stone sticking out above the surface of a stream, on which the imprint of a part of a huge foot with five toes was visible. The transverse size of the fingers was seventeen centimeters. If the print had survived in its entirety, it would have been 60 centimeters long. It follows that the imprint was left by a person six meters tall.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, British paleontologists in the Gobi Desert (Southern Mongolia) discovered a fossilized skeleton of a humanoid creature with an unusual body structure in a rock about 45 million years ago. He had long arms, height - 15 m with the length of the lower limbs of the order of seven meters.


In one of the old books, entitled "History and Antiquity", now kept in the library of the University of Oxford, there is an account of the discovery of a giant skeleton, made in the Middle Ages in Cumberland. We are talking about a giant who is “buried in the ground four yards and wearing full military clothing. His sword and battle-ax rest next to him. The skeleton is 4.5 yards (4 meters) long, and the giant's teeth measure 6.5 inches (17 centimeters)"

In 1936, German paleontologist and anthropologist Larson Kohl found the skeletons of giant humans on the shores of Lake Elysee in Central Africa. Twelve men, buried in a mass grave, had a height from 350 to 375 centimeters during their lifetime. Curiously, their skulls had sloping chins and two rows of upper and lower teeth.

There is evidence that during the Second World War on the territory of Poland during the burial of those shot, a fossil skull 55 centimeters high was found, that is, almost three times more than that of a modern adult. The giant that owned the skull had very proportional features and was at least 3.5 meters tall.

Ivan Sanderson, a famous zoologist with a worldwide reputation, once shared a curious story about a letter he received from a certain Alan Makshear. The author of the letter in 1950 worked as a bulldozer on the construction of a road in Alaska and reported that workers found two huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in one of the burial mounds. The skulls reached 58 cm in height and 30 cm in width. Ancient giants had double rows of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. The vertebrae, like the skulls, were three times larger than that of modern humans. The length of the shin bones ranged from 150 to 180 centimeters.


… At the burial place, tablets with inscriptions were also found, which were deciphered by Indian scientists. According to the deciphered texts, the skeleton belongs to one of the giants born by Brahma (Svarog) at the dawn of mankind in order to maintain order in human society, preventing wars among people. Such giants were very tall and strong, they could grab the trunk of a tree with their hands and pull it up by the roots.

Ancient mythology says that the genes of such giants were carried within one of the Pandava brothers - the son of Bhima. However, subsequently, giants. who were endowed with special power, turned against the ancient Gods and unleashed a warrior with them. Therefore, the giants were destroyed by Lord Shiva. Team (Indian Division) believes they have found one of these giants. The Indian government has classified the find and denied access to the excavation site for anyone but members. The true size of the found giant can be understood by comparing the size of the skeleton and archaeologists in the photograph.


For the vain civilized world, this find, most likely, was another short-term sensation, which he probably forgot a few days later.

But for us, this is an extremely important confirmation of the chronicle truth of the Ancient Vedas, including the Vedic Prophecies about the beginning of the Dawn of Svarog - a new era in the development of mankind, which will come into its own in 2012. Ignorant fanatics cry about, but knowledgeable people know that in fact, from 2012 will come for the dark and light parts of humanity. In Vedic Starology (astrology), this period, which, starting from 2012, will last 10 thousand years, is called the Night of Svarog (Kali Yuga), the duration of which is 432 thousand years, of which we have lived only 5,000.

The 10 thousand years given to us can be considered as a period during which we have the opportunity to surrender on this planet and ascend to the higher worlds - the worlds of Slavi, where our Ancestors reside, who have raised their Divya (Devakonic) bodies. Particularly talented students of the Heavenly School of Spiritual Self-Improvement can qualify for ascension to the worlds of Rule - to Svarga the Purest, where the Gods and Ancestors who have grown their Light Bodies, headed by Svarog (Brahma), the Progenitor of the entire material Universe, reside. Well, and those who did not pass the exams during 10 thousand years, will stay here for a second term (432,000 - 5,000 - 10,000 = 417,000 years), which, for sure, should be enough for them.


That is why the Highest God Svarog (Brahma), having shown the indicated find to the world, makes it clear to those who are capable of it that all the ancient legends and prophecies set forth in the Holy Vedic Scriptures are not fiction, but Truth.

Even in ordinary Russian folk tales, which, as we have repeatedly mentioned, are reality, such heroes as Svyatogor, Dobrynya, Usynya, Gorynya, Vernigora, Vertigora, Valigor, Dubynya, Validub, Vyrvidub, Duboder, Zaprivoda are constantly encountered. The tales themselves tell us that these heroes were indeed giants and could uproot huge oak trees, however, they had a kind disposition, docile and used their power only for good deeds, or in battle with the forces of darkness, defending good and justice. Note that the tablets found in the burial found in India also speak of this.


Let us recall that India was one of the provinces of the Great Slavic-Aryan State, whose territory covered the entire planet Earth. In accordance with the chronicles kept by the Orthodox Old Believers, there were land estates given by our Ancestors to peoples with yellow, red and black skin colors, but they were also part of the named Power on rights comparable to the modern concept. And the Ancestors themselves, in accordance with the same chronicles, had a height of 2.5 to 4.5 meters, which for a modern person looks very impressive.

Someone might argue:?

Then let's list everything in order.

Firstly, in previous publications, enough extracts from the Vedic Scriptures and the chronicles of Orthodox Old Believers were given, testifying to the spiritual, cultural, scientific and technical might of our Ancestors. They possessed clairvoyance, clairaudience, aeronautics, the ability to transfer their consciousness together with a body of flesh and other objects (or without them) to other spaces, worlds and times, they visited their relatives living on other planets in other stellar worlds, as with the help of the Gates Between the worlds, and with the help of spaceships (Whiteman and Whitemar). You just need to take the time to read these articles.

Secondly, we are ready to provide additional evidence.

Based on the collected information on geochronology, the American scientist R. Fairbridge, and behind him and other scientists, drew up a graph of possible changes in the level of the World Ocean. About 25-30 thousand years ago, thanks to the beginning of the glaciation of the planet, the level of the World Ocean dropped by 100 meters. For almost 10,000 years, it slowly increased and about 15,000 years ago rose immediately by 20 meters. Finally, about 7,000 years ago, the ocean level abruptly rose by another 6 meters and remains at this mark to this day. Scientists have concluded that all three changes in the level of the World Ocean are associated with environmental and climatic disasters, which are described in myths, traditions and legends of various peoples. The last two ascents are caused by worldwide floods, and the first one is caused by a fiery calamity.

In 1965, the Italian scientist Colossimo summarized the data of all then known archaeological expeditions and ancient written sources. He concluded that in the past, the Earth was the arena of hostilities with the use of nuclear weapons. Is there any confirmation of this conclusion in the Vedas? Yes. This is directly stated in,,. This is evidenced by those published by the Orthodox Old Believers in the Omsk publishing house in 2000-2003. And not only in the Vedas.

In the Maya Indians, in the Bible, in the Arvaks, among the Cherokee Indians and some other peoples - weapons are described everywhere, very reminiscent of nuclear weapons. This is how Brahma's weapon works according to: Traces of thermal effects were discovered not only by Roerich's expedition in the Gobi Desert, but also by other scientists and researchers in the Middle East, in the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, in Europe (for example, in Stonehenge), in Africa, Asia, North and South America. In all those places where deserts, semi-deserts and semi-lifeless spaces are now, a fire blazed 30 thousand years ago, which covered almost 70 million square kilometers of continental area (70% of the entire land area of the Earth). Is there any scientific evidence for this? Yes.


In the ocean, carbon dioxide turns out to be 60 times more than in the atmosphere, and in river water its content is the same as in the atmosphere. If we calculate the entire amount of carbon dioxide that has been emitted by volcanoes over the past 25,000 years, then its content in the ocean would increase by no more than 15% (0.15 times), but not 60 (i.e. 6.000%). Scientists believe that there was a colossal fire on Earth, and the resulting carbon dioxide was in the oceans. Calculations have shown that in order to obtain this amount of CO2, it is necessary to burn 20,000 times more carbon than is in our modern biosphere. In addition, if all the water were released from such a huge biosphere, the level of the World Ocean would rise by 70 meters, but just the same amount of water is in the polar caps of the Earth's poles. This amazing coincidence leaves no doubtthat all this water used to flow in the organisms of animals and plants of the dead biosphere. It turned out that the ancient biosphere was indeed 20,000 times more massive than ours.

That is why such huge ancient river beds remained on Earth, which are tens and hundreds of times larger than modern ones, and in the Gobi Desert, grandiose dry water systems have survived. Now there are no rivers of this size. Along the ancient banks of deep rivers, multi-tiered forests grew, in which mastodons, megateria, glyptodons, saber-toothed tigers, huge cave bears and other giants were found. Even the well-known pig (boar) of that period had the size of a modern rhinoceros. Calculations show that with such a size of the biosphere, atmospheric pressure should be 8-9 atmospheres.


Modern scientists have measured the pressure in air bubbles formed in amber, the petrified resin of trees. And it turned out to be equal to 8 atmospheres, and the oxygen content in the air is 28%! It became clear why ostriches and penguins suddenly forgot how to fly. After all, giant birds can fly only in a dense atmosphere, and when it became discharged, they were forced to move only on the ground. With such a density of the atmosphere, the air element was thoroughly mastered by life, and flight was a common occurrence. The Russian word has an ancient origin and means that you can swim in the air with such a density as in water. Many people have dreams in which they fly. Moreover, their movements do not resemble the flapping of the wings of a bird, but a person's swimming in water. This is a manifestation of the deep memory of the amazing ability of our Ancestors.

Remnants of relict forests are huge sequoias reaching 70 m, eucalyptus 150 m high, which until recently were widespread throughout the Earth (modern forest has a height of no more than 15-20 m). Now 70% of the Earth's territory is represented by deserts, semi-deserts and poorly populated spaces. It turns out that the biosphere 20,000 times larger than the modern one was previously located on our planet in these places.

Dense air is more heat conductive, so the subtropical climate spread from the equator to the north and south poles, where there was no ice shell and it was warm. The reality that Antarctica was free of ice was confirmed by the American expedition of Admiral Beyerd in 1946-47, which caught samples of muddy sediments on the ocean floor near Antarctica. Such deposits are evidence that 10-12 thousand years BC (this is the age of these deposits) rivers flowed through Antarctica. The frozen trees found on this continent also point to this. The 16th century maps of Piri Reis and Oronthus Finneus show Antarctica, officially discovered only in the 18th century, and it is depicted free of ice. According to most researchers, these maps are redrawn from ancient sources,stored in the Library of Alexandria (finally burned down only in the 7th century AD), and they reproduce the surface of the Earth as it was 12,000 years ago.


The high density of the atmosphere allowed people not only to master aeronautics, but also to live high in the mountains, where the air pressure dropped to one atmosphere. Therefore, the now lifeless ancient Indian city of Tiahuanaco, built at an altitude of 5,000 meters, was once really inhabited. After nuclear explosions that threw air into space, the pressure dropped from eight to one atmosphere on the plain and to 0.3 at an altitude of 5,000 meters, so it is impossible to live there now.

The Japanese have a national tradition, under a hood with thin air they grow trees (oaks, birches, etc.) on the windowsills, which, when grown, have the size of grass. Here is an explanation that many trees became herbs after the disaster. And the plant giants, which had dimensions from 150 to 1,000 meters in height, either completely died out, or reduced their size to 15-20 meters.

Another proof of the power of the ancient biosphere has survived on Earth. Of the existing types of soil, the most fertile are yellow soil, red soil and black soil. The first two soils are found in the tropics and subtropics, the last in the middle lane. The usual thickness of the fertile layer is 20 centimeters, sometimes a meter, very rarely several meters. As our compatriot V. V. Dokuchaev has shown, the soil is a living organism, thanks to which the modern biosphere exists. However, huge deposits of red and yellow clays (less often gray) are found everywhere on Earth, from which organic remains are washed out by the waters of the flood. In the past, these clays were red earth and yellow earth. The multi-meter layer of ancient soils once gave strength not only to our epic Knights, but also to the powerful biosphere, which has now completely disappeared. In trees, the length of the root refers to the trunk as 1:20, therefore, with a soil layer thickness of 20-30 meters, which is found in clay deposits, trees could reach 400-1200 meters in height. Accordingly, the fruits of such trees were from several tens to several hundred kilograms, and creepers such as watermelon, melon, pumpkin - up to several tons.

The gigantism of most modern animal species of the past biosphere is confirmed by paleontological finds, according to which even an ordinary wild boar was the size of a rhino.

Now about the people and giants of that period: in all the ancient written sources that have come down to us: in the Vedas, Avesta, Edda, the Bible, Chinese and Tibetan chronicles, giants are everywhere reported. Even in the Assyrian cuneiform clay tablets, it is said about the giant Izdubar, who towered over all other people, like a cedar over a bush.

The Tibetan monk Trumpa testifies that at the next consecration he was taken to an underground monastery, where two bodies were embalmed - a woman and a man 5 and 6 meters tall, respectively. Charles Fort reports on the giant skeletons of people, which the official still does not want to recognize as authentic.

Knowing this, it is easy to understand the purpose of megalithic structures, for example, menhirs, dolmens, Bealbek's terrace, etc. It was not a whim, just the growth of ancient people did not allow the construction of structures of a smaller size.


In an Afghan village near the city of Kabul, 5 stone figures have survived: one of normal height, another 6 meters, the third 18, the fourth 38 meters and the last 54 meters. The locals are unaware of the purpose of these statues and speculate that they are guards protecting their village. From the Old Russian epic about Svyatogor, we learn that he was the size of a mountain, so that Ilya Muromets, whom he put in his pocket, was placed in his palm. The Old Russian word itself comes from the word, that is, an event that has already occurred and excludes any fantasies. Ilya Muromets is a historical person. He lived at the time of Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus. His grave, which is located in Kiev, was recently opened by scientists to study the remains. This means that Svyatogor is not fiction, and he had a height, judging by the epic, about 50 meters. Svyatogor spoke Russian,defended the Russian land and was the ancestor of the Russian people. Since most peoples did not develop relationships with the giants, our Ancestors turned out to be practically the only people who received ancient knowledge from such ancestors as Svyatogor, Usynya, Dobrynya and other giants.

The life expectancy of our Ancestors was unusually long. This life expectancy was due to the presence of accipital growth in giants, i.e. growth that does not stop throughout life (in a modern person, it is also caused by certain types of regular cleansing of the body).

Scientists biologists and gerontologists have long determined that there are no senile changes during the period of growth and development of the human or animal organism. The formation of human growth ends by the age of 18 and up to 25 years (i.e. in 7 years) a person grows by no more than 1.0-1.5 cm. It can be calculated that with an accelerated growth, a person will grow by 140 in 1,000 years. -220 cm. Thus, our ancestors were three to four meters tall (1.6 + 2.2 = 3.8 m), only because they lived for almost a thousand years.

The second Chaldean king, who reigned for 10,800 years, had a height: 1.4 x 10.8 + 1.6 = 16 meters, and the first king, who reigned for 36,000 years, should have had a much higher growth: 1.4x36 + 1.6 = 52 meters.

Therefore, the 54-meter statue found in a village near Kabul is the natural growth of the disappeared people of giants. The second statue, 18 meters, is the height of the Atlanteans. The Orthodox Old Believers call them the people of Ant Lani - the Country of Antes. If we divide this figure by 1.4 meters (an increase in growth over 1,000 years), we get the average age of the Atlanteans: 18m-2m = 16 m. The third statue of 6 meters is the height of our Ancestors about 5-7 thousand years ago.

It was to this time that the old Russian expression can be attributed: Fathom is an ancient measure equal to 2 m. 13 cm. Based on the goniometry of the human body with a two-meter shoulder span, a person's height should be 6 meters (since the shoulders and height of men are related as 1: 3). The six-meter statue symbolizes the Hyperborean (Da'Aryan) culture, which lasted a little over 4,000 years. And finally, the fourth statue is the growth of the people of our modern civilization, with a life expectancy of less than 100 years.

The born child is three times smaller than the normal height of a person. If after a drop in pressure in the atmosphere from 8 to 1 atmosphere there was a degeneration of growth, then the following sequence is natural: from 54 meters people decreased to 18 meters, from 18 to 6, and from 6 to 2, i.e. all the time the growth was reduced by three times.

The giants lived for 50-100 thousand years and their number, in accordance with it, was 33 million. After their death as a result of a nuclear war, only a few tens of thousands of giants remained. Where, then, were their cities located? According to the Vedic Scriptures, the giants had three Heavenly cities: gold, silver and iron, and the rest of their cities were underground.

That is why no trace of them is found on Earth. There is no cultural layer, no burials, no large amount of material remains. The whole life of the giants took place either underground (where cavers still find many interesting things), or in flying cities.

On the surface of the Earth there were only temples with sacred groves and totemic animals, scientific stations (mainly biological and astrological), spaceports like the one left in the Nazca desert (South America), orchards and very little land was plowed up for arable land.

Now it becomes clear why thousands of kilometer-long tunnels were dug throughout the planet, which were discovered in Altai, the Urals, Tien Shan, the Caucasus, Sahara, Gobi, in North and South America. One of these tunnels connects Morocco with Spain. The giants used them for all sorts of needs of their life along with the Whitemans and the Whitemars (Heavenly Cities).

However, what happened and why did they become extinct? What was the cause of the nuclear disaster on Earth? Who were the attackers and defenders? Which side did the people fight on?

Who won the victory? Thanks to whom or what? What does the Vedic scriptures of our Ancestors say about this?

In the legends and legends of almost all the peoples of the Earth, there are references to people of a huge physique - giants. The fact that once upon a time people lived on Earth, whose growth was much higher than that of a modern person, is indicated by many facts. These are, in particular, archaeological finds: written evidence of antiquity, structures that have survived to this day, striking in their size, which are incompatible with the physical capabilities of a modern person.

In different parts of the world you can find such strange Cyclopean buildings. One of the most amazing buildings is the Baalbek Terrace in Lebanon.

Its grandeur is emphasized by the size of the stones from which it is built.

The largest processed stone in the world is located in Baalbek. Its ancient name is Gayar el-Kibli, which means "Stone of the South". The volume of the stone is 433 m3, the weight is 1300 or even 2000 tons. According to the calculations of the engineer O. Kolomiychuk, in order to move this stone block from its place, one-time efforts of 60 thousand people are needed!

In the northwest corner of the terrace, three unusually large slabs can still be seen. These are the famous trilithon blocks (three stones). The volume of each of them is more than 300 cubic meters, and the weight is about 800 tons.

Who, besides giants, could transport and process such objects?

In Egypt, in the temple of Pharaoh Khafre, there is a block weighing 500 tons. In Greece, the fortress walls of Tiryns have been preserved, the thickness of which reaches 20 meters, and the weight of stones in the masonry is 125 tons.

The gang of giants may have participated in the construction of the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids, Stonehenge and installed about 500 huge stone idols on the coast of Easter Island - sculptures up to 8 meters high and weighing up to 50 tons, which were carved from volcanic rocks, transported over a distance of several dozen kilometers and erected along the coast of the island.

In Central America, in the jungles of Costa Rica, giant stone spheres called Las Bolas Grandes are scattered - there are those that weigh 16 tons and reach 2.5 meters in diameter.

Tales of Giants

In a variety of sources there is a lot of documentary information about the giants. Here are some of them.

In South Africa, on the Okovango River, aborigines talk about giants who lived in the past in these places. One of their legends says that “the giants were endowed with incredible power. With one hand, they blocked the flow of rivers. Their voices were so loud that they could be heard from one village to another. When one of the giants coughed, the birds were blown away as if by the wind.

On a hunt, they walked hundreds of kilometers in a day, and the killed elephants and hippos were easily thrown on their shoulders and carried home. Their weapons were bows made from the trunks of palm trees. Even the earth could hardly bear them."

And Inca legends say that during the reign of the XII Inca Ayatarko Kuso, people of such enormous stature arrived from the ocean on huge reed rafts into the country that even the tallest Indian reached them only to their knees. Their hair fell over their shoulders and their faces were beardless.

Some of them wore animal skins, while others went completely naked. Moving along the coast, they devastated the country - after all, each of them ate more at a time than 50 people could eat!

One of the adobe tablets of ancient Babylon says that the priests of the Babylonian state received all the astronomical knowledge from the giants who lived in South Asia over 4 meters tall.

Ibn Fadlan, an Arab traveler who lived a thousand years ago, saw a six-meter skeleton of a man, which was shown to him by the subjects of the Khazar king. A skeleton of the same size, while in Switzerland in a museum in the city of Lucerne, was seen by Russian classic writers Turgenev and Korolenko. They were told that these huge bones were discovered in 1577 in a mountain cave by the physician Felix Platner.

Only the four or six meter giants weren't the most gigantic. Conquering America, the Spaniards allegedly found a skeleton as high as 20 meters in one of the Aztec temples. This is the scale of the giants. The Spaniards sent it as a gift to the Pope. And a certain Whitney, who served as the chief archaeologist for the US government in the early 19th century, examined a skull two meters in diameter. He was found in one of the mines in Ohio.

The obvious evidence of the existence of giants is the prints of their huge feet. The most famous one is located in South Africa. It was found by a local farmer Stoffel Kötzi at the beginning of the last century. The "left footprint" is imprinted into an almost vertical wall to a depth of about 12 centimeters. Its length is 1 meter 28 centimeters. It is believed that the owner of huge growth came when the breed was soft. Then it froze, turned into granite and stood upright due to geological processes.

One thing is surprising: why are giant human bones not exhibited in any museum in the world? The only answer given by some scientists is that they specially hid unique finds, otherwise Darwin's theory of evolution would have completely collapsed and would have had to change views on the entire history of mankind and its appearance on earth.

The history of Islam testifies that …

… Many of the prophets of Allah Almighty were giants. It is known that the prophet Nuhu helped build the ark by a giant named Uja.

The Adits are a tribe of the descendants of the Prophet Nuh. They were the tallest and strongest people on earth. But they, having forgotten the Creator, began to worship idols, and wickedness and sins that went beyond all boundaries were manifested among them. Here is how the history of the tribe of Hell is transmitted in the book of the venerable Sheikh Said-afandi "History of the Prophets": “The smallest of them was sixty cubits in height, and they reached maturity only after a hundred years.

They were led by a tyrant named Jalidjan, one hundred cubits tall. He oppressed people so much that they were already desperate to see anything else from him. In their tribe, someone died only once in a hundred years - this is how long these giants lived.

To instruct the tribe of Hell in faith, the prophet Hood was sent to them, but they rejected his calls. Disobeying Hood, the proud inhabitants of the Hell tribe did not find happiness. They thought that they would get rid of punishment, hoping that their offspring were numerous, and their bodies were huge and strong, and they were sure that no one could defeat them. No matter how much Hood taught them, they rejected him and pelted him with stones. Seventy years passed in this way, but their delusion only intensified. Then Hood asked Allah that their women become sterile and their number decreased. Not a single child was born this year. So they saw with their own eyes that Hood's plea was accepted. When this miracle did not work on the unfortunate tribe because of their recklessness, the Almighty sent them a drought, and there was no rain for seven years. Half of the tribe died of hunger.

At that time, all who believed and unbelievers, who were touched by troubles and misfortunes, had a tradition: to go to Mecca and there ask Allah for deliverance. And a group of people gathered in the tribe of Hell, who were sent to Mecca to ask for rain.

They saw three clouds in the sky - red, white and black. A voice from above advised them to choose any of the three, and they, thinking that a black cloud means rain, chose it, because they went to ask for rain. After that, a black cloud flew to Yemen.

The tribe of Hell was very happy to see this cloud, but the wind was sent down by the power of Allah on the unrighteous who desired rain. A hurricane raged continuously for seven nights and eight days, which uprooted trees, destroyed houses, and there was no one left who could stand on his feet. Making life unbearable and not killing them, Allah punished the giants with stone rain. They found themselves between life and death, their torment was unbearable. Every day the faithful heard their groans from under the piles of stones.

The wind, which was a misfortune for the people of Hell, did not harm the people who believed in Hud. While idolaters endured so much torment and suffering, the faithful among them survived.

Of the entire tribe of Hell, no one was left alive, except for the people sent to Mecca.

At the age of 150, in the area of Jabal Ahkaf Hood passed into another world."

It is noteworthy that in the summer of 2006 in Saudi Arabia a human skeleton was discovered exceeding 10 m in length. According to archaeologists and Islamic scholars, the remains could belong to a member of the Ad tribe mentioned in the Koran.

Why did we grind it?

Dr. Karl Bohm believes that in the distant past, natural conditions favored increased human growth, and then they changed dramatically, and people "shrunk".

"Optimal genetic development," Bohm says, "is when everything in the body's DNA develops entirely through favorable atmospheric conditions." In his opinion, before the Flood, the ozone layer was much thicker, and after that only one seventh of it remained. The decrease in the ozone layer has led to a weakening of protection from solar radiation, which affected plants, animals, and, naturally, humans.