Operation Orion - Alternative View

Operation Orion - Alternative View
Operation Orion - Alternative View

Video: Operation Orion - Alternative View

Video: Operation Orion - Alternative View

More than fifty years of misinformation and manipulation in the shadows. The media deceives society in order to manage it all better. Forget words, “secret” or “fantastic”, here we are talking about REALITY …

Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. Minister of Defense, Mr. General.

Let me introduce myself. My name is François Rousseau. I am leading an informal research group that is not on your staffing tables. Mr. President, to whom I am personally and exclusively accountable, found it useful and even necessary for me to inform you on a number of issues …

You belong to a narrow circle of “dedicated” and you probably think that you are “informed” better than most people. Let me doubt this.

At this particular moment, events are taking place in the world that are important enough for me to inform you about them and submit the relevant documents.

Looking ahead, I will say that an unprecedented operation to manipulate consciousness is currently being carried out on a planetary scale. I'll talk about this in more detail a little later.

In our era, it all began shortly before World War II.

Hitler broke many political taboos, in particular, by adopting the methods of the occult and secret societies.

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“Ahnenerbe”, a Nazi organization engaged in archaeological and anthropological research, among other things, found this flying object during an expedition to Afghanistan. In Hinduism it is called “Vimana” or “Astra”.

In 1927, traces of very ancient nuclear explosions were discovered in Russia and China, as a result of which some sedimentary layers were literally melted. It happened 50 thousand years ago! The same phenomenon can be observed today in nuclear test zones. Hitler took these discoveries very seriously. They allowed him to open Pandora's box, which subsequently no government, allied or hostile, wanted to close.

The tragic history of our planet is based on the theory of the existence of four moons associated with four geological cycles. According to Hans Görbiger, the founder of the "theory of world ice", three of these moons fell to the Earth at different times, each time leading to the almost complete extinction of all life on it. The approach of the latter to the Earth preceding the fall was accompanied by a gravitational tide, which caused deep genetic mutations of living organisms. One of the results of this was the emergence of a race of giants 3-4 meters in height, distinguished by extreme mental abilities.

Several tens of thousands of years later, the fall of the moon to Earth caused a significant rise in sea level and a sharp cooling, comparable to a nuclear winter. The Earth's gravitational field increased dramatically and led to the death of the giants.

Hitler was privy to the secrets of these doctrines and maintained active contacts, in particular with Tibet.

The Nazis persistently searched for the descendants of the surviving representatives of ancient civilizations - the keepers of the secrets of ancient technologies, such as the aforementioned "Vimana".

One of these civilizations has erected more than 600 pyramids in different regions of the planet - stone, earth and even iron!

Almost all of these pyramids are oriented in the same direction, the sizes of all are proportional to the number "pi" and all are located in the so-called magnetotelluric nodes. The oldest are in Asia. Two pyramids are underwater: one south of Okinawa in Japan, the other south of Cuba.

Both were built about 12 thousand years ago …

I have brought this archaeological information in order to remind that, according to the above cycle, our civilization is the fourth. I understand that this may not be very pleasant to realize, but … we are not the first or the last here.

While for the Nazis the absolute priority was to study and reproduce the prototypes found to ensure their air superiority in the air, the military laboratories of the opposing Allied powers concentrated their efforts on developing nuclear weapons and creating the first atomic bombs.

Under Nazi control, leading German scientists worked at secret bases for many years. One of them was Viktor Schauberger, the father of the Nazi UFOs. Schauberger headed the Vril research group, which developed anti-gravity systems. He died in 1958 … in Texas! There, under the protection of the US government, he continued to improve his flying saucers, which by then had become American.

On the question of flying saucers: 70% of the so-called unidentified flying objects are built by humans and have nothing to do with aliens. At the end of World War II, Nazi technology was taken over partly by the Americans and partly by the Russians. Both those and others made every effort to improve and practical use of these developments in the strictest secrecy.

One of the first practical results was achieved within the project "Rainbow" ("Rainbow"), codenamed "Experiment Philadelphia". Under the leadership of mathematician John von Neumann, on behalf of the US Navy, who collaborated with Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, it was possible to teleport the destroyer Eldridge. These photographs, provided by Morris K. Jessup shortly before his death under mysterious circumstances, are some of the rare evidence of this unique experiment …

The very first tests of prototypes of flying vehicles, built according to the "Indo-Aryan" technology, did not go unnoticed. But this did not bother the military: they already had at their disposal a means of camouflage more effective than secrecy.

Around the same time, Air Force pilot and CIA agent Kenneth Arnold launched the largest public opinion manipulation operation against UFOs. Convincing the public that they did not exist was both difficult and useless. It turned out to be much more effective to create artificial excitement, mixed with systematic disinformation and intimidation of people.

UFOs and humanoids in the mass consciousness quickly became reality from the field of cinema, television series and collective paranoia, and by no means science, as it should!

In May 1947, the American secret services became aware of an ancient UFO of terrestrial origin discovered by the Russians. The crashed aircraft was found in the mountains in Altai, near the border with Mongolia. The news of the find immediately heightened tensions between the US and the USSR.

The discovery was impressive, and in order not to lose face, the Pentagon, in tandem with the CIA, decided to go bluff. In July 1974, a UFO wrecked was allegedly discovered in Roswell, USA. It was pure fiction, but it was staged so effectively that it is still perceived as true.

In February 1949, shortly after the so-called Roswell Incident, a UFO was photographed and filmed in Antarctica. In this case, the aircraft was cigar-shaped. After that, unidentified flying objects were observed more and more often.

Years later, when the Apollo space program under the leadership of Werner von Braun was in full swing, in spite of von Braun's protests, parapsychological experiments were included in which participants of several expeditions were involved.

These pictures were taken during one of the latest experiments to amplify psychic and telepathic signals sent by the yogi from Earth, and their registration on the Apollo spacecraft.

These experiments, however, were in the background due to the systematic appearance of unidentified flying objects near spaceships and the discovery of traces of unknown civilizations on the Moon.

NASA was literally inundated with an abundance of information and overwhelming evidence, which it was decided to mark as "military secrets."

A special group for photo and film retouching was created at NASA back in 1961, in accordance with the Jason directive. Subsequently, her task was to eliminate all signs of civilization and ruins on the moon, especially from photographs intended for publication in the mainstream press.

In June 1965, an artificial satellite transmitted from orbit this image from the Shetland Islands region south of Argentina.

The Russians, with all their might, including the armed ones, tried to prevent the rise of the UFO to the surface, but to no avail. The device was eventually taken by the Americans to Edwards Air Force Base in California.

Ten years later, the first anti-gravity unmanned aircraft with a magnetohydrodynamic engine took off from Edwards Base. In total, several prototypes were built.

In 1989 and 1990, UFOs suddenly began to appear actively over Belgium. The culprit turned out to be a triangular aircraft model “Astra TR 3B” or “XR7 ″, capable of flying completely silently at more than ten times the speed of sound.

Another example of the practical application of magnetohydrodynamic technology is the B-2 bomber, the development of which began in 1981.

The official B-2 Stealth, which first flew in 1989, was designed to divert attention from another, much more advanced model, which was being developed in parallel in deep secrecy. This secret model, among other things, used a system of plasma formation from a counter air flow, as is done by MHD generators. This system ionized the air around the fuselage, nullifying all resistance while hiding the aircraft from all types of radars. This nuclear bomber has been flying at a speed 10 times faster than the speed of sound for 15 years and, unlike “simplified” models, has never been discovered.

Such an effective military technology, of course, has generated a lot of by-products. Over the past ten years, dozens of so-called “bloodless” weapons have emerged, such as electromagnetic bombs, microwave and laser guns of all sizes and powers.

The US Defense Department, through the mediation of the Raytheon transnational corporation, has invested huge sums in the so-called High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, better known as HAARP. Its official goal is to study the ionosphere in Alaska. However, the real capabilities of the HAARP installation located in Alaska are much more extensive: manipulating the climate, localizing underground facilities and warehouses, silently destroying any targets and at any distance, and, most importantly, manipulating human behavior.

I'm finishing soon, there is very little left. In 1996, a Russian artificial satellite discovered in Antarctica a seemingly almost intact gigantic spacecraft that had previously been hidden under a layer of ice. Analysis of the surrounding ice allowed to establish that the accident occurred 24 thousand years ago. Almost simultaneously with the discovery of the ship, a volcanic eruption began on one of the islands of the nearby Scottish archipelago. The real risk of losing the ship forced Russia to turn to the United States for help. The request, however, was later canceled, and the expedition hastily left the danger zone. Frustrated by the failure and not wanting the object to go to others, the Russians ultimately simply destroyed it. No other country in the world has missed such a unique opportunity!

This stupid act has only strengthened the position of the United States in relation to alien technology.

If this report struck you as somewhat protracted, despite my efforts to be as brief as possible, it was nevertheless necessary to substantiate the statement I now want to make about the conspiracy codenamed "Orion".

Our research group is convinced that the so-called “unidentified flying objects” built by the United States and Russia can be used to stage an alien attack on our planet. The media will take care of the rest. For what purpose? When the myth of the threat from international terrorism, focused on war to strengthen the economies of the superpowers, and above all the United States, is dispelled, a new image of the enemy will be required for further prosperity. The war on Earth will be replaced by a war in space, against alien "aggressors".

Our research group is convinced that the so-called “unidentified flying objects” built by the United States and Russia can be used to stage an alien attack on our planet. The media will take care of the rest. For what purpose? When the myth of the threat from international terrorism, focused on war to strengthen the economies of the superpowers, and above all the United States, is dispelled, a new image of the enemy will be required for further prosperity. The war on Earth will be replaced by a war in space, against alien "aggressors".