Children Of Megacities - Alternative View

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Children Of Megacities - Alternative View
Children Of Megacities - Alternative View

Video: Children Of Megacities - Alternative View

Video: Children Of Megacities - Alternative View
Video: Mega-Cities 2024, July

The energy of megalopolises gives rise to a special type of consciousness and soul. People living in big cities are not like those who live in small settlements - they are forced to exist in a frantic rhythm, the first to adapt to new technologies, to huge amounts of information … And sometimes this desire to adapt takes strange, even ugly forms.

Thieves of alien energy

You've probably heard about energy vampirism. Large cities are characterized by crowding of people, so every day we have to contact a large number of fellow citizens - these are our neighbors, colleagues, a lot of strangers in public places, on the street and in transport.

Sometimes a fleeting meeting with a person, an exchange of views is enough for us to feel a breakdown and discomfort. This means that some of our vital energy has been taken away from us, that the vampire has fed on our aura.

Most energy vampires are engaged in their black business unconsciously, but there are those who do it quite meaningfully - they pump out vitality from us in order to increase the level of their energy, and sometimes to weaken or even destroy their "donor".

About 10 years ago, rumors circulated in Moscow about a gang of girls - energy thieves. They usually chose their sacrifice in a subway car. They sat down with a lonely guy, talked or just gazed into his eyes. The victim then had a memory lapse. Later, the young man could not even remember the faces of the vampire girls. Recovering himself, he felt a sharp decline in strength. Sometimes it ended in a serious illness.

A similar story happened to a friend of mine a few years ago. In the subway next to him sat a group of boys and girls of student age. He noticed a book on black magic with one girl. The young people did not try to talk to him, they just looked at him attentively and, giggling, whispered about something among themselves. At the same time, they as if by chance nudged him with their elbows. After a couple of stops, the company got out of the car, and my friend suddenly had a severe headache, so he almost fainted …

Promotional video:

One for all and all for one

But these are still flowers! Every resident of the metropolis, without knowing it. risks becoming a victim of the most sophisticated psychological treatment. You can get into this situation just by trying to get a job or starting a business.

Man is a herd animal. People are more comfortable going through life together. than to break through alone. It is this primal instinct of "flock survival" that experienced manipulators from network marketing organizations use. That there is only one "Herbalife" or financial pyramids! At the meetings, you will be referred to well-dressed, respectable people who allegedly made a fortune by selling directly some Chinese weight loss product, elixir of longevity, or cosmetics from a certain company. You will be offered to buy the product and distribute it among your friends, and at the same time bring them to the next meeting. The more newcomers you "catch", the higher your status in the marketing sect … However, there are not so many suckers in the world, so only a few people earn real money in such structures.

"Sectarian" methods are also used when hiring people and promoting business projects. Remember the ad: "This is my McDonald's, and these are my friends!" Young people are taught that such a job can only dream of, although in fact the salary is not high and the work is difficult. The “handlers” play on the “feeling of fellowship”: we have a wonderful team, we are one family! And many fall for this bait.

Not so long ago, the expression "office slavery" appeared in our life.

Most often we are talking about large, wealthy companies. The leaders try to convey to the rank and file subordinates the main idea - the prosperity of the company is the prosperity of each of its members. At the same time, there is always a lot of talk about the high motivation of employees, but never about the true goal of this whole venture: to earn as much money as possible for the owners. To ensure the latter, management goes to a huge number of tweaks. An irregular working day is established - that is, employees are required to show up at work any time their superiors need it, even late at night, on weekends and holidays. At the same time, corporate parties are constantly held with awards for "production leaders". Thanks to such events, employees should feel like members of one big family. The task of leaders is to do soso that subordinates spend as much time at work as possible, as this provides the corporation with good profits

When the brain "slows down"

Let's say you don't need work and herbalife friends”you even have. But do you go out into the street? And there - thimblers, scams … 'How am I so? - you are perplexed, left without a penny.

Many people think that street scammers use hypnosis. And in this case it is not at all necessary! It is enough to play, for example, on the feeling of passion inherent in man.

People are able to fall into a trance state not only under hypnosis or during meditation sessions, but also in the event of any emergency situation. Imagine: you are going about your business, and suddenly they stop you, put something in your hands, ask to take part in the game … The problem is that our brain does not immediately react to a change in the situation, it needs to comprehend the circumstances. Sometimes it may not immediately reach your consciousness what is happening, you are so immersed in your thoughts. In a word, your condition cannot be called adequate. This effect of "braking" is used by the insidious scammers.

Victims of supermarkets

It would seem. what danger can await us in stores? Get robbed? Well, that doesn't happen very often. There are more civilized ways of taking money. And not by robbers, but by the owners of trading establishments.

The self-service system itself is very conducive to making as many purchases as possible. People wandering around the trading floor have an illusory feeling of freedom: I can take what I want, and the reckoning will come only at the end. Moreover, pleasant music is playing, the goods are beautifully arranged on the shelves … I don't want to leave! Therefore, even if you went to the supermarket for just a loaf of bread, you will certainly leave with a full basket. About. that for this magnificence you will have to pay from your own wallet, somehow I do not think. And only after leaving the store, you realize that you have left half your salary there.

There are also little tricks. So, at eye level in supermarkets, there are usually the most expensive goods. The cheaper ones are crowded on the lower shelves, and you have to bend over or even squat to find them. If the product is sold at a discount, then, as a rule, its original price is higher than in most other stores. You may also be asked to buy two items for the price of one. The paradox is. that this thing or product you absolutely do not need! But you get them, being seduced by their cheapness …

Safety regulations

What do we do? How to survive in a huge city without falling into its many psychoenergetic traps? Here are the recommendations given by experts in the field of psychology and parapsychology.

1. First of all, after returning home from work, a walk, from guests, make it a rule not only to wash your hands, but also mentally “wash off all the energy dirt from yourself.

2. If you suspect aggression from an energy vampire, try to defend yourself. You can imagine yourself in a ray of light that makes you invulnerable. You can "build" an energy shield - mentally surround yourself with a glass spacesuit, cylinder or cocoon, the boundaries of which are at least half a meter from the body.

3. Be careful with job offers. If you are tempted to participate in some kind of enterprise or joint business, do not agree immediately, even if these people are very attractive to you. Ask for time to think, consult with other acquaintances and only then give an answer.

4. Going to the store, make a list of the necessary goods in advance and take with you just enough money to be enough for the planned purchases. Do not go to supermarkets if you have too much free time - it is better to “squeeze” this trip between other planned activities. And more - if you want to save money. do not go shopping when you are depressed or, on the contrary, overly elated - your wallet will remain empty!

5. When you are on the street or in public places, try to be aware of yourself “here and now”. Learn to look at yourself from the outside. Say mentally: "I am going there …", "I am doing this and that …". These workouts will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

Irina Shlionskaya. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 49 2010