Cox Explained The Absence Of Aliens By Suicide - Alternative View

Cox Explained The Absence Of Aliens By Suicide - Alternative View
Cox Explained The Absence Of Aliens By Suicide - Alternative View

Video: Cox Explained The Absence Of Aliens By Suicide - Alternative View

Video: Cox Explained The Absence Of Aliens By Suicide - Alternative View
Video: Extraterrestrials - Why They're Almost Certainly Out There... | Chris Crowe | TEDxJohnLyonSchool 2024, July

British physicist Brian Cox named his version of why earthlings have not yet met aliens. The scientist and popularizer of science, as reported by The Huffington Post, spoke about this during the presentation of the book "The Universe: Instructions for Space".

According to Cox, humanity did not meet aliens, because the latter, having reached a high level of technological development, destroyed themselves. The latter could have happened, for example, as a result of a nuclear war or climate change.

“Perhaps the growth of science and technology inevitably outstripped the development of political expertise, which led to a catastrophe,” the scientist said. He noted that "global joint solutions are needed to prevent this."

The physicist Cox is known as a British television presenter and author of popular science books. In 1990 he was the keyboardist for the group D: Ream. As a physicist, he takes part in the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) and CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.