Resentment And Illness - Alternative View

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Resentment And Illness - Alternative View
Resentment And Illness - Alternative View

Video: Resentment And Illness - Alternative View

Video: Resentment And Illness - Alternative View
Video: When You Can’t Take It Anymore | David Jeremiah | Psalm 107 2024, July

Repressed emotions destroy our body and can lead to real physical illness, psychologists are sure. Any emotion that has not found a way out provokes an internal conflict, and it gives rise to an illness. Scientists estimate that in more than a third of cases, the cause of physical symptoms is not viruses and bacteria, but rather stress, emotional trauma and internal conflicts.

“We can say that psychosomatic diseases are pain and suffering of the soul, which did not find any other way out except through the body, this is the soul’s story about itself, and most often - its cry,” comments psychologist Irina Kostina. According to her, the disease begins at the moment when a person reaches his physical and emotional limits. The time to reach these limits depends on how much energy a person has, or how many times he has experienced the same inner pain.

The father of psychosomatics, Franz Gabriel Alexander, in the book "Psychosomatic Medicine" tells in detail and in detail that the disease occurs at the junction of three spheres - psychological, physiological and social, writes Natalia Emshanova in her article. According to Alexander, the overall picture looks like this. There are two factors: physiological (organ weakened by genetics or developmental conditions) and psychological (personality traits, internal conflicts and the usual set of emotions). And then a social factor comes to them (an unfavorable situation), and triggers a reaction. You can say the stars converged.

The most curious thing is that the psychological factor - the type of the initial psycho-emotional conflict - can be located far from the disease itself in time. That is, “in the beginning there was a word,” and the person did not even know about it until a certain shock happened. It turns out, in a sense, that inside each of us there is a certain time bomb in the form of two factors - a weakened organ and a "nuclear conflict" (from the word "core, center").

A nuclear conflict usually arises in childhood as a result of the opposition of the child's desires and feelings and the demands of the family. The child receives from the parents a certain attitude, which quietly slumbers in the unconscious. After a while, prolonged stress is superimposed on the previously received setting, from which real feelings are suppressed, and illness appears. Let's now try to figure out what kind of "nuclear conflict" is behind this or that disease.

Skin diseases

The skin is both the border of the body and the sense organ. She is both what protects us and what we come into contact with. Through touch, we can convey love and tenderness. They can also be a source of pain. The skin turns red with shame, turns pale and sweats with fear, betraying us like a bad partisan.

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Skin diseases are always problems with contact and boundaries. This is always a conflicting message "Touch me - do not touch me."

Somewhere in the depths, there may be suppressed and self-directed anger. Those who, showing love, violated the boundaries too much or, on the contrary, were brutally rejected if they wanted to approach.

An example is the overprotective mother, who constantly not only stroked and caressed the baby, but also unceremoniously disposed of his things and personal space in an older age.

But since the woman was all the time affectionate and vulnerable, it was absolutely impossible to be angry with her, because "she is a mother, and she does everything only for him." In moments of another violation of boundaries, the teenager felt anger and guilt for this emotion at the same time. It was impossible to comprehend and express these feelings. At such moments in life, neurodermatitis was especially strong.

Another, polar variant is a very busy mom. She always left early, and came when the child was already asleep. But if the baby became covered with specks and sores, she stayed at home and smeared him with ointment, gently touching with warm hands … Gastrointestinal disorders

The words "belly" and "life" go hand in hand

During feeding, the child receives not only mother's milk, but also warmth, attention, care, affection, pleasure and reassurance. If the mother feeds on time, the child feels loved, protected, and he likes life. A prolonged feeling of hunger makes you angry, and then greedily absorb more than you need.

Just think how many feelings are associated with food! The spectrum of psychosomatic illnesses is also huge. Bulimia is an insatiability, greed for food, as a metaphor for the greatest lack of love and security.

Anorexia - refusal to eat as a riot, as an extreme way to attract attention. Hunger strike as an expression of anger and resentment.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers are a disease of "people of Western civilization living with aspirations and ambitions", businessmen and hyper-responsible workers. On the surface - ambition, activity, independence, and in the depths - the repressed desire for love and great resentment.

Respiratory diseases

Even and deep breathing is associated with freedom, ease, and contentment. Heavy - with a load of experiences, inhibitions, fear. Stopped - with anger and indignation. Breathing in is filling. Exhale - devastation, relaxation. The natural continuation of breathing is speech. Remember the phrase "stepped on the throat of your own song"? People who deprive themselves of the "right to vote" often develop colds with various complications.

And at the heart of bronchial asthma is the conflict between the need for love and the fear of rejection. The need for love and support is strong, but it is suppressed, because it threatens "suffocation", anger is also impossible, as it threatens with rejection. So the asthmatic remains somewhere in between, between inhalation and exhalation, due to increased demands and expectations, unable to relax, experiencing attacks of suffocation.

Cardiovascular diseases

We like these sincere, always smiling people. We also say “eyes are bloodshot with rage,” and we avoid those who express their displeasure and openly express anger. How to deal with anger and indignation? If a child is not taught to express them constructively, to defend their boundaries in a civilized manner and to respect their values, then he will learn to suppress anger in order to be a decent person. And the stronger the pressure of the medium, the higher the pressure column will rise. “I want to be in charge here, to control everything and put you in your place. I'm very, very angry, but it's not so decent. I have to keep a good face. Therefore, I will smile at you now,”a hypertensive patient will tell you. Not with words. Tonometer.

Metabolic and endocrine problems

Metabolic processes inside the body occur quietly and imperceptibly, showing us only the result: a change in mood, drowsiness or vigor, activity or lethargy. Detecting the pathology of metabolic processes is one of the most difficult tasks, because the “metabolic process” itself does not hurt. Sometimes a person does not have any pain at all, and only by indirect signs can one determine that something has gone wrong.

The most common diseases of this spectrum are diabetes mellitus, hypo- and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. The psychological factors that cause their occurrence are very different. Hypothyroidism So, the thyroid gland is an organ directly related to development. Hypothyroidism manifests itself externally as fatigue, lethargy, impairment of attention and memory. Simply put, a person suddenly stops being active. He literally "gives up".

The reason for this may be banal disappointment, abandonment of your dream. “Why strain and invest your vitality if your desires are put on the altar of other people's requirements, norms and rules? I am declaring a sit-in strike."


The thyroid gland looks like a shield. That's why it's called that. The desire to be protected appears in a situation of threat. When a person is scared, his heart beats faster, palms sweat, motor excitement appears and metabolism accelerates. Exactly the same effect on the body is exerted by the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which is produced by the thyroid gland.

According to the psychodynamic approach, hyperthyroidism can be triggered by insecurity, childhood security, and trauma.

Diabetes mellitus is literally translated as "sugar bleeding". Joy and pleasure leave the body without being held in it. And it is not possible to get them from the outside in the form of sweets. What can lead to such a sad picture? Sadness can. And also chronic stress and conflicts, being in constant tension and experiencing self-doubt, that one can be loved and needed.

Hunger, fear and feelings of emotional abandonment. These are the feelings that are always present in the background in the life of a diabetic. It turns out that life is not sweet.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Movement is life. Run, jump, push forward, learn, move and act. This is how energy and strength are manifested in a person. We like active adults. But children are annoying. “Sit down already, don't run, don't turn around, calm down. Become comfortable and obedient. Become manageable. " Tell me, how would you feel if you were wearing a "straitjacket"? Indignation, anger, anger at those who dared to deprive you of freedom.

What if these outrageous people are your loving mom and dad? What to do then? What to do with your destructive impulses? That's right, in physical activity and constant monitoring. Patience and humility on the outside and suppressed anger on the inside are what can become the inner basis for the onset of rheumatoid arthritis.

Autoimmune diseases

Immunity is designed to protect the body by destroying harmful micro-objects that get inside. How does it happen that one's own organs begin to be perceived as something threatening, requiring suppression, destruction? It's simple. You are probably familiar with the mistaken division of emotions into negative and positive. We leave joy, pleasure, tenderness. We get rid of anger, disgust, envy. But it doesn't work that way.

The emotional background, as well as the hormonal one, is the same for a person. You cannot "delete" one without changing the other. If there is a Person, then there is also a Shadow. Diseases of this spectrum arise when one of the parts of the personality has been harshly sentenced to destroy.

I want to warn you against the instant desire to blame your parents for all your troubles. Believe me, they raised you based on the resources they had. And if they knew how to raise you better, they would certainly do it. But everything turned out the way it happened.
