Diseases and mutations 2024, September

Doctors Are Trying To "put To Sleep" A Girl Who Has Not Slept Since Birth - Alternative View

Doctors Are Trying To "put To Sleep" A Girl Who Has Not Slept Since Birth - Alternative View

Little Haley Rivera hasn't slept for more than three hours since she was born. Parents who have been deprived of normal sleep for 18 months have turned to specialists for help

Abnormal Sleep Or Lethargy. - Alternative View

Abnormal Sleep Or Lethargy. - Alternative View

Scientists all over the world are puzzling over the secrets of this phenomenon. In terms of the number of myths and legends, lethargy knows no equal. Cause and effect What is it: a disease or a simulation? Why does it arise? How to get out of this state and how to avoid it

An NHL Hockey Player Went To The Toilet And Suddenly Found That A 63-centimeter Worm Lived Inside Of Him - Mdash; Alternative View

An NHL Hockey Player Went To The Toilet And Suddenly Found That A 63-centimeter Worm Lived Inside Of Him - Mdash; Alternative View

20-year-old hockey player Carson Meyer, who plays for the Columbus Blue Jackets NHL team, experienced general weakness and malaise for almost a year. He was often drowsy, suffered from loss of appetite and lost weight

At The Age Of 16, The Girl's Memory "zeroed Out" - Alternative View

At The Age Of 16, The Girl's Memory "zeroed Out" - Alternative View

Looking at old family photos, Taylor Smart seems to be looking into someone else's life. Now she is 18, and two years ago, as a result of the fall, the girl forgot everything about herself

The Riddles Of Amnesia - Alternative View

The Riddles Of Amnesia - Alternative View

Everyone can remember at least one film or series where the intrigue revolves around a character who suddenly forgot who he is and what his everyday circumstances are

"The Dentist Saved My Tooth, But Erased My Memory" - Alternative View

"The Dentist Saved My Tooth, But Erased My Memory" - Alternative View

After a simple dental operation, William lost the ability to remember anything. What happened to him? The answer to this medical mystery has every chance of changing our understanding of the brain, says BBC Future

The Girl Stroked A Stray Cat And Was Paralyzed - Alternative View

The Girl Stroked A Stray Cat And Was Paralyzed - Alternative View

Photo: @sorsasta A resident of the British city of Southport, Merseyside, was paralyzed due to an infection transmitted to her by a stray cat. Writes about this edition of the Daily Mail

A Girl With A Double Set Of Veins Can Die Of A Blood Clot - Alternative View

A Girl With A Double Set Of Veins Can Die Of A Blood Clot - Alternative View

A two-year-old girl suffering from a rare syndrome has twice as many veins as she should. As a result, this child can die of a blood clot at almost any time

A Strange Illness Of Two Brothers, Paralysis At Nightfall - Alternative View

A Strange Illness Of Two Brothers, Paralysis At Nightfall - Alternative View

Pakistani doctors are trying to understand the cause of the strange condition of the two brothers - at night they lose the ability to move and talk. Two boys, 9 and 13 years old, have already become known as "sunny children"

In Africa, The "epidemic Of Laughter" Began To Spread Rapidly - Alternative View

In Africa, The "epidemic Of Laughter" Began To Spread Rapidly - Alternative View

A strange disease, a symptom of which is causeless hysterical laughter and subsequent fainting, is spreading rapidly in the Sudanese province of Kardafan

A Married Chinese Man Went To The Hospital And There He Found Out That He Was A Woman - Alternative View

A Married Chinese Man Went To The Hospital And There He Found Out That He Was A Woman - Alternative View

A Chinese man who went to the hospital complaining of abdominal pain and blood in his urine was stunned by the diagnosis. Doctors told him that he is a woman

A Family From Khabarovsk Ate Worms, Believing In The "magic Vaccine" - Alternative View

A Family From Khabarovsk Ate Worms, Believing In The "magic Vaccine" - Alternative View

A family in Khabarovsk ate the larvae of parasitic worms and was hospitalized in serious condition.According to the Territorial Authority of Roszdravnadzor for the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region, currently doctors of the KGBUZ "GKB No

Cotard's Syndrome: When The Living Consider Themselves Dead - Alternative View

Cotard's Syndrome: When The Living Consider Themselves Dead - Alternative View

How can a living person be sure that he is dead? It would seem absurd However, this condition is well known to those who suffer from Cotard syndrome. There are only a few hundred such people all over the world

The Spread Of Mental Epidemics In Russia Until The 18th Century - Alternative View

The Spread Of Mental Epidemics In Russia Until The 18th Century - Alternative View

Currently, such a medical concept as an epidemic - Often, the ordinary reader associates with mass infectious diseases, however, even now there is relatively little material about epidemics of a mental nature

African Anomalies: The Bubal Tribe With Giant Genitals - Alternative View

African Anomalies: The Bubal Tribe With Giant Genitals - Alternative View

Modern inhabitants believe that they all live in a civilized world with their own foundations and norms of morality. But, if you look at some of the customs of the inhabitants of the Black Continent, it seems that time stopped there hundreds of years ago

This Boy In The Photo Is Actually 25 Years Old - Alternative View

This Boy In The Photo Is Actually 25 Years Old - Alternative View

Pole Tomasz Nadolski is 25 years old, but outwardly he looks like an 11-12 year old boy. His childlike appearance is so natural that to prove his age, Tomas must always carry his passport with him. Outside people don't believe him at his word

A Resident Of Poland With A Tumor On Her Face Received A New Face - Alternative View

A Resident Of Poland With A Tumor On Her Face Received A New Face - Alternative View

This woman underwent a face transplant three years ago after it was disfigured by a huge tumor. Now it is simply impossible to recognize her, because the operation made the woman completely normal

48 Hours Of Life - Alternative View

48 Hours Of Life - Alternative View

If Andy Rae (32) does not see his wife Joe (34) and daughter Chloe (3) for only two days, he will no longer recognize them. Andy does not remember his childhood, his wedding day, the day his child was born, or who his parents were

Scientists Have Explained The Transformation Of A Harmless Bacteria Into A Deadly - Alternative View

Scientists Have Explained The Transformation Of A Harmless Bacteria Into A Deadly - Alternative View

Scientists have compared for the first time all known species of Leptospira bacteria: some of this genus cause deadly diseases in humans and pets

British Bearded Girl Entered The Guinness Book Of Records - Alternative View

British Bearded Girl Entered The Guinness Book Of Records - Alternative View

24-year-old United Kingdom resident Harnaam Kaur will be included in the next edition of the Guinness Book of Records as the fairer sex with the longest beard

Doctors Have Warned Of The Spread Of A Deadly Fungal Infection In The United States - Alternative View

Doctors Have Warned Of The Spread Of A Deadly Fungal Infection In The United States - Alternative View

In the United States, nosocomial infection with Candida auris has begun to spread. The mortality rate from it reaches 60 percent; there are no drugs to combat it. Reported by New Scientist

What Habit Helps Viruses Spread - Alternative View

What Habit Helps Viruses Spread - Alternative View

For the prevention of any viral infection, including COVID-19, WHO specialists advise less contact with others, wear masks, wash your hands more often and try not to touch your face. But, as it turned out, the last recommendation is practically impracticable

4-year-old Boy Spends Almost All His Time Under Blue Lamps, Otherwise He Will Die - Alternative View

4-year-old Boy Spends Almost All His Time Under Blue Lamps, Otherwise He Will Die - Alternative View

Ismail Ali, 4, from Luton, UK, suffers from the rare Crigler-Nayyar syndrome

A Person Has Been Discovered Whose Urine Synthesizes Alcohol - Alternative View

A Person Has Been Discovered Whose Urine Synthesizes Alcohol - Alternative View

In a 61-year-old American woman, doctors diagnosed a unique bladder fermentation syndrome. Because of this pathology, alcohol was constantly produced in the body of the pensioner, which was excreted in the urine. The description is in the Annals of Internal Medicine

Revealed The Exact Cause Of Obesity - Alternative View

Revealed The Exact Cause Of Obesity - Alternative View

A team of scientists led by Licio Augusto Velloso from the University of Campinas has identified a cause that contributes significantly to weight gain. This was reported in a press release on the EurekAlert

Arya Permana Is The Fattest Child In The World - Alternative View

Arya Permana Is The Fattest Child In The World - Alternative View

10-year-old boy Arya Permana lives in West Java (Indonesia) and is probably the fattest child in the world. He already weighs as much as 192 kilograms

A Mysterious Disease Has Baffled Doctors - Alternative View

A Mysterious Disease Has Baffled Doctors - Alternative View

A family from the suburbs of London spent a huge amount on finding the right diagnosis for their son. This is reported by the British edition of the Daily Mail. In January 2018, 16-year-old Valentino Erodotou complained of sharp pain and burning sensation in the chest area

Even Prehistoric Reptiles Were Sick With Cancer - Alternative View

Even Prehistoric Reptiles Were Sick With Cancer - Alternative View

German and American paleontologists diagnosed osteosarcoma in the ancestor of the tortoise - reptile Pappochelys rosinae, which lived about 240 million years ago. Scientists note that this is the oldest known case of such a disease in higher vertebrates

The Terrible Zika Virus Began To Kill People - Alternative View

The Terrible Zika Virus Began To Kill People - Alternative View

Three people have died from the Zika virus in South American Venezuela. President of the country Nicolas Maduro announced this yesterday, having drawn up a report on the epidemiological situation

How Cancer Cells Become Invulnerable And Slowly Destroy A Person - Alternative View

How Cancer Cells Become Invulnerable And Slowly Destroy A Person - Alternative View

A group of American scientists have found that pancreatic cancer is able to reprogram itself and alter metabolism in order to spread to other tissues and organs and become resistant to chemotherapy

In India, 53 Children Died In 10 Days Who Fell Ill Due To Lychee Fruit - Alternative View

In India, 53 Children Died In 10 Days Who Fell Ill Due To Lychee Fruit - Alternative View

Every year in India, dozens (and even more than a hundred) children die from a mysterious fatal brain disease. In 2014, 150 children died, and in 2019, 53 children have already died in the last 10 days.Only in recent years have doctors found out that most likely it is a toxin that is formed in lychee fruits at this time of the year and affects only weakened children's organisms

In India, A Child Born With Eight Limbs - Alternative View

In India, A Child Born With Eight Limbs - Alternative View

Indian surgeons successfully operated on a seven-month-old baby from Iraq who was born with eight limbs, Hindu reported on Saturday. The treatment took place at the Jaypee Hospital in the city of Noida, Delhi agglomeration

The Most Bug-eyed Boy Lives In Pakistan - Alternative View

The Most Bug-eyed Boy Lives In Pakistan - Alternative View

Pakistani Ahmed Khan is famous for his bulging eyes and is about to break the Guinness record. This was reported by the Daily Mail

Pakistani With Huge Leg Agrees To Amputation - Alternative View

Pakistani With Huge Leg Agrees To Amputation - Alternative View

Muhammad Mushtag, a 40-year-old Pakistani, worked as a butcher and lived a normal life until a dangerous parasite entered his body two years ago.These small roundworms, called filariae, are carried by mosquitoes and block the lymphatic vessels when they get under the skin

Twin Sisters Live In Amsterdam With A Common Head - Alternative View

Twin Sisters Live In Amsterdam With A Common Head - Alternative View

18-year-old Siamese twin sisters Neave and Nelly Kolstein have two fully developed healthy bodies, but in the head area they have grown so much that in fact they have one head for two, including a large common artery, which makes them impossible operate

The Owner Of The Tortoise Siamese Twins Wants To Make Them An Operation - Alternative View

The Owner Of The Tortoise Siamese Twins Wants To Make Them An Operation - Alternative View

American Todd Ray is the owner of the largest collection of living two-headed animals in the world. He has two-headed turtles, snakes, lizards, even one lamb

Head-fused Twins Flew From Bangladesh To Hungary For An Operation - Alternative View

Head-fused Twins Flew From Bangladesh To Hungary For An Operation - Alternative View

2-year-old Siamese twins with a rare form of head splicing flew from Bangladesh to Hungary on Sunday to take part in a risky separation operation

Tanzanian Siamese Twins With One Body For Two Died At The Age Of 21 - Alternative View

Tanzanian Siamese Twins With One Body For Two Died At The Age Of 21 - Alternative View

Maria and Consolata Mwakikuchi, Siamese twins of a rare type - with one body for two, two arms, two legs and two heads, died in Tanzania last weekend. 21-year-old girls die after prolonged illness

Twins With One Body For Two Were Supposed To Die At Birth, But Have Been Living For Two Years - Alternative View

Twins With One Body For Two Were Supposed To Die At Birth, But Have Been Living For Two Years - Alternative View

The girls Kelly and Carter Torres were born with one body two below the ribcage. This type of Siamese (conjoined) twins is very rare, it is called omphalo-sciatica and makes up only 5% of all Siamese twins