Diseases and mutations 2024, September

An Indian Has A Headache From Watching Porn Movies - Alternative View

An Indian Has A Headache From Watching Porn Movies - Alternative View

The 24-year-old Indian gets a terrible headache whenever he wants to watch a porn movie. And this has been happening for two years now

Sexomania Is Spreading At A Fast Pace - Alternative View

Sexomania Is Spreading At A Fast Pace - Alternative View

In January 2012, one of the winners of the Venice Film Festival, the film "Shame" will be released on the world screens. The main character of the picture, played by actor Michael Fassbender, is obsessed with sex and is unable to control his sex life

Creepy Photos Of A Pakistani Boy With A Huge Swelling On His Face Have Leaked To The Network - Alternative View

Creepy Photos Of A Pakistani Boy With A Huge Swelling On His Face Have Leaked To The Network - Alternative View

7-year-old Pakistani Ali Hassan cannot see anything on the right side due to a huge tumor growing from his right eye and has already reached the size of his head

Pakistani Boy Cannot Sleep Because Of A Huge Tumor-nose - Alternative View

Pakistani Boy Cannot Sleep Because Of A Huge Tumor-nose - Alternative View

Pakistani boy Waziir Ahmad suffers from a rare disease - he had a huge nose. The father could not pay for the operation. Nevertheless, the leader of one of the local political parties took control of the child's treatment

Marimar Kiroa - 21 Year Old Beauty Blogger With A Huge Swelling On His Face - Alternative View

Marimar Kiroa - 21 Year Old Beauty Blogger With A Huge Swelling On His Face - Alternative View

Each country has its own signs and standards of beauty, and not all fall under them, the main thing is that you don't care about it. As, for example, the heroine of our article named Marimar Quiroa (Marimar Quiroa)

A Terrible Tumor Disfigured The Face Of A Seven-year-old Boy - Alternative View

A Terrible Tumor Disfigured The Face Of A Seven-year-old Boy - Alternative View

Seven-year-old Indian Aditya Mirsha suffers from a terrible disease. At an early age, a swelling formed on his face, which has increased every year since then. Child cannot go to school due to illness

A Lot Of Needles Were Accidentally Found In The Body Of An Indian - - Alternative View

A Lot Of Needles Were Accidentally Found In The Body Of An Indian - - Alternative View

The man went to the doctors because of severe pain in the toe. But when he was x-rayed, they found dozens of sharp needles in the patient's body. 56-year-old Badrilal Mina consults doctors with pain from an infection in his toe and undergoes surgery

The Riddle Of Medicine: Alice's Syndrome - Alternative View

The Riddle Of Medicine: Alice's Syndrome - Alternative View

There is hardly a person who has not read the tale of Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland". The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. It turns out that the plot is not entirely invented by the author

Face Transplant: A Resident Of France Underwent Two Unique Operations - Alternative View

Face Transplant: A Resident Of France Underwent Two Unique Operations - Alternative View

How does a `` man with three faces '' feel? and why is he “ 22 years old again ”. Jérôme Amon is the first person in the world to undergo a new face transplant twice

An Indian Doctor Operated A Ryazan Boy With Hydrocephalus - Alternative View

An Indian Doctor Operated A Ryazan Boy With Hydrocephalus - Alternative View

On August 14, in Moscow, the Indian doctor Sandeep Vaishya performed an operation on a Ryazan boy, Matvey, who was diagnosed with hydrocephalus. This is reported by the group "He needs you" in the social network "VKontakte"

The Man's Beer Belly Turned Out To Be A 12-kilogram Tumor, Which He "grew" For 10 Years - Alternative View

The Man's Beer Belly Turned Out To Be A 12-kilogram Tumor, Which He "grew" For 10 Years - Alternative View

For many years, 63-year-old Kevin Daly from New Jersey thought that his big belly was a typical "beer belly", but when he lost 34 pounds (15 kg), and his voluminous belly did not disappear anywhere, the man suspected that something was wrong

A Large, Thick Tumor Struck The Neck Of The Chinese - Alternative View

A Large, Thick Tumor Struck The Neck Of The Chinese - Alternative View

The tumor increased the thickness of the elderly Chinese man's neck several times. For 13 years now, he has been forced to live in this state, and in the meantime, doctors had problems even with the correct diagnosis

Skinny Teenage Girl Turned Into Bright Plump - Alternative View

Skinny Teenage Girl Turned Into Bright Plump - Alternative View

Eva Vermeiren, a 20-year-old resident of the Netherlands, miraculously survived the terrible exhaustion caused by anorexia.Eve was 16 years old when she developed a compulsive (uncontrollable) eating disorder, which left her exhausted to a skeletal state and ended up in the hospital

Doctors Removed From The Woman's Head A Huge Live Cockroach - Alternative View

Doctors Removed From The Woman's Head A Huge Live Cockroach - Alternative View

Some cases from medical practice may well be classified as nightmares or plots for horror films. The other day, Indian doctors removed a huge live cockroach from the head of an Indian woman. But how did he get inside

The Girl With 14 Fingers Was Cut Off The Extra - Alternative View

The Girl With 14 Fingers Was Cut Off The Extra - Alternative View

In China, doctors operated on a girl born with 14 fingers. This is reported by the Daily Mail. The three-year-old patient, whose name has not been given, was born into a poor family. Five generations of her relatives had the same hand defect, but they never had enough money to carry out the operation

Dr. Google - He's Not Aybolit At All! Will Not Heal Us Will Not Heal - Alternative View

Dr. Google - He's Not Aybolit At All! Will Not Heal Us Will Not Heal - Alternative View

The diagnoses that people make to themselves using the Internet are often wrong.A survey of more than 2,000 US citizens showed that people willingly climb the Internet in the hope of finding out what the symptoms found in them indicate. Communication with "Dr

Due To A Rare Disease, A Man's Entire Life Consists Of Absorbing A Huge Amount Of Water - Alternative View

Due To A Rare Disease, A Man's Entire Life Consists Of Absorbing A Huge Amount Of Water - Alternative View

Mark Wubbenhorst, 35, a resident of Bielefeld, Germany, drinks at least 20 liters of water every day. If he drinks less fluids, he will die of dehydration

The Canine Worm Medicine Suddenly Removed The Cancer With Metastases - Alternative View

The Canine Worm Medicine Suddenly Removed The Cancer With Metastases - Alternative View

Retired Joe Tipens from Oklahoma learned in 2016 that he had end-stage small cell lung cancer. By January 2017, metastases from the lungs dispersed almost throughout the man's body and doctors gave him no more than 3 months of life.Joe was lucky to be enrolled in a clinical trial program, during which he met a veterinarian who offered him a worm medicine for dogs

A Chinese Man For 47 Years Has Been "growing" A 15-kilogram Tumor On His Neck - Alternative View

A Chinese Man For 47 Years Has Been "growing" A 15-kilogram Tumor On His Neck - Alternative View

When Zhao Xin Fu was 17 years old, a swelling appeared on his neck that quickly reached the size of a chicken egg. But the Chinese chose to ignore the problem - the tumor was painless and did not interfere

"Nobody Believes We Are Twins" Or The Story Of The New "Elephant Man" Adam Pearson - Alternative View

"Nobody Believes We Are Twins" Or The Story Of The New "Elephant Man" Adam Pearson - Alternative View

The 31-year-old twins Adam and Neil Pearson from London were born with the same congenital anomaly - neurofibromatosis. But the disease proceeded in completely different ways

An Irishman Has A Melon-sized Tumor On His Neck - Alternative View

An Irishman Has A Melon-sized Tumor On His Neck - Alternative View

The 63-year-old Irish resident, whose name has not been revealed, once visited a clinic with symptoms of shoulder pain. Over the years, these pains turned into a huge melon-sized tumor

Unique Anomaly: Japanese Surgeons Discovered A Tiny Brain Inside An Ovarian Tumor - Alternative View

Unique Anomaly: Japanese Surgeons Discovered A Tiny Brain Inside An Ovarian Tumor - Alternative View

In Japan, surgeons found a tumor resembling a small brain in an operated tumor. The cells were surrounded by a kind of skull and could supply electrical impulses to neurons

Surgeons Saved A Congolese Woman From A Huge Tumor - Alternative View

Surgeons Saved A Congolese Woman From A Huge Tumor - Alternative View

The life of a 17-year-old girl from the Democratic Republic of the Congo hung in the balance by a huge swelling in her lower jaw. Fortunately, doctors from the world's largest hospital ship came to the rescue of the African woman

"Elephant Man" From China Refused To Become The Hero Of The Freak Show - Alternative View

"Elephant Man" From China Refused To Become The Hero Of The Freak Show - Alternative View

Huang Chunkai, 39, has been suffering from neurofibromatosis, benign skin tumors that cover his entire body, since the age of four

An African Teenager Has A Huge Tumor Instead Of A Head - - Alternative View

An African Teenager Has A Huge Tumor Instead Of A Head - - Alternative View

A resident of Cote d'Ivoire (West Africa) named Kambu Si, who is better known as Prosper, from the age of 11 began to notice how a small tumor appeared on his face and began to grow at first

His Tumors Were Hanging From His Face Like Bags "- An Alternative View

His Tumors Were Hanging From His Face Like Bags "- An Alternative View

A 60-year-old man has lived most of his life with large tumors hanging from his face. Nepalese Krishna Prasad Bhattarai (Krishna Prasad Bhattarai) from the age of 15 suffered from neurofibromatosis, which caused the growth of huge tumors on his face

Doctors Returned The Face Of The Indian Girl By Removing A Giant Tumor - Alternative View

Doctors Returned The Face Of The Indian Girl By Removing A Giant Tumor - Alternative View

Pinki Kumari, a 16-year-old Indian woman, had a swelling on her face so huge that it seemed larger than her head. The tumor began to grow on Pinky's face when she was only two and a half years old

The Ugliest Ugandan Became A Father For The Eighth Time - Alternative View

The Ugliest Ugandan Became A Father For The Eighth Time - Alternative View

A resident of Uganda, officially recognized as the ugliest man in the country, became a father for the eighth time. 47-year-old Godfrey Baguma and his 30-year-old wife Kate Namanda had a baby girl. The baby became the sixth child in the family

In Scotland, A Pensioner Died Due To A Severely Swollen Leg - Alternative View

In Scotland, A Pensioner Died Due To A Severely Swollen Leg - Alternative View

68-year-old retired from Scotland dies of infection after no one was able to help him with his sore leg

An Indian Woman Had A 7-kg Kidney Tumor Removed - Alternative View

An Indian Woman Had A 7-kg Kidney Tumor Removed - Alternative View

The 35-year-old Delhi resident was worried about the sharp increase in her weight and decided to undergo a series of medical tests. Examination revealed she had a huge tumor growing from a kidney

A Resident Of Madagascar Removed A 7-kilogram Tumor - Alternative View

A Resident Of Madagascar Removed A 7-kilogram Tumor - Alternative View

A man named Sambany (Sambany) lived with a giant tumor on his neck for almost four decades. Finally realizing that it would not go away on its own, a resident of Madagascar went to the doctors

The Boy's Skin Was Stretched With An Implant To Remove Huge Moles - Alternative View

The Boy's Skin Was Stretched With An Implant To Remove Huge Moles - Alternative View

This boy from Atlanta (USA) is now four years old and has a huge scar all over his back from his surgery. But if not for this operation, his huge birthmark, with which he was born, could turn into the same large cancerous tumor

Doctors Removed A Giant Tumor From The Man's Face - Alternative View

Doctors Removed A Giant Tumor From The Man's Face - Alternative View

Slovak doctors from the village of Martin removed a 6-kilogram tumor from the face of local plumber Stefan Zolejk. A strange formation began to grow on his chin 20 years ago and has been steadily increasing ever since

A Rare Disease Disfigured The Skin Of A US Resident - Alternative View

A Rare Disease Disfigured The Skin Of A US Resident - Alternative View

At 20, Charlotte Hawkins was a pretty blonde with curly curls and a flawless complexion, but a terrible disease changed the woman beyond recognition, turning her into a monster

Other People - Alternative View

Other People - Alternative View

These people rarely live among us, but they are. They are the same as we are, only very unlucky: on the face of the terrible − good inside. Today we will tell you about the most terrible and rare diseases on the planet

A Boy Without A Cerebellum. The Mystery Of Chase Britton - Alternative View

A Boy Without A Cerebellum. The Mystery Of Chase Britton - Alternative View

Modern science has gone quite far in its achievements, made an incredible number of discoveries, created drugs for diseases that were considered indiscernible only in the last century, is on the verge of discovering a cure for AIDS

The Girl, Who Had Half Her Brain Removed, Learned To Walk - Alternative View

The Girl, Who Had Half Her Brain Removed, Learned To Walk - Alternative View

Two-year-old Oregon resident Katie Verdecchia learned to walk - there would be nothing special about it, if not for one "but": a few months ago neurosurgeons had to carry out a unique operation - they completely removed the child's right

The Mother Of A Child With Hydrocephalus Is Fighting For His Life Without Giving Up Hope - Alternative View

The Mother Of A Child With Hydrocephalus Is Fighting For His Life Without Giving Up Hope - Alternative View

Lydia Germon was born in October 2015 with Dandy - Walker Syndrome, exacerbated by hydrocephalus and doctors said she would not live 24 hours

15 Most Unusual Medical Cases Of - Alternative View

15 Most Unusual Medical Cases Of - Alternative View

Top 15 weirdest and most unusual medical cases of 2018. 1

The Man Slept 41 Days In A Row - Alternative View

The Man Slept 41 Days In A Row - Alternative View

A resident of Australia suffers from a rare neurological disorder, due to which he falls into a state of hypersomnia - excessive sleep duration for long periods of time. This is reported by the Daily Mail.Harry Dunn, 21, suffers from Kleine-Levin syndrome, also known as sleeping beauty syndrome