Parallel Worlds 2024, September

Guests From Parallel Universes - Alternative View

Guests From Parallel Universes - Alternative View

In past centuries, there were cases when people claimed that they came from countries and cities that do not exist on Earth, and spoke in unknown languages. Who are they? Travelers from Parallel Universes? 1850

The Theory Of Multiple Worlds - Alternative View

The Theory Of Multiple Worlds - Alternative View

Are you unique? In your perception of the world, the answer is simple: you are different from any other person on this planet. And our universe is unique

Universe, Wanderings Of Human Souls, Parallel World Of The Planet - Alternative View

Universe, Wanderings Of Human Souls, Parallel World Of The Planet - Alternative View

A popular hypothesis. Selected fragments of records from the collection "Secrets of Life and Death" Humanity has learned a lot about the world around us

Space-time Transition. Life In Two Worlds - Alternative View

Space-time Transition. Life In Two Worlds - Alternative View

If you believe the legends and myths, then among us live people who know how to get into other dimensions of their own accord. How do they do it, and what dimensions do they fall into? The Imugi tribe lives in the African jungle

Accidental Hits Of People In A World Similar To The Familiar One, But With Many Differences - Alternative View

Accidental Hits Of People In A World Similar To The Familiar One, But With Many Differences - Alternative View

From time to time, people suddenly find themselves in a world similar to their usual one, but with significant differences. Sometimes this does not last long and people manage to come back, leaving behind questions where they have been, how they got there and how they returned

Inhabitants Of The Parallel World - Aliens - Alternative View

Inhabitants Of The Parallel World - Aliens - Alternative View

In the 19th century, it was fashionable to get involved in astronomy, both the poor and the rich talked about it. At the same time, stories began to appear about contacts with representatives of unearthly civilizations, and some scientists wrote entire books on this topic

Stories Of People From Other Universes - Alternative View

Stories Of People From Other Universes - Alternative View

In past centuries, there were cases when people claimed that they came from countries and cities that do not exist on Earth, and spoke in unknown languages. Who are they? Travelers from parallel universes? In 1850

Negative Entities Exist Up To The Seventh Dimension - Alternative View

Negative Entities Exist Up To The Seventh Dimension - Alternative View

There is a belief that dark negative entities are not able to rise in their cosmic evolution above the fourth dimension. However, there is a different perspective on how far their capabilities extend

Soul And Astral - Alternative View

Soul And Astral - Alternative View

All souls are practiced in the astral world. If the deceased was weighed down with these qualities, a dark, dark note will remain in the vibrations of his soul. How many would agree to include it in the sphere of their perception

Astral World, Exit To The Astral - Alternative View

Astral World, Exit To The Astral - Alternative View

The Astral World serves as a mediator between the Spiritual and Physical worlds. The representative of the astral world is: energy (or force), soul, astros. All worlds penetrate each other to one degree or another

Parallel World Conductors - Alternative View

Parallel World Conductors - Alternative View

There are such people at all times, they are endowed with a special gift called differently - extrasensory abilities, clairvoyance, the ability to predict the future, and the like

Are We Ready To Open Doors And Enter Another World - Alternative View

Are We Ready To Open Doors And Enter Another World - Alternative View

Traditional scientific thought, represented by specialists in quantum physics, quite seriously claims that parallel worlds - not a myth or fiction. There may be other worlds, other forms and levels of life on our planet

Nazis In Search Of Parallel Worlds - Alternative View

Nazis In Search Of Parallel Worlds - Alternative View

Parallel worlds for the Nazis Probably every person, at least once, thought about creating our physical world. Probably only the tip of the iceberg called the universe is accessible to us

Inexplicable Or Between Two Realities - Alternative View

Inexplicable Or Between Two Realities - Alternative View

Unexplained reality games Between the realities of the ordinary and the extraordinary * 1960, November - in Faith Magazine, Mrs. Barbara Teggart reported how her daughter Sonette was teleported through a closed door

Is Your Country Not On The Map? - Alternative View

Is Your Country Not On The Map? - Alternative View

Historical sources have preserved information about mysterious people who claimed to have come from countries or cities that no one had ever heard of

Astral Travel - Other Worlds - Alternative View

Astral Travel - Other Worlds - Alternative View

Astral Journey to Other Worlds If the experience in the “out-of-body” state, which is not associated with near-death conditions, has sufficient duration, one can leave his immediate environment and enter a completely new landscape - Not only

Hidden Inside The Earth Is A Parallel World - Alternative View

Hidden Inside The Earth Is A Parallel World - Alternative View

There is more and more evidence in favor of the theory of parallel worlds. Physicists from Stanford University managed to calculate the hypothetical number of universes formed as a result of the Big Bang - 10 to the 1016th power

Research And Opening Of The Laboratory Of Heinrich Silanov - Alternative View

Research And Opening Of The Laboratory Of Heinrich Silanov - Alternative View

The discovery of the phenomenon of "Field memory" As you know, the human eye perceives a very limited portion of the optical spectrum