Wonder people 2024, September

Flying Girl. Fake Or Not? - Alternative View

Flying Girl. Fake Or Not? - Alternative View

The video, titled "Flying Girl in the Russian Forest," was presented on Youtube by user Jevgenij2000 on March 2, 2009 and has attracted over 137,000 viewers to date. Most views were after January 4, 2011

A Person Who Speaks 104 Languages - Alternative View

A Person Who Speaks 104 Languages - Alternative View

Scientists confirm: Willy Melnikov is indeed a polyglot, worthy of the Guinness Book of Records. He met me at home in a robe painted with his own hand in various rare dialects

"Man-Magnet" From Armavir Attracts Knives And Axes - Alternative View

"Man-Magnet" From Armavir Attracts Knives And Axes - Alternative View

67-year-old Armavirian Mikhail AFONIN has an unusual ability: leaning various objects to his chest, he easily holds them without using his hands

Robert Nixon: Idle-minded Prophet From Cheshire - Alternative View

Robert Nixon: Idle-minded Prophet From Cheshire - Alternative View

Robert Nixon was born in 1467 in the English town of Cheshire, the son of an impoverished farmer. The boy was born mentally retarded. Robert had an unusually large head and bulging eyes made him an object of ridicule

Electric People - Alternative View

Electric People - Alternative View

In order to study anomalous phenomena, sometimes there is absolutely no need to run after little green men, to guard flying saucers or to try to find portals in another time or another dimension. It is enough to look around - at people

"I See Strange Things" - Alternative View

"I See Strange Things" - Alternative View

I am a pediatrician by profession and currently, despite my advanced age (77 years), I work at a school. I thought for a long time whether to write or not, but finally decided. The thing is, I see things that people usually don't see

The Dowser Helped Find The Accident Site. - Alternative View

The Dowser Helped Find The Accident Site. - Alternative View

The public utilities invited a psychic to find a hole in the water supply. Misfortune overtook a small cottage neighborhood in Novosibirsk in the most severe frosts. On Podnevich street somewhere under the ground, water burst, and drought reigned in houses

18-year-old Indian Woman Became The Smallest Woman In The World - Alternative View

18-year-old Indian Woman Became The Smallest Woman In The World - Alternative View

In the photo: Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records measure the growth of Jyoti Amge 18-year-old Indian Jyoti Amge was officially recognized as the lowest woman in the world today - her height is 62.8 centimeters

The Monica Tejada Phenomenon - Alternative View

The Monica Tejada Phenomenon - Alternative View

A village girl from the Spanish province of Kaseris creates incredible psychic miracles, surprising scientists not only in her country, but also in France, Germany, Italy, and the USA

Sleepwalkers Wash Clothes In Their Sleep - Alternative View

Sleepwalkers Wash Clothes In Their Sleep - Alternative View

Sleeping and at the same time doing housework - what housewife does not dream about it? However, a Chinese resident named Xu, who lives in Wuhan, Hubei province, does not need to dream - she perfectly manages to combine both sleep and work

20 Facts That Prove That Bruce Lee Was A Phenomenal Person - Alternative View

20 Facts That Prove That Bruce Lee Was A Phenomenal Person - Alternative View

Thanks to him, Hollywood learned about kung fu. He is also a movie star, martial artist, instructor, philosopher, director, and founder of Jeet Kune Do. And all this is about one person - brilliant Bruce Lee, who died at only 32 years old. 1

Nursing Fathers - Alternative View

Nursing Fathers - Alternative View

In early September 2009, the Swedish newspaper The Local reported on a 26-year-old boy named Ragnar Bengtsson, who decided to test for himself whether the male body can produce breast milk

The British Woman Has Been Drinking Vinegar Instead Of Water All Her Life - Alternative View

The British Woman Has Been Drinking Vinegar Instead Of Water All Her Life - Alternative View

Ella Ruby Jinn, a 19-year-old student from the English city of Hastings in East Sussex, has been drinking vinegar instead of water for almost her entire life and feels great

Sensitive Prophets - Alternative View

Sensitive Prophets - Alternative View

Sensitives are people with supersensible perception

The Tallest Couple In The World - Alternative View

The Tallest Couple In The World - Alternative View

Essex (East Anglia) is home to the "tallest couple in the world" - the Boltons. Dutch-born Cliff and his wife Wilco Van Cleef Bolton hit the Guinness Book of Records for their tall height

5 Ordinary People Who Discovered Their Superpowers - Alternative View

5 Ordinary People Who Discovered Their Superpowers - Alternative View

Scientists say people are lazy and don't use their brains to the fullest. To be precise, we need to use 20% of our brain work to function in society and cope with our daily tasks

Scientist And Sorcerer Konstantin Loginov - Alternative View

Scientist And Sorcerer Konstantin Loginov - Alternative View

Scientist or Magician? "Definitely a scientist", - says Konstantin Loginov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Language, Literature and History of the KarRC RAS

Summoners Of The Wind - Alternative View

Summoners Of The Wind - Alternative View

In 1590, the Barwickian witches from Scotland caused an unprecedented storm at sea and sank the ship of King Edward. Are there any examples of the impact on storms and hurricanes closer to our days? It turns out there is

Young Arsonists - Alternative View

Young Arsonists - Alternative View

In the Philippines, in the city of San Jose, there lives a five-year-old girl who is able to set fire to various things at a distance and predict fires (though only set by herself). She - one of those who have the ability to so-called pyrokinesis

Do X People Exist? - Alternative View

Do X People Exist? - Alternative View

Where is the truth, how to explain in excess of a person's ability by alien interference, a gift of God, or maybe the genetic evolution of our body

The Mystery Of Albert Einstein - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Albert Einstein - Alternative View

On April 18, 1955, at about one in the morning, the aorta burst and the heart of the author of the famous Theory of Relativity stopped. Quietly, with only those closest to him, his body was cremated near Trenton, New Jersey

Yan Levsky: A Man Who Could Fly - Alternative View

Yan Levsky: A Man Who Could Fly - Alternative View

This year marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of one of the most amazing people - Jan Levski. His centenary was very widely celebrated, but, so to speak, in narrow circles - among parapsychologists around the world

Jacques-Aimard Verneuil Detective Dowser - Alternative View

Jacques-Aimard Verneuil Detective Dowser - Alternative View

More than 300 years ago, French dowsers hunted down criminals for hundreds of kilometers. Dowsing - the art of finding water, minerals or other objects hidden in the earth - it was already known then

Children Of The Neutrinosphere - Alternative View

Children Of The Neutrinosphere - Alternative View

From the end of the 15th to the beginning of the 20th century, there was a very profitable and very specific type of commerce - trade in the secrets of the so-called magical connection

Shaolin Monk Ran 125 Meters On Water - Alternative View

Shaolin Monk Ran 125 Meters On Water - Alternative View

The monk of the Southern Shaolin Temple Shi Liliang ran about 125 meters on the water. As a device, he used 200 plywood boards floating on the surface of the reservoir, writes on Wednesday, September 2, The Telegraph

They See Skin - Alternative View

They See Skin - Alternative View

In the 60s of the past, the twentieth century, the young American Margaret Foos was a very famous person in her homeland. She appeared on television more than once in the popular program "Amusing People"

Did Mao Zedong Have Paranormal Abilities? - Alternative View

Did Mao Zedong Have Paranormal Abilities? - Alternative View

Mao Zedong, the first leader of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao, is perhaps the most famous politician in China. However, the other side of his life, associated with supernatural forces, still remains in the shadows

On The Verge Of The Supernatural - Alternative View

On The Verge Of The Supernatural - Alternative View

A prolonged strange sound, and after a minute a light flashes. And the sheet of paper starts to smoke. Then a big fire appears … These footage at one time went around the entire planet

120 Lives Lived - Alternative View

120 Lives Lived - Alternative View

To learn one foreign language, as you know, - business is not easy, many - very difficult. And how incredibly difficult it is to learn "dead" languages, which no one speaks for a long time

Amazing Memory - Alternative View

Amazing Memory - Alternative View

Marylou Henner, a Broadway star who rose to fame back in the 70s, has now become popular for medical and physiological study. They are researching her phenomenal memory. This 59-year-old woman remembers every day of her life

Sensitive People - Alternative View

Sensitive People - Alternative View

Their superpowers still defy explanation. The most unexplored on our planet is man. Its unusual properties, phenomenal abilities, often paranormal

An Indian Monk Assures That He Has Lived For 120 Years - Alternative View

An Indian Monk Assures That He Has Lived For 120 Years - Alternative View

Indian monk Swami Sivananda said that he was able to live to be 120 because he gave up sex and does not eat food with spices. Reported by The South China Morning Post

10 Ordinary People With Incredible Superpowers - Alternative View

10 Ordinary People With Incredible Superpowers - Alternative View

Ever dreamed of superpowers? Everyone wants to have abilities that go far beyond the ordinary. It turns out that superheroes can be found not only in comics, but also in the real world

Janusz Kvalezek: “I Just Know How To Walk Through Walls” - Alternative View

Janusz Kvalezek: “I Just Know How To Walk Through Walls” - Alternative View

On the Internet, you can find dozens of articles about people with amazing ability to walk through walls. All articles have a common disadvantage - lack of specific data: names, surnames, dates. Meet Janusz Kwalezek

15 Interesting Facts About Stephen Hawking - Alternative View

15 Interesting Facts About Stephen Hawking - Alternative View

Already at the age of 20, Hawking began to show signs of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which led to paralysis. And although the disease has deprived the scientist of the ability to control almost all parts of his body, he has already lived much longer than doctors predicted

Those With The Gift Of Clairvoyance - Alternative View

Those With The Gift Of Clairvoyance - Alternative View

Most people have always been interested to know what will happen to them in the near future, and what fate awaits them or their loved ones

9 Most Unlucky People On Earth - Alternative View

9 Most Unlucky People On Earth - Alternative View

If you think that you are unlucky or something is going wrong, believe me, there are people who are much worse. Some inhabitants of our planet are simply doomed to live with terrible defects, and there are those who can be called obvious outsiders among others

"Mirror" People - Alternative View

"Mirror" People - Alternative View

The main character is pierced by the heart, but for some reason he does not die. It turns out that he has it - on the right, the authors of detective stories reveal the secret. Such a plot is popular in literature, but how do real "mirror" people live?

Fire Walkers - Alternative View

Fire Walkers - Alternative View

I heard this unusual story in the dramatic days of the Battle of Stalingrad from the mouth of a major in the medical service

"Electric People" - Better Not To Say Hello - Alternative View

"Electric People" - Better Not To Say Hello - Alternative View

The American edition of the "Journal of Unusualities" twenty years ago decided to present the most amazing "electric people" in the world - P. Sheuz, 46, from Oregon, and an unidentified Chinese from Xinjiang