Hyperborea. What Did Paleoclimatologists, Linguists, Culturologists Say - Alternative View

Hyperborea. What Did Paleoclimatologists, Linguists, Culturologists Say - Alternative View
Hyperborea. What Did Paleoclimatologists, Linguists, Culturologists Say - Alternative View

Video: Hyperborea. What Did Paleoclimatologists, Linguists, Culturologists Say - Alternative View

Video: Hyperborea. What Did Paleoclimatologists, Linguists, Culturologists Say - Alternative View
Video: A History of Earth's Climate 2024, October

The era of the Hyperboreans dates back to 7-14 BC. e.

We all went to school, where we were told that our ancestors lived in the forest, worshiped pagan gods and remained savages until Christianity came and brought us to our senses. It is embarrassing that all the true knowledge about that period of our history was destroyed along with the Magi, who were literally “Carved under the Root”. Who did it and why - the question remains open.


With the territory of the Russian north, things were even worse. Back in the middle of the 19th century, the rector of Boston University, Warren, wrote a book called "The Found Paradise or the Life of Mankind at the North Pole." The book went through 10 editions, the last of which appeared in Boston in 1889. The book has not been translated into Russian. Such work is only now being carried out. Warren, who worked with sources in 28 languages, analyzed the myths of all countries of the world up to equatorial Africa and central America and came to the conclusion that in all mythological systems, paradise is located in the north.


In the 1960s, the work of the Swedish researcher Gunther Johansson appeared, who, after analyzing the toponymy of the entire north, came to the conclusion that all local names have an Indo-Iranian basis. Then it still could not have occurred to me that everything was the other way around - the Indo-Iranian languages have a North Russian basis. And then thunder struck.

Paleoclimatologists took the stage, who were absolutely indifferent to what linguists, anthropologists, and culturologists think about this. According to drilling data, they found that in the region of 11 thousand BC. e. the climate in Europe and in northern Russia in particular began to warm rapidly. The climate of northern Russia became warm and humid, and to the south, on the contrary, it became hot and arid, up to desert. Sand dunes even covered the territories of the future Galicia and Belarus; geologists have long known the so-called "Fossil Dunes" of those places. Central Asia, the lands of Little Russia and southern Russia generally began to turn into a desert. The zone of semi-deserts and dunes even rose up to Pechora, Yenisei and Minusinsk.


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Where did our ancestors go - the formidable hunters and warriors of prehistoric Russia? To the sleepy, scorched south, across the waterless steppes, or to the harsh north for the departing beast and familiar nature? In my opinion, the answer is obvious - the majority moved north. Most likely, they went to the Kola Peninsula, the Kanin Peninsula region and the Pechora Bay - a new land, where the climate was comparable to the Kola Peninsula. Less likely, although possible - to the polar Urals and Taimyr. In 7-12 thousand BC. e. even on Taimyr there was a climatic optimum with an average July temperature of 15 degrees, which is 7 degrees higher than the current one, although the climate there was much more severe.


How comfortable were the conditions for a person in the Russian north then? Let's analyze. In 7-8 thousand BC. e. according to the most conservative geological estimates, the average July temperature at the Kola was 18 C - the same as now in Moscow.

A change in average temperatures by only a few degrees is of tremendous importance, and a difference of 10 degrees leads to simply dramatic changes in the situation. So in Kaliningrad, the average July temperature is 17, and if 28 - this is Damascus. Only if you take 10 degrees in the other direction, then this is the southern border of the tundra 8-10 / xB0c. Naturally, not only the average July, but also the average January and average annual temperatures play a decisive role in general, but for now let's not complicate the topic too much - the situation is similar there.


Biologists say that 9 thousand in the northern part of Scandinavia were already oak forests. What does it mean? In the period of interest to us, it grew on the entire Kola Peninsula, in the region of the Pechora Bay and even on new land. The fact is that oak is a rather thermophilic tree, not to mention the elm and hornbeam, which also successfully grew in the regions of interest to us. Consequently, the climate was then much warmer than it is now. It's just that even from common sense it is obvious that if the oak and hornbeam grew on the Kola and in winter they did not freeze, then there were no severe cold weather there.


Apparently, the Gulf Stream passed a little further to the northeast than it is now, which is confirmed by the fact that the new land had a climate of the middle zone. Life on the Kola Peninsula was very comfortable. Can't believe it? In vain. Look at the ancient habitat of heat-loving plants. There we must first of all look for the sites of our ancestors.

It is here, linguists believe, that the northern people formed, which became the progenitor of many nations - those who reached the Sayan and Altai, laid the foundation for the Turkic peoples; who remained on the territory of Eastern Europe became the basis of the Indo - European peoples. An indirect confirmation of this is the myths of the Aryans or Indo-Iranians, who tell about their Arctic homeland. This is what the ancient legends say.

“In the north, where there is a clean, beautiful, meek and desired world, in that part of the earth that is the most beautiful, purer, the great gods of the kuben live (the river kubena flows through the territory of the Vologda region - ed.) - Seven wise men, sons of the creator god brahma, embodied in the seven stars of the big dipper. And, finally, there is the ruler of the universe - Rudrahara, wearing light braids, light-bearded, ancestor of all beings.

In order to reach the world of the ancestral gods, one must overcome the great endless mountains that stretch from West to East. The sun makes its way around their golden peaks. Above them in the darkness shine the seven stars of the Big Dipper and the polar star located motionless in the center of the universe. From these mountains all great earthly rivers rush down. Only some of them flow south to the warm sea, and others to the north - to the white-foam ocean. On the tops of these mountains forests rustle, wonderful birds sing, wonderful animals live."

Ancient Greek authors also wrote about the great northern mountains. They believed that these mountains stretch from West to East, being the great border of the Scythia. So they were depicted on one of the first maps of the earth in VI BC. The father of history Herodotus wrote about the distant northern mountains stretching from West to East. Aristotle believed in the existence of the northern mountains, believing that all the largest rivers in Europe originate on them, except for the Istra and Danube. Behind the mountains in northern Europe, ancient Greek and Roman geographers placed the great northern or Scythian ocean.

For a long time, these mysterious mountains did not allow researchers to determine the exact position of Hyperborea - this is how the ancients called the northern cradle of civilization. They could not be the Ural mountains, since they stretch from north to south, and ancient sources clearly say that the mountains are stretched from West to East and look like a bow bent to the south. Moreover, this arc ends in the extreme northwest and extreme northeast.

Finally, the search was crowned with success - according to legends, the western point was the Ganghamadana Mountain - in the modern Karelian Zaonezhie there is also the Gandamadana Mountain; and the extreme eastern point is the people's mountain, now this peak in the polar Urals is called the people's mountain. Then it turns out that the mysterious ancient mountains are a chain of hills on the eastern European plain, which is called the northern ridges!

Once it was an impregnable ridge, covering a territory called Hyperborea in a half-ring. Now this place is the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions and the Komi Republic. The northern part of Hyperborea rests on the bottom of the Barents Sea. Reality completely coincided with stories from ancient legends!

The fact that the northern ridges were the border of Hyperborea is also confirmed by modern research. So the Soviet scientist Meshcheryakov called them an anomaly of the East European plain. In his works, he pointed out that even at the time when the ancient sea splashed in the place of the Urals, the northern ridges were already mountains and were the main watershed of the rivers of the basins of the White and Caspian seas. Meshcheryakov argued that they are located exactly where the Hyperborean mountains are located on the Ptolemy's map. According to this map, the Volga originates in these mountains, which the ancients called Ra.

Having established the location of Hyperborea, scientists decided to find out how the fate of the people inhabiting this country developed. The finds of archaeologists, ethnologists, linguists completely turned the idea of history. We are accustomed to regard ancient Greece as a stronghold of human civilization, an oasis of its culture. However, the data that have appeared now suggest that everything was exactly the opposite - the ancient Greek civilization was "grown" by the Hyperborean, much more ancient and highly developed. This is evidenced by the ancient Greek sources themselves, according to which Apollo once a year "on the Silver Arrow" went to the far northern country of Hyperborea for knowledge.

In the Russian north, many ornaments have survived, which, according to experts, served as a prototype for creating ornaments not only in ancient Greece, but also in Hindustan. Petroglyphs - drawings on rocks - found on the shores of the White and Onega seas, were the primary basis for the appearance of such drawings in India. But what is most striking is the similarity of the languages of the peoples who are now separated by huge distances.

Tatyana Yakovlevna Elizarenkova, translator of the Rig Vedic hymns, claims that Vedic Sanskrit and Russian correspond to each other as much as possible. Let's compare, it would seem, languages so far from each other. "Uncle" - "Dada", "mother" - "matri", "miracle" - "miracle", "virgin" - "Devi", "light" - "shveta", "snow - snow": here the first Russian word and the second is its Sanskrit counterpart.

The Russian meaning of the word "Gat" is a road laid through a swamp. In Sanskrit "Gati" is a passage, a way, a road. The Sanskrit word "To tear" - to walk, to run - corresponds to the Russian analogue - "to scrape"; in Sanskrit "radalnya" - tears, crying, in Russian - "sobbing".

Sometimes, without realizing it, we use a tautology, using words with the same meaning twice. We say "Tryn-grass", and in Sanskrit "trin" means grass. We say "Dense forest", and "drema" means forest.

In the Vologda and Arkhangelsk dialects, many Sanskrit words have been preserved in their pure form. So the North Russian "baht" means "maybe": "I, baht, I'll come to you tomorrow." In Sanskrit, "bat" is truly, perhaps. Severus "Bus" - mold, soot, dirt. In Sanskrit "Busa" means garbage, impurities. Russian "Kulnut" - to fall into the water, in Sanskrit "kula" - channel, stream. Examples can be given endlessly.
