Mysteries Of The Nevyansk "leaning" Tower - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Nevyansk "leaning" Tower - Alternative View
Mysteries Of The Nevyansk "leaning" Tower - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The Nevyansk "leaning" Tower - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The Nevyansk
Video: Вебинар для учителей английского языка «Let’s travel to Nevyansk» 2024, October

We continue the story about objects that may be related to the Great Tartary and are hidden from us by falsifiers behind pseudo-historical myths. Earlier in one of the posts I already talked about the ancient megaliths of one of the oldest cities in Siberia - Kirensk. But today we will talk about one of the oldest cities in the Urals - Nevyansk, located between Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Tagil. It is believed that this city was founded in 1701 by decree of Peter I, in connection with the construction of an iron-smelting and iron-smelting plant here.

However, the first mentions of this area were already in 1621 and therefore the official version. most likely, it was invented after the entry of the Urals into the Russian Empire. And this actually happened after the defeat of the remnants of Tartaria by the European mercenaries called up by the Romanovs. These events are known in official history as "the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev" in 1773-1775, which in fact was the last attempt by the ruling dynasty of Tartaria to remove the Romanovs, who did not have the right to inherit the royal power after Mikhail Romanov was elected tsar in 1613. It is well known that it is thanks to the Ural factories of the so-called. "Emelyan Pugachev's army" had all types of weapons, including cannons.

And therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that first German and then Russian court historians wrote a new history in which the founding of many Ural and Siberian cities is attributed to the Romanovs themselves, just as the construction of St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Peterhof, Petrodvorets was attributed to them. and some other cities, whose historical part, including churches and temples, is oriented towards the pre-catastrophic geographic pole located in Greenland. By the way, the historical part of Nevyansk has the same orientation, where the Demidov Square with the Exhibition Hall of the Museum, the Instrumental and Mechanical Plant, the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery and the famous inclined Nevyansk Tower, which is a kind of Russian analogue of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, are located.

We will consider this last architectural object in more detail. It is believed that the Nevyanskaya tower was built by order of the son of one of the famous industrialists - the Demidov brothers, in 1721-1725. But, surprisingly, for some reason the author of this project is unknown. It is clear that no French and Italian architects could travel to such a wilderness, far removed from "civilized Europe" and therefore the meager imagination of history falsifiers hired by the Romanovs did not allow them to come up with a plausible version. After all, if we admit that on the territory of present-day Russia already at that time there existed its own engineering and architectural schools, then the whole pseudo-historical myth that all this came to "bastard Russia" only along with foreign mercenaries who came with the false Peter collapses,after the carried out substitution of Peter Romanov during the "great embassy". And this, in turn, can lead to the existence on the territory of the Urals (and Siberia) of the remnants of a highly developed civilization that survived the catastrophe of the late 17th century, when most of this civilization was destroyed.


But the Vatican and its servants, the Romanovs, did a lot to hide the very existence of this Siberian civilization behind pseudo-historical myths. So, we have already found the first "joint", which is a sign of such falsification. This is the lack of information about the architect who built this tower. Until now, it is not known for certain not only who exactly built it and made the engineering calculations, but also whether the tilt of this structure was really caused by an error in the calculations, or so it was all planned from the very beginning.

Well, the first known description of the Nevyansk tower was found in the drawing of the mining official M. Kutuzov, dated 1729-1734. There is also a description of this tower in the book of I. Gmelin "A Journey through Siberia", published in 1751, who visited these places in the 1730s together with the "Great Northern Expedition from the Imperial Academy of Sciences." Unfortunately, until now, a complete translation of this 4-volume work into Russian does not exist in the public domain. And this was due to the fact that I. Gmelin violated the agreement with this very Imperial Academy of Sciences not to publish his works on the materials of the expedition without the consent of the Academy itself. But the very fact of such an agreement testifiesthat all the books and notes of travelers about Siberia published on the territory of the Russian Empire were thoroughly censored in order to hide any mention of the surviving artifacts of Great Tartary. And this factor should be taken into account when studying the materials of travelers published in the Russian Empire.

Well, everything is clear with Romanov's Russia. The censorship did not miss a single fact that could be used to expose a new version of history, but why is there still no translation of this work into Russian? Apparently, modern Russian science, including historical science, is controlled by the same pro-Vatican forces that controlled it during the time of the Romanovs.

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And here is a description of the construction of the Nevyansk tower can be found in Wikipedia:

As you can see, even the official version does not exclude the possibility that the tilt of the tower could be associated with the idea of the architect, who, as you know, is unknown to the official historical science. But this is not the only oddity of this architectural object. Here's what we can read further in the description of the tower itself:


As you can see, the purpose of the premises of the tower is quite diverse and even historians have not yet fully understood it. There are metallurgical furnaces, a laboratory, and a strange "acoustic room" here, and the purpose of many rooms has remained a mystery. Also, there is not a single construction and design drawing of this structure, and the premises schemes available in the museum are an obvious remake. written in post-revolutionary Cyrillic.

The official history of the "English chimes" also raises a number of questions. For example, how was this mechanism transported here from England and who exactly assembled and tuned it here? Indeed, according to the official history, no network of developed railways or even ordinary roads existed here. And there are no waterways connected with sea routes. At the same time, there are already contradictions in the Wikipedia text itself. It is said that the watchmaker who made the watch is unknown, then the watchmaker is called R. Phelps, who actually made only bells. And why did they all decide that the watch itself, as well as the mechanical and musical mechanisms, were made in England?


Of course, the creation of this unique mechanism could be attributed to the famous Russian inventor and "self-taught" engineer I. Kulibin. But here's the trouble: his years of life are 1735-1818. Consequently, in 1732, when Demidov allegedly bought this watch in England, he was not yet born. Well, maybe I. Kulibin was not any "self-taught", but a graduate of the same engineering school that existed in Russia and Tartaria long before the appearance of the impostor false Peter with his pro-European "reforms"? So to conceal this fact, the falsifiers had to "pull by the ears" of the English master Richard Phelps, whose years of life - 1670-1738, fit this period. But here's the trouble again: this master is known only as the creator of bells for churches in London and some other parts of England. (Link)

But there is no information that he has anything to do with the creation of the clock mechanism, bought by Demidov for the Nevyansk tower, as well as the creation of any other clock mechanisms in general. By the way, I found in the photo of one of the 10 small bells of the Nevyansk tower the brand of this master with the year of manufacture "1730". This means that these bells were cast by him 2 years before Demidov bought them. And, most likely, this is the only element of the tower's musical mechanism, acquired in London from an English master.


Moreover, as it turned out, the largest bell was made at the Demidovs' plant itself, and this is quite logical, given all the difficulties of transporting goods of such weight from England in the absence of a developed network of paved roads and a waterway with access to sea communications. In addition, large bells were no longer cast on the territory of Russia at that time. So, the famous Moscow Tsar Bell was also cast in 1730. Well, if one of the bells was made in Nevyansk itself (and this is confirmed by the absence of R. Phelps's stamp on it and the presence of a pattern characteristic of Demidov casting and an inscription in the pre-revolutionary Cyrillic alphabet instead), then what devilish historians have come up with that supposedly both the watch and were the musical mechanisms manufactured in England?


By the way, quite interesting material with many photos dedicated to the bells, clock and musical mechanisms of the Nevyansk Tower, giving an error of only 40 seconds per day, is presented in a post by one of the Ural bloggers interested in the history of his native land, entitled "Unique clock of the Nevyansk Tower. Part one". There is also a no less interesting second part dedicated to this watch - "Unique clock of the Nevyansk tower. Part two". So in it there is information that similar clocks existed in the Urals in other places. True, now they are all no longer in working order. And this alone breaks the version of historians about their manufacture not only in England, but also abroad in general.

I have no doubt that the musical and clock mechanisms themselves were made in Russia and most likely in the Urals, by our local craftsmen. Moreover, this production was not handicraft, but serial. That is why foreign specialists were not required for its installation, commissioning and adjustment either in Nevyanka or in other places in the Urals where they were installed.

And if, as historians tell us, this musical mechanism was made in England and even in R. Phelps's foundry, then it would have the corresponding hallmarks of this company, as we see on small bells. So that's it. independent creation of such musical and clock mechanisms, tells us about the presence of a sufficiently high level of domestic technologies and an appropriate production base in the Urals. Moreover, all this could have existed here long before the Demidovs, i.e. since the time of Tartary. And the fire that occurred at the end of the 19th century looks very suspicious in this respect, during which the Demidovs' archive disappeared, which could shed light on many mysteries of the true history of the Urals and Russia.

By the way, it was in Nevyansk that the best in Russia cast iron and iron of the Stary Sobol brand were produced, which were exported, for example, to the same England. And still in London there are houses covered with roofing iron of this brand, which has not been touched by rust. The secret of this technology was that when the iron was rolled through the rolls, charcoal was poured onto the iron sheets. Coal, pressing into the sheet, carburized the iron. How could the Ural craftsmen know this technology? Apparently from the dynasties of those ancient masters that existed in the Urals since the time of Tartary.

There is another interesting detail related to the so-called. weather vane Nevyanskaya tower. And here we again come across yet another myth of the falsifiers of history. Read on Wikipedia:

It turns out that the builders of the tower knew very well about the lightning rod, which was invented in England only a quarter of a century later. Is this not another proof that the builders of the tower used sufficiently high technologies, unknown at that time in "civilized Europe" and even in scientifically "savvy" England. And here is another sign of such technologies, which Wikipedia also mentions:

But this is generally a real technological miracle and, incidentally, is still little known in our civilization. And probably, if somewhere else it was used, it was only in the Urals and Siberia, since it also has nothing to do with "civilized Europe". Just like the builders of this tower do not have, the true history of which may turn out to be completely different from what historians describe it to us.


By the way, if you take a closer look at the wing with the Demidovs' coat of arms, it looks like a clearly later "remake", strung on the tower spire. And at the highest point of this spire there is a clearly solar Vedic image of our star. So, such images were widespread in Vedic Russia, i.e. before Christianity became the state religion. And this fact sheds light on who the real builders and architects of the Nevyansk tower were. And, of course, such a structure could not be built on the territory ruled by the Romanovs, but it could be used in finished form, as the legacy of another civilization: most likely the very Great Tartary. For example, this is how the Vedic spire of the tower itself was used to install a weather vane with the Demidov coat of arms.


By the way, I thank my friend and colleague - writer, traveler, researcher of the northern tradition and shamanism of the peoples of Siberia G. Tymnetagin, who drew my attention to this interesting architectural object, having visited this amazing place, despite the hysteria in the media with the coronavirus pandemic. And here, by the way, one of the photographs he took, which shows that the technology of laying the staircase entrance to the Nevyansk Tower is very reminiscent of the ancient one. Therefore, I think that the true history of the construction of this tower and its true original purpose remain hidden from us.

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