Astral Travelers - Alternative View

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Astral Travelers - Alternative View
Astral Travelers - Alternative View

Video: Astral Travelers - Alternative View

Video: Astral Travelers - Alternative View
Video: Can You Travel Without The Body? – Sadhguru Explains 2024, October

Going out into the astral at times you will meet other astral travelers. Some of them will not notice you at all, as they will be busy with their own business. Maybe they won't even notice what is happening around. People project themselves into the astral plane in different ways, and sometimes they themselves do not understand or do not realize what is happening. You can only leave them alone - just like in the physical world you would hardly start a conversation with a person immersed in thought.


It happens that a person before going to bed thinks intensely about something, enters a state of trance, and then falls asleep. Such a person may also accidentally find himself in the astral world and continue to think intensely about his own.

Spontaneous astral projection is of various types. In the astral plane, at times you can see a naked person (gender does not matter), as a rule, a teenager, who will look around in surprise, then look at himself and disappear with a frightened cry. Do not worry! This means that someone has just had a very strange dream and woke up. A person who has accidentally entered the astral plane cannot get used to the world that is new to him instantly, he still does not know how to dress in the astral plane.

On astral roads

Close to the material plane or on the astral layers, you can sometimes meet other astral travelers who are aware of where they are and what they are doing. You can exchange philosophical views, opinions with them, talk about life - just like you talk in the physical world. Listen and learn. Their experience may be useful to you - just as yours may be useful to them. However, one should not succumb to the power of impressions. Judge everything as you would judge on the physical plane - soundly and impartially.


Promotional video:

Although your perception will be remarkably clear, you will find that your thinking is somewhat slow. This is because in the astral plane you do not have quick access to all the facts stored in your head. With practice, you will be able to drag more and more knowledge into the astral plane, but it should be remembered that other astral travelers may have the same problem, and therefore they may be less wise and intelligent than in life on Earth.


Do people in the astral speak? Do they walk? The answer in both cases is yes; in the astral world there is no language barrier, and it is also possible to move there, although there is no surface on which to walk. On the astral plane, it is possible to perform many actions, and in different ways, but until you get comfortable, it is better to act as you would if you were in the physical body.

Listen and learn, but judge for yourself

Spiritual teachers are all different

In the astral world, as well as on Earth, all beings differ significantly from each other in their outlook on life and philosophical views, and they can communicate with each other on an equal footing and exchange thoughts. However, there is also a teacher-student relationship.

For many, this is a cherished dream: to get out of the body, go to the astral plane and there meet someone from whom you can learn, be it a sage, guru, teacher or master of mystical arts. This happens, and the impact of such discipleship on a person's life is not measurable.


However, not all of these experiences are real. It is possible that you are not progressing as high as you think. For every true teacher, guru or sage in the astral, there are many human and non-human beings who would like to be such.

Of course, not everyone who claims to be a teacher turns out to be sinister creatures who want you evil. Far from it - they are just people, sincere and kind, but only they do not have any deep knowledge that they could convey to you.

Also remember that not every sincere and real teacher and guru should become your teacher and guru.

How do you determine what you need and find it?


Until you become fully accustomed to the astral world, until you can control yourself and your actions as if you were in the physical world, there can only be one safe way of acting.

Think at home

When you are being taught, try to enjoy the process, try to imagine what you will be told. Don't make any promises, don't commit to do or tell anything: a true teacher doesn't need a rushed consent. In any case, try to remember everything that is said and shown to you.


Then, returning to your body, at the first opportunity, retire, remember all this and reflect.

You should do this for several reasons.

If you decide that you have been given good advice - advice that is right for you, taking into account your whole life, as well as spiritual and earthly progress, then you need to familiarize your whole being with the advice, including your brain.

But it may turn out that after calmly thinking, you find out that the advice was not as good as it seemed at first, and does not suit you at all.


If you feel that this great and sensible advice is wrong for you, reject it without the slightest hesitation or regret. You should not follow wrong advice and then suffer. But remember that a spiritual teaching that is right for you, for all its sweetness, will necessarily contain a little bitterness. It will encourage you to climb a little higher than you would like at the moment. Perhaps that's why you needed to hear it.


In contrast to the above, there are enough “teachers” in the astral world who simply want to attract followers. They know how to read human emotions and understand what exactly you would like to hear. They catch spiritually weak, rushing creatures.

An example of such a “spiritual teaching” is the following: to listen to a person who has chosen a difficult profession and who finds it difficult to study now, to tell him that he does not need to finish his studies, but that he must give up everything and go to hermits. Don't fall for this kind of trick! Perhaps you really need to become a hermit in a remote taiga, but first you get an education, and then reconsider the situation again.

Sunlight as an antiseptic

This is another reason why you need to carefully study all the spiritual lessons learned in the astral world. Transfer the received information to the material plane, provide it to consciousness - let him evaluate it so that you decide whether to leave it or forget about it. If you decide that you do not need these and these knowledge obtained in the astral plane, you can consciously refuse them and not worry that they will be deposited in your subconscious and someday in the future will become subconscious motives of strange actions.

By the way, this is another reason why you should learn to project yourself into the astral plane of your own free will in full consciousness.


Almost every person at least once in his life goes to the astral plane, realizing it or not. Almost everyone can pick up a thought, idea, impulse - not knowing where it all came from and whose mind produced it. If you are traveling consciously and you have a goal, then later you will be able to revise and re-evaluate everything that you brought from your astral journey, remember who told you this, and decide whether to leave it in your own luggage of knowledge and motives for action. And when you become an experienced astral traveler, you will be able to make judgments right there, right on the spot.

In the world of thoughts and ideas, sunlight and consciousness have a lot in common - including the property of an antiseptic.

Astral world population

Friendship with the elementals

Elementals live in the astral - the indigenous population of the astral world.

Some travelers do not come across elementals - that is, they do not meet them or do not notice them. Others, on the contrary, feel a strange kinship with them and, as a rule, get to know them even before they get the ability to leave the physical body - that is, simply with the help of etheric vision. For such people, astral projection is a great way to continue friendship with the inhabitants of the astral plane they like.


Elementals live in that part of the astral plane, which is quite close to the physical world and even resembles it in many ways, but much more subtle. For example, time flows differently there. Travelers to this part of the astral world sometimes encounter such a phenomenon as residual. This phenomenon was poetically described as follows:

There is nothing new under the sun: everything that is has already been before, and everything that will be has already passed (Ecclesiastes 3:15).

That is why this part of the astral, which is a kind of borderline between the physical and the astral plane, turns out to be such an interesting and amazing place. Elementals take the form that suits them best, usually considering the element to which the elemental belongs (i.e., Earth, Air, Water and Fire). An astral traveler can see a curious sight: creatures that remember fish and amphibians, for some reason, wallow with delight in a dried up river bed. If you strain your ethereal vision and see the world of the elementals as it is, then a magnificent stormy stream will appear to the traveler's eyes, and the joy of the elementals will immediately become clear.

Here's a case: it was decided to remodel the old mansion. For this, part of the house was brought down, and it turned out that the staircase began to rest against the wall. For people, of course, this part of the house no longer exists, and that noise is sometimes heard from behind the wall - so little it happens, you never know what it seems. Nevertheless, in the world of elementals, the house is still the same as it was, and they happily play one of their favorite games - pretending to be human.

Elementals as casts

Sometimes it happens that a person leaves an imprint of a strong emotion on the lower astral layer - pain, anger, and so on. Any sensitive person can recognize these footprints, but the elementals are capable of it too. They can portray the person who left the mark. And if an elemental undertakes to portray a child or adolescent, then strong emotions are not needed for this - the elementals feel kinship with young impetuous souls.


Elementals are generally gentle and friendly creatures. Not because they have moral principles - they just do not exist, but rather because any creature that could turn out to be hostile to them lives on "another wave." Elementals love to have fun, to joke, and if they gain access to a source of energy, their fun becomes exuberant. The innocence and playfulness of elementals often warms the hearts of people who are fascinated by the sincerity of those who are part of the natural world.

Elementals as friends

If you are a person who easily finds a common language with animals, then you will probably understand without further ado what it takes to make friends with an elemental.

However, there are also differences. Many elementals look more or less anthropomorphic, human-like, and you may feel that your words are understood. Nevertheless, if the elemental does not have much experience in interacting with people, then he will more observe your intonations, gestures, the way you behave, than listen to what you say. The elemental will try to understand you telepathically, much like a loving dog understands its owner. In general, to know how well you are understood, observe the reaction.

There is another important difference. Animals, as a rule, set for themselves distinct periods of sleep and wakefulness. The elemental will understand that you, too, have your own business. In dealing with elementals, you must set boundaries and limits, and do it firmly. You must be leading. Thinking is your responsibility.

And yet there are times when you feel like relaxing and having fun, and then you can let the elemental show you the wonders and beauties of his world. You will see how diligently he tries to find out what you like and lead you there.

What can you give in return? Sincere pleasure and gratitude. Be sure to show the elemental that although you are not giving him much time, this is a time for you that has special meaning and value.

These fragile creatures living in the astral plane - at the level of emotions and instincts - love friendship with humans. If they form a relationship that they might call friendly, they become greedy for praise and attention, like children, and jealous, like cats. To enjoy this friendship, you need patience, understanding and - sometimes - strength.

Osborne Phillips