Unknown Civilizations Of The Ural Mountains - Alternative View

Unknown Civilizations Of The Ural Mountains - Alternative View
Unknown Civilizations Of The Ural Mountains - Alternative View

Video: Unknown Civilizations Of The Ural Mountains - Alternative View

Video: Unknown Civilizations Of The Ural Mountains - Alternative View
Video: Mysterious cases of the missing expedition! An inexplicable mystery! Where did they all disappear? 2024, October

Artifacts found in the Urals are 2 times older than the pyramids, they are 9500 years old. Will scientists find a new Cappadocia?

Numerous objects and structures confirming the power of ancient civilizations are found all over the planet. But most people hear about the pyramids of Egypt or the stone cities of South America. On the territory of Russia, in particular, in the Urals and in Yakutia, there are also many traces of an unknown ancient civilization, - says Nikolai Subbotin, director of the Russian UFO Research Station (RUFORS). Who scattered giant two-meter cubes along the Tulym ridge? Why is the artifact found 20 years ago still not of interest to scientists, and geologists consider these megaliths to be natural, and not man-made? How to explain another amazing find - an absolutely flat area in the mountains, formed as if by cutting off a mountain peak? Can nature create perfectly smooth, even surfaces or is this the work of human hands,owning unique technologies and equipment? How to evaluate the found megalithic blocks, on which cuts, holes from drilling are visible? Could traces of mechanical processing of stone appear as a result of the activities of geologists or the military? Why in the Urals and Yakutia in hard-to-reach areas do helicopter pilots notice piles of stones - traces of mine workings, if people have not been in this area for 300 years? Who mined and processed stone in uninhabited places today? What is the origin of the two amazing mountains of the Subpolar Urals: the Pyramid and the Dragon? Could nature create such clear and recognizable forms? Are destroyed ancient buildings and samples of megalithic masonry found in the Urals? How do the discovered artifacts agree with the Ural legends about the ancient people? Who owns the giant footprintfound at the top of one of the mountains? Could the legendary giant Polyud, who guarded the Ural lands, have left him? When will DNA analysis of another unusual find - a 4-centimeter tooth, stored in the Pozhvinsky Museum - be carried out? Why does all northern ethnography describe military operations between earthly and heavenly armies? Has human civilization entered the battle with an alien? Could the War of the Gods take place on the territory of the Urals? Where did the people inhabiting this area go after the victory of the heavenly army? Maybe they hid in numerous and almost unexplored mountain caves? Will a new Cappadocia be found in the Urals? Will the ancient legends of great battles explain the mysterious disappearance of the Chud people? Why at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries there was an imperial archaeological commission for the study of ancient peoples, and today this topic is not interesting to anyone,other than alternative historians? Why are all found artifacts localized in one small area? Can we talk about the discovery of the country of ancient cities? Whose culture belongs to the unique Ural find - the Shigir idol? Why is the age of the wooden idol - 9500 years - confirmed by radiocarbon analysis, but the official science still does not study the history of the Ural peoples? Will we find out how the civilization lived and where disappeared, twice as ancient as the Egyptian?but the official science still does not study the history of the Ural peoples? Will we find out how the civilization lived and where disappeared, twice as ancient as the Egyptian?but the official science still does not study the history of the Ural peoples? Will we find out how the civilization lived and where disappeared, twice as ancient as the Egyptian?

Nikolay Subbotin: I'll warn you right away, the topic is very controversial, I will be grateful for comments only in the discussion mode of professional geologists. Don't scold right away.

The topic is quite young, as scientists say, we are now at the very initial stage, it is collecting information, so now we are collecting and generalizing. The story began about 20 years ago, when my friend and colleague, the former chief forester of the Vishersky Reserve, during a regular raid across the Tulymsky ridge, came across several strange geological formations. Unfortunately, he did not take photographs, but we have reconciled, these are cubes about two by two meters. The next year I wanted to make an expedition to study what kind of formation it is, artificial or natural, is it geology or is it something artificial, but, unfortunately, the injury that he received in 1995 knocked him out of his rut for several decades … And I could get to this place,to get to the Tulymsky ridge only in 2012 together with the scientific expedition of the Perm State University. He then acted as a guide, and they entered Tulym not from the north, where he found these artifacts, but from the south, having missed a little by 12 kilometers. As a result, on the southern slope of the Tulym ridge, they found the ruins of a rather large megalithic structure with such characteristic internal grooves. I must say right away that from the point of view of geology, the structure is quite controversial, which, in principle, caused a lot of discussions at that time. But, nevertheless, we ventured to present these artifacts at the press conference of Komsomolskaya Pravda, which we held in August 2012, and invited researchers to try to discuss the problem of the possible presence of some unknown civilizations in the Perm Territory. To our surprise, the researchers and those tourists who walk along the Big Ural Range, this is a fairly extended structure, about a thousand kilometers long, who can imagine what the Ural is, literally in a few weeks began to send us a huge number of photographs of absolutely incredible artifacts that I I would like to show you. I have selected only those photographs, those artifacts that really cause a certain controversy, because due to, say, a certain lack of preparation in the field of geology, people often perceive some completely natural geological formations for some incomprehensible possible structures.what is the Ural, literally in a few weeks they began to send us a huge number of photographs of absolutely incredible artifacts that I would like to show you. I have selected only those photographs, those artifacts that really cause a certain controversy, because due to, say, a certain lack of preparation in the field of geology, people often perceive some completely natural geological formations for some incomprehensible possible structures.what is the Ural, literally in a few weeks they began to send us a huge number of photographs of absolutely incredible artifacts that I would like to show you. I have selected only those photographs, those artifacts that really cause a certain controversy, because due to, say, a certain lack of preparation in the field of geology, people often perceive some completely natural geological formations for some incomprehensible possible structures.some quite natural geological formations are often perceived by people as some kind of incomprehensible possible structures.some quite natural geological formations are often perceived by people as some kind of incomprehensible possible structures.

I want to immediately draw your attention to the fact that this structure, let's say, the ruins of the megalithic complex were found literally next to such a very interesting site. Unfortunately, I am not a geologist, I would be grateful if geologists comment on how such sites can be formed naturally or artificially. Because among the sent photos we found many more interesting enough cut off mountain peaks. Again, due to the lack of geological education, I cannot comment on how natural or artificial they are. I would appreciate your comments during the break. And among those photos that were sent to us, I want to highlight the Kosva artifact. Here it is already clearly visible that a piece of the block, most likely, was either cut off or chipped off with some tool,clearly visible here and traces of cuts and fairly even right angles.

The next artifact was found on the Kvartush plateau, about 20 kilometers from the Tulym ridge. I immediately had a question, because the Ural ridge, it is very often used by the military for certain buildings of a purely military purpose. Due to the fact that I have been working as a journalist for 15 years and have access to, say, some information that other people do not own, I made inquiries, I was just wondering whether geological surveys were carried out in this area or the possible construction of military bases. At the State University, at the Department of Geology, I received a negative answer, along with the military they also said that no military bases or radar stations were being built in the area. Geologists, too, have not yet clearly been able to comment on how this cut was made, and the slab is quite large. According to the story of the person who photographed,in length, this slab is about 4 meters, that is, accordingly, the width of the cut should be about 10 centimeters. That is, what kind of slab it was, what kind of cutter it was, if all the same geologists somehow tried, how could there, in principle, drag such a tool to make such a cut? In general, what was it for?

On the Konzhakovsky stone, they found very interesting either pens, or the remains of some buildings. We began to communicate with ethnographers who are studying the ancient settlements of that area. In the next 200-300 years there were no traces of a person, that is, no settlements, no shepherds, no one went there, no one built anything there. It looks a lot like a cattle paddock, but what it is is also not clear.

We talked with the helicopter pilots, the helicopter pilots sent us very interesting photos, this is the area of the Konzhakovsky stone, the area of the Tulym ridge, the obvious remains of some kind of mine workings. Also, when communicating with our university, with the Department of Geology, they tried to clarify whether they have information on the ancient workings of the 16-17 centuries, when mining of cuprous sandstones began in the Urals, when the Demidovs came, when the Lyubimovs came to the Urals, there is no information either. But the most interesting thing is that approximately the same formations are found in Yakutia. This is some kind of Yakut mine workings, there are also no mines or buildings nearby, that is, this is a deaf taiga, moreover, if you pay attention to the height of the trees, the average height of such a good average tree is 20 meters, that is, this formation is at its peak reaches 50 meters, that is, a rather serious mountain dump. Still the same mountain dump, and here is a whole chain of them.

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Other interesting photos began to be sent. This is the Subpolar Ural, Maly Chander, the so-called, there are a lot of legends and rumors around this photo on the Internet, they call this photo "the pyramid of paradise", but only those people who have never been involved in tourism are called. Because in fact it is no "black pyramid", it is just the top of a mountain, which, by the way, bears this very name, Pyramid. It is not she who is interesting here, but what is interesting here is what is at the foot of the Pyramid. An ancient mine is located at the foot of the Pyramid. Again, no information about who did this development, when it was made. It should be noted that the nearest settlement from this tunneling work is located about 250 kilometers. Tourists get there, at least by helicopter, and then walk about 100 kilometers in the mountains,the places there are very beautiful and interesting. That is, there is also no information about who did it, what was mined there.

They sent us interesting photos from the Sverdlovsk region. From the point of view of geology, in principle, there is nothing anomalous here, that is, it is classical beautiful geology, but until we see what is at the base of this wonderful, beautiful wall. And at the base there are such quite interesting and funny blocks. In principle, from the point of view of geology, this can also be, but if we look around, then such completely natural or artificial slabs are scattered around. Whether this can be attributed to geology or not, this is also a question for you, dear comrade geologists. If it were one plate, it would be possible to attribute it to some accidentally breakaway mountain formation, but I was just at this place, there are 20 of these plates, and they are all the same size, such an impression,that they were simply cast or somehow processed, they are simply scattered there, that is, there was clearly some kind of destroyed building. I would be grateful if geologists would help me to clarify what kind of thing it is.

Again, the Sverdlovsk region, the foothills of the Ural Mountains. There are a lot of such incomprehensible pebbles, clearly with traces of either drilling, or gouging, or fragments of some incomprehensible structures. Such stones are found, from the point of view of the classics, this is a classic system of breaking stones, which was used 200 years ago, that is, a chain of small holes was gouged, wooden wedges were driven in there, these wedges were soaked, and as a result, the stone split in half. The good old technique of stone extraction. But there are a lot of such stones, again there is no information, neither scientists nor ethnographers, who did what and what did it do, and why it was necessary to do it.

A lot of legends are associated precisely with the ancient people who were in the Urals. Moreover, these legends are interesting because they find, let's say, quite material confirmation. A very beautiful legend associated with the giant Polyud. According to the Ural legends, there were 2 giants who guarded the Ural land, these are Polyud and Pelya, and one fine day in time immemorial, history is silent about this, I will not talk about numbers so that you do not ask me uncomfortable questions in the end. Allegedly, some bad army went to the Ural land, as a result, two giants Polyud and Pelya stood on one of the mountains, which, by the way, later became known as Mount Polyud and Mount Pelya, and began throwing huge stones at these enemies. But in the end, the giants ran out of stones, and Polyud decided to use all his magical powers, stomped on the mountain, as a result, a collapse occurred,and all the host was overwhelmed. But the most interesting thing is that there is a so-called tracker on one of the mountains. That is, these investigators very often find interesting phenomena in different parts of the world, and no one can really explain how they are formed. I understand that this investigator, he is at the very top of the mountain, if, suppose, the investigator was somewhere under the mountain, it could be attributed, say, to the effect of water, that is, water dripped and in such a bizarre way could knock out such a niche. What it is, I again do not know. If you tell me, I will be grateful to you. My task today is not to explain, my task is to show you the amount of data that we have accumulated over 3 years.very often found in different parts of the world, and no one can really explain how they are formed. I understand that this investigator, he is at the very top of the mountain, if, suppose, the investigator was somewhere under the mountain, it could be attributed, say, to the effect of water, that is, water dripped and in such a bizarre way could knock out such a niche. What it is, I again do not know. If you tell me, I will be grateful to you. My task today is not to explain, my task is to show you the amount of data that we have accumulated over 3 years.very often found in different parts of the world, and no one can really explain how they are formed. I understand that this investigator, he is at the very top of the mountain, if, suppose, the investigator was somewhere under the mountain, it could be attributed, say, to the effect of water, that is, water dripped and in such a bizarre way could knock out such a niche. What it is, I again do not know. If you tell me, I will be grateful to you. My task today is not to explain, my task is to show you the amount of data that we have accumulated over 3 years.that is, water dripped and in such a bizarre way could knock out such a niche. What it is, I again do not know. If you tell me, I will be grateful to you. My task today is not to explain, my task is to show you the amount of data that we have accumulated over 3 years.that is, water dripped and in such a bizarre way could knock out such a niche. What it is, I again do not know. If you tell me, I will be grateful to you. My task today is not to explain, my task is to show you the amount of data that we have accumulated over 3 years.

Another interesting Ural legends tell about a certain big battle that took place in time immemorial. This is a battle between the earthly army of Dyya and the heavenly army of Svarg. By the way, I want to note those who are engaged in ethnography, approximately the same motives are present in the Yakut epic Olonkho, and in the legends of the Sami on the Kola Peninsula. That is, this entire northern part, ethnography, describes some incomprehensible military actions that took place precisely between the population that lived on Earth at that moment in this territory, and some newcomers either from the sky, or from somewhere from other lands, more with strong enemies. As a result, in all the legends, that in the Ural legends, in the legends of Olonkho, that among the Sami, it is the heavenly army that wins, as they call it, and those indigenous people who were at that moment on Earth,forced to either go to other places, or, as happens in the Ural legends, they go directly to the mountains. By the way, the legend about the Chud people, the so-called "white-eyed chud", is connected with this very legend. A stunted people who are sometimes compared to the Finno-Ugrians or the Mansi, but by the way, they have nothing to do with them, because they are a little bit completely different peoples, I will not dwell on why. That is, as a result of this battle, the Chud people were forced to leave for the Ural Mountains. By the way, who can roughly imagine what the Ural Mountains are, there really are about 200 very large caves, with an average length of 5 to 20-30 kilometers, and most of these caves have not been fully explored, that is, what happens there at depth, at nobody really knows. And it is likely that in the Ural Mountains,just like in Turkey, you can find underground cities like Cappadocia or that wonderful city that Vadim Chernobrov told us about today. Simply, let's say, due to the certain inaccessibility of these places, it is extremely difficult to engage in serious systematic study of the Urals.

Some legends are confirmed. Literally 2 years ago I was in the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, in the village of Pozhva, and they have a very interesting tooth in their museum, a seemingly ordinary human canine, with the difference that it is one and a half times larger than a human. I held it in my hands, it is about two phalanges of a finger, that is, 4 centimeters. How did it come about? There are a lot of ancient burial grounds in the Pozhva area, with which many interesting legends are also associated, you can talk about this later. And the burial grounds, most of the burial grounds are located on the river bank, that is, the bank is gradually being washed away, and all the contents of the burial grounds simply spill out onto this bank. And among just this archaeological rubbish, let's call it, this very tooth was found. It really is this size, that is, 4 centimeters. If desired,If any of our highly respected scientists have a desire, I can give the contacts of the person who is the keeper of this museum, this is a private museum. That is, in principle, if you have the desire, capabilities and scientific equipment, you can try to conduct a DNA analysis or do something else with it.

I have already said about the "white-eyed chud". I wonder what? I am engaged in all the Ural legends, quite by chance I learned that, it turns out, under the tsar there was a magnificent organization called the "Imperial Archaeological Commission", a completely unique organization that for 50 years has published simply fantastic in terms of information volumes, which described both archaeological, ethnographic research. Moreover, at the turn of the 18-19th century, the topic of Biarmia, Chud, and ancient peoples, and so on, so on, so on, was seriously raised. And just about the Chud people, around the middle of the 19th century, several volumes were published, which described not just the life and foundations of the Chud people, but described the places where these settlements were located. And we just found these places with the help of old maps and just tried to make an expedition there. As a result, they found old settlements that had long been abandoned, and these are the remains of some ancient platinum, and lakes, and so on, so on, so on. That is, yes, indeed, there was a people who had gone to no one knows where.

Briefly, the Shigir idol, the antiquity of the Ural people is confirmed by one very interesting find that was made in the 19th century, the brothers-scientists probably know what the Shigir idol is. This is an ancient wooden idol that was found in the Shigir swamps. As dated by radiocarbon analysis, it is nine and a half thousand years old. That is, the Ural civilization is at least 2 times older than the Egyptian pyramids.

And I will show you some interesting photos at the end, I just specially selected what they send me after the lectures and those materials that I sometimes publish on the Internet. All these artifacts are traces of some incomprehensible buildings, traces of an unknown civilization are located on the territory of Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm Territory and a little higher to the north, where Kudymkar is located. Just look, there are stone blocks lying so incomprehensible in the forest, obviously processed, clearly hewn by someone, somehow carved, even, most likely, polished. Here in the forest, just in the forest there is some kind of stone staircase, but in the middle of the forest it stands. Made by whom, when made, for what? No one is around. And a lot of these, let's call them, sacrificial bowls. Look, a tree has grown here, it is so large, that is, two meters, probably in diameter. That is, there are traces, we are now collecting all the information, putting it all on a map, tying it to GPS coordinates, so that later we can come there. By the way, we will have just these places in the summer, with the "Property of the Planet" we are now making several expeditions, and literally in July we will conduct research there. Literally in the winter of this year, we went to the Stone Town, and we also found such an interesting formation in the rock. How it was made, it is not clear, it just protrudes, I thought it was some kind of sandstone, something, I thought, now I'll scrape off a piece with a knife, it turns out to be iron. Not iron, some very dense metal, not metal, in general, material, it just protrudes from the rock. It was not possible to scrape off a piece, there was, unfortunately, nothing to recapture, only they were able to photograph.binds to GPS coordinates so that later you can come there. By the way, we will have just these places in the summer, with the "Property of the Planet" we are now making several expeditions, and literally in July we will conduct research there. Literally in the winter of this year, we went to the Stone Town, and we also found such an interesting formation in the rock. How it was made, it is not clear, it exactly protrudes, I thought it was some kind of sandstone, something, I thought, now I will scrape off a piece with a knife, it turns out to be iron. Not iron, some very dense metal, not metal, in general, material, it just protrudes from the rock. It was not possible to scrape off a piece, there was, unfortunately, nothing to recapture, only they were able to photograph.binds to GPS coordinates so that later you can come there. By the way, we will have just these places in the summer, with the "Property of the Planet" we are now making several expeditions, and literally in July we will conduct research there. Literally in the winter of this year, we went to the Stone Town, and we also found such an interesting formation in the rock. How it was made, it is not clear, it just protrudes, I thought it was some kind of sandstone, something, I thought, now I'll scrape off a piece with a knife, it turns out to be iron. Not iron, some very dense metal, not metal, in general, material, it just protrudes from the rock. It was not possible to scrape off a piece, there was, unfortunately, nothing to recapture, only they were able to photograph. We are now making several expeditions with the "Property of the Planet", and literally in July we will conduct research there. Literally in the winter of this year, we went to the Stone Town, and we also found such an interesting formation in the rock. How it was made, it is not clear, it just protrudes, I thought it was some kind of sandstone, something, I thought, now I'll scrape off a piece with a knife, it turns out to be iron. Not iron, some very dense metal, not metal, in general, material, it just protrudes from the rock. It was not possible to scrape off a piece, there was, unfortunately, nothing to recapture, only they were able to photograph. We are now making several expeditions with the "Property of the Planet", and literally in July we will conduct research there. Literally in the winter of this year, we went to the Stone Town, and we also found such an interesting formation in the rock. How it was made, it is not clear, it just protrudes, I thought it was some kind of sandstone, something, I thought, now I'll scrape off a piece with a knife, it turns out to be iron. Not iron, some very dense metal, not metal, in general, material, it just protrudes from the rock. It was not possible to scrape off a piece, there was, unfortunately, nothing to recapture, only they were able to photograph. Now I'll scrape off a piece with a knife, it turns out to be iron. Not iron, some very dense metal, not metal, in general, material, it just protrudes from the rock. It was not possible to scrape off a piece, there was, unfortunately, nothing to recapture, only we could photograph. Now I'll scrape off a piece with a knife, it turns out to be iron. Not iron, some very dense metal, not metal, in general, material, it just protrudes from the rock. It was not possible to scrape off a piece, there was, unfortunately, nothing to recapture, only they were able to photograph.

And in the end, we just tried to map some of the finds, and to our surprise, it turned out that all the finds are located on a fairly compact territory. That is, this circle radius is approximately 50 kilometers. We called it, let's say, the country of ancient cities. And we assume that in the next few years we will focus our search on these areas. Thank you, I said.

Question: Nikolay, first of all, thank you. Secondly, immediately a question. The area that you have just touched upon, I understand that it is somewhat isolated from the research of Sidorov, who is well known on the Internet?

Nikolay Subbotin: I would say that it echoes. Because Sidorov has very interesting add-ons for chudi. Just 15 minutes, I could still tell you about the tarts, where it came from to "descend into the hells", and about underground shelters. The topic is large, but impossible to cover. And Sidorov also talks about this, but, unfortunately, he does not always show where he gets the data from.

Question: Yes, he has such a sin.

Nikolay Subbotin: You see, we have a problem. We are all here, sort of, alternative scientists, but I believe that the alternative, at least, should always show the source of information. This is the most important thing, otherwise he turns into some kind of speculator, probably.

Nikolay Subbotin