Scientific Philosophy And Development Of The Modern World - Alternative View

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Scientific Philosophy And Development Of The Modern World - Alternative View
Scientific Philosophy And Development Of The Modern World - Alternative View

Video: Scientific Philosophy And Development Of The Modern World - Alternative View

Video: Scientific Philosophy And Development Of The Modern World - Alternative View
Video: A History of Philosophy | 63 Whitehead's "Science and Modern World" 2024, October

I am a schoolboy in this best of the best worlds.

My work is hard: the teacher is too harsh!

Until the gray hairs, I go to life as an apprentice, Still not enrolled in the category of masters …

/ Omar Khayyam. /

For the first time in the history of philosophy and science, I began to develop and create a new science in the form of Scientific Philosophy, which, in my opinion, has found answers to the most important questions of human life and existence on Earth, which until now have not been answered by any of those who lived before us for the last 2-3 thousand years of scientists and philosophers.

Probably, it will still be more correct if I correct myself and say that the author of Scientific philosophy is the Supreme Creator, the Lord God or the Supreme Reason, and I, only with God's help, as a diligent student, only restore anew the long-forgotten foundations of Scientific philosophy that humanity lost in ancient times. Therefore, my authorship of Scientific philosophy here is very conditional and operates only in our world of invented conventions and distorted concepts in the era of involution before the onset of the best times of the new Time.

The events of recent years show that the lost old in the form of Scientific Philosophy again returns to people in a new form at the time determined by the Lord God, in order to help people survive difficult times and safely pass into a new era.

Scientific philosophy does not exist in the world today.

Modern scientists and philosophers do not know and do not have knowledge about Scientific philosophy.

I could give a many-hour lecture to those wishing to learn about the historical roots of Scientific Philosophy, starting with the theosophy of Helena Blavatsky, George Gurdjieff, Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel, Lao Tzu, Confucius and many other philosophers who made their own contribution so that future descendants could would create a Scientific philosophy and why scientists and philosophers such a Scientific philosophy was not created until the end of the 20th century.

But one question still remains the most mysterious for me myself - why the creation of the very Scientific philosophy, which was extremely necessary for the transition period from involution to evolution, for some reason was entrusted to me, who does not have a higher philosophical education or scientific titles?

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We will leave the discussion of these interesting topics until better times, and now, my dear readers, with your permission, I will continue my short story about Scientific philosophy.

In an abbreviated form, I wrote an article on the tasks of Scientific Philosophy, its importance and necessity for the successful development of the modern world and published it on my website.

But in this article I did not begin to reveal the topic of the transition period at the end of the era of involution for many reasons.

But at the beginning of the new 2016, some events finally convinced me that the birth of God of Scientific philosophy had a specific purpose - to provide human society with a minimum amount of knowledge of Scientific philosophy about the transition period at the end of the era of involution so that all countries and peoples inhabiting our planet, successfully survived this difficult and difficult transition period.

The laws of Scientific Philosophy explained and proved that in the transition period at the end of the era of involution in the near future, a global global crisis may occur. Thus, the question of a possible global global crisis in the transition period of involution turned out to be so important that I had to rewrite the entire article in order to devote a separate part of the article to this topic.

But more on that later.

Now about Scientific philosophy itself.

I will try to explain in a concise and accessible form for the modern reader what place scientific philosophy should take among the scientific and philosophical disciplines, without using complex scientific formulations and terms.

Scientific philosophy is a new scientific and philosophical discipline of the 21st century, which combines all the religious philosophies of the universally recognized world religions; all scientific disciplines existing in the world today; studies the philosophical works of famous and great philosophers of modern philosophy; explores ancient myths, legends, legends, predictions and astrological predictions.

In fact, it is Scientific philosophy that claims to be able to provide scientists, philosophers and all educated citizens with a complete scientific and philosophical system of values available for understanding and research in the form of the Higher Scientific Philosophy of the Development of Human Society, which can explain the laws of human development at the level of theory. societies so far for one Earth Rotation Cycle of 10800 years.

Scientific philosophy distantly, to some extent, reminds me in a simplified form of a game computer program, guided by which a person and human society in the era of involution can live on Earth for a certain part of their life, improving and developing themselves, passing from one life to another. a certain number of times, dying and returning to Earth through reincarnation. At the same time, a person had to know the ultimate goal of his participation in this global game called Life.

But every person in the epoch of involution had the right to refuse spiritual perfection. By refusing spiritual perfection, a person lost the Highest knowledge about Scientific Philosophy, and with them the meaning of his existence on this Earth and put himself on the brink of self-destruction.

Today in the world, believers of all universally recognized world religions look backward, poor and illiterate in the eyes of all modern society, who have lagged behind modern life and most of them live in poverty and poverty. In fact, these believers were supposed to be the leaders of the entire human civilization today - to become the richest and most secure world states; develop science and philosophy; to create perfect scientific and medical technologies; to create an ideal system of social security of the population in their states, which would be many times superior to the social system of today's European states, having risen from religious philosophy to the level of Scientific philosophy by way of conscious evolution.

But none of the universally recognized world religions, as we can see, has been able to rise to Scientific philosophy.

Without possessing the Highest knowledge about Scientific Philosophy, human society in the epoch of involution cannot develop along the path of conscious evolution.

Therefore, based on my scientific and philosophical works, I can declare as a scientific philosopher that the hypothesis of the gradual linear progress of mankind, that is, the hypothesis of the evolutionary path of development of human society, which Western European scientists and philosophers impose on the whole world is pseudoscientific and does not have any scientific base.

Unlike Western European scientists and philosophers, Scientific philosophy explains and proves that human society for a long time developed along the involutionary path of development within the Earth's Rotational Cycle and is currently living at the end of the era of involution.

In the same way, I can say that Darwin's theory of the origin of man from ape is also pseudoscientific and erroneous.

This can be seen by familiarizing yourself with the basic provisions of Scientific philosophy.

In order for scientists and philosophers to have a complete understanding of Scientific Philosophy, its importance and necessity for the successful development of the modern world, in the near future, with God's help, I hope to finish and publish many of my books on Scientific Philosophy.

And now I will tell you, dear readers, about the most important part of Scientific philosophy - about the transition period at the end of the era of involution.

The scientific and philosophical studies I have conducted show that modern human society is living at the end of the era of involution, which should end in about 15-20 years.

At the end of the epoch of involution, there is a short transition period into a new epoch, in which human society now lives all over the world. According to my calculations, the entire transition period at the end of the epoch of involution is 36 years and passes in three stages of 12 years each:

The first stage - 2000-2012, the second stage - 2012-2024, the third stage - 2024-2036.

Since 2000, human society has been living in a transitional period at the end of the era of involution and is currently living in the second stage of this transitional period.

The end of the third stage of the transition period at the end of the epoch of involution in 2036 will mean that the epoch of involution has ended and human society has entered a new epoch of evolution, the golden age, about which Michelle Nostradamus wrote, Vanga Dimitrova and many other prophets and clairvoyants spoke.

Scientific philosophy explains and proves that the evolution of human society during one Earth Rotation Cycle can be of two types or types:

1. Conscious evolution.

2. Voluntary-compulsory evolution.

The epoch of involution clearly shows that human society has abandoned conscious evolution and the Time, allotted by the Supreme Creator, Lord God, the Absolute for conscious evolution to humanity, seems to be over.

When the epoch of involution reaches a critical point at the end of the epoch of involution, in order to preserve human society from complete self-destruction, the Lord God or the Highest Reason switches on automatic mechanisms of inhibition of the processes of involution and then the process of voluntary-forced transition to the evolutionary path of development or voluntary-forced evolution begins.

The process of voluntary-compulsory transition to the evolutionary path of development prepares human society for the transition to a new era.

The very process of voluntary-compulsory transition to the evolutionary path of development in a programmed mode automatically regulates and directs global, significant, historical events in the life of human society taking place in the world to a new level of development, which no longer depends on the will and desire of the person and society.

It is during the transitional period of Time from involution to evolution, when the process of voluntary-forced transition to the evolutionary path of development begins in human society, that a global global crisis can arise.

For a long time, one question remained a mystery to me - how will the process of voluntary-forced transition to the evolutionary path of development take place?

At the level of theories and assumptions, I could imagine that some mechanisms of the transition from one era to the next era were activated, but it was difficult to imagine how this would happen in practice in real life.

Although my scientific and philosophical studies back in 2008-2010 showed that the transition from one era to another can cause a global global crisis all over the world, I did not dare to speak on this topic for a long time, so as not to shock and alarm people who today, and so it is difficult to survive in this difficult world.

In his article "The Return of Nibiru." I have outlined some of my assumptions and predictions regarding the planet Nibiru.

But the most important thing was that I would not want to be known in the history of philosophy as a charlatan, mystic or a scientific dreamer looking for cheap fame on high-profile scientific sensations, since I never was.

Therefore, for a long time I hesitated to publish my forecasts.

But after the new 2016, miracles began to happen to me, which finally convinced and forced me to publish my forecasts for 2016-2020. and 2020-2024, so that society is ready for such events, if, nevertheless, these events begin to occur.

If the events I have listed below do not occur, let my forecasts for the next 15-20 years remain in the history of philosophy as science fiction forecasts of one unrecognized scientific philosopher.

If even approximately such events begin to occur in the near future, then I will help so many people on Earth survive that I am scared to imagine such a figure.

Then the significance and importance of Scientific Philosophy for the entire human society will become clear and obvious.

Thus, there were more arguments for the publication of forecasts.

Let me remind you once again, dear readers, that I am just a scientific philosopher of the epoch of involution, entrusted with a seemingly very simple task - to provide human society with a minimum amount of knowledge of scientific philosophy about all the processes of voluntary-forced transition to the evolutionary path of development.

Therefore, I would not really want to pretend to be a predictor of the future of the entire human society. For me, it is enough to be a scientific philosopher. It is a thankless job to predict the future, especially the near future. However, the future of humanity has long been predicted.

But when I did not dare to publish my forecasts about the transition period at the end of the era of involution and about a possible global global crisis for a long time, the windows of Time were opened to me so that I could see only a small fragment of the near future …

This was also a very weighty and impressive argument for me.

In the near future, people will become witnesses and eyewitnesses of such events, similar to miracles that will occur in our life during the transition to a new era, that some will be shocked by this, while others will refuse to believe their eyes. I realized that it would be impossible to get by with just one prediction.

These milestone events of the near future, which may occur around 2016-2020, I saw in such vague outlines:

From the east, black clouds rose, which, like a hurricane, headed straight to the West. Inside these black clouds were visible planes with stars and helicopters. Part of these clouds passed over the territory of Turkey. I saw destroyed ships below the sea, frightened faces of people. Then these black clouds headed towards the West. From the West, first four huge lions rise and go out against these black clouds. A little later, another fifth lion from the West joins four lions. In the West, the population is in panic. You can see the faces of people distorted with fear and horror. After a short time, all of a sudden these five huge and ferocious lions of enormous size suddenly turn into five ordinary yard bulldogs. These five bulldogs quickly return to their home and each of these bulldogs already from behind their fence, lying down and resting their heads on paws,they look indifferently and peacefully at the world around them and at street passers-by …

As a scientific philosopher, I can add that after a possible, indirect, short military clash or exacerbation of relations before a military conflict between the West and the East, the laws of Scientific Philosophy assume that the West will cease to be a world leader and after that the entire world system of contractual relations between states, including the UN system, which is based on Western European values, will begin to collapse.

The destruction of the entire existing world system can occur gradually over several years.

The complete collapse and chaos of the entire existing world system can cause a global global crisis throughout the world.

The global global crisis for all mankind, for all states and peoples, can be very difficult, dangerous and accompanied not only by a temporary global military confrontation between the West and the East, but also by political, economic, financial and food crises, shocks for all states and peoples.

The collapse and chaos of the entire existing world system will continue presumably until 2020-2024, so I also see this period of time as critical and difficult for the entire human society.

In the third stage of the transition period of the epoch of involution 2024-2036 after 2024, a gradual renewal and stabilization of the global system should take place all over the world, when all peoples and states around the world will gradually begin to get out of this global global crisis, restructuring under the new laws of evolutionary development. The collapse and chaos of the entire existing world system will resemble in general terms the same picture as the collapse of the former Soviet Union.

If the leading world powers, guided by common sense and the desire to preserve their states and their peoples in such a possible global global crisis, make every effort to prepare for such a crisis, using with maximum benefit all the knowledge of Scientific Philosophy regarding the transition period, I think, that after 2024, the stabilization and renewal of the global system around the world for the entire human society will happen much faster, in a planned and organized manner.

Although the evolution of human society will take place in a voluntary-forced form, it does not exclude the conscious participation of the state and the population in these processes.

The global world economic, financial and even political crises, although difficult, but people will somehow endure and survive, but the food crisis that may follow this global world crisis for the population of most countries can be very difficult to survive if this crisis is not prepare.

How can a food crisis come about?

If all the events I have listed begin to occur, I will briefly explain how a food crisis can occur in most countries of the world.

Most food in stores, warehouses, or held by the public will suddenly start to deteriorate and decompose, especially in light and air.

In all states, there may be a shortage and a shortage of essential food products at the same time.

Why is this going to happen?

Because all these food products contain toxic chemicals or GMO products that are dangerous to human life and health.

If a person himself or the population itself is not able to assess the harm and danger of such products and purposefully poisons and kills himself and his loved ones, absorbing huge quantities of poisoned food with beautiful labels from fashionable and prestigious companies, then the Lord God, the Supreme Creator, the Absolute in forcibly, demonstratively begins to destroy these poisonous, dangerous food products.

Environmentally friendly and healthy food products will not spoil and decompose.

It should also be remembered that during the onset of the food crisis, there is a risk of symptoms of mass food poisoning among the majority of the population in many states.

Knowing the reasons for what is happening, the population simply needs to refrain from eating poisoned, questionable or spoiled food.

Therefore, all states can be advised to stock up in advance only with ecologically pure food in order to protect the population from a possible food crisis and already now abandon the use of GMOs, pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture.

All people living on this Earth, the population and all states will have no choice but to produce and supply the population with only local natural and ecologically clean food.

Roughly the same processes can occur in the health care system of the population.

Ministries of health in their countries also, I think, need to prepare an extensive program to protect their populations from the consequences of this global global crisis.

During the global global crisis all over the world in large cities, where there are a lot of high-rise, multi-storey buildings, the risk of earthquakes also increases.

If at the same time in many states in large cities earthquakes of small strength begin, then this will be the first signal and warning for the population that it is dangerous to live in such multi-storey, high-rise buildings. People will begin to leave big cities for villages and villages.

Cities deserted by people, high-rise buildings destroyed … In the era of evolution, as I can assume, the population will live either in private houses or in two-story houses with private plots.

This is, in general terms, the whole meaning of the voluntary-compulsory transition of the world's population to a new level of development in a new era.

I don’t know whether we should be happy or sad, but it seems that we, dear readers, were born at the beginning of an era of great changes.

I would like to emphasize one important feature of the laws of the development of human society in the era of involution - at the time determined by the Lord God, people of the new Time are born on Earth, who should change the course of the development of the history of human society in the near future.

Some people of the new Time will offer society new knowledge in the form of Scientific philosophy, other people of the new Time will be engaged in the scientific substantiation of this new scientific knowledge, and others will, on the basis of this knowledge, create new great and prosperous states of the new Time of the era of evolution, in which all peoples, living on Earth, for a thousand years, they will forget strife, wars and poverty and will live in kindness, in love and in harmony according to the laws of the Most High Creator, when kindness and love for one's neighbor will become the basis of the existence of peoples and states throughout the world.

And then a new United Nations Organization will appear in the east with new laws of the era of evolution.

If we ask ourselves the question - when and which states will begin to conduct scientific research in order to study the laws of scientific philosophy, then the answer seems to me very simple - if our future and the future of our future generations are important to us, then the most advanced states of the world, without postponing until tomorrow, will immediately begin conduct such scientific research.

Today, as in past centuries, modern society is trying to solve global issues of world importance, but in fact it is trying to correct the consequences of its own mistakes, not understanding and not knowing the true reasons for the ongoing historical processes.

Time is moving inexorably forward and the history of human society continues and requires new scientific and philosophical knowledge from society to make correct historical decisions at the beginning of an era of great changes.

Remembering the onset of a new Time, I think that in modern society there is a need for Scientific philosophy, which should shine in the sky of the near future in the form of a rainbow, showing mankind the way to the bright future of a new era of the upcoming evolution.

Author: Vaha Dizigov

Turkey. Izmit. / Türkiye. İzmit. / 20.07. 2016 year.

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