Video Of A "dangerous" Ghost - Alternative View

Video Of A "dangerous" Ghost - Alternative View
Video Of A "dangerous" Ghost - Alternative View

Video: Video Of A "dangerous" Ghost - Alternative View

Video: Video Of A
Video: Scary Videos Of WEIRD GHOST STUFF 2024, October

A video of a "dangerous" ghost appeared on YouTube, authored by 21-year-old British woman Tacey Bruce.

She lives with her child in a house in York. The video also captures Tacey's one-year-old son, writes Mirror.

According to the Briton, the "scary" spot that flickers in the frame is a ghost. According to her, she has already performed exorcism in the building several times, but she could not get rid of the ghost. As noted by the British, the ghost that lives in her house can even move furniture.

On the video that appeared on the network, there is indeed a certain mysterious spot. It jumps around the room next to a young child, Bruce. The woman claims that the ghost is hunting her baby.

Tacey also states that once this ghost scratched her. “I came home and found 5-centimeter cuts on my back, which looked like the marks of cat nails,” the woman says. The British woman wants to move from a dangerous house to her parents, because she is afraid to continue living with the ghost.

Note that the British quite often talk about the ghosts that live next to them. So, earlier, a resident of Great Britain announced that a ghost lives in her house, which scares off men.
