The Force Of Attraction Is The Law Of Life - Alternative View

The Force Of Attraction Is The Law Of Life - Alternative View
The Force Of Attraction Is The Law Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Force Of Attraction Is The Law Of Life - Alternative View

Video: The Force Of Attraction Is The Law Of Life - Alternative View
Video: The Law of Life 2024, October

If the cook was irritated while cooking, if she grumbled, if she felt unhappy, if she sighed in sorrow, all this appears before us along with the food she has prepared. It is the knowledge of this fact that makes the Hindus invite a high caste Brahmin as a cook, whose evolution is high, whose life is pure, whose thoughts are lofty. This is not only a custom of the past, it is a modern custom: the Brahmin, who is sometimes the Guru - the teacher for other castes - may also be the cook.

In addition, in ancient times, when the human personality was strongly manifested in everything that she did, each person, regardless of the degree of his life situation, knew how to cook and prepare dishes for himself and for his friends. The main thing was not the dish; the main thing was the thought placed in it. Whether in the East or the West, there was a time when the art of weaving or knitting clothes was known to every little girl; and it was a custom to give a brother or sister, a lover or a relative some little thing made with your own hands.

The girl, while sewing for the one she loves, with every stitch she makes naturally conveys her thought; if she does the work with love and strong feeling, then each stitch creates a new thought; he expresses this living thought of love, thereby internally providing the help that every soul needs. But wagons, carriages and ships that are used at risk to human life, who made them? Who knows what the state of mind of the Titanic builders was like? Was there a peacemaker among them who taught them to maintain a certain rhythm of the mind during its construction?

Everything that has ever been created carries a magnetic influence. If the work was done with unnecessary thought, it means the dangers awaiting people on the ship, in the train car or in the car. Very often you find problems that have no apparent reason, as if something broke without any material reason. The thought of destruction was introduced into the creation of this thing. She works through her; it is something more alive than the thing itself. The same happens when a house is being built. Thoughts are given to it by those who built it, who worked on the project - everything counts.

Influence placed on things corresponds to the intensity of the feeling. The note resonates according to the intensity of the impact on it. If you just play a note on the piano, it will continue to resonate for a certain amount of time; but if you press a key with a lower intensity, it will resonate for a shorter time. Resonance corresponds to the strength with which you strike the key, but also depends on the instrument on which you play that note. For one instrument, the strings will vibrate for a long time; the other has a short one. And the resonance is also influenced by the way you choose to excite the vibrations, with the help of which the effect is produced.

God exists in all things; but an object is only an instrument, and a person is life itself. The person fills the object with life. When a certain thing is created, it is at this time that life is invested in it, which goes on and on, like breathing in the body. It also gives us a hint that when we bring flowers to the sick person and together with them we bring him a healing thought, the flowers convey that thought; and when the sick person looks at the flowers, he receives from them the healing that was put into them.

Everything edible or delicacy, everything that we bring to a friend with the thought of love, can lead to a harmonious, happy result. This means that every little thing, given or received with love, with a harmonious and good thought, is of great value. Because it’s not the subject matter, but what is behind it. Does this not teach us that it is not only the creation or manufacture of things in our daily life that matters, but also the giving of these things with a harmonious, constructive thought so that our work can have a thousand times greater effect and real value?

This teaches us that by creating a certain thing, we are doing something very important, if we do it with such an attitude that we do not just create this thing, but make it live. Doesn't this open up before us a wide field of activity that we can perform easily, without much effort or high cost? By its results, such work can be much more important than one might think or imagine.

Promotional video:

Isn't that also a great blessing to be able to do something important without any external pretensions? Even when a person writes a letter, sometimes he puts into it something that words cannot express; and yet the letter conveys it. There may be just one word written with the love behind it, but that word will probably have a greater effect than a thousand others. Can't we hear the letter almost speak? It's not just what is written in it; it conveys to us the personality of the writer, what mood he was in, what his evolution was, his pleasure and discontent, his joys and sorrows; the letter conveys more than is written in it.

Remember the great souls who came to earth at different times; conditions opposed them, and they met difficulties at every step in doing what they wanted to do; and yet they created a voice, a living voice. This voice lasts a long time after their departure and spreads over time to the entire universe, doing what they once desired. It may have taken centuries for their thought to come true, but they created it as something valuable, something beyond human understanding.

If we could only understand what spirit is, we would be much stronger than now, revere the human being. We trust a person so little, we believe in him so little, we respect him so little, we value a person's capabilities so low. If we only knew what is behind each strong or weak soul, we would understand that it has all the possibilities, and we would never underestimate anyone and would not lose respect for any person, despite everything that he may be deprived; we would have comprehended …