And The Earth, Maybe Hollow ?! - Alternative View

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And The Earth, Maybe Hollow ?! - Alternative View
And The Earth, Maybe Hollow ?! - Alternative View

Video: And The Earth, Maybe Hollow ?! - Alternative View

Video: And The Earth, Maybe Hollow ?! - Alternative View
Video: What if the Earth were Hollow? 2024, October

In 1947, Rear Admiral of the United States Navy, Richard Byrd, noticed a strange spot on the ice from the air during a research flight over the North Pole. And then it seemed to him that he was seeing a mirage: instead of a white icy desert under the plane, there were forests, rivers, meadows on which animals similar to mammoths grazed … Maybe at some point the earth's crust became transparent and Byrd saw that hiding in the bowels of our planet?..

Halley's insight

When Richard Byrd's diaries were published many years later, they, of course, were not believed. And this is not surprising. Indeed, according to all modern geological concepts, a red-hot mantle is located under the earth's crust. True, there have always been scientists who doubted the generally accepted truths. Among them can be called the famous English astronomer, director of the Greenwich Observatory, Edmund Halley, the discoverer of one of the most famous comets named after him. In 1692 Halley wrote that the Earth is a shell about 1000 kilometers thick. And inside it is a core the size of Mercury, which heats the inner part of the planet. Thanks to this, its own animal and plant world was formed there.

And here is another very interesting statement from the astronomer. He explained the effect of the aurora by the fact that the "underground" atmosphere, breaking out into the "above-ground" one, begins to glow. After 300 years, astrophysicists, peering at space images, will remember this theory.

Testing the "crazy" hypothesis

Well-known scientists, as a rule, value their reputation very much, therefore they are afraid to speak out in scientific articles about the possibility of the existence of a hollow Earth. Instead of a scientific article, they sometimes embody their "crazy" hypotheses in the form of science fiction novels. So, for example, did the Russian academician Vladimir Afanasevich Obruchev. When it came to the existence of Bigfoot, he was able not only to defend this "crazy" hypothesis for many, but also to convince the Academy of Sciences to send a representative expedition in search of the Yeti. But the academician preferred to clothe his next hypotheses about the "ghostly" Land of Sannikov and the underworld of Plutonia in the form of science fiction novels. Obruchev suggested that in prehistoric times a giant meteorite fell on our planet and, breaking through it, formed a cavity inside the Earth.

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Obruchev's hypothesis made an impression not only on fans of fantastic literature, but also on the leadership of the USSR. According to the researcher V. Kreslavsky, the activity of Soviet Antarctic research in the 1930s-1940s is explained by nothing more than the desire of the authorities to test the scientist's “crazy” hypothesis.

Crazy idea or witty invention?

But not only the Soviet government made attempts to penetrate through the hole at the pole into underground Plutonium. Renowned Antarctic politician and explorer Miguel Serrano, in an article that was republished in 2006, expressed his firm belief in the existence of the underworld.

Miguel Serrano believed in the existence of the underworld
Miguel Serrano believed in the existence of the underworld

Miguel Serrano believed in the existence of the underworld

It is important to study the stated arguments and theories of the existence of a hollow Earth, wrote Serrano. - I see them only as a repetition or revival of an ancient idea set forth in many myths and legends.

In my opinion, the Earth is split at two edges and bent inward, so that anyone who crosses the 83rd degree north or south does not notice that he is inside the planet. The force of gravity rests in the middle of the earth's crust, which is 800 miles thick. On the reverse side of the earth's crust there could exist continents and seas, forests, mountains and rivers, which are inhabited by one race that came there in ancient times, superior to us in development, which is known as the legendary Hyperboreans."

For several decades, the idea of an underworld existing on our planet was viewed as a crazy idea by a few uneducated fanatics like Simms. or as a witty invention of aging academics, to whom Obruchev was ranked.

Space images

The attitude towards the possibility of the existence of Plutonia changed at the end of the 20th century after the researchers obtained satellite images of the polar territories. On them, scientists saw a very strange image of the northern and southern auroras. For a long time, the cause of the aurora was considered to be the glow of rarefied layers of air under the influence of protons and electrons penetrating into the atmosphere from space. True. Fridtjof Nansen and other early Arctic explorers wrote in their memoirs about flashes of fire rising from the horizon and going up. But serious scientists did not pay attention to this information until in 1968 the American meteorological satellite ESSA 7 transmitted strange images of the North Pole to Earth. With the complete absence of clouds, which is extremely rare in such images, a huge hole is visible in the region of the pole - a hole!This photograph is genuine - the examinations were carried out several times.

The southern continent, Antarctica, was also photographed from space. Images captured by NASA's artificial satellites clearly show that the auroras are emanating from inside the Earth and form a kind of ring around the hole near the South Pole.

Three arguments for

The American proponent of the idea of a hollow earth, Jones McNibble, cites three main signs that prove the reality of the existence of the underworld. Firstly, the images of Antarctica clearly show that from the spot. interpreted as the entrance to the hollow Earth, fog creeps in. Where could he come from if there is no hole in the underworld? Secondly, it is in the area of the ice continent, where the ocean comes close to the entrance to the underworld, that numerous icebergs are formed. It's related. according to Jones McNibble. with the phenomenon of "the outflow of ice from a dark circular area, the location of which can be determined as 84.4 degrees south latitude and 39 degrees east longitude." Thirdly, if you look closely at the direction of air flows. then their movement towards the zone becomes noticeable,located closer to Queen Maud Land and in general to the African side of Antarctica. Winds arise due to the replacement of the lighter warm air coming from the underworld, the heavier cold air.

And what is in the bowels of the moon?

Jones McNibble makes a more general conclusion about the structure of the planets. He claims that other planets of the solar system are hollow formations. Their pictures show a similar natural ventilation. " As an example, he cites an infrared image of Venus available on the Internet. It shows how the temperature of atmospheric gases drops sharply as it approaches the North Pole, and then suddenly, in the very center, a "speck of heat" is unexpectedly found - this is the point of the geographic pole!

The hypothesis of hollow planets was unexpectedly confirmed by the study of the lunar surface by the American Apollo. It was discovered by them. that over the lunar seas there are regions in which the gravitational field of our natural satellite changes significantly. Moreover, such changes are so significant that they significantly affect the flight trajectories of automatic probes launched in circumlunar orbits. Based on the data obtained, as well as calculating the average weight of the Moon and analyzing its motion, NASA employee Gordon MacDonald made calculations that made it possible to make the assumption that the Moon is a spherical body, hollow inside!

Egor Reshetnikov. Secrets of the XX century magazine
