Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Operation Orion - Alternative View

Operation Orion - Alternative View

More than fifty years of misinformation and manipulation in the shadows. The media deceives society to manage it all better

In The USA A Helicopter Crashed With An Alien - Alternative View

In The USA A Helicopter Crashed With An Alien - Alternative View

A private helicopter crashed in New York on Sunday, March 11. On board, according to some conspiracy theorists, was a messenger from space

The Phenomenon Of "consumerism" - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of "consumerism" - Alternative View

In a modern market society where everything is bought and sold, people are just engaged in competing - which of them is more like a bird with a lush tail. Moreover, all kinds of “show-off” act as “feathers” - branded clothes, accessories, fashionable appliances. The ess

The Elite Plans To Escape To Mars - Alternative View

The Elite Plans To Escape To Mars - Alternative View

Leaving 99 percent of humanity to “die on a war-torn planet” Forget about underground shelters and bunkers. It won't help

Who And Why Needed The Collapse Of The USSR - Alternative View

Who And Why Needed The Collapse Of The USSR - Alternative View

Intentional murderThe next anniversary of the 1991 referendum on the fate of the Soviet Union quite naturally again attracted public attention to the issue of the causes of the collapse of the USSR, which occurred without any apparent reason

Will People Trust The Government When They Find Out The Truth About Aliens? - Alternative View

Will People Trust The Government When They Find Out The Truth About Aliens? - Alternative View

Should the government reveal the truth about the existence of aliens and UFOs? Over time, perhaps. Many people today are outraged that the government does not say what it knows

Suddenly! About Free Energy - Alternative View

Suddenly! About Free Energy - Alternative View

Many do not believe that not just the remaining mechanisms, but entire buildings could generate energy for their own or neighboring needs. And the main argument of the skeptics is simple - if at least something worked, the government would have started everything long ago

Hero Or Evil Genius: Was There Really Schindler's List? - Alternative View

Hero Or Evil Genius: Was There Really Schindler's List? - Alternative View

Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who went down in history as the man who saved about 1,200 Jews from concentration camps during World War II, was born on April 28, 1908

From The Computer Of A British Conspiracy Theorist Murdered In Poland, All Files - Alternative View

From The Computer Of A British Conspiracy Theorist Murdered In Poland, All Files - Alternative View

Two years ago, 39-year-old Briton conspiracy theorist Max Spiers mysteriously died in Poland

President Kennedy's Assassin Has Been Found. Maybe His Own Wife Shot Him! - Alternative View

President Kennedy's Assassin Has Been Found. Maybe His Own Wife Shot Him! - Alternative View

The assassination of John F. Kennedy in the United States is one of history's greatest mysteries. The assassination of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was committed on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas at 12:30 pm local time

Is The Communications Tower To Blame? In A California School, Three Teachers And Four Children Developed Cancer - Alternative View

Is The Communications Tower To Blame? In A California School, Three Teachers And Four Children Developed Cancer - Alternative View

Three teachers and four children fell ill with severe cancer in three years at Weston Elementary School in Ripon, San Joaquin County, California

Conspiracy News - Alternative View

Conspiracy News - Alternative View

The United States will create a structure to counter the "secret influence" of Russia. Political analysts note that after the victory of Donald Trump, conspiracy sentiments gripped the liberal stratum of society

Linden For The Sake Of Around The World - Alternative View

Linden For The Sake Of Around The World - Alternative View

December 2016 article.How the famous traveler Fyodor Konyukhov was looking for money to travel around the world- Salik.bizFyodor Konyukhov's life was divided into two unequal parts, “before” and “after”. "Before" there were crossing of Chukotka on a dog sled (1981) and the first polar expedition as part of Dmitry Shparo's group (1983), the first solo skiing trip to the North Pole in the history of Russia (1990) and the first single non-stop round-the-world voyage in Russian

In Moldova, Psychotropic Drugs Were Secretly Tested On A Group Of Children - Alternative View

In Moldova, Psychotropic Drugs Were Secretly Tested On A Group Of Children - Alternative View

The Moldovan police announced the disclosure of the activities of the group, whose members are suspected of abusing minors, including - in a trial of psychotropic drugs on children. This was reported by the website

Global Control - Alternative View

Global Control - Alternative View

Most likely, in the near future, all dissent will be suppressed in the bud, and for fans of the forbidden, only official, permitted channels will remain. And the first steps in this direction have already been taken. And there is no doubt that they will continue

Devils Of Regression - Alternative View

Devils Of Regression - Alternative View

As heresy, as psychosis, as a plague, a new totalitarian ideology spread and took root in Western societies. It is based on the concept formulated by Sigmund Freud, - the so-called will to die

They Weren't Joking When They Said They Would "own The Weather By 2025"! - Alternative View

They Weren't Joking When They Said They Would "own The Weather By 2025"! - Alternative View

ANP: In this new post from the Omaha World-Herald, they report that even though it is mid-April on the calendar and spring should be in full swing, the region is considered to be the `` breadbasket '' America is exposed to another snowstorm

Biometric Slavery: In What Future Does "progress" Drag Us - Alternative View

Biometric Slavery: In What Future Does "progress" Drag Us - Alternative View

The Izvestia newspaper, citing a "source close to the Central Bank," reported that from 2019, collectors will have access to the Unified Biometric System (UBS), launched in Russia on July 1, 2018. It was reported that this measure would simplify the process of identifying the debtor, reduce the "psychological discomfort" arising from personal communication, prevent collection from other people by mistake, and also allow the identification of debtors hiding from the claimant

A Viral War Hosted By The USA - Alternative View

A Viral War Hosted By The USA - Alternative View

Probably every sane person understands that in our insane age biological, psychotropic, climatic weapons are becoming a much more effective means of fighting for world domination than, say, nuclear and even neutron

Chemistry Routes Are Spraying Of Substances Affecting The Nervous System - Alternative View

Chemistry Routes Are Spraying Of Substances Affecting The Nervous System - Alternative View

Chemical traces in the atmosphere, this is the sputtering of nano-aluminum and neurodegenerative substances affecting the nervous system, says Dr. Russell L. Blaylock (USA)

Chemtrails. Debriefing - Alternative View

Chemtrails. Debriefing - Alternative View

1. Instead of introduction At present, there are many information resources devoted to the problem of "chemtrails" - poison sprayed from planes in the form of white jets, with which the Secret World Government wants to poison all of humanity

The Head Of NASA Said That They Are Studying At Site-51 - Alternative View

The Head Of NASA Said That They Are Studying At Site-51 - Alternative View

Today, on the basis of a highly sophisticated specialty compilation, experts analyze the most diverse cosmic phenomena and scientific data, which have never been collected from them

&Ldquo; We Are All Part Of A Grand And Deadly Experiment &Rdquo; - Alternative View

&Ldquo; We Are All Part Of A Grand And Deadly Experiment &Rdquo; - Alternative View

ANP: Exposing a dark sinister agenda: “ We are All part of a grand and deadly experiment & rdquo

Mel Gibson: "The Hollywood Elite Kill Innocent Children And Drink Their Blood" - Alternative View

Mel Gibson: "The Hollywood Elite Kill Innocent Children And Drink Their Blood" - Alternative View

Movie star whips pedophile industry in shocking revelation, movie star Mel Gibson screams at the top of his lungs about an epidemic of "parasites" that "control Hollywood" involved in child sacrifice and pedophilia

Why Is NASA Hiding The True Color Of The Red Planet From Earthlings? - Alternative View

Why Is NASA Hiding The True Color Of The Red Planet From Earthlings? - Alternative View

A group of independent researchers found that NASA specialists were correcting colors in photographs from Mars. Curious experts performed the opposite procedure and restored the natural colors of the Red Planet - the result shocked them

American GULAG - Alternative View

American GULAG - Alternative View

Business behind bars The two largest prison companies in the US - these are Corrections Corporation of America and GS4. They literally rent out convicted criminals to private companies. This service is in great demand

Fear Theft Of Genetic Material - Alternative View

Fear Theft Of Genetic Material - Alternative View

Most of us will really not like it if it is unclear who will get access to information that is not intended for strangers and is password protected: photos, personal correspondence with a discussion of mutual acquaintances and all sorts of innocent nonsense about which no one

Collider - A Door To Another Dimension? - Alternative View

Collider - A Door To Another Dimension? - Alternative View

A decade before his sudden death in 2008, American science fiction writer Michael Crichton, in his technotriller The Arrow of Time, described the adventures of modern archaeologists who suddenly find themselves in the Middle Ages

Is Deceived Humanity Doomed To Live In Deception? - Alternative View

Is Deceived Humanity Doomed To Live In Deception? - Alternative View

The progressive researchers call the fictional history of mankind a great deception (at least, so distorted that it is already very difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff in it), as well as Darwin's erroneous theory of human evolution and origin

There Is Nothing Personal And Secret Left In This World: Who Is Collecting A Dossier On Us - Alternative View

There Is Nothing Personal And Secret Left In This World: Who Is Collecting A Dossier On Us - Alternative View

Health information and copies of documents may be at risk if you ticked the box for online consent to the processing of personal data

Secret Bases: Underground, Under Water, In The Clouds - Alternative View

Secret Bases: Underground, Under Water, In The Clouds - Alternative View

Hundreds of secret objects, underground bunkers, command posts, test sites, medical laboratories, warehouses of the latest weapons … The globe is literally stuffed with all this

Donald Trump Decided To Cancel "global Warming"? - Alternative View

Donald Trump Decided To Cancel "global Warming"? - Alternative View

Supporters of the global conspiracy have repeatedly raised the question of the far-fetched problem of global warming

Why Was Dyatlov's Group Killed? - Alternative View

Why Was Dyatlov's Group Killed? - Alternative View

A resident of Verkhoturye, in the past an avid hunter Anatoly Stepochkin, gave unique testimony to the Sverdlovsk police in the case of the death of Igor Dyatlov's tourist group in 1959, capable of shedding light on one of the most mysterious mysteries of the 20th century, with

"It Is A Pity To Upset You, But This Spring The Apocalypse Will Finally Come For Sure" - Alternative View

"It Is A Pity To Upset You, But This Spring The Apocalypse Will Finally Come For Sure" - Alternative View

Since you are reading this text, it is possible with the full confident to assert that none of the terrible events that should have completed the history of planet Earth last year, never really happened

HAARP Will Resume Operations Next Week. Is There Something Planned? - Alternative View

HAARP Will Resume Operations Next Week. Is There Something Planned? - Alternative View

The highly controversial HAARP program, often cited as the U.S. military's worst secret, is due to resume next week

Climate Wars Of The World - Alternative View

Climate Wars Of The World - Alternative View

Once, in a thunderstorm, primitive man saw lightning for the first time, and after that he knew what happens to a tree when lightning strikes directly at its top. How did that person feel at that moment?

Mysterious Steel Towers Full Of Fiber Optics Are Being Erected In New York - - Alternative View

Mysterious Steel Towers Full Of Fiber Optics Are Being Erected In New York - - Alternative View

Mysterious metal towers resembling repeaters are being built at subway stations New York, in tunnels and on city bridges

“They May Have Information That We Do Not Have” - The Elite Is Preparing For A Global Cataclysm? - Alternative View

“They May Have Information That We Do Not Have” - The Elite Is Preparing For A Global Cataclysm? - Alternative View

There is no doubt that the world has come to the brink of widespread economic collapse and war, but it looks like something more serious is looming on us. And this is a global disaster, writes

The Cycle Of Clothes Or "cotton Conspiracy" - Alternative View

The Cycle Of Clothes Or "cotton Conspiracy" - Alternative View

Agree, everyone had this: after washing in the washing machine, one sock, a pair of panties, and sometimes T-shirts with shirts were missing. Have you ever wondered why clothes constantly disappear or lose their presentable appearance after washing?

Naga Next Mission To Find Extraterrestrial Life May Be Associated With Saturn - Alternative View

Naga Next Mission To Find Extraterrestrial Life May Be Associated With Saturn - Alternative View

As the Cassini spacecraft continues to circle its target, scientists on both sides of the Atlantic are already contemplating their next mission to Saturn. However, this time the subject of interest of scientists is not the gas giant itself