Conspiracy theories 2024, September

The History Of Human Civilization, Which There Is Little Of It, Who Understands - Alternative View

The History Of Human Civilization, Which There Is Little Of It, Who Understands - Alternative View

It is believed that human civilization is developing towards increasing the freedoms of the human person

An Amateur Archaeologist Was Accused Of Forging A "missing Link" - Alternative View

An Amateur Archaeologist Was Accused Of Forging A "missing Link" - Alternative View

Fake remains, allegedly belonging to the ancient hominid "Piltdown man", were created by Charles Dawson

Is Mars Being Filmed On Devon Island? - Alternative View

Is Mars Being Filmed On Devon Island? - Alternative View

The theory according to which the American program for the conquest of Mars is an imitation of akin to the notorious "lunar scam" is becoming more and more popular not only in ufological, but also in scientific circles

Social Networks And Smartphones Are Still Following You - Alternative View

Social Networks And Smartphones Are Still Following You - Alternative View

Pictures from smartphones contain the GPS coordinates of the location where they were taken by default. The passion of the American military for self-photographing and the immediate publication of the photo on some kind of "Facebook" became fatal for many of them

Nicolae Ceausescu Gave Children To Aliens? - Alternative View

Nicolae Ceausescu Gave Children To Aliens? - Alternative View

The Mexican press accused the executed Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu of selling orphans to aliens. According to the Zolcalo Saltillo newspaper, Ceausescu has been in contact with aliens since 1977

Conspiracy Theories: How To Distinguish Reality From Fiction - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theories: How To Distinguish Reality From Fiction - Alternative View

It is necessary to clearly distinguish the firm ground of facts from the swamp of fiction, since it is this uncertainty that makes it possible for conspiracy to penetrate from the periphery into the center of public life

Cultivating Stupidity - Alternative View

Cultivating Stupidity - Alternative View

All Russians remember the times when they laughed at Mikhail Zadornov's jokes about stupid Americans. The audience was filled with national pride due to the apparent intellectual superiority over an ignorant and degrading nation, watching wrestling and eating big macs

Why Did The Vatican Throw 14 Books Out Of The Bible In 1648? - Alternative View

Why Did The Vatican Throw 14 Books Out Of The Bible In 1648? - Alternative View

The history of the Vatican, that is, the Roman Catholic Church, is full of corruption and deceit

Vatican Shadow Money - Alternative View

Vatican Shadow Money - Alternative View

With a chronology of events based on Internet materials, without attempts at analytics and mythology. Main Characters Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), a member of the Jesuit Order, ruled over Argentine Jesuits. The so-called "White Pope"

"Era Of Consumer * (I) Dstva" And Its Faithful Companion - "Inaction" - Alternative View

"Era Of Consumer * (I) Dstva" And Its Faithful Companion - "Inaction" - Alternative View

This headline has been in my head for about a year now. But apparently, only now that boiling point has come when I decided to write this article.What is it about? About us with you and the time in which we exist. We are all consumers. There are a lot of us

The Family, Which Drove Up To The "Area 51", Was Threatened With Execution - - Alternative View

The Family, Which Drove Up To The "Area 51", Was Threatened With Execution - - Alternative View

Area 51 is known to be a US military base located in southern Nevada. Experimental weapons and state-of-the-art technology are being developed here, according to United States officials

Are Not People On TV News Channels, But Biorobots? - Alternative View

Are Not People On TV News Channels, But Biorobots? - Alternative View

Since the invention of television and television, video editors have been well aware of the technique of synchronous mixing of several images on an appropriate number of screens or sub-screens: Although the techniques for this manipulation use p

Farsight, A Group Of Sensitives, Promises An Earthquake, Tornadoes, Terrorist Attacks In The United States And Paris In April - Alternative View

Farsight, A Group Of Sensitives, Promises An Earthquake, Tornadoes, Terrorist Attacks In The United States And Paris In April - Alternative View

The world-famous group of sensitives Farsight has posted on the network another video of the Remote Viewing project, that is, psychics' forecasts for April 2018

Lethal Substances From The Fallen Progress Kill All Living Things - Alternative View

Lethal Substances From The Fallen Progress Kill All Living Things - Alternative View

Specialists of the Gorno-Altai University assure that a massive pest of animals in the Choi region began due to harmful emissions after the ship wreck

"Please Return Our Plane" - Alternative View

"Please Return Our Plane" - Alternative View

US President Barack Obama asked the Iranian authorities to return the RQ-170 reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle, which was at the disposal of the Iranian military

Anonymity On The Internet: We Know What You Were Doing Tonight - Alternative View

Anonymity On The Internet: We Know What You Were Doing Tonight - Alternative View

Scientists argue that anonymity on the Internet is not guaranteed: all the properties of your personality are visible at a glance after the advent of digital trace analysis technologies. WE KNOW WHAT YOU WERE DOING TODAY NIGHT

The Scientist Assures That Vaccinations Are Changing The Traditional Orientation Of People - Alternative View

The Scientist Assures That Vaccinations Are Changing The Traditional Orientation Of People - Alternative View

70-year-old Italian scientist, journalist and anti-vaccination Jean Paolo Vanoli firmly believes that vaccinations can change traditional sexual orientation to non-traditional

What Does Snowden Urge To Prepare In His Mysterious Tweet? - Alternative View

What Does Snowden Urge To Prepare In His Mysterious Tweet? - Alternative View

The name of Edward Snowden, the scandalous whistleblower of the American intelligence services, still remains on the first lines of news sites

"Phobos-Grunt" Could Break Due To The Influence Of The Laser - Alternative View

"Phobos-Grunt" Could Break Due To The Influence Of The Laser - Alternative View

One of the reasons why the Phobos-Grunt interplanetary station could not enter a given orbit could be the effect of an artificially created plasma formation on it, said Professor Yuri Kubarev, vice president of the Prokhorov Academy of Engineering Sciences

Real "Men In Black": Hollywood And The Great UFO Harbor - Alternative View

Real "Men In Black": Hollywood And The Great UFO Harbor - Alternative View

Among the many documents from Edward Snowden's archives was a computer presentation by the British Government Communications Center (GCHQ) entitled "The Art of Deception: Preparing for Next-Generation Covert Operations on the Internet."

Occultism And World Rulers - Alternative View

Occultism And World Rulers - Alternative View

Mystical knowledge originates in ancient times. Esoteric tradition speaks of the existence of occult centers since the time of Atlantis, which controlled people and events with the help of black magic

Bioethics: Climate Crisis Demands Reducing Population - Alternative View

Bioethics: Climate Crisis Demands Reducing Population - Alternative View

For many decades, ecologists have worried about overpopulation for many reasons. Some of them wonder: can people have children at a time when the climate crisis is felt so badly?

About The Coming Era Of Universal Lack Of Money - Alternative View

About The Coming Era Of Universal Lack Of Money - Alternative View

Modern technologies are changing the rules of the game so quickly and radically that human consciousness does not have time

Rosstat Tried To Hide The Collapse Of The Population's Income On The Eve Of Putin's Message - Alternative View

Rosstat Tried To Hide The Collapse Of The Population's Income On The Eve Of Putin's Message - Alternative View

The monthly publication of macroeconomic statistics by Rosstat was again not without a scandal

It Looks Like The World Is Being Prepared For The Transition To A New Currency - Alternative View

It Looks Like The World Is Being Prepared For The Transition To A New Currency - Alternative View

How many years has there been talk that the US dollar will collapse soon? Ten years? But the dollar "is still more alive than all living things"

Is The Royal Family The Source Of The World's Evil? - Alternative View

Is The Royal Family The Source Of The World's Evil? - Alternative View

In the days when the British Empire was at the height of its power, it was pointless to blame the royal family for a conspiracy to rule the world. Why? Yes, because no one hid this goal

10 Corporations Control Virtually Everything We Buy - - Alternative View

10 Corporations Control Virtually Everything We Buy - - Alternative View

PolyMic talked about the consolidation in the American economy. It turned out that practically everything that we buy is - from groceries to clothing, cosmetics and dog food - control 10 huge corporations

10 Topics That Are Forbidden To Be Discussed In The Media - Alternative View

10 Topics That Are Forbidden To Be Discussed In The Media - Alternative View

Let's make a reservation right away, the topics listed below are not officially banned in most countries, bloggers and small niche media write about these topics

All Americans In The Pledge, With All Their Real Estate And Lands - Alternative View

All Americans In The Pledge, With All Their Real Estate And Lands - Alternative View

Collateral Price $ 14.3 Quadrillion Who Created the North American Water and Power Alliance? And why did they really do it? SOTN Editor's Note: The following message was sent to the SOTN Editor via email

Are Deodorants And Cosmetics Sources Of Breast Cancer? - Alternative View

Are Deodorants And Cosmetics Sources Of Breast Cancer? - Alternative View

Paraben, a chemical added to cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and foods as a preservative, has been identified in tissue samples from 40 women with breast cancer, according to The Daily Mail

"Free Press" On The Background Of The Dominance Of The Paranormal On TV - Alternative View

"Free Press" On The Background Of The Dominance Of The Paranormal On TV - Alternative View

Have you noticed how much mysticism, esotericism, conspiracy theories have become on television? A number of popular channels, including the respectable Ren-TV, are literally obsessed with these topics

A Living Zombie Washed Ashore Off The Virgin Islands - Alternative View

A Living Zombie Washed Ashore Off The Virgin Islands - Alternative View

On Friday morning, July 5, 2013, a real zombie was discovered on a beach in the Virgin Islands. At least that is how this creature was described by those who found it

Secret Lords Of The Earth - Alternative View

Secret Lords Of The Earth - Alternative View

The topic of a world conspiracy is not so new. Although such information is published exclusively by the press related to the "yellow" segment, a large number of readers are always interested in it, and they are not always greedy for sensations

Dans Titavs. Hybrid Warfare Right Under The Nose - Alternative View

Dans Titavs. Hybrid Warfare Right Under The Nose - Alternative View

While people are intimidated by "troll farms", fake profiles and comments on social networks, fake news in the media, the influence of various "satellites" and similar news portals on the minds and hearts of gullible Latvians, right now we

A Guide To The American Lunar Conspiracy. Part One - Alternative View

A Guide To The American Lunar Conspiracy. Part One - Alternative View

Part 2 - Part 3 After the publication of the series of articles "Ashes are flying to the moon", many readers had questions about how to bring together all the arguments of different authors criticizing the official version of the so-called flights of American ships

Cities On The Moon - Alternative View

Cities On The Moon - Alternative View

There was a time when no one expected that Earth's space neighbor could puzzle scientists with so many mysteries

Conspiracy Theories You Probably Didn't Know - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theories You Probably Didn't Know - Alternative View

Scientists have proven that Americans believe in conspiracy theories more than any other nation. Humanity today loves to doubt. People are afraid of new light bulbs and are looking for tracking sensors on TVs

62 People Own Half Of The State Of The Earth - Alternative View

62 People Own Half Of The State Of The Earth - Alternative View

The richest people on earth, who make up just 1% of the population, own more than the other 99%, according to Oxfam, a nonprofit that urges governments to step up efforts to reduce inequality

An American Who Broke Through To The DPRK Spoke About American UFOs - Alternative View

An American Who Broke Through To The DPRK Spoke About American UFOs - Alternative View

US citizen Arthur Martinez was able to illegally enter the DPRK on the second attempt

The US Government Is Hiding The Truth About Aliens And UFOs - Alternative View

The US Government Is Hiding The Truth About Aliens And UFOs - Alternative View

The explosion of the first atomic bomb in New Mexico in 1945 caused an alien conspiracy, believes Jim Marrs, author of the book The Alien Plan