Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Conspiracy Theories May Be True - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theories May Be True - Alternative View

Rumors and urban legends often do not arise from scratch. Even the most absurd conspiracy theories are usually supported by real historical facts - at least indirectly. The government controls our minds

Are The Neocons Preparing For Trump's Elimination? - Alternative View

Are The Neocons Preparing For Trump's Elimination? - Alternative View

Trump embarked on his first overseas trip since taking office as president. But he embarked on this tour at a very difficult and troubling time, both for America and for himself

NASA: "There Are No Slave Children On Mars" - Alternative View

NASA: "There Are No Slave Children On Mars" - Alternative View

The US space agency has denied rumors of the existence of a Martian colony. But it can be seen in pictures from the orbit of the Red Planet

Globalization And Zionism - Alternative View

Globalization And Zionism - Alternative View

The process of globalization, that is, the formation of the world ruling socio-political system and elite, has been going on for more than one thousand years. It began during the Empire of Alexander the Great (336 - 323 BC). Since then, the number of empires has multiplied

Who Is Hindered By The Truth About The Climate? - Alternative View

Who Is Hindered By The Truth About The Climate? - Alternative View

It has become warmer on Earth - this can be seen with the naked eye. Not every winter spoils with frost and snow, the Arctic thaws, eternal snows recede in Greenland … It would seem that it is no secret to anyone that the greenhouse effect is the result of human activity

How We Are Being Watched Through A Smartphone - Alternative View

How We Are Being Watched Through A Smartphone - Alternative View

At the moment, almost half of the world's population has a smartphone that everyone always carries in their pocket

Who Destroyed The USSR - Alternative View

Who Destroyed The USSR - Alternative View

Although, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 is one of the most interesting topics of like-minded Conspiracy Theory

The Reason For The Cold Summer - A Chinese Satellite? - Alternative View

The Reason For The Cold Summer - A Chinese Satellite? - Alternative View

The abnormal cold weather that was observed in the spring of 2017 and continues to take place in certain regions of the Earth even now, in the summer, could be provoked by the Chinese orbiting quantum communication satellite

Russia On The Brink Of Death - Alternative View

Russia On The Brink Of Death - Alternative View

In the USSR, special services developed remote methods of influencing people. Neither the bulk of the people nor the experts see or understand the main threat behind momentary events - the transformation of Russians into electronically controlled slaves

Waste Sorting. For What And Who Needs It? - Alternative View

Waste Sorting. For What And Who Needs It? - Alternative View

Every day more and more people are preoccupied with sorting waste. Here and there, articles by various activists and members of various movements about compulsory garbage sorting constantly pop up

The Secret War Between The United States And Aliens - Alternative View

The Secret War Between The United States And Aliens - Alternative View

For a long time, man considered himself the only intelligent creature in the universe. The presence of unidentified flying objects was attributed to natural phenomena or flying space bodies. Sometimes everything was called falsification

Behind The Scenes Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Behind The Scenes Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

“You don't know how you know this, you just know. This is not arrogance that says “I know everything, and others - no"; and you're not asking anyone to believe you. This is a state outside of the mind, thoughts, or emotions

Sunspot Observatory In New Mexico Closed Over Nibiru? - Alternative View

Sunspot Observatory In New Mexico Closed Over Nibiru? - Alternative View

On September 7, 2018, the conspiracy ameroblogodrome shook the news about the sudden evacuation of the Sunspot solar observatory in New Mexico, where dozens of FBI cars raided, and special agents, as eyewitnesses reported on social networks, parachuted

Will Donald Trump Reveal The Secrets Of Space? - Alternative View

Will Donald Trump Reveal The Secrets Of Space? - Alternative View

It's no secret that many people believe in unearthly life forms. For some, aliens - these are green men who fly in saucers and kidnap cows and people at night, but for many others this is something more

The Reapers Will Come To Earth From Hypercosmos - Alternative View

The Reapers Will Come To Earth From Hypercosmos - Alternative View

In the past few years, many ufologists, and after them conspiracy theorists, have paid attention to very strange locations of the fall of especially large meteorites.For example, on July 25 last year, a huge meteorite flew directly to the territory of the Thule airbase in Greenland, where the United States installed an early warning system for ballistic missiles:- Salik

Versions: A Thermonuclear Bomb Was Detonated In Tunguska - Alternative View

Versions: A Thermonuclear Bomb Was Detonated In Tunguska - Alternative View

There are many versions explaining the nature of the mysterious explosion that occurred on June 30, 1908 in the area of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. The power of the explosion was from 40 to 50 megatons, which corresponds to the explosion of a hydrogen bomb

Scientific Falsification That Made BTG Impossible - Alternative View

Scientific Falsification That Made BTG Impossible - Alternative View

Our artificial society uses techniques and techniques, thanks to which people have illusions in their minds that everything that happens to us is the way it should be

As Long As There Is A Man, There Is God. "Childhood 2030" And "Russia 2045" - A Person Is Not Fashionable - Alternative View

As Long As There Is A Man, There Is God. "Childhood 2030" And "Russia 2045" - A Person Is Not Fashionable - Alternative View

Before you start reading the new material, I have to note that the information in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a call for illegal and illegal actions

The November Supermoon Raises Concerns Among Conspiracy Theorists - Alternative View

The November Supermoon Raises Concerns Among Conspiracy Theorists - Alternative View

The historic supermoon, which is expected in mid-November this year, has caused another round of fears that this event may become another omen of the approaching "end of the world"

Everything The Authorities Tell You About Food - Incorrect - Alternative View

Everything The Authorities Tell You About Food - Incorrect - Alternative View

By Dr. Lee Hieb, (Hieb) is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in spine surgery. She is the former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. “I have a hobby

Psychos With Technology In Advertising - Alternative View

Psychos With Technology In Advertising - Alternative View

Several years ago, NLP "dad" John Grinder argued that the use of classical NLP in advertising is impossible, since NLP is inherently based on the phenomenon of feedback

Who Is The Family Homestead Hindering? - Alternative View

Who Is The Family Homestead Hindering? - Alternative View

What is the Family Estate? This is not just a piece of land where there is a garden, a vegetable garden, a lake, a bathhouse … This is a place where Kinsmen live in Harmony with Nature, comprehending the Thought of the Parent, embodied in the material world, in the world of Reveal! T

After La Repubblica's Interview With Pope Francis, The Families Of The Owners Of The Publication Urgently Left Italy - Alternative View

After La Repubblica's Interview With Pope Francis, The Families Of The Owners Of The Publication Urgently Left Italy - Alternative View

On July 8, 2017, La Repubblica, one of the most popular newspapers in Italy, often covering the Vatican for Italians, published an article reprinted by everyone: Scalfari intervista Francesco: “Il mio grido al G20 sui migranti

The Pope Was Chased Away By Aliens? - Alternative View

The Pope Was Chased Away By Aliens? - Alternative View

Ufological conspiracy theorists saw a strange connection in the fact that the Pope retired after the experts of the World Economic Forum in Davos considered a serious threat posed by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations

The American Saw A "flying Saucer" Of Terrestrial Origin - Alternative View

The American Saw A "flying Saucer" Of Terrestrial Origin - Alternative View

Despite the fact that the abbreviation UFO stands for "unidentified flying object", for some reason it has taken root in the minds of the man in the street that these are certainly devices of alien origin

Freedom Of Choice - This Is A Myth - Alternative View

Freedom Of Choice - This Is A Myth - Alternative View

Internet - the modern good of our civilization. It came to us as a perfect system for the exchange of information, as a place free from censorship and state propaganda. The Internet has promised us all freedom and endless prospects

What's Really Going On At Area 51? - Alternative View

What's Really Going On At Area 51? - Alternative View

Located off the remote dry Groom Lake in the Nevada Desert, the US Air Force Base, known as Area 51, is the most famous military base, which according to official documents does not exist at all

People Were On Mars Back In 1979 - Alternative View

People Were On Mars Back In 1979 - Alternative View

A resident of the United States, who claims to have worked for NASA, stated that the United States carried out a secret manned flight to Mars in 1979. She announced this the other day on the air of the American radio station Coast to Coast, writes Huffingtonpost

Religion And Science. The Main Axiom Is - Alternative View

Religion And Science. The Main Axiom Is - Alternative View

Religion and Science: Is It Worth Relating? It would seem that science and religion are really engaged in different things: the first is studying this world, the second is - believes that even theoretically cannot be studied

Hair Dye Eats Away At The Brain - Alternative View

Hair Dye Eats Away At The Brain - Alternative View

The Englishwoman fell into a coma after dyeing her hair at home. Doctors suspect that the woman has developed an allergic reaction to a substance contained in a hair dye from a well-known cosmetics company

Where Has Our Gold Gone? The Largest Banks In The USA And England Behave Like Scammers - Alternative View

Where Has Our Gold Gone? The Largest Banks In The USA And England Behave Like Scammers - Alternative View

In continuation of the topic "How much gold is in the world", let's find out where the countries of the world keep their gold and how many of them he can have

West In Anticipation Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

West In Anticipation Of The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Most residents of the US and the EU are confident in the imminent start of World War III World War III may begin in the near future. The world is teetering on the brink of the largest conflict in history

Need To Know! 12 Tricks Of Homo Propaganda - Alternative View

Need To Know! 12 Tricks Of Homo Propaganda - Alternative View

These false theses, in one sequence or another, are found in articles and books written by homosexual propagandists in order to convince everyone else that homosexuality and perversion are the norm. In turn, we suggest not to easily trust their manipulative statements, but to think about them seriously

British Crown: Control Over Transnational Corporations And World Markets - Alternative View

British Crown: Control Over Transnational Corporations And World Markets - Alternative View

Part I: "The British crown completes the seizure of power over the world." Part II: "Bankers in England control the finances, economy and military-industrial complex of the United States." Part III: "The Monster Crown Agency, through its agents, controls the vassal countries of Great Britain"

The World Is Under Attack From "Gladio - B"? - Alternative View

The World Is Under Attack From "Gladio - B"? - Alternative View

All this could really be called conspiracy theories, ignored, or even ridiculed … If not for

Is The US Government Digging Tunnels To Bury Millions Of Corpses? - Alternative View

Is The US Government Digging Tunnels To Bury Millions Of Corpses? - Alternative View Inexplicable explosions and strange lights in the sky, mysterious frightening drone coming from somewhere under the ground, continue to be recorded throughout the United States

Weather Is The Enemy's Secret Weapon - Alternative View

Weather Is The Enemy's Secret Weapon - Alternative View

Summer, which does not come in any way, revelry of the elements … What is it - just the whims of nature, global climate change, or, from nowhere, a mysterious "weather" weapon?

Why Are Scientists From NASA And Leading Medical Institutions Dying? - Alternative View

Why Are Scientists From NASA And Leading Medical Institutions Dying? - Alternative View

In January 2015, NASA scientist Alberto Bejar died in a Los Angeles plane crash, summing up the sad statistics: in just two years, under the most mysterious circumstances, 74 leading scientists, who obviously knew too much

Death From Vaccinations - Alternative View

Death From Vaccinations - Alternative View

Medical scandal in Odessa. A day after the vaccination, a two-year-old child died in intensive care. Parents are confident - the injection is to blame. In turn, doctors assure - vaccination has nothing to do with it - the boy died from a dangerous infection