Conspiracy theories 2024, September

The Loss Of The Air Asia Liner: Mystical And Real Details - Alternative View

The Loss Of The Air Asia Liner: Mystical And Real Details - Alternative View

The search for the Airbus A320 Air Asia aircraft that disappeared on December 28 continues, and the situation itself is overgrown with more and more assumptions

The Crash Of The Missing Malaysian Boeing Was Deliberate - Alternative View

The Crash Of The Missing Malaysian Boeing Was Deliberate - Alternative View

More than four years have passed since the mysterious disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing

Secret Computer Communities - Alternative View

Secret Computer Communities - Alternative View

Cheating - this word in itself carries a shade of injustice. This ancient craft appeared along with man and gradually evolved as our civilization progressed

The Geography Of The Earth Was Invented By - Alternative View

The Geography Of The Earth Was Invented By - Alternative View

It would seem that our planet has long been studied up and down, and nothing new can be found on it

Conspiracy Theory: Mysterious UVB Radio - 76 - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory: Mysterious UVB Radio - 76 - Alternative View

After listening to UVB - 76 people have strange feelings. Someone experiences fear, trembling, cold. Some even say they feel the presence of something or someone nearby. Who watched the series "Lost" compare it to what happened there

Foreign Policy Mysticism. US Expels Cuban Diplomats Because Of "acoustic Weapons" - Alternative View

Foreign Policy Mysticism. US Expels Cuban Diplomats Because Of "acoustic Weapons" - Alternative View

The United States decided to expel 15 Cuban diplomats, claiming that the Cuban authorities failed to protect the employees of the American Embassy in Havana from mysterious acoustic influences

The Most Fantastic Artifacts Disappear Without A Trace - Alternative View

The Most Fantastic Artifacts Disappear Without A Trace - Alternative View

Archaeologists, or even just random people, periodically find fantastic artifacts proving that a highly developed civilization on our planet existed hundreds of millions of years ago

The Dark Secrets Of The Pope's Conference Room! - Alternative View

The Dark Secrets Of The Pope's Conference Room! - Alternative View

From the Collective Evolution website: “When I first grasped the true scale of what the Pope’s conference room design reveals, I was shocked. Despite 10 years of my research on the world elite, world control, occultism, cover-ups, symbolism, etc

Latvian Library The Castle Of Light Is Not What It Seems? - Alternative View

Latvian Library The Castle Of Light Is Not What It Seems? - Alternative View

The construction of the National Library of Latvia was completed on 10 January 2014

Why Is America Preparing For The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

Why Is America Preparing For The Apocalypse? - Alternative View

In March 2012, the then-President of the United States, Barack Obama, signed a decree on the "Readiness of Resources for National Defense"

The Super Elite Is Preparing To Leave Earth Before The Inevitable Apocalypse - Alternative View

The Super Elite Is Preparing To Leave Earth Before The Inevitable Apocalypse - Alternative View

A wealthy elite prepares to leave the planet ahead of an imminent apocalyptic event that will make our planet completely uninhabitable

Mass Suicide In Johnstown - A CIA Experiment? - Alternative View

Mass Suicide In Johnstown - A CIA Experiment? - Alternative View

In November 1978, 914 members of the People's Temple religious sect were killed in the village of Johnstown, Republic of Guyana. According to the official version, all of them, led by the leader, committed ritual suicide

A Strange Meeting Of Three American Presidents In Africa - Alternative View

A Strange Meeting Of Three American Presidents In Africa - Alternative View

Based on an article from the American veteranstoday magazine, "Secret Space War III: Marduk Lands in Africa?" This story raises more questions than answers

Cognitive War Against Russia - Alternative View

Cognitive War Against Russia - Alternative View

The center of opposition is constantly shifting towards deeper, essential things. Hot, informational, psychological, cognitive, and finally spiritual warfare.Now there is a need to make some pivot, but this separate topic is closely related to the general theme of the spread of various kinds of memes in society

American Media: Russia Intends To Wipe The United States Off The Face Of The Earth With The Help Of "Harvey", "Irma" And "Katya" - Alternative View

American Media: Russia Intends To Wipe The United States Off The Face Of The Earth With The Help Of "Harvey", "Irma" And "Katya" - Alternative View

An amazing conspiracy theory has spread in the United States New version from the Americans: hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Katya are the intrigues of "these Russians"

Your Phone Is Constantly Being Tapped And This Is Not Paranoia - Alternative View

Your Phone Is Constantly Being Tapped And This Is Not Paranoia - Alternative View

Special trigger words enable eavesdropping on almost any modern smartphone. Cybersecurity expert Peter Henway made a sensational statement: you are constantly monitored and you have no paranoia

Molecules On A Mobile Phone Will Tell The Secret Services About Its Owner - Alternative View

Molecules On A Mobile Phone Will Tell The Secret Services About Its Owner - Alternative View

Even on what diet a person is sitting, and whether he smokes Chemists have learned to determine by the molecules that leave our fingers and breath on the phone screen, the person's place of residence, his diet, diseases and even habits

New Strange Object On The Beach Of North Carolina - Alternative View

New Strange Object On The Beach Of North Carolina - Alternative View

The American state of North Carolina has been on the top of US news for the second year. It all started with the fact that in the summer of 2017 loud explosions began to be heard over the state from time to time, the source of which had an inexplicable origin

Everyone Is Being Watched By - Alternative View

Everyone Is Being Watched By - Alternative View

In Germany, a scandal erupted around police officers from Bavaria, who used illegal methods of spying on suspects. A group of programmers managed to hack a spyware created by the guardians of the law

If Conspiracy Conspiracies Existed, They Would Not Remain A Secret For Long - Alternative View

If Conspiracy Conspiracies Existed, They Would Not Remain A Secret For Long - Alternative View

A physicist at Oxford University has calculated that if the four most common conspiracy theories were true, then all the details of these massive secrets would quickly become the property of the general public

The BBC's Conspiracy Theory Turned Out To Be Full Of Lies - Alternative View

The BBC's Conspiracy Theory Turned Out To Be Full Of Lies - Alternative View

Three years have passed since the Malaysian Boeing flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down in the skies over the Donbass. All 298 people on board were killed

Are You Also Against The System? - Alternative View

Are You Also Against The System? - Alternative View

What does it mean to be against the system? How many people are now throwing anti-system slogans, how many people are taking a position against the system, not even understanding what the System is, against which they so vehemently oppose. In most cases, all these slogans and antisystemic moods are due only to pathos, play, youthful maximalism and do not carry any really sensible ideas and understanding of the essence of the issue

The Earth Is Losing Oxygen. The World Is Moving Towards The Apocalypse - Alternative View

The Earth Is Losing Oxygen. The World Is Moving Towards The Apocalypse - Alternative View

More than 15,000 of the most eminent scientists from all over the world have signed a frightening open letter addressed to governments around the world and warning of the imminent Apocalypse. According to them, what we see now - THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING

New Conspiracy Theory - Consciousness Parasites - Alternative View

New Conspiracy Theory - Consciousness Parasites - Alternative View

“… The crafty ruler, capturing man from the beginning, so overlaid and clothed the soul with the power of darkness, as / with clothing / clothe a man … He acts covertly in the inner person and mind, and fights thoughts

About The Institute Of Jewish Wives - Alternative View

About The Institute Of Jewish Wives - Alternative View

Probably many have heard that in the Middle Ages, next to Russia, there was a powerful state that robbed all its neighbors - Khazaria or the Khazar Khaganate. But few people know that the Khazars, who imposed tribute on almost all their neighbors, had a unique state structure, for despite the fact that the people were Muslims, the entire ruling "elite" was Jewish

Glossy Poison - Alternative View

Glossy Poison - Alternative View

Glossy magazines - they are read by millions of women, they set the standards for behavior, consumption and even love, they give the ghost of a "beautiful life." Despite the external "political apathy" and detachment from the economy, glamorous publications are firmly embedded in the structure of the modern "consumer society"

Who And Why Is Provoking Nationalism In The North Of Russia? - Alternative View

Who And Why Is Provoking Nationalism In The North Of Russia? - Alternative View

If someone thinks that no one "touches Russia" and that "she provokes everyone herself," then here are the numbers: the Russian special services stopped the activities of 129 full-time employees and 465 agents of foreign special services in 2018

Hiding The Truth - Alternative View

Hiding The Truth - Alternative View

Then, 35 years ago, the Western media launched a hysterical anti-Soviet campaign. The leaders, of course, were the American ones. Indeed, have you seen the case - the military air defense forces sent to the next world civilian passengers

The Richest People Are Preparing For A Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View

The Richest People Are Preparing For A Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View

The richest people in the United States are preparing for planetary disaster by building shelters in New Zealand The richest people in the United States seem to know what you and I don’t

Scientists Have Falsified Data On Global Warming - Alternative View

Scientists Have Falsified Data On Global Warming - Alternative View

To "hype" world leaders by tens of billions of dollars. The US Main Meteorological Service juggled numbers to present a "sensational" report at the world summit In the main document presented at the Paris summit, the power of the global

The Woman Scientist Who Discovered The Cure For Cancer Over 60 Years Ago - Alternative View

The Woman Scientist Who Discovered The Cure For Cancer Over 60 Years Ago - Alternative View

Dr. Joanna Budwig has been nominated seven times for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, which in itself inspires respect for her work

Corey Goode Spoke With More Information On The Upcoming Big Solar Event - Alternative View

Corey Goode Spoke With More Information On The Upcoming Big Solar Event - Alternative View

Insider Corey Goode spoke up with more details on the upcoming big solar event last week

The Kennedy Assassination: The Lost Photos - Alternative View

The Kennedy Assassination: The Lost Photos - Alternative View

The photographs showing the assassination of American President John F. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963, show an unknown woman with a movie camera in her hands

Is The Number Of Autistic Children Steadily Increasing Due To The Use Of Herbicides? - Alternative View

Is The Number Of Autistic Children Steadily Increasing Due To The Use Of Herbicides? - Alternative View

In recent years, the number of autistic children around the world has been growing rapidly. The number of such patients increases by 7-10% annually. According to expert estimates, every 130th boy and every 150th girl suffers from autism today

Without Internet Tomorrow? - Alternative View

Without Internet Tomorrow? - Alternative View

A few days ago, Russian journalists excited the news of - by 2024 the volume of external traffic in the Russian Federation will be reduced from 60% to 5%

The Bill Gates Foundation Has Funded A Study According To Which People In The 21st Century Will Begin To Die Out - Alternative View

The Bill Gates Foundation Has Funded A Study According To Which People In The 21st Century Will Begin To Die Out - Alternative View

Reality may be even sadderFrom 2064, the number of people will begin to decline - and this process may be irreversible. One of the authors of the corresponding scientific work directly indicates: if nothing changes, in a few centuries humanity will die out

Treatment Of Cancer, Which, As It Were, Does Not Exist - Alternative View

Treatment Of Cancer, Which, As It Were, Does Not Exist - Alternative View

Interesting cases can be dug up if you are interested in conspiracy theories.It seems to me that make the most evil skeptic read for a month only about closed, forbidden, recognized charlatan discoveries, and he will inevitably turn, if not into an adherent of some of them, then into a consistent enthusiast of these methods

The American Installation HAARP Lit The Sky At An Altitude Of 170 Kilometers - Alternative View

The American Installation HAARP Lit The Sky At An Altitude Of 170 Kilometers - Alternative View

The US military used radio emission to create a giant glow discharge cloud in the ionosphere. Scientists at the US Navy Research Laboratory (US

Autism Developed From Human Vaccines In Monkeys - Alternative View

Autism Developed From Human Vaccines In Monkeys - Alternative View

The results of the study, presented at the International Symposium for Autism Research (IMFAR) in London, England, showed that young macaques that received typical CDC-recommended vaccinations and at appropriate doses for size and age had