Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Are We Being Secretly Tagged? Many People Have Found A Birthmark In The Middle Of Their Wrist - Alternative View

Are We Being Secretly Tagged? Many People Have Found A Birthmark In The Middle Of Their Wrist - Alternative View

Most likely, this detail of the human body has been paid attention to before, but the biggest spread in social networks happened when a girl named Aarin wrote about it.“Lady, do you also have moles in the middle of the wrist, or is it a myth?”

Portals For Special Services - Alternative View

Portals For Special Services - Alternative View

There are theories that through black holes one can get into other space-time dimensions. But is it only theories? Perhaps such trips have been carried out for a long time, and at the official level

Transfer Of Data To Third Parties: In Russia, The Fact Of Information Leakage Was Recorded - Alternative View

Transfer Of Data To Third Parties: In Russia, The Fact Of Information Leakage Was Recorded - Alternative View

In Russia, unlawful transfer of personal data of store customers was discovered. This was recently announced by one of the operators of the fiscal data of the "First OFD"

6 Cartels That Rule The World - Alternative View

6 Cartels That Rule The World - Alternative View

We live in a world full of corruption. In politics and international trade, it can be traced to a greater extent than is recognized. It's about control, and those in power are not going to weaken it

Healthy Food? - Alternative View

Healthy Food? - Alternative View

“How delicious!” Adam exclaims, devouring a large hunk of Ukrainian bread. Here, near Sambir, baker Alexander does everything according to tradition, as his father and grandfather did. So the admiring historian of the University of Krakow bought a loaf for his wife

Russia Will Be Erased From Social Networks. To The Launch Of A Media Acquisition In The United States - Alternative View

Russia Will Be Erased From Social Networks. To The Launch Of A Media Acquisition In The United States - Alternative View

First, - news. Yesterday Twitter remained the last popular platform from which the American blogger, radio host and many others Alex Jones were not erased

7 Technologies That We Were Banned From Using - Alternative View

7 Technologies That We Were Banned From Using - Alternative View

Let's take a look at 7 unique discoveries that were hidden from ordinary people. What would our world be like if it were not for the eternal struggle of official science against human ingenuity?

Is America Secretly Testing Biological Weapons On Ukrainians? - Alternative View

Is America Secretly Testing Biological Weapons On Ukrainians? - Alternative View

Representatives of the Ukrainian virtual group "CyberBerkut" published shocking information on their website

Memory Erasers: Who Are They? - Alternative View

Memory Erasers: Who Are They? - Alternative View

Doctors suggested that this girl's amnesia was caused by some kind of injury or illness

Climatic Weapons Launched? - Alternative View

Climatic Weapons Launched? - Alternative View

Recently, before our eyes, a metropolitan hurricane roared, the most destructive in a century. He claimed 16 lives. Collapsed trees and pillars, flying roofs and objects crippled another fifty passers-by, damaged hundreds of cars

Why Are Conspiracy Movies So Popular - Alternative View

Why Are Conspiracy Movies So Popular - Alternative View

Even with a quick glance at the film and television screens, it is easy to notice that they are full of films promoting conspiracy theories, - legends about mysterious hostile forces that create global intrigues for humanity or simply stand behind everything

Pseudo-economics - Alternative View

Pseudo-economics - Alternative View

Modern economics is a pseudoscience about the ineffective squandering and destruction of the unlimited resources of the universe in order to dissatisfy even the primary needs of man and maintain him in an animal state

How Can Biysk Surprise Connoisseurs Of Mysticism - Alternative View

How Can Biysk Surprise Connoisseurs Of Mysticism - Alternative View

Biysk stands in an initially mystical place. It is here that the focus of large energy flows, it is here that the longest river in Russia, the Ob, begins, it is here that the Altai peoples once became part of the Russian Empire

Where Did The Reptilian Conspiracy Theories Come From - Alternative View

Where Did The Reptilian Conspiracy Theories Come From - Alternative View

According to a sociological survey conducted in 2013, 12 million Americans believe that the US government is a reptile, or a hybrid of humans and lizards, cleverly disguised as ordinary people

Russian "Sheldon's List" - Alternative View

Russian "Sheldon's List" - Alternative View

Many of you may have heard of Sheldon's list. It allegedly includes scientists who worked on a secret space project aimed at protecting Earth from alien invasion, dying under mysterious circumstances

In China, There Are Three Times Less Population Than Is Commonly Believed - Alternative View

In China, There Are Three Times Less Population Than Is Commonly Believed - Alternative View

If you look at China, there is a lot of bewilderment: where do the 1.5 billion people who supposedly live in China live and what do they eat? The twenty largest urban centers provide a population of just over 200 million

The Secret Of All Hollywood &Ldquo; Fantastic &Rdquo; Films. Kosher Master Yoda And Ferengi From The 14th Century - Alternative View

The Secret Of All Hollywood &Ldquo; Fantastic &Rdquo; Films. Kosher Master Yoda And Ferengi From The 14th Century - Alternative View

Ancient Code - As we'll see, Master Yoda from Star Wars is real. Master Yoda appears in a fourteenth-century medieval manuscript

How The USA And England Appropriate Foreign Gold - Alternative View

How The USA And England Appropriate Foreign Gold - Alternative View

In January of this year, the Bank of England refused to return 80 tons of gold belonging to the Venezuelan authorities

These 5 Scientists Made The Most Important Discoveries And Mysteriously Died - Alternative View

These 5 Scientists Made The Most Important Discoveries And Mysteriously Died - Alternative View

And why no one remembers them? Imagine that you are - head of state, and suddenly scientists make some kind of discovery that can turn the world around. You can, of course, bribe them to keep quiet, but isn't it easier to eliminate them?

Flight Of Volunteers To Mars - Deception - Alternative View

Flight Of Volunteers To Mars - Deception - Alternative View

Russian astronomer Vladimir Surdin doubted that Mars could be colonized in the near future

The Time Is Coming For Global Nomadism - Alternative View

The Time Is Coming For Global Nomadism - Alternative View

One of the ideologues of the "new world order" Jacques Attali describes the future as a nomadic world. It will be based on “information nomads” without a stable address and family: they will carry on themselves and in themselves everything that will make up its social significance (smartphones, self-diagnosis devices and replaceable organs). The

Who Can Become The Future King Of The Whole World? - Alternative View

Who Can Become The Future King Of The Whole World? - Alternative View

Over the past few days, the world conspiracy blog with great enthusiasm has been discussing the 33rd rumor somewhere that the Queen of Great Britain is not feeling well. We, like the general public, do not know anything about the queen's health, but what we know for sure is that London, to one degree or another, controls the foreign policy of its former dominions, known as the Commonwealth countries:- Salik

Global Warming: Diviners And Deniers - Alternative View

Global Warming: Diviners And Deniers - Alternative View

Climate change - it is a litmus test that easily tests the honesty of pundits. Dissidents have appeared in the ranks of the American space agency NASA

Chemtrails Or How Epidemics Are Created - Alternative View

Chemtrails Or How Epidemics Are Created - Alternative View

Chemtrails, or chemtrails - the version according to which some “chemicals” are secretly sprayed from passenger planes. Conspiracy theorists claim that such planes can be recognized by unusual condensation trails

Modern Wheat Poisons People And Causes Disease - Alternative View

Modern Wheat Poisons People And Causes Disease - Alternative View

According to cardiologist William Davis, who wrote a book about the world's most popular grain, modern wheat is "the perfect chronic poison."

The Rage Of Oligarchs And Officials Towards The People Is Growing, Demanding More And More Economic Sacrifices - Alternative View

The Rage Of Oligarchs And Officials Towards The People Is Growing, Demanding More And More Economic Sacrifices - Alternative View

This year began with tragedies. Domestic gas explosions have become commonplace, as are reports of the dead, as if reports from the fronts of an invisible war

Hurricane Katrina Was Triggered By HAARP - Alternative View

Hurricane Katrina Was Triggered By HAARP - Alternative View

Huge ships were thrown onto land like toy boats, oil platforms collapsed in minutes, buildings crumbled like houses of cards, wind speeds reached 280 kilometers per hour

End Of The Myth Of Global Warming - Alternative View

End Of The Myth Of Global Warming - Alternative View

Researchers from the British University of Northumbria came to the conclusion that the Little Ice Age has begun on Earth, thereby confirming the version of Russian scientists about the coming cooling on the planet

Aliens And George W. Bush Sr. Are Involved In The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

Aliens And George W. Bush Sr. Are Involved In The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy - Alternative View

50 years ago, bullets struck the 35th President of the United States. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot dead on the morning of November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. According to the official version, he was killed by the lone maniac Lee Harvey Oswald. People, however, doubt

Mysteries Of History. Secret Communities And Orders - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Secret Communities And Orders - Alternative View

Secret societies existed in the world long before Hasan ibn as-Sabbah became the master of the castle on the top of Mount Alamut

"For The Winter Time, Russia Was Transferred With The Help Of Falsifications!" - Alternative View

"For The Winter Time, Russia Was Transferred With The Help Of Falsifications!" - Alternative View

For four years now, social activists and scientists have been talking about the need for our country to get out of the gloom. Four years ago, the State Duma canceled daylight saving time in Russia and the sun began to "turn off" an hour earlier

Conspiracy Theory: Is HAARP Closed? - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory: Is HAARP Closed? - Alternative View

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) - the curiosity of many conspiracy theorists - closed. HAARP Program Manager Dr. James Keeney at Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico told ARRL

24 Incredible Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

24 Incredible Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True - Alternative View

Today, a huge number of conspiracy theories are known, most of which are frankly unrealistic or even ridiculous. But history knows cases when the most incredible stories turned out to be true. eleven

Are There Reptilians Among Humans? - Alternative View

Are There Reptilians Among Humans? - Alternative View

Among scientists, you can more and more often hear conversations that, in addition to ordinary people, there are reptilians, aliens from outer space, whose main goal is to enslave humanity and the planet as a whole

10 Crazy Conspiracy Theories And Speculations Related To Mars - Alternative View

10 Crazy Conspiracy Theories And Speculations Related To Mars - Alternative View

Humanity has been dreaming of Mars, it seems, since ancient times. And now we are working on how to make a manned flight there

Skripals Will Most Likely Never Be Allowed To Say - Alternative View

Skripals Will Most Likely Never Be Allowed To Say - Alternative View

Serious events took place this week, all of them bad, including Putin presented Medvedev as his prime minister, and Bibi Netanyahu invited to Moscow for the Victory Parade, despite the fact that only the day before he bombed Syria, Russia

The Alien Was Made From The Stomach Of A Cow, The Legs Of A Lamb And Ram Brains - Alternative View

The Alien Was Made From The Stomach Of A Cow, The Legs Of A Lamb And Ram Brains - Alternative View

English director Spyros Melaris has admitted to being the author of the most famous forgery in the history of cinema: a film about an autopsy of an alien at a military base in Roswell

Conspiracy Against Reason - Alternative View

Conspiracy Against Reason - Alternative View

I rarely watch TV, but, as they say, aptly. If I turn it on, then I definitely get on an "interesting" program, where ideas are voiced one more delusional than the other

Reptilians In The Vatican - Alternative View

Reptilians In The Vatican - Alternative View

Probably one of the most challenging conspiracy theories of the past 30 years for humans, is David Icke's theory that ET Reptiloids mix with our planet's elite and have a big impact on how it works

NASA Stops Broadcasting From The ISS To Hide The Aliens - Alternative View

NASA Stops Broadcasting From The ISS To Hide The Aliens - Alternative View

Cameras installed in large numbers inside and outside the International Space Station are supposed to broadcast live video at all times, but the National Aerospace Agency of the United States of America sometimes stops the transmission