Conspiracy theories 2024, September

The US Navy Wants To Chip All People On The Planet - Alternative View

The US Navy Wants To Chip All People On The Planet - Alternative View

For many years we have been hearing that all people "must" be microchipped - because we are threatened by terrorists, that we need security, and so on

The Englishwoman Shits Again Under The Screams Of The Russian Threat, An Empire Is Being Built - Alternative View

The Englishwoman Shits Again Under The Screams Of The Russian Threat, An Empire Is Being Built - Alternative View

The English elites did not accept the loss of imperial status and the title of Britain as the ruler of the seas

E-cigarette Smoking Receives Powerful Support - From Network Bots - Alternative View

E-cigarette Smoking Receives Powerful Support - From Network Bots - Alternative View

Social media accounts of "bots" (programs & ndash message generators) are largely responsible for keeping the debate about the health effects of vaping smoking - This conclusion was made by a study carried out in the State

Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: Congress Is Holding A Hearing On Geoengineering - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: Congress Is Holding A Hearing On Geoengineering - Alternative View

Weather modification just went from chemtrail conspiracy theory to reality as Congress holds geoengineering hearings

Contactee With "Rulers Of The World" - Alternative View

Contactee With "Rulers Of The World" - Alternative View

A certain Vitaly Shkvorts, a pensioner from the Leningrad region, a couple of decades ago corresponded with the researcher of anomalous phenomena, Alexei Priima, and told him that from childhood he had been in contact with mysterious creatures who

The Secret Of The 432 Hz Frequency: About How People Are Zombified Bypassing Consciousness - Alternative View

The Secret Of The 432 Hz Frequency: About How People Are Zombified Bypassing Consciousness - Alternative View

The world is one and complete, and each part of it is a fragmentary reflection of everything common in small. The 432 Hz frequency is an alternative tuning that is in line with the harmonics of the Universe

The American Intelligence General Told Who Q-Anon Is - Alternative View

The American Intelligence General Told Who Q-Anon Is - Alternative View

On Monday October 14, 2019, General Paul E. Valli (U.S. Major General, retired) was interviewed by show host Mike Philip on AmeriCanuck Internet Radio based in Canada.In this long and sensational interview, Philip and Valli talked about Q-Anon, Antifa, the Deep State, and discussed the threats facing the United States

Three Mystical Secrets From The Declassified Archives Of The KGB - Alternative View

Three Mystical Secrets From The Declassified Archives Of The KGB - Alternative View

On March 13, 1954, the Chekists were removed from the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, a new department was formed: the State Security Committee of the CCCP - KGB

We Are All - Laboratory Rats In The Largest Money Experiment In Human History - Alternative View

We Are All - Laboratory Rats In The Largest Money Experiment In Human History - Alternative View

There are many warning signs that a serious financial cataclysm is on the way. However, these warning signs are strongly ignored by most

Or Maybe There Are No More Than One Billion On Earth? - Alternative View

Or Maybe There Are No More Than One Billion On Earth? - Alternative View

“The Earth is not home to 7 billion people, but much less

The Alien Hunter Was Skeptical About The Latest "revelations" Of The Pentagon - Alternative View

The Alien Hunter Was Skeptical About The Latest "revelations" Of The Pentagon - Alternative View

Last week, The New York Times and Politico published articles reporting that the US government had funded programs to study UFO sightings for several years

What Do They Know That We Do Not Know? - Alternative View

What Do They Know That We Do Not Know? - Alternative View

High-ranking government officials from Washington rushed to the Doomsday camps located throughout the country. Which, of course, begs the question: what do they know that we do not know?

Version: A Hypersonic Rocket Exploded Over Chelyabinsk - Alternative View

Version: A Hypersonic Rocket Exploded Over Chelyabinsk - Alternative View

Chelyabinsk meteorite? No! A Russian hypersonic missile exploded, the prototype of which was tested abnormally. Nezavisimaya Gazeta stunned with such a sensation. Although she was not the first

The Famous Ufologist Is Terrorized By "men In Black" - Alternative View

The Famous Ufologist Is Terrorized By "men In Black" - Alternative View

The authorities are unhappy with the activity of the popular explorer of extraterrestrial civilizations - it's time to tone down his ambitions a little

UFO Researchers Are Killed One By One - Alternative View

UFO Researchers Are Killed One By One - Alternative View

The shocking announcement was made by conspiracy theorists who believe the intelligence services are killing UFO researchers one by one. We are talking about lists of "accidents" and "suicides" as evidence of their statement

Death Is Somewhere Nearby: The Story Of The Inexplicable Death Of Conspiracy Theorist Max Speyers - Alternative View

Death Is Somewhere Nearby: The Story Of The Inexplicable Death Of Conspiracy Theorist Max Speyers - Alternative View

It's been a year and a half since the mysterious death of British expert on conspiracy theories, Max Spiers, but the official investigation seems to be deliberately delayed

Brain Hunt - Alternative View

Brain Hunt - Alternative View

Over the past ten years in Russia, about eighty scientists have died under strange circumstances. They die at home, in hotels, at train stations, in plane crashes. A dozen more scientists - amnesia

Men In Black - Aliens Or Secret Agents? - Alternative View

Men In Black - Aliens Or Secret Agents? - Alternative View

Edward Christiansen with his family - wife Alina and daughter Connie - returned from a trip to Florida to his new home in New Jersey. It was a pleasant January evening in 1967. In the evening, only Alina and her daughter were at home

Why Has China Been Secretly Building Super-HAARP For 13 Years? - Alternative View

Why Has China Been Secretly Building Super-HAARP For 13 Years? - Alternative View

On December 31, 2018, several resources of the United States, specializing in defense technologies, posted materials on the top-secret project of the Chinese military, now known as the Project WEM system

Vatican - Prison For Knowledge - Alternative View

Vatican - Prison For Knowledge - Alternative View

The Vatican State is not yet a century old, but the history of its archives, libraries and repositories goes back 2000 years. All this time, thousands of scouts scoured the world in search of art, rare books, state secrets or scientific discoveries

What Is Hidden In The Secret Rooms Of The Vatican Library? - Alternative View

What Is Hidden In The Secret Rooms Of The Vatican Library? - Alternative View

The huge Vatican library, founded in 1475, but in fact much earlier, since at the official opening there was already not a small book base, it stores the sacred knowledge of mankind

Secrets Of The Vatican Library - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Vatican Library - Alternative View

Throughout its history, mankind has been accumulating the knowledge gained - in the form of inscriptions on stones, in scrolls, and later in books and manuscripts. Entire libraries were created

The Chemtrail Was Filmed Over Ternopil - Alternative View

The Chemtrail Was Filmed Over Ternopil - Alternative View

A one-minute video of a Ternopil resident under the pseudonym Sergiysc, uploaded from a mobile phone to YouTube video hosting on September 2 of this year, quickly became the focus of attention of major regional media

Who Are The Great Inventors Hindering? - Alternative View

Who Are The Great Inventors Hindering? - Alternative View

Who among us does not know from the school curriculum in physics that a perpetual motion machine is impossible? Despite this, at all times there were inventors who tried to create Perpetuum Mobile, and many of them, oddly enough, succeeded

Snowden Talked About Aliens Living In The Bowels Of The Earth? - Alternative View

Snowden Talked About Aliens Living In The Bowels Of The Earth? - Alternative View

Caracas, Venezuela reports Edward Snowden, author of leaked NSA surveillance documents, was granted political asylum in Venezuela on Friday

Control Through Fear - Alternative View

Control Through Fear - Alternative View

To confront the enemy, you need to learn his methods of warfare. Only by knowing the enemy's techniques can you create an effective defense and resist him. It is no secret that modern warfare - information war

18 Most Secret Inventions From Society - Alternative View

18 Most Secret Inventions From Society - Alternative View

Perhaps the most notorious example of how inventions were held back is the General Motors EV1, which was featured in the documentary Who Killed the Electric Car?

Who Makes Money In Wars? - Alternative View

Who Makes Money In Wars? - Alternative View

The richest people in the world claim that business - this is war. However, such a statement is not accurate, it is much more correct to assert that the war is - it's a business. They are not the same

What Did President Kennedy Know About UFOs And Did His Knowledge Cause A Tragic Death? - Alternative View

What Did President Kennedy Know About UFOs And Did His Knowledge Cause A Tragic Death? - Alternative View

These questions are answered by the topic researcher, Dr. Michael Sala, writes We know that a few presidents had at least an interest in UFOs, but when it comes to the most mysterious questions, what did they really know?

Who Is Responsible For The Conflict In Ukraine? - Alternative View

Who Is Responsible For The Conflict In Ukraine? - Alternative View

In Klassekampen on September 1, 2017, the newspaper's employee Magnus Lysberg made a sensational statement about the conflict in Ukraine

14 Reasons Why It Is Categorically Impossible To Take Biometrics - Alternative View

14 Reasons Why It Is Categorically Impossible To Take Biometrics - Alternative View

On New Year's Eve 2018, the State Duma and the Federation Council adopted a law on the collection of biometric data. The President approved. However, between the 1st and 2nd readings, the law was radically changed. Now all Russian citizens will be assigned a number to which all information about a person from birth to death will flow

Funeral Of The Invisible Reagan And Other Anecdotes About Freemasons And The Bohemian Grove - Alternative View

Funeral Of The Invisible Reagan And Other Anecdotes About Freemasons And The Bohemian Grove - Alternative View

About what: world government on the Russian River; sophisticated debauchery in the shade of California redwoods; how the invisible Reagan led his funeral; how Mark Twain and Jack London founded the American "deep state" and many other interesting things

In Michigan, A Man Shot A Church At Night, Claiming That There Were Reptilians Hiding There - Alternative View

In Michigan, A Man Shot A Church At Night, Claiming That There Were Reptilians Hiding There - Alternative View

A strange incident occurred in the city of Troy, Michigan on the night of January 10. At about 5 o'clock at night, someone drove up to the building of the Christian Zion Church in a car and started shooting at the glass door of the entrance to the building

The Arc Of "controlled Chaos" - Alternative View

The Arc Of "controlled Chaos" - Alternative View

The world is rapidly approaching another major war, which has every chance of developing into a third world war. The causes of this war go deeper than the struggle for oil resources

Secret Dollar Symbols - Alternative View

Secret Dollar Symbols - Alternative View

Say what you like, but money is not only life but also a sign of wealth and strength. Proud of their distinguished fellow citizens, virtually every country in the world depicts their portraits on money as a form of such pride

Who Owns The US Dollar? - Alternative View

Who Owns The US Dollar? - Alternative View

There is one rare and striking episode in the history of the modern world that many seem to know about, but almost no one takes it seriously

Someone Spoils Russian Satellites Until We See Them - Alternative View

Someone Spoils Russian Satellites Until We See Them - Alternative View

The launch of the Phobos-Grunt interplanetary station, whose engines did not work when entering orbit, was forced

Gaddafi Was Killed For Water, Not Oil - Alternative View

Gaddafi Was Killed For Water, Not Oil - Alternative View

Among the latest conspiracy theories about the actions of the US government, one of the most notorious and recent is the assassination of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi not because of oil, but because of a grandiose irrigation project

A Guide To The American Lunar Conspiracy. Part Two - Alternative View

A Guide To The American Lunar Conspiracy. Part Two - Alternative View

Part 1 - Part 3 In the previous part of the "Guide" I promised to leave for dessert the most delicious part of exposing the "lunar deception" - claims to the Saturn-Apollo rocket-space system