Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Wanderers From The Multidimensional World - Alternative View

Wanderers From The Multidimensional World - Alternative View

Stanislav Lem in one of his interviews expressed the following thought: "I am against these projects. I think that it is not worth spending efforts on space when there are so many unresolved problems on Earth. Take, for example, the problem of the Aral Sea

Photo With A Spacecraft On Mars Disappeared From The NASA Website - Alternative View

Photo With A Spacecraft On Mars Disappeared From The NASA Website - Alternative View

Photo of the spacecraft landing on the surface of Mars, taken by the Mars rover "Curiosity" and published on June 12, 2017, disappeared from the official NASA website (see video below)

What Is The US Doing In Cuba? Yankee Go Home! - Alternative View

What Is The US Doing In Cuba? Yankee Go Home! - Alternative View

Wonderful things are happening in the world, sometimes you don't immediately understand what and where it comes from …. There is a sovereign country Cuba, which for 57 years has been demanding the return of its territory from the United States. In response - zero emotion

Results Of The Year - The Battle Of The Elites For Power. Part Four - Alternative View

Results Of The Year - The Battle Of The Elites For Power. Part Four - Alternative View

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - "I LIKE THAT YOU ARE SICK …" Let's start our review of the year's results from the “pole” of Europe, where Brexit was and remains the main factor

Results Of The Year - The Battle Of The Elites For Power. Part Two - Alternative View

Results Of The Year - The Battle Of The Elites For Power. Part Two - Alternative View

Part 1 - "EVERYONE WHO SURVIVED IN CATACLISM " With all the attention to the problems of Europe or China after global issues of war and peace, we should be interested in the problems of the development of Russia itself

We Are Being Watched: How "Big Brother" Destroys Our Privacy - Alternative View

We Are Being Watched: How "Big Brother" Destroys Our Privacy - Alternative View

If you are hoping to hide from surveillance, or at least keep your feelings to yourself, you can forget about it. Today we are betrayed by everything - from breathing to peculiarities of gait and heart rate. "Big Brother" can not only find us wherever we are, but even find out what emotions we are experiencing

Science Is Not Interested In The Everlasting Lamps Of Antiquity - Alternative View

Science Is Not Interested In The Everlasting Lamps Of Antiquity - Alternative View

Modern official historians ignore everything that does not fit into the generally accepted version of history, try not to notice and even hide, or even destroy, amazing ancient artifacts and any information that contradicts the academic

Mind Control - Alternative View

Mind Control - Alternative View

Mind control, brainwashing, violent persuasion, mind control, thought reform - all this is the use of manipulative methods when trying to change a person's thinking, behavior, beliefs, emotions or decision-making process

Conspiracy Against The Ica Stones - Alternative View

Conspiracy Against The Ica Stones - Alternative View

In newspapers and magazines, the curious could see more than one publication about the black stones of Ica and their collection, collected by Dr. Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera from Toledo

The Development Of Combat Drones - Killers, Dangerous Facebook And 5 G Networks - Alternative View

The Development Of Combat Drones - Killers, Dangerous Facebook And 5 G Networks - Alternative View

The war of the future has already begun. These are autonomously operating hand-held drones - artificial intelligence (AI) assassins

Is Being A Ufologist Deadly? - Alternative View

Is Being A Ufologist Deadly? - Alternative View

Not so long ago, former NASA employees who had no personal contact with each other surprised the public with a series of revelations, talking about what methods the government uses to hide the existence of aliens

Men In Black - Extraterrestrial Intelligence Agents? - Alternative View

Men In Black - Extraterrestrial Intelligence Agents? - Alternative View

They only wear black clothes, drive huge, luxurious black cars, don’t take off their dark glasses even at night, and they have absolutely no dandruff … No, they do not use the advertised shampoo, these strangers in black simply do not need it, because, with

Swiss Watches - A Fake With A Russian Movement For $ 30 - Alternative View

Swiss Watches - A Fake With A Russian Movement For $ 30 - Alternative View

The Swiss are "cunning" by using our mechanisms, bought for $ 30, in their watches, which sell for tens or even hundreds of thousands of francs.Information about the frauds of Franck Muller, which purchased 20,000 mechanisms of the well-known Russian trade mark "Polet", was leaked in 2005, and then a serious scandal erupted, since it was almost the favorite brand of the Russian political elite

Director Of Nuclear Power Plant "Fukushima-1" Resigned From Office Due To Radiation Sickness? - Alternative View

Director Of Nuclear Power Plant "Fukushima-1" Resigned From Office Due To Radiation Sickness? - Alternative View

The director of the emergency Japanese nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1" Masao Yoshida is forced to leave his post due to health problems. He is currently in the hospital

Parasites Are Preparing A Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View

Parasites Are Preparing A Planetary Catastrophe - Alternative View

The world elite is preparing a planetary catastrophe and the mass murder of people The Parasitic System continues to try to destroy the population of the Earth

Scientists Have Been Able To Simulate Alien Abduction For Over 20 Years - Alternative View

Scientists Have Been Able To Simulate Alien Abduction For Over 20 Years - Alternative View

Mind control technologies have long been successfully tested in humans, scientists will never tell you about the alleged abduction by aliens and the experience of meeting with UFOs

A Former CIA Official Said The Earth - Galactic Prison - Alternative View

A Former CIA Official Said The Earth - Galactic Prison - Alternative View

I have often seen reviews of disgruntled people who believe that they are serving their time on Earth as if they are in prison for their past sins. There is even an interesting hypothesis, which is that people are sent to our planet from other points of the Universe and we are in quarantine

Zombie Children With Cartoons - Alternative View

Zombie Children With Cartoons - Alternative View

In order to destroy or at least stop a tank, it is not enough to pierce the armor. As such, the hole in the armor is not fatal. Draft, dust from the street … Another question is what is more dangerous for the health of the crew, dusty air outside, or the atmosphere inside the car saturated with powder gases, exhaled by carbon dioxide and fuel vapors. I

How Many People Actually Live On The Planet? Part 1: Network Bots - Alternative View

How Many People Actually Live On The Planet? Part 1: Network Bots - Alternative View

One of the most complex and questionable topics of modern conspiracy theories is the question of real statistics of the world's population

Conspiracy Theory. What NASA Hid In - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory. What NASA Hid In - Alternative View

A 2016 review of space exploration would be incomplete without the conspiracy theories that always accompany NASA's space programs

Psychologies Magazine: Pseudopsychology For The Broad Masses - Alternative View

Psychologies Magazine: Pseudopsychology For The Broad Masses - Alternative View

Another review of the Teach the Good project is devoted to the popular glossy magazine Psychologies. The review is made from the perspective of traditional family values.Let's start with the main thing. The publication belongs to the Russian company "Hearst Shkulev Media", which, in turn, belongs to the American media corporation "Hearst Corporation", founded back in 1887 and headquartered in New York

Biometric Slavery From The Cradle - Alternative View

Biometric Slavery From The Cradle - Alternative View

The State Duma is preparing a law on the identification of newborn Russians, and Sberbank will deny accounts and loans to citizens who have not passed biometrics.The contours of the new totalitarian electronic state being built before our eyes by the global financial "elite", for which national sovereignty, constitutions, laws, as well as the will of the local population mean absolutely nothing, are becoming more and more apparent

What Reinforces The Global Dominant Anti-human Concept? - Alternative View

What Reinforces The Global Dominant Anti-human Concept? - Alternative View

Surely everyone who studies the materials of the COB asked himself the question: "Why is the" world behind the scenes "not afraid of retribution, pursuing an anti-human policy?"- Salik.bizSo we asked this question once. Understanding came only when they mastered the theory of management and were defined conceptually

Consciousness Architects Dehumanize The Younger Generation - Alternative View

Consciousness Architects Dehumanize The Younger Generation - Alternative View

It just so happens today that most people live "like everyone else", well, or "the way it is accepted." At the same time, they do not think about why it is “so accepted”, and by whom it is “accepted”, not to mention consciously understanding and imagining what from what is “accepted” is useful for oneself and society, and what is destructive for all absolutely not acceptable.Such a cons

Hypertrophied Problems Of A Sick Society - Alternative View

Hypertrophied Problems Of A Sick Society - Alternative View

"We see the real world as we were brought up to perceive it." I came across this wise idea in the book of Carlos Castaneda “The Teachings of Don Juan. The path of knowledge of the Yaki Indians ", which I first met many years ago in a climbing camp in the Alatau mountains.H

Military Secret 10003 - Alternative View

Military Secret 10003 - Alternative View

In December 1989, a secret unit appeared in the General Staff - military unit 10003. Even then Defense Minister Dmitry Yazov did not know exactly what the employees of the new department were doing

8 Conspiracy Theorists' Guesses That May Be True - Alternative View

8 Conspiracy Theorists' Guesses That May Be True - Alternative View

All sorts of conspiracy theories have haunted us for many years. From year to year, people try to take a fresh look at certain historical events or discover unexpected facts from the biographies of famous personalities

In The United States, A Major Milk Producer Went Bankrupt. Is Globalism Turning Into Super-globalism? - Alternative View

In The United States, A Major Milk Producer Went Bankrupt. Is Globalism Turning Into Super-globalism? - Alternative View

Dean Foods announced Tuesday that it was filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.The Dallas milk processing company said it plans to use Chapter 11 procedures to continue doing business and to resolve debt and unpaid debt obligations as it seeks to sell the company

Schneider Vs. Aliens - Alternative View

Schneider Vs. Aliens - Alternative View

In 1995, a certain Phil Schneider traveled around the United States with public lectures

What Is Gesara? - Alternative View

What Is Gesara? - Alternative View

It is an acronym for the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, which was written and refined by the great minds of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in order to restore planet Earth and humanity through sustainable governance

Why People Believe In Conspiracies: Rob Brotherton's "incredulous Minds" - Alternative View

Why People Believe In Conspiracies: Rob Brotherton's "incredulous Minds" - Alternative View

The journalist and scientist who defended his doctoral dissertation in the psychology of conspiracy theories convincingly and humorously explains why the logic of conspiracy theorists is irrefutable, what metaconspirology is, and why we become “couch experts” in mechanics

The Ten Most Famous American Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

The Ten Most Famous American Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

10. The Kennedy assassination There are so many theories and controversies surrounding the Kennedy assassination that it is not clear which theory is worth talking about. The alleged killer - Lee Harvey Oswald

10 Most Popular Conspiracy Theories In History - Alternative View

10 Most Popular Conspiracy Theories In History - Alternative View

Overgrown with rumors and hypotheses, almost every major event in the history of mankind becomes a mystery that both contemporaries of the event and subsequent generations are trying to unravel

10 Most Mysterious Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

10 Most Mysterious Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

The world is full of conspiracy theories, many of which contain elements of mystery. So this short but fascinating list of amazing conspiracy theories definitely won't be the last

Society Has Been Degrading For More Than A Year - Alternative View

Society Has Been Degrading For More Than A Year - Alternative View

In Russia, 1 million people die every year because of alcohol and its consequences.- 50% of children are born sick.- Old people and veterans live in poverty.- Young people do not care, they think life is wonderful, under the influence of drugs and alcohol

Cultivating Dullness. Infection Of Society - Alternative View

Cultivating Dullness. Infection Of Society - Alternative View

Everyone remembers the times when they laughed at Mikhail Zadornov's jokes about stupid Americans. Audiences were filled with national pride due to the apparent intellectual superiority over an ignorant and degrading nation, watching wrestling and eating big macs

Ten Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

Ten Most Interesting Conspiracy Theories - Alternative View

Solar system - not a limited soap bubble, and outside of it there are many interesting and unexpected things. But how much? There were many different hoaxes in the world, and any poorly explainable event invariably became overgrown with speculation

Witnesses Talk About The CIA's Mars Teleportation Program - Alternative View

Witnesses Talk About The CIA's Mars Teleportation Program - Alternative View

Two witnesses who participated in secret research and development of projects of American defense agencies independently confirmed their teleportations to American bases on Mars and meetings with intelligent representatives of this planet

The Smithsonian Institution Destroyed Thousands Of Giant Human Remains - Alternative View

The Smithsonian Institution Destroyed Thousands Of Giant Human Remains - Alternative View

The Smithsonian Institution (a Congressional Research and Education Institute and its museum complex) admits to having destroyed thousands of giant human skeletons in the early 1900s

Will They Be Closed From The Inside Or Walled Up From The Outside? About Who Will Disconnect Whom And How From The Internet - Alternative View

Will They Be Closed From The Inside Or Walled Up From The Outside? About Who Will Disconnect Whom And How From The Internet - Alternative View

Domestic legislators and regulators have done a lot to build a "sovereign Internet". In particular, the study of the possibilities of functioning of the Runet in conditions of complete isolation - disconnection from the global network is being carried out