Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Methods Of Promoting Perversion By Means Of Cinematography - Alternative View

Methods Of Promoting Perversion By Means Of Cinematography - Alternative View

To begin with, the propaganda of perversion is not something mythical or divorced from life. It is conducted both in the West and in Russia, primarily through the mass media, and, as practice shows, has high efficiency. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the Europe enlightened in this sphere

The Program Code Of The Movie "Men In Black: International" - Alternative View

The Program Code Of The Movie "Men In Black: International" - Alternative View

When you watch Hollywood movies, you often get the feeling of déjà vu from everything that happens on the screen. As if there is a certain conventional black box, into which typical images of heroes, villains, men, women, police officers, criminals, agents, phrase templates, shooting angles, plot twists and so on are thrown. T

Why: The Film "Idiocracy" - Alternative View

Why: The Film "Idiocracy" - Alternative View

So, as part of the ek (sk / per) experiment, I looked for information on the 2006 film, which was not recognized by critics and distribution, but then became a meme classic and now has a rating of 6.8 / 10

Linguistic Weapons: "Sexism", "tolerance", "gender" - Alternative View

Linguistic Weapons: "Sexism", "tolerance", "gender" - Alternative View

“They kill with ordinary weapons only once, but they kill with words again and again …” © Charles Chapieu.Today, an increasing part of society is beginning to realize that the mass media is not so much concerned with informing citizens about current events, but rather with managing public processes. And, a

A Few Facts About Modern America, Or The Lies Of The Liberal Bourgeoisie - Alternative View

A Few Facts About Modern America, Or The Lies Of The Liberal Bourgeoisie - Alternative View

"Patriots" and "liberals" in the struggle for powerIn our country, a fierce struggle between different groups of the bourgeoisie flares up. “Patriots” and “liberals” are getting ready to grab each other's throats in order to measure their strength in the struggle for power.- Salik

The Terrible Harm Of Coca-Cola Has Been Proven In Practice - Alternative View

The Terrible Harm Of Coca-Cola Has Been Proven In Practice - Alternative View

Clare Ayton, 36, from Warwickshire, was constantly thirsty, very tired and overweight. These problems forced her to see a doctor. Blood tests did not reveal any problems

"I Advise You Not To Turn On The TV." Confessions Of The Operator VGTRK - Alternative View

"I Advise You Not To Turn On The TV." Confessions Of The Operator VGTRK - Alternative View

When you got a job on television, were your political views the same as they are now, or were they shaped by what you saw there?

Political Scientists Have Declared War On Conspiracy Theorists - Alternative View

Political Scientists Have Declared War On Conspiracy Theorists - Alternative View

The Guardian: Last week, US President Donald Trump gave a speech to his supporters in Florida that was widely covered by all the media

America Declared Biological War On Russia With The Help Of GMO Salmon? - Alternative View

America Declared Biological War On Russia With The Help Of GMO Salmon? - Alternative View

The sensational speech of the rector of Dalrybvtuz Georgy KIMA in front of teachers and students was replicated by Vladivostok news agencies on April 1, and therefore at first it was perceived accordingly

Who Provokes World War In Syria? Vatican Announced A New Campaign Of Warriors Against Jerusalem? - Alternative View

Who Provokes World War In Syria? Vatican Announced A New Campaign Of Warriors Against Jerusalem? - Alternative View

1.Since March 18, 2018, if not the whole world, then, in any case, the thinking part of it, is tensely following the situation around Syria, where the Third World War may begin at any moment

Raising The Retirement Age - Genocide Of The Generation 1968-1985 Birth - Alternative View

Raising The Retirement Age - Genocide Of The Generation 1968-1985 Birth - Alternative View

Why then? And therefore. We open well-known job sites and what do we see? That's right, all professional vacancies are limited to 35 years of the candidate. Men may be considered older, but women - almost never

How Much Money Will The Pension Reform Save - - Alternative View

How Much Money Will The Pension Reform Save - - Alternative View

Although I am not an economist, I perfectly understand the populist component in such methods of increasing pensions for current pensioners as "let's not steal, let's defeat corruption, let's dispossess the oligarchs and sell the PFR buildings"

Pension Reform In Russia - Alternative View

Pension Reform In Russia - Alternative View

I am not a fan of football and the exit of the Russian national team to the quarter-finals, de facto, is still a defeat

Psychology Of "Black Friday" - Alternative View

Psychology Of "Black Friday" - Alternative View

The results of a regular New Year's Eve survey of the population in 2015 were stunning. Buyers spend on Christmas gifts has dropped sharply compared to recent years

Arafat Was Poisoned With The Same Polonium-210 As Litvinenko - Alternative View

Arafat Was Poisoned With The Same Polonium-210 As Litvinenko - Alternative View

Patriarch of Palestinian Resistance to Israel Yasser Arafat, who died in 2004 in a military hospital near Paris under unexplained circumstances, was most likely subtly poisoned

The Ransomware Attack Was A Warning. The Next One Will Lead To The Collapse Of The - Alternative View

The Ransomware Attack Was A Warning. The Next One Will Lead To The Collapse Of The - Alternative View

BP is close and we are not prepared. All transport systems, financial and banking, as well as power grids, gas pipelines, telecommunications will be turned off, beforeitsnews reports

Computers Take Control Of A Person - Alternative View

Computers Take Control Of A Person - Alternative View

Back in the days when one computer, then called an electronic computing machine (ECM), occupied an area almost the size of a football field, consumed a lot of energy and stored information on countless ferrite cores, among programmers

CIA Secrets: Poltergeist, UFOs And Invisible Ink - Alternative View

CIA Secrets: Poltergeist, UFOs And Invisible Ink - Alternative View

Among the CIA documents there was an article from "Technique - youth”UFO, poltergeist, invisible ink and the secret tunnel under Berlin. "Newspaper

A Snapshot Of A Man In Space Without A Spacesuit Appeared On The Web - - Alternative View

A Snapshot Of A Man In Space Without A Spacesuit Appeared On The Web - - Alternative View

On the pages of the world famous video hosting YouTube, a video made by the staff of the International Space Station is actively gaining views. At a certain moment, a person appears on the set, allegedly entering outer space

Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Part 2 - Alternative View

Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Part 2 - Alternative View

Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Water Disaster “ The Caspian Sea evaporates faster and faster / The water level in the world's largest enclosed body of water has dropped by seven centimeters per year over the past 20 years

Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Or Does The Water Disappear By Itself? Versions. Part 1 - Alternative View

Who Takes Water From Planet Earth And Where? Or Does The Water Disappear By Itself? Versions. Part 1 - Alternative View

We ask questions that the current generation does not even think of. They don't come, not because the current generation of 20-year-olds is dumb, rather the opposite

Why Should You Always Cover Your Webcam? - Alternative View

Why Should You Always Cover Your Webcam? - Alternative View

Earlier this year, FBI Director James Camey caused serious controversy when he admitted to covering his personal computer's webcam with duct tape

The American, Convinced That The Earth Is Flat, Is Building A Rocket Again - Alternative View

The American, Convinced That The Earth Is Flat, Is Building A Rocket Again - Alternative View

Canceled last year, the rocket flight over the Mojave Desert is due to take place in early February. Its purpose is - fundraising for the construction of an aircraft in which Mike Hugh will rise into the stratosphere and check what shape the Earth is

The Arguments Of The Supporters Of The Flat Earth Theory - Alternative View

The Arguments Of The Supporters Of The Flat Earth Theory - Alternative View

"And yet it turns!" - these words, according to legend, were spoken by Galileo Galilei, rising from his knees after the court of the Inquisition, which forced him to renounce the belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and not vice versa

The Gray Aliens Deceived The American President - Alternative View

The Gray Aliens Deceived The American President - Alternative View

For 50 years, the efforts of many people in the highest echelons of the US National Security Agency, political circles close to the presidential administration, have collected evidence of the existence of a separate agreement between the government and an alien

Dangerous Biometrics Law - Alternative View

Dangerous Biometrics Law - Alternative View

On the eve of New 2018, President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the creation of a unified biometric database of the population of Russia, which was actively opposed by the patriotic community.Opponents of biometrics collection have reason to believe that the president was not informed about the specifics of the new law, and its name does not correspond to the content at all: “On Amendments to the Federal Law“On Counteracting Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained I

Conspiracy Theorists Reported On The Mysterious Creatures Of Antarctica: Is The Continent Inhabited? - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theorists Reported On The Mysterious Creatures Of Antarctica: Is The Continent Inhabited? - Alternative View

Antarctica - cold and inaccessible continent, which does not tell anyone about its secrets. Only sometimes scientists manage to lift the curtain of uncertainty and look under the ice shelf

Still, She ? - Alternative View

Still, She ? - Alternative View

More than half a century has passed since the first manned flight into space, but there are still those who are sure that the Earth is actually flat, does not rotate at all and that it is just a disk with one pole

How Did The Moon Trick Physics !? - Alternative View

How Did The Moon Trick Physics !? - Alternative View

In what mysterious way does the Moon refract light and direct it exactly into your eye? First, let's remember the second law of optics: The second law of geometric optics (Laws of reflection): 1

Neptune And The Paradox - Alternative View

Neptune And The Paradox - Alternative View

Sensation in the world of science !!! We managed to get very detailed images of one of the most distant planets in the solar system from the Sun - Neptune

Where Did "gravity" Come From - Alternative View

Where Did "gravity" Come From - Alternative View

Two weeks before his death in 1955, Albert Einstein, in an interview with the historian of science I.B. Cohen discussed, among other things, about Newton's theological writings. He said how important it is that old Yitzchak “did lock them in a chest”

Where Is The Moon, Or Once Again About The Eclipse. Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Where Is The Moon, Or Once Again About The Eclipse. Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

But indeed, with these solar eclipses, a very simple and indicative temka emerges, putting an end to the Jesuit system of modern "astronomy"! Judge for yourself (I will try to explain on my fingers)

Magnetism - Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Magnetism - Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

Do you know why one thing attracts another? What affects them besides love?

What Next? Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

What Next? Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

A small but important announcement-reflection: That our Earth is flat and round, I think, there is no need to prove to anyone else. This is obvious, proven by observations, experiments and empirical

The Nature Of Tverdi-Dome. Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

The Nature Of Tverdi-Dome. Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

As we reflect on the true structure of the universe, more and more information appears that no one thought about a year ago

"Earth - Plane "- Alternative View

"Earth - Plane "- Alternative View

I offer my translation of a short article by John Edward Quinlan, who is named in it as the plenipotentiary topographer of the islands of Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent of the British West Indies

The Second Cosmic Lie - Alternative View

The Second Cosmic Lie - Alternative View

Have you ever thought why you need a 2nd space speed to fly away from Earth? I’m sure not. That is, we were all told at school that otherwise the rocket would fall back, and we willingly believed. Forever and ever. And if you think about it? .. Here is an everyday situation

Astronomer Paul Cox, Officially: There Is A Second Sun In The Solar System - Alternative View

Astronomer Paul Cox, Officially: There Is A Second Sun In The Solar System - Alternative View

The famous astronomer Paul Cox dropped a real information bomb on the world, which took out the brain of even the supporters of the conspiracy theory

About The Troposphere, Satellites And More. Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

About The Troposphere, Satellites And More. Flat Or Closed Earth - Alternative View

I will meditate out loud. Let's see where one simple guess takes me

And Yet She Flat? - Alternative View

And Yet She Flat? - Alternative View

Some people believe that our planet is - it is something like a huge plate of frisbee, i.e. she is flat