Conspiracy theories 2024, September

Conspiracy Theory: Linking Hurricane Erin To The 9/11 Tragedy - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory: Linking Hurricane Erin To The 9/11 Tragedy - Alternative View

“I logged the finds - tooth, hand, or something. There were never any personal items - watches, wallets or jewelry. There were all gray-black fragments

On The 15th Anniversary Of The Largest Terrorist Attacks In The United States - Alternative View

On The 15th Anniversary Of The Largest Terrorist Attacks In The United States - Alternative View

This year the events of September 11, 2001 are 15 years old. In the morning, in New York, after the strikes of hijacked (according to the official version, of course) passenger planes collapsed the towers of the World Trade Center

Former Canadian Secretary Of Defense Has Reiterated The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

Former Canadian Secretary Of Defense Has Reiterated The Existence Of Aliens - Alternative View

Former senior Canadian government official Paul Hellyer, who claimed back in 2011 that the United States had alien technology at its disposal, made a new scandalous statement about the alien problem

Obama's Aide Regretted Hiding The UFO Data From The Americans - Alternative View

Obama's Aide Regretted Hiding The UFO Data From The Americans - Alternative View

John Podesta, Assistant to US President Barack Obama, spoke about the biggest regret at the end of 2014

Barack Obama On The Verge Of Disclosure: "Intelligent Aliens Visit Earth" - An Alternative View

Barack Obama On The Verge Of Disclosure: "Intelligent Aliens Visit Earth" - An Alternative View

US President Barack Obama will inform the world that intelligent aliens exist and that they visited Earth before the end of their presidential term, says an American lobbyist, writes

A Photo Of Barack Obama Dressed As Satan Has Appeared On The Internet. Fake Or Real? - Alternative View

A Photo Of Barack Obama Dressed As Satan Has Appeared On The Internet. Fake Or Real? - Alternative View

Neonnettle: Spooky image of former US President Barack Obama dressed in Satan's outfit goes viral on the internet

Pakistan Accused The US Of Using Climate Weapons - Alternative View

Pakistan Accused The US Of Using Climate Weapons - Alternative View

Pakistan's Federal Secretary for Climate Change Mohammad Jawid Malik said in an interview with reporters that his country is one of the eight countries on the planet most vulnerable to climate change

The Network Got A Secret List Of The Pentagon For Managing People - Alternative View

The Network Got A Secret List Of The Pentagon For Managing People - Alternative View

The Internet got a secret list of the Pentagon's weapons aimed at controlling the enemy

Hugo Chavez Accuses The United States Of Creating Weapons That Infect People With Cancer - Alternative View

Hugo Chavez Accuses The United States Of Creating Weapons That Infect People With Cancer - Alternative View

On December 29, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez told reporters his assumptions that the US intelligence services may have developed a secret weapon with which they cause cancerous tumors in the leaders of South American countries

California Tech Demonstrates New Technology For Television's Brain Influence - Alternative View

California Tech Demonstrates New Technology For Television's Brain Influence - Alternative View

All people living in the world for a long time and stubbornly for some reason imagine that they live in the present tense, but this is a little different

The CIA Director Explained The Nature Of Chemtrails - Alternative View

The CIA Director Explained The Nature Of Chemtrails - Alternative View

On June 29, 2016, CIA Director John Owen Brennan spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington

Eerie Chemtrail Over Russia - Alternative View

Eerie Chemtrail Over Russia - Alternative View

The term "chemtrail" was invented in 1999 by the Russian ufologist Nikolai Subbotin, this word denotes a mysterious trail generated by a modern aircraft, which can only be identified as the release of some toxic substances into the sky

Australian Weather Bureau Caught Hiding The Truth About Chemtrails - Alternative View

Australian Weather Bureau Caught Hiding The Truth About Chemtrails - Alternative View

The extraordinary photos sparked outrage on Twitter and Instagram, and Australians demanded to tell the truth about the real nature of geoengineering in their country, writes

Chemtrails (chemtrails, English Chemtrails) And HAARP (HAARP) - These Are The Components Of Climate Weapons - Alternative View

Chemtrails (chemtrails, English Chemtrails) And HAARP (HAARP) - These Are The Components Of Climate Weapons - Alternative View

Interview with Oleg Likhachev, activist of the movement against artificial climate change and the spraying of toxic chemicals in the atmosphere

Will President Hillary Clinton Tell The World About Aliens - Alternative View

Will President Hillary Clinton Tell The World About Aliens - Alternative View

In a word, the current president, who distinguished himself on the "alien front", ultimately upset the ufologists - he did absolutely nothing for them. Though they pinned their hopes on him

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 6. Global Spite Of The Day - Alternative View

Shadow Of Knowledge. Part 6. Global Spite Of The Day - Alternative View

Part 1. Forward to scientific conspiracy theories. Part 2. Or back to pure Machiavellianism? Part 3. From Clausewitz to Stirlitz. Part 4. Trump as a trump symbol of the threat. Part 5. Threat to all threats

About Obesity And Not Only - Alternative View

About Obesity And Not Only - Alternative View

In everyday life, we are quite often overweight people. This problem is just as trifling as many such far-fetched problems in our life

About A Possible Maturing War Of Financial And Power Clans In Russia - Alternative View

About A Possible Maturing War Of Financial And Power Clans In Russia - Alternative View

The upcoming swoop of the oligarchic clans of Russia on the military is a matter of time. Thunderclouds began to thicken when Yugra Bank failed to defend

The Nervous System Of A PC User Could Be Remotely Controlled Back In 1998 - Alternative View

The Nervous System Of A PC User Could Be Remotely Controlled Back In 1998 - Alternative View

In the mid-1920s, humanity was introduced to such a phenomenon as television, which became truly widespread only after the Second World War

Where Will The Heart Rest - Alternative View

Where Will The Heart Rest - Alternative View

Social parasites, still ruling the ball on our planet, are everywhere trying to introduce some wild norms and style of behavior. They constantly try to quarrel with everyone, to make people behave like dogs

IT Security Expert Igor Ashmanov: Glue Your Phone Camera! - Alternative View

IT Security Expert Igor Ashmanov: Glue Your Phone Camera! - Alternative View

How your smartphone is watching you and why tests in social networks are dangerous, says the famous IT security expert Igor Ashmanov

Internet - Another Trap For People - Alternative View

Internet - Another Trap For People - Alternative View

The Parasitic System, in which we now live, is very much afraid of normal people, so it tries to constantly monitor everyone. Yes, it looks more like schizophrenia than life, but parasites don't know how to do it differently - stupid

Did We Build The Titanic? - Alternative View

Did We Build The Titanic? - Alternative View

Again the Titanic. This time, the question of its construction is on the agenda. And there are some interesting white spots in it. In general, about the series "Olympic" and in particular about the RMS Titanic, it is known for certain, only one thing - we sunk

The Fire In Notre Dame Cathedral As A Starting Point In A New War Of Opposing Archetypes - Alternative View

The Fire In Notre Dame Cathedral As A Starting Point In A New War Of Opposing Archetypes - Alternative View

No other incident of our dark age will continue to grow overgrown with myths and legends, fairy tales and riddles as abundantly and persistently as the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral.No other incident of our dark age will continue to grow overgrown with myths and legends, fairy tales and riddles as abundantly and persistently as the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral

The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Silk Tycoon And Artifact Collector Still Remains A Mystery - Alternative View

The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Silk Tycoon And Artifact Collector Still Remains A Mystery - Alternative View

Disappearances happen all the time, to people from all walks of life. This is a phenomenon that affects both the poor and the disadvantaged, and the favorites of fortune

NASA Is Testing New Technologies: What Are The Experts Hiding Again? - Alternative View

NASA Is Testing New Technologies: What Are The Experts Hiding Again? - Alternative View

The American space agency NASA often pleases the public with news of space exploration, preparation of expeditions, and so on. The sponsored organizations of the agency are developing interesting mechanisms

The Mark Of The Beast Or The Seal Of The Antichrist Is Near - Alternative View

The Mark Of The Beast Or The Seal Of The Antichrist Is Near - Alternative View

Saint Hippolytus of Rome wrote that “of those who have received the seal there will be many who will read Holy Scripture,” and “those who will heed the Scriptures and ponder over them will avoid printing” St. Hippolytus of Rome TSL Creations, 1997 vol. 2 p. 77

An Intelligence And AI Company For Profiling Americans And The US Leadership - Alternative View

An Intelligence And AI Company For Profiling Americans And The US Leadership - Alternative View

An Israeli government contractor founded by a former Israeli spy has partnered with one U.S. state to announce a series of new partnerships with other states and U.S. health care providers to monitor civilian health and use AI developed by the Interaction Design Foundation

The Pentagon Said That It Does Not Exclude The Possibility Of Missile Launch By Mistake - Alternative View

The Pentagon Said That It Does Not Exclude The Possibility Of Missile Launch By Mistake - Alternative View For some unknown reason, the Pentagon suddenly decided to make a not very reassuring admission that its nuclear arsenal management system is not immune to malfunctions, namely, the likelihood that land-based missiles carrying nuclear weapons will be fired by mistake

The 9/11 Attack Was Organized By Bush's Entourage - Alternative View

The 9/11 Attack Was Organized By Bush's Entourage - Alternative View

Did the one who benefits?The eleventh day of September 2001 went down in history as a global tragedy that dealt a crushing blow to the faith of the citizens of the democratic community in their own security and inviolability.- Salik.bizWhat associations does the phrase "September 11" evoke in the average American?

Who Runs The Anglo-Saxons? - Alternative View

Who Runs The Anglo-Saxons? - Alternative View

Many "analysts" who rightly accuse Britain and the United States of paranoid attempts to seize power on the planet categorically refuse to notice the true leaders of these two parasitic states - the Zionists …We, unlike the Leontievs, Panarin, old men and other "analysts", consider it necessary to call things by their proper names, even if these names are not dear to our ears. G

Denver Airport And The Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Denver Airport And The Conspiracy Theory - Alternative View

Denver International Airport (DEN) - one of the iconic places in the theory of a secret world government, a new world order and all that

Psychotronic Weapons For Use On The Masses - Alternative View

Psychotronic Weapons For Use On The Masses - Alternative View

Today, people are playing an undeclared war of consciousness, which, due to lack of information, many are still unaware of

New Psychotronic Weapons Of The USA - Program To Control Religious Thoughts - Alternative View

New Psychotronic Weapons Of The USA - Program To Control Religious Thoughts - Alternative View

The American government is indeed developing a new psychotronic weapon, namely a program that controls views on religion

The Principle Of Planned Obsolescence Of Goods - In Action - Alternative View

The Principle Of Planned Obsolescence Of Goods - In Action - Alternative View

The cycle of "clothes" in nature. Now it has become a disaster for the earth.I remember my childhood. My father bought a Moskvich-412 car. Joy knew no bounds. There was a queue for the cars. And it was necessary to follow her into the city

The Truth About Psychotronic Weapons - Alternative View

The Truth About Psychotronic Weapons - Alternative View

At the very end of this April, the Internet spread to the whole world the news about the use of psychotronic weapons by one of the warring parties in Ukraine. Soon this "roast duck" was brought to the table of the world man in the street by the engaged press

Ebola In Congo: "A Planned Failure". The Countdown Went - Alternative View

Ebola In Congo: "A Planned Failure". The Countdown Went - Alternative View

The Malthusian concept argues that depopulation (or zero population growth) is the need to control a species (namely humanity) that reproduces and consumes natural resources without restrictions

Square Clouds Are A Sign Of Geoengineering - Alternative View

Square Clouds Are A Sign Of Geoengineering - Alternative View

Clouds come in all shapes, sizes, and types, but have you ever seen square clouds?

How The Colonial Worldview Is Implanted Through The Distortion Of The Language - Alternative View

How The Colonial Worldview Is Implanted Through The Distortion Of The Language - Alternative View

My grandmother had a piece of paper hanging on the wall, attached with a button that easily fit into the wall of a wooden house. On a piece of paper, in her clear teacher's handwriting, she wrote out the expressions she had heard on the radio, which she had previously pronounced with a mistake, but now, and now, having heard in an exemplary voice-over, she will speak correctly

Technologies Of Universal Slavery - Alternative View

Technologies Of Universal Slavery - Alternative View

An Interview with a Taxi Driver In 1953, on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, an interview with Daniel Fry appeared in American and English newspapers - a technician at the US Air Force Base "White Sands" - - and George King - London drives